Well, hello there!
Irreni World Scale is politics as science. Politics as science but only for the systems of politics. Policy represents what we want and policy will change day-to-day, disaster-to-disaster and generation-to-generation. The systems of politics are failing today due to corruption of the systems.
Corruption succeeding is evidence of our failed government. Warren Buffet has an anti-corruption meme from 2011 that I have posted below. Buffet is not wrong about corruption, but he is misguided in his solutions because he does not take into account checks and balances. Ever wonder about what checks and balances were checking and balancing between the three co-equal branches of government defined in the US constitution? Abuse of power. The abuse of power that needs checking is mostly caused by corruption. The underlying problem is that we've grown from 10 million people to 300 million people. The underlying problem is we've grown a Federal budget of zero to the largest budget per capita on the planet. As a consequence all the checks and balances between the States and Feds have failed to prevent the States from being corrupted by the Feds. Our financial success has become our corruption ruin. And Irreni World Scale is currently the only solution that is addressing this problem at the root cause: the challenges of scale and corruption.
Warren Buffet: Fix Congress 2011
Political systems, the boring side of politics.
"Whoa be the day the people figure out that they can vote themselves money."
-John Adams
"Whoa be the day the Congress figures out that they can vote themselves money."The John Adams' quote reflects his concern that the purpose of government is easily undermined by simple voter greed. Presumably the reason Adams did not concern himself about Congress is his belief that the co-equal branches would keep each other in check as designed. To Adams though the question lingered, who would check the voters? That was Adam's concern: who would check the voters?
-Mybrid Wonderful
Democrats and Republicans are ideologically divided about the fundamental cause of greed in America:
- Democrats: Congress is voting itself money.
- Republicans: Voters are voting themselves money.
So who is right? Democrats or Republicans?
One thing is for sure: no one is offering a scientific analysis, publishing peer-reviewed research papers based upon repeatable experiments. The answers given today are ideological. Irreni World Scale takes a different approach.
What Adams did not imagine is the total success of the US Constitution. In fact, Adams predicted the demise of the US and took a lot of heat for predicting that the US would fail within twenty-five years. Adams is not a person who was anticipating that the financial success of the United States would surpass his wildest dreams and that financial succcess would eventually overrun all of government with corruption.
So here we are in 2016, struggling to do something about the corruption. Our country is rotting from within and we all know it.
Last year the movie, "The Martian", had a quotable line, "science the shit out of it." Neils De Grasse Tyson recently quipped on Twitter about a policy of reason: "Earth needs a virtual country: #Rationalia, with a one-line Constitution: All policy shall be based on the weight of evidence". No one believes we can run a country on a one line constitution, but far can we go with science and evidence? What can we "science the shit out of"?
We can't science the shit out of desire. I want bacon. Some people don't like bacon. I don't know these people. <3. If everyone on Earth needs to move to a plant-based diet so as to scale food production then I want billions of dollars spent on creating plant based bacon. But that's just me. And that is not science. What we want is determined by policy.
See how that works? Policy is an expression of our collective wants. Once we decide what we want then we need systems of government to make our wants happen. To whit, Rationalia as described by Tyson speaks to the systems of government. Policy reflects arbitrary desire therefore policy reflects freedom. Wants and desires are freedom. Freedom is limited by our mutual dependency and mutual needs for survival. An ideal free system then provides as many competing wants and desire; as many competing opportunities as possible as limited by our mutual needs and dependency to survive and thrive.
Politics as science then can only be about the systems of politics, how to realize the competing wants and dreams. Irreni World Scale is such politics as science.
Irreni World Scale replaces the systems of the US government as we know them. Why? Because these systems have failed.
This is just hello
Hello! This is just hello because Irreni World Scale is not a constitution. Why? Because today any new form of government must be enacted to change as quickly as technology. The pace of technological systems changing outstrips our pace of political systems changing because political systems today are codified in systems deliberately designed to not change.
This is not to say we want quick solutions. Science takes time. Irreni World Scale calls for experiments that may take years to bear fruit. Irreni World Scale requires what the founders would have required if they had not been in a rush to create a government immediately after a revolution. Experiments call for time. Even though our government is failing today our government is functional enough that we can afford slow changes over time, time required for experiments to pan out. Science requires time. Time the founders did not have and that we do.
The thrill is gone. The thrill of a new US Constitution has gone away. Instead what we need is innovation; gradual change over time of new systems scientifically proven using experiments run across years, perhaps hundreds of years.
Therefore Irreni World Scale is not an ideology of systems. Irreni World Scale is not a constitution. Irreni World Scale is not a quick solution. Irreni World Scale is about proven science of systems.
Irreni World Scale calls for government to be implemented as a constant changing amalgamation of policy married to proven systems. These policies and systems come from a ground swell of policy coupled with proven systems of experiments. The failure of our politics today is a direct result of our systems of government being static and yet technology creates wants at a breakneck speed that defeat any system set in stone, any system being set in constitution form. Our financial and technological success require an ever-changing government.
So this just hello.
The rest of the Irreni World Scale program is laid out as ideas for getting the experiments started.
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