Happy Monday!
Join an MGO today!
You are here because you want to join an MGO.
What can you expect? You will join a pod. A pod is the foundation of the MGO. The pod is a cloud computer. The cost will be $100/mo. plus cloud computing expenses. You may join as a single individual but the point of the MGO is get to thirty people eventually. This will allow everyone to spread the cost out among thirty people. If you can afford a pod by yourself that's fine. However, it is better to have at least two or more people.
The first application of the pod will be a data vault. You will store data in your data vault similar to perhaps your store documents in a safe at home. Once we have the data vault application complete then the next application is simply time-line to replace Facebook's time-line. The key difference is the data will be served from your pod. There is no EULA or end license agreement like with Facebook. You own all copyright and you own the software. We provide the software for your pod as open source. We will also provide maintenance as a service expense. You are in control. All the pods will have access to the other pods in the network so as to link time-line applications. This network will be dedicated to pod traffic. You will be able to include links to the outside world, however links from the internet into the pod network will not work.
That's it. There are a lot of details to work out but in a nutshell that is the initial product: data vault and Facebook replacement. You get a data vault to store all your private and public data that you own. You'll get a time-line application similar to Facebook and will be able to share within the network and link to articles outside the network.
You may skip the rest of this page. The rest of this page is just background on Irreni that you can feel free to skip.
Now that the product pitch is is out of the way then let's get into the motivation.
How did I come up with Irreni? Irreni an acronym that stands for innovation replaces revolution, engineering not ideology. Revolution and ideology are archaic and no long make any sense.
Revolution is irrational. Revolution has to destroy what came before. The world reached a tipping point when governments went all in on global economy. The world has become to interdependent to burn things to the ground. Revolution in one country could destroy many countries. Revolution then is no longer possible. The cynic in me recognizes that is the plan. Our governments wanted to become too big to fail in order to make revolution illogical. Governments have become too big too fail as part of a deliberate design of tyranny.
Ideology is also irrational. We can no longer pretend that to be irrational is healthy. Ideology is a concept where a fixed set of unproven ideas known as ideals are combined together to form the design of society. Ideology dictates that if a society doesn't live up to this set of ideals then the people are at fault and not the ideas. This is silly on the face of it. Religion is silly on the face of it. Sin as a concept is silly on the face of it. Rights are silly on the face of it.
One aspect of speculative science fiction is to take the progression of technology in the past and project that progression into the future. This is how I came to understand ideology and revolution will not exist in the future. They are irrational. I learned this from reading speculative science fiction.
I grew up reading science fiction pretty much exclusively as a child. Science fiction has a wonderful platform of combining adventure and learning through story telling. Specifically the science fiction genre I love and read the most is speculative science fiction of projecting past technological trends into the future.
I will focus on just two such speculations here: aerodynamics and the printing press.
Where did I first read about the printing press speculation? I'm going to with "Lord of Light", by Roger Zelazny from 1969. The concept is easy enough. Some technology advancements are chaos inducing game changers, but once in place they create predictable paths . One can draw a dotted line from the invention of the printing press to the Protestant movement. Public education came about because Martin Luther protesting what the Bible actually said and what the Catholic church taught were out of sync. The Protestants invented public education inadvertently by inventing the sola scriptura doctrine that teaches personally reading the Bible is Christianity. Public education took off from using Bible as the primer for reading the Bible and the next logical progression was what we call the three R's, reading, writing and arithmetic. Zelazny's contribution to this concept was to assert that future society's will ban game changing technology like the printing press at the time of invention. From this we can expect governments in the not to distant future to prevent new technology from going public. This will be far more dangerous then taking our guns away. This hasn't happened yet in the US except for military weapon technology. Information denial will happen as sequestering game changing technology is power.
The printing press lesson then is that game changing technology reduces tyranny when made publicly available. Game changing technology also exposes ideology as insufficient because ideology never anticipates game changing. Education is the key and not ideology. Ideology is the opposite of education because ideology asserts ideals that require no ongoing tests of logic and reason. Ideology is a tool of tyranny. Ideology is the master's command to a slave and cannot withstand game changing technology. One forever objective of our species shall always be to overcome tyranny of the few enslaving the many. All designs and all ideas must be subject to change due to advances in game changing logic and reason, including Irreni.
I do not remember the book where the aerodynamic speculation I read came from. The concept is relatively easy to intuit. The concept is efficiency converges on design. The ultimate efficiency will be for speed of light travel and will converge on a single design. This is speculation of course but the idea comes from looking at the design of automobiles from when they were first mass produced and comparing them to designs of today. Cars had all kinds of box shapes, wings, and cabins in the beginning. Many such designs can be considered art and have become a staple of Hollywood movies. Why don't we see cars built as art today? Well, we value efficiency more. Wings provide an inefficient drag unless they are specifically designed to reduce drag as a tail fin. Car design has converged over time on aerodynamic designs of similar shapes where body shapes of cars today are very similar to each other relative to initial mass production.
One speculative book posits that an Earth spaceship of space exploration drops out of FTL speed and encounters another spaceship that is unknown. These FTL exploration spaceships have no weapons because space is vast and the odds of running into another spaceship are astronomically small. The initial assessment is that the spaceship must be from Earth because the design is a duplicate their own. However, they cannot hail the spaceship and believe the crew might be in jeopardy. They mount a rescue operation and cut a whole in the hull of the ship only to find the interior is alien.
Efficiency converges on the same design. One can then speculate that this will be the case for politics as well. Politics is a system of society engineering. The aerospace speculation suggests that one way to organize politically today and at any given time is to speculate on what might be the most efficient government will be in the future. The future is the past.
We can dispense outright with any government in existence today as efficient and ignore them all. Frank Herbert speculated on today's models of governing without change. Dune is a book worth reading. The leadership models we have today converge on the universe having but one supreme ruler. It is not pretty. Tyranny is the ultimate outcome of single ego leadership of all existing models today.
The big picture of the political design of Irreni is vast and encompasses many new principles given my education of science-fiction speculation. Perhaps the one principle to start with first is the principle of dependence. The principle of dependence simply states that maximum group benefit requires balance with maximum individual independence.
A naive way of stating the principle of dependence is simply the concept of freedom we think of today. Freedom today is the notion that we maximize group benefit around the individual being free. The inherent flaw in this design is it leaves the door open for the free individual to be irresponsible and not contribute to the group at all. The choice to be responsible or irresponsible is left to the individual. What the individual doesn't realize is that their independence stems from group benefit and thus if everyone chose to be irresponsible then no group benefit would exist. This is a fundamental flaw with the concept of rights; no responsibility defined.
Rights are a logical expression of freedom. Rights are an expression of freedom unfettered from any group responsibility. Rights are unqualified. You have the right to free speech and is not qualified with respect to group responsibility when stated in the Bill of Rights. Rights have always been problematic because of this design flaw. Rights are a never ending source of tension in all our societies because they are designed around human rights being unqualified with no group responsibility. How does society impose group responsibility when rights do not require such? This moral trap pits moral group responsibility against moral individual irresponsibility. A right states that the moral imperative is solely the individual domain with no group responsibility. As a result our societies are constantly in turmoil about religion, gun rights and freedom of speech.
We must dispense with rights and this flawed design of freedom.
The correct political design eliminates unfettered irresponsible behavior in the design. The principle of dependence removes unfettered irresponsible behavior by stating as a design principle that optimal group benefit is balanced with optimal individual independence. We exhibit this concept in culture today. We can build an iPhone today that takes groups involving millions of people. We do balance people being both independent and also group dependent. However, there is a lot of wasted political energy and the waste by-product is tyranny and oppression of the corporations. We could probably build an iPhone with 1/10th the personnel used today if our politics were more efficient.
Efficient political design will increase the capability of the iPhones tomorrow as well as the proliferation of these phones, but if and only if we eliminate the waste today of corporate tyranny. If we want to get off this planet and colonize the solar system then we must have more efficient politics that balances maximum group benefit with maximum individual independence.
In the world of physics we call this concept entropy. The universe is ultimately going to die an entropy death due to entropy converging on zero. Entropy is about the difference in heat and not the value of heat itself. The principle of dependence is a statement of entropy where group entropy demands individual entropy. What does it mean if we do not have individual entropy or difference? Imagine in the future all humans have the same configuration like with computer servers today do in a data center. Every computer, every human has exactly the same capability. The entropy of capability then is defined by this one design and then multiplied by total capacity. This is low entropy compared to having a same number of servers with a balance of unique capability. On the other hand, everyone cannot be so unique there can be no overall design. This means there is a balance of uniqueness of individuals with optimal group benefit.
This is the definition of freedom in the future.
One logical conclusion from the principle of dependence is that some design of humans such as with genetic engineering cannot target a design of replicated human character even if physical capacity and intellectual capacity are highly replicated. Further functional diversity is desired. For example, seven-tenths of the Earth's surface is water. Water breathing humans will be a natural conclusion of the principle of dependence.
Ultimately any design does converge on well defined function. What is this function of the human species? The ultimate design of any future society must be indefinite existence, or survival. Even today we know the universe is expanding to heat death. This means that the responsibility of future generations millions of years from now is to stop the universe from expanding by using technology. Right now we can speculate that this will require our entire planet to act as one people, one political design and ultimately all life in all existence in unison. All life has a stake in stopping the universe from dying and therefore all life in existence will coordinate as one political design to act together.
Group benefit and individual independence being balanced means that everyone being as distinct as possible is not optimal just like everyone being the same is not optimal. You need redundancy along specialized functions but not too much. Further all designs require smaller independent designs such as an iPhone has an antenna or battery that can be used in more than the iPhone. This nesting of function and reusing small functions like an antenna in many devices requires human have some defined overlap of similarity in personality and capability. And another way of saying this is that...
Irreni is a modular government design. Large systems that sustain over long periods of time require redundancy and replacement to accommodate failures. Modules or containers are designs of discrete function that are themselves are independent and can be reused in many larger designs.
Okay, this is getting exhausting. Let's just end motivation here and state the Irreni is modular because large designs require modularity.
It all begins at home. Governments are failing today during the pandemic. today we want instant gratification solutions because capitalism conditions us to this. Sadly, that is not possible. We need to start slowly and deliberately. Our cultures right now are exhibiting governments that reflects our cultures. We need culture upgrades before can have a government upgrades.
What is the first step to our culture upgrades? The first step is to train to trust.
All group dependence is founded on one key power. That power is trust. Individuals within the group will function efficiently as a group in correlation to that group's ability to trust.
Our evolved trust mechanisms have broken down. For example, till death do you part is an inefficient marriage design. We have realized this and implemented no-fault divorce. Why? Because women could not remarry when their husbands left them and then these husbands could not be found to execute divorce based upon fault. The frequency of marriage abandonment increased greatly with the advent of the automobile, new technology. The automobile exposed a marriage design that requires till death do you part as an inefficient design.
We need modern trust models.
You have to start with trusting yourself. Your objective when you join a pod is to first learn trust yourself . This is why the data vault is the first product. You will first learn how to trust storing and retrieving data from your vault. You will learn to trust yourself to use the vault.
That is the initial purpose of the pod.
Second is we need to learn to trust each other in a modern world of information. You will share your data vault with others in a circle of trust. You have trust someone. Right now when you use Facebook you trust untold workers at Facebook. Irreni limits your immediate trust circle to just thirty people in the MGO. An MGO design does not prohibit smaller circles of two or more people within the MGO. It does limit the maximum trust circle to thirty.
As we add more pod applications over time then we will need ever more models of trust. What are they? We don't know. We are going to find out through experimentation. Therefore I can't tell you what the new rules of group trust will be, only how to conduct the process of finding them. We must formally experiment. Formal experiment requires we record everything and learn from our mistakes. It is inefficient to do otherwise.
How is the experiment conducted? Irreni World Scale includes in its design the TSOA, or Terran Sea Otter Academy. This university is the experiment referee and collects all data and analysis for governing experiments. It will house the historical record of political successes and failures. Irreni then does not provide a final form of government, only a final form of government experimental lab.
Your job today when you join is simple. Learn to trust yourself in the digital world.
Train to trust.
Sociologists have long observed that our evolved social groups have broken down and nothing has replaced them. Family, neighbor, and church have all dissolved in a new era of technology and information. It is time to replace them.
Join an MGO by first joining a pod! While you may be able to afford a pod yourself that's not the end game. The end game is to join a pod that will have up to thirty people develop trust models for trusting someone else with your data, someone that you know and someone who also trusts you. In the pod risk is mutual between MGO members where today the risk one-way. You take on all the risk trusting your data with Facebook and they risk nothing.
Irreni has a road map of trust building new social groups of MGOs. Irreni is a road map for improving culture that can then support improved governing. The road map includes many new future political applications such as an auction house specific to your MGO where barter will be included. You will be able to barter time and services in addition to cash payment. Another future trust building application will be cold data storage and cold browsing. This is community censorship where information is hung for 24-72 hours for information safety. Virus scanners will scan viruses, of course. However, people in your MGO can manually censor data based upon MGO standards. New AI programs can be written to take on historical patterns of unhealthy information. We will continue to build trust models for groups that result in new found power provided by using new technology that builds upon that trust. Eventually as we learn to trust each other then we can improve existing government we have today.
Be a part of the future.
Train to trust.
Join and MGO today.
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

Join an MGO today!
You are here because you want to join an MGO.
You want to join an MGO? Great! Today you can just sign up! I'm Mybrid Wonderful and I cordially invite you to sign up. Currently we are just taking sign ups. Just send me an email at Gmail asking to sign up where the email address is simply my first name at Gmail. When we have something concrete we will send you a web link with more information. Again, the sign up email at this time is just my personal email address that is my first name at Gmail. Just state in the email you want to join an MGO!
What can you expect? You will join a pod. A pod is the foundation of the MGO. The pod is a cloud computer. The cost will be $100/mo. plus cloud computing expenses. You may join as a single individual but the point of the MGO is get to thirty people eventually. This will allow everyone to spread the cost out among thirty people. If you can afford a pod by yourself that's fine. However, it is better to have at least two or more people.
The first application of the pod will be a data vault. You will store data in your data vault similar to perhaps your store documents in a safe at home. Once we have the data vault application complete then the next application is simply time-line to replace Facebook's time-line. The key difference is the data will be served from your pod. There is no EULA or end license agreement like with Facebook. You own all copyright and you own the software. We provide the software for your pod as open source. We will also provide maintenance as a service expense. You are in control. All the pods will have access to the other pods in the network so as to link time-line applications. This network will be dedicated to pod traffic. You will be able to include links to the outside world, however links from the internet into the pod network will not work.
That's it. There are a lot of details to work out but in a nutshell that is the initial product: data vault and Facebook replacement. You get a data vault to store all your private and public data that you own. You'll get a time-line application similar to Facebook and will be able to share within the network and link to articles outside the network.
You may skip the rest of this page. The rest of this page is just background on Irreni that you can feel free to skip.
Now that the product pitch is is out of the way then let's get into the motivation.
How did I come up with Irreni? Irreni an acronym that stands for innovation replaces revolution, engineering not ideology. Revolution and ideology are archaic and no long make any sense.
Revolution is irrational. Revolution has to destroy what came before. The world reached a tipping point when governments went all in on global economy. The world has become to interdependent to burn things to the ground. Revolution in one country could destroy many countries. Revolution then is no longer possible. The cynic in me recognizes that is the plan. Our governments wanted to become too big to fail in order to make revolution illogical. Governments have become too big too fail as part of a deliberate design of tyranny.
Ideology is also irrational. We can no longer pretend that to be irrational is healthy. Ideology is a concept where a fixed set of unproven ideas known as ideals are combined together to form the design of society. Ideology dictates that if a society doesn't live up to this set of ideals then the people are at fault and not the ideas. This is silly on the face of it. Religion is silly on the face of it. Sin as a concept is silly on the face of it. Rights are silly on the face of it.
The Future is the Past
One aspect of speculative science fiction is to take the progression of technology in the past and project that progression into the future. This is how I came to understand ideology and revolution will not exist in the future. They are irrational. I learned this from reading speculative science fiction.
I grew up reading science fiction pretty much exclusively as a child. Science fiction has a wonderful platform of combining adventure and learning through story telling. Specifically the science fiction genre I love and read the most is speculative science fiction of projecting past technological trends into the future.
I will focus on just two such speculations here: aerodynamics and the printing press.
Where did I first read about the printing press speculation? I'm going to with "Lord of Light", by Roger Zelazny from 1969. The concept is easy enough. Some technology advancements are chaos inducing game changers, but once in place they create predictable paths . One can draw a dotted line from the invention of the printing press to the Protestant movement. Public education came about because Martin Luther protesting what the Bible actually said and what the Catholic church taught were out of sync. The Protestants invented public education inadvertently by inventing the sola scriptura doctrine that teaches personally reading the Bible is Christianity. Public education took off from using Bible as the primer for reading the Bible and the next logical progression was what we call the three R's, reading, writing and arithmetic. Zelazny's contribution to this concept was to assert that future society's will ban game changing technology like the printing press at the time of invention. From this we can expect governments in the not to distant future to prevent new technology from going public. This will be far more dangerous then taking our guns away. This hasn't happened yet in the US except for military weapon technology. Information denial will happen as sequestering game changing technology is power.
The printing press lesson then is that game changing technology reduces tyranny when made publicly available. Game changing technology also exposes ideology as insufficient because ideology never anticipates game changing. Education is the key and not ideology. Ideology is the opposite of education because ideology asserts ideals that require no ongoing tests of logic and reason. Ideology is a tool of tyranny. Ideology is the master's command to a slave and cannot withstand game changing technology. One forever objective of our species shall always be to overcome tyranny of the few enslaving the many. All designs and all ideas must be subject to change due to advances in game changing logic and reason, including Irreni.
I do not remember the book where the aerodynamic speculation I read came from. The concept is relatively easy to intuit. The concept is efficiency converges on design. The ultimate efficiency will be for speed of light travel and will converge on a single design. This is speculation of course but the idea comes from looking at the design of automobiles from when they were first mass produced and comparing them to designs of today. Cars had all kinds of box shapes, wings, and cabins in the beginning. Many such designs can be considered art and have become a staple of Hollywood movies. Why don't we see cars built as art today? Well, we value efficiency more. Wings provide an inefficient drag unless they are specifically designed to reduce drag as a tail fin. Car design has converged over time on aerodynamic designs of similar shapes where body shapes of cars today are very similar to each other relative to initial mass production.
One speculative book posits that an Earth spaceship of space exploration drops out of FTL speed and encounters another spaceship that is unknown. These FTL exploration spaceships have no weapons because space is vast and the odds of running into another spaceship are astronomically small. The initial assessment is that the spaceship must be from Earth because the design is a duplicate their own. However, they cannot hail the spaceship and believe the crew might be in jeopardy. They mount a rescue operation and cut a whole in the hull of the ship only to find the interior is alien.
Efficiency converges on the same design. One can then speculate that this will be the case for politics as well. Politics is a system of society engineering. The aerospace speculation suggests that one way to organize politically today and at any given time is to speculate on what might be the most efficient government will be in the future. The future is the past.
We can dispense outright with any government in existence today as efficient and ignore them all. Frank Herbert speculated on today's models of governing without change. Dune is a book worth reading. The leadership models we have today converge on the universe having but one supreme ruler. It is not pretty. Tyranny is the ultimate outcome of single ego leadership of all existing models today.
The Big Picture
The big picture of the political design of Irreni is vast and encompasses many new principles given my education of science-fiction speculation. Perhaps the one principle to start with first is the principle of dependence. The principle of dependence simply states that maximum group benefit requires balance with maximum individual independence.
A naive way of stating the principle of dependence is simply the concept of freedom we think of today. Freedom today is the notion that we maximize group benefit around the individual being free. The inherent flaw in this design is it leaves the door open for the free individual to be irresponsible and not contribute to the group at all. The choice to be responsible or irresponsible is left to the individual. What the individual doesn't realize is that their independence stems from group benefit and thus if everyone chose to be irresponsible then no group benefit would exist. This is a fundamental flaw with the concept of rights; no responsibility defined.
Rights are a logical expression of freedom. Rights are an expression of freedom unfettered from any group responsibility. Rights are unqualified. You have the right to free speech and is not qualified with respect to group responsibility when stated in the Bill of Rights. Rights have always been problematic because of this design flaw. Rights are a never ending source of tension in all our societies because they are designed around human rights being unqualified with no group responsibility. How does society impose group responsibility when rights do not require such? This moral trap pits moral group responsibility against moral individual irresponsibility. A right states that the moral imperative is solely the individual domain with no group responsibility. As a result our societies are constantly in turmoil about religion, gun rights and freedom of speech.
We must dispense with rights and this flawed design of freedom.
The correct political design eliminates unfettered irresponsible behavior in the design. The principle of dependence removes unfettered irresponsible behavior by stating as a design principle that optimal group benefit is balanced with optimal individual independence. We exhibit this concept in culture today. We can build an iPhone today that takes groups involving millions of people. We do balance people being both independent and also group dependent. However, there is a lot of wasted political energy and the waste by-product is tyranny and oppression of the corporations. We could probably build an iPhone with 1/10th the personnel used today if our politics were more efficient.
Efficient political design will increase the capability of the iPhones tomorrow as well as the proliferation of these phones, but if and only if we eliminate the waste today of corporate tyranny. If we want to get off this planet and colonize the solar system then we must have more efficient politics that balances maximum group benefit with maximum individual independence.
In the world of physics we call this concept entropy. The universe is ultimately going to die an entropy death due to entropy converging on zero. Entropy is about the difference in heat and not the value of heat itself. The principle of dependence is a statement of entropy where group entropy demands individual entropy. What does it mean if we do not have individual entropy or difference? Imagine in the future all humans have the same configuration like with computer servers today do in a data center. Every computer, every human has exactly the same capability. The entropy of capability then is defined by this one design and then multiplied by total capacity. This is low entropy compared to having a same number of servers with a balance of unique capability. On the other hand, everyone cannot be so unique there can be no overall design. This means there is a balance of uniqueness of individuals with optimal group benefit.
This is the definition of freedom in the future.
One logical conclusion from the principle of dependence is that some design of humans such as with genetic engineering cannot target a design of replicated human character even if physical capacity and intellectual capacity are highly replicated. Further functional diversity is desired. For example, seven-tenths of the Earth's surface is water. Water breathing humans will be a natural conclusion of the principle of dependence.
Ultimately any design does converge on well defined function. What is this function of the human species? The ultimate design of any future society must be indefinite existence, or survival. Even today we know the universe is expanding to heat death. This means that the responsibility of future generations millions of years from now is to stop the universe from expanding by using technology. Right now we can speculate that this will require our entire planet to act as one people, one political design and ultimately all life in all existence in unison. All life has a stake in stopping the universe from dying and therefore all life in existence will coordinate as one political design to act together.
Group benefit and individual independence being balanced means that everyone being as distinct as possible is not optimal just like everyone being the same is not optimal. You need redundancy along specialized functions but not too much. Further all designs require smaller independent designs such as an iPhone has an antenna or battery that can be used in more than the iPhone. This nesting of function and reusing small functions like an antenna in many devices requires human have some defined overlap of similarity in personality and capability. And another way of saying this is that...
Modular systems are key to large designs.
Irreni is a modular government design. Large systems that sustain over long periods of time require redundancy and replacement to accommodate failures. Modules or containers are designs of discrete function that are themselves are independent and can be reused in many larger designs.
Okay, this is getting exhausting. Let's just end motivation here and state the Irreni is modular because large designs require modularity.
How can you help? What is your role right here, right now?
It all begins at home. Governments are failing today during the pandemic. today we want instant gratification solutions because capitalism conditions us to this. Sadly, that is not possible. We need to start slowly and deliberately. Our cultures right now are exhibiting governments that reflects our cultures. We need culture upgrades before can have a government upgrades.
What is the first step to our culture upgrades? The first step is to train to trust.
All group dependence is founded on one key power. That power is trust. Individuals within the group will function efficiently as a group in correlation to that group's ability to trust.
Our evolved trust mechanisms have broken down. For example, till death do you part is an inefficient marriage design. We have realized this and implemented no-fault divorce. Why? Because women could not remarry when their husbands left them and then these husbands could not be found to execute divorce based upon fault. The frequency of marriage abandonment increased greatly with the advent of the automobile, new technology. The automobile exposed a marriage design that requires till death do you part as an inefficient design.
We need modern trust models.
You have to start with trusting yourself. Your objective when you join a pod is to first learn trust yourself . This is why the data vault is the first product. You will first learn how to trust storing and retrieving data from your vault. You will learn to trust yourself to use the vault.
That is the initial purpose of the pod.
Second is we need to learn to trust each other in a modern world of information. You will share your data vault with others in a circle of trust. You have trust someone. Right now when you use Facebook you trust untold workers at Facebook. Irreni limits your immediate trust circle to just thirty people in the MGO. An MGO design does not prohibit smaller circles of two or more people within the MGO. It does limit the maximum trust circle to thirty.
As we add more pod applications over time then we will need ever more models of trust. What are they? We don't know. We are going to find out through experimentation. Therefore I can't tell you what the new rules of group trust will be, only how to conduct the process of finding them. We must formally experiment. Formal experiment requires we record everything and learn from our mistakes. It is inefficient to do otherwise.
How is the experiment conducted? Irreni World Scale includes in its design the TSOA, or Terran Sea Otter Academy. This university is the experiment referee and collects all data and analysis for governing experiments. It will house the historical record of political successes and failures. Irreni then does not provide a final form of government, only a final form of government experimental lab.
Your job today when you join is simple. Learn to trust yourself in the digital world.
Train to trust.
Sociologists have long observed that our evolved social groups have broken down and nothing has replaced them. Family, neighbor, and church have all dissolved in a new era of technology and information. It is time to replace them.
Join an MGO by first joining a pod! While you may be able to afford a pod yourself that's not the end game. The end game is to join a pod that will have up to thirty people develop trust models for trusting someone else with your data, someone that you know and someone who also trusts you. In the pod risk is mutual between MGO members where today the risk one-way. You take on all the risk trusting your data with Facebook and they risk nothing.
Irreni has a road map of trust building new social groups of MGOs. Irreni is a road map for improving culture that can then support improved governing. The road map includes many new future political applications such as an auction house specific to your MGO where barter will be included. You will be able to barter time and services in addition to cash payment. Another future trust building application will be cold data storage and cold browsing. This is community censorship where information is hung for 24-72 hours for information safety. Virus scanners will scan viruses, of course. However, people in your MGO can manually censor data based upon MGO standards. New AI programs can be written to take on historical patterns of unhealthy information. We will continue to build trust models for groups that result in new found power provided by using new technology that builds upon that trust. Eventually as we learn to trust each other then we can improve existing government we have today.
Be a part of the future.
Train to trust.
Join and MGO today.
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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