Hi! Happy Thursday!
The last couple of posts I've walked by something that I'd like to elaborate on a bit now: previous social group ideas are not worth discussing.
Let's illustrate why this is with a couple of examples: polling and political parties.
Polling is power to the powerful. You realize you can go anywhere in the world, anywhere at all, and Google search something. Google caters to the entire planet. Billions of requests every day. So why can't the US government manage 300 million users posting comments? The answer is obvious. While the NSA is setting up an unprecedented network capacity to spy on us, we are still using paper ballets to tell them what to do. Unh hunh. We should have entertained myriads of new proposals for moving politics into the Internet age decades ago and had all Americans, all 300 million users registered to interact with our various governments. But we don't. Not even locally. Why? Because the people in power like the way things are. The have no interest in we the people. Polling is and always has been a tool of the political parties. Scott Silverman was the only pollster who called the last US presidential election correctly. Why? Because all the other pollsters are anything but scientific. One firm, Rasmussen, was so in the tank for conservatives they predicted a Mitt Romney landslide. Guess what? Go to any conservative web site and they are still using Rasmussen. Polling is power to the powerful. It allows them to control the message. We no longer need polling. Just set up a web site for 300 million users. Google and Facebook have far more than that. As of the third quarter of 2014, Facebook had 1.35 billion monthly active users.
So why is our government relying on polling? Polling is obsolete.
No more today. We can get as much information as we want on any politician and any position. Platforms and planks are obsolete.
Political parties are power to the powerful. At their worst they represent two virtual people subverting the 500 in Congress when politicians are instructed to vote along party lines. That's all political parties are these days: tools of oppression and tyranny.
Political parties were controversial back in 1789. They are not in the US Constitution and even back then were viewed as being subversive. But, given the slowness of the education and communication of 1789, they were considered a necessary evil.
Now political parities are just evil.
These are just two examples of social group ideas that are so obsolete so as to make even discussing reworking them a waste of time. One single idea, creating a national web site of all 300 million Americans makes polling and parties obsolete. All past social group ideas are so irrelevant they should be picked over like vultures on a dead body so we can digest any little good parts without even thinking about what the animals once were. That is how obsolete the old ideas of social groups are. No messing around, just walk on by.
The future is coming!
Well come! and well met!
The last couple of posts I've walked by something that I'd like to elaborate on a bit now: previous social group ideas are not worth discussing.
Let's illustrate why this is with a couple of examples: polling and political parties.
Why do we need polling? Because it would be impractical to ask everyone. Correction, because it would be impractical to ask everyone prior to the Internet.Polling is power to the powerful. You realize you can go anywhere in the world, anywhere at all, and Google search something. Google caters to the entire planet. Billions of requests every day. So why can't the US government manage 300 million users posting comments? The answer is obvious. While the NSA is setting up an unprecedented network capacity to spy on us, we are still using paper ballets to tell them what to do. Unh hunh. We should have entertained myriads of new proposals for moving politics into the Internet age decades ago and had all Americans, all 300 million users registered to interact with our various governments. But we don't. Not even locally. Why? Because the people in power like the way things are. The have no interest in we the people. Polling is and always has been a tool of the political parties. Scott Silverman was the only pollster who called the last US presidential election correctly. Why? Because all the other pollsters are anything but scientific. One firm, Rasmussen, was so in the tank for conservatives they predicted a Mitt Romney landslide. Guess what? Go to any conservative web site and they are still using Rasmussen. Polling is power to the powerful. It allows them to control the message. We no longer need polling. Just set up a web site for 300 million users. Google and Facebook have far more than that. As of the third quarter of 2014, Facebook had 1.35 billion monthly active users.
So why is our government relying on polling? Polling is obsolete.
Political Parties
Political parties come from a much slower era of communication and education. Political parties filled the slowness gap. They presented platforms and planks that people would agree upon and people would vote for politicians solely on the basis of party.No more today. We can get as much information as we want on any politician and any position. Platforms and planks are obsolete.
Political parties are power to the powerful. At their worst they represent two virtual people subverting the 500 in Congress when politicians are instructed to vote along party lines. That's all political parties are these days: tools of oppression and tyranny.
Political parties were controversial back in 1789. They are not in the US Constitution and even back then were viewed as being subversive. But, given the slowness of the education and communication of 1789, they were considered a necessary evil.
Now political parities are just evil.
Conclusion, no messing around.
Why even bother discussing these archaic skins of social group ideas we should have shed long ago? Political parties and polling can be made obsolete in one fell stroke: a national web site for 300 million users to directly interact. Just one idea makes these two social group ideas totally irrelevant.These are just two examples of social group ideas that are so obsolete so as to make even discussing reworking them a waste of time. One single idea, creating a national web site of all 300 million Americans makes polling and parties obsolete. All past social group ideas are so irrelevant they should be picked over like vultures on a dead body so we can digest any little good parts without even thinking about what the animals once were. That is how obsolete the old ideas of social groups are. No messing around, just walk on by.
The future is coming!
Well come! and well met!
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