Hi! h A p P y S a T u R d A y ! !
Today's topic: Irreni Community After Religion
The desirable aspects of religion are shrinking daily. The one big bastion that the non-religious acknowledge about religion is traditional community. People get together to do good.
Conversely a common criticism of secular society by the religious is lack of community: weddings, funerals, etc.
Today's topic is Irreni community replacing religious community and so the last desirable aspect of religion by the non-religious community is replaced to everyone's satisfaction. Religion, The End.
Religion is irrelevant because religion doesn't scale. I'm going to switch things up though and present the solution first rather than progress from a problem argument to its solution.
So here's your solution:
Irreni's fundamental driver for motivating community engagement is one of the twenty big fancy pants ideas: vote-for-who-you-know voting. This is six-degrees of chain voting. You vote for a friend, who votes for a friend, who votes for a friend who then votes for Obama for President. All the votes in the chain vote count for the candidate.
Vote-for-who-you-know voting (VFWYK) is only possible with today's new technology: the vote bank. The vote bank is hosted on a handheld device made available to everyone called the device of life (DOL). All votes are public. This affords everyone access to see the chain of votes.
VFWYK voting turns voting on its head. Instead of voting for a candidate you don't know, you've never heard of and only made familiar to you via slick campaign ads that may or may not reflect reality then with VFWYK you vote for only people in your immediate sphere of family and friends, vote your tribe. If there is some candidate you want to vote for and no one in your tribe has a vote chain for this candidate then people are going to need to engage each other to create the vote chains. This is the exact opposite of getting to know the candidates vicariously via campaign ads. You get to know real people in your life.
VFWYK builds communities. VFWYK builds communities by requiring people to engage each other so as to have someone to vote for. This flips the concept of campaigning on its head.
All politics is local. We all know this. But corruption has made modern politics ethereal. We don't know the people we are voting for. At all. Now, the politicking will be local.
VFWYK is a spark. A spark that will motivate people to engage at the level where engagement has the most value: with those people in their day-to-day lives.
What is to prevent corruption of the VFWYK system? After all, I can just claim to know everyone? A couple of easy rules to thwart corruption. One rule would be having both people acknowledge they know each other as a matter of public record in the vote bank. Another rule would be to put limits on who one claims to know. How many people can you really know? 10? 20? 30? Just cap the number of people one is allowed to claim to know to say 30. The system will be self-correcting because VFWYK is not about a single candidate, a single issue. Perhaps one can claim to know someone for a particular election cycle, particular candidate, but then what about the other elections and candidates? VFWYK favors finding your tribe. Then your tribe finding a tribe-of-tribes for voting chains of like thinking folks. VFWYK builds voting blocks from the ground up, from the tribe up, rather than what we have today. What we have today is corruption where a single person can buy politicians and parties.
Harumph, you snort. Voting is just voting. Religious communities are so much more. Think about it though. What is politics if not society itself? Debates on health-care, marriage, rights-to-dignity in dying are just some of the toughest moral debates today in politics. Irreni brings people together for voting. VFWYK voting requires people to network, to agree, and to have conversations about not just any single topic or candidate but the entire expanse of social projects. The holistic conversations of all social issues will happen because who you vote for represents more than just a single topic or candidate.
So yes, VFWYK replaces the ineffectual, irrelevant, unscalable, and dysfunctional religious community of today with a vibrant, built-to-scale system that engages on social matters of all levels of importance. The party system of politics is top down and doesn't scale. VFWYK is bottom up and scales to any size.
VFWYK is just the foundation. There are other community building systems within Irreni:
Weddings, funerals and other social traditions are missing from Irreni. Tradition applies to a time when things moved much slower, where change came at a much slower pace and traditions passing from generation-to-generation made sense. Traditions are required no more and Irreni replaces tradition with the COx principle that states that the dead have no hold on the living. Goodbye Christmas! Time for every generation to pick holidays that have meaning for them.
I just presented a solution for replacing religious community with secular community. Here is the problem argument for why religion cannot and will not ever scale:
From racism, to gay marriage, to climate change, to virginity, to gun ownership this week Christians will claim moral dogma supporting both for-and-against. Dogma Fail. Dogma can't be ambiguous. Christianity died not because of gay marriage but because Christianity provides no morality because Christians can be found arguing both for against every major moral issue. Dogma Fail.
Religions don't scale because the illusion of moral absolutes cannot withstand the transparency of instant communication.
Moral ambiguity is a new meme that needs promoted. I love Christopher Hitchens as an outspoken anti-theist. I have watched at least twenty of his lectures on Youtube. However, I think Hitchens got it wrong on dogma fails. All Christians are hypocrites. Hitchen's best take down on hypocricy was to label all modern Christians as cafeteria Christians where today's Christians see the Bible as a buffet, a smorgasbord where they get to pick and choose the morals they see fit.
But the better argument to be made that Christian dogma fails is universal dogma ambiguity for even the most heinous of morals such as slavery and its twisted cousin, racism. How can you be racist and be moral?
Want to have fun with someone against gay marriage? Bring up divorce. Why is a divorce in one state recognized by every other state? Shouldn't it be a religious freedom for every state individually to decide to recognize divorce? Divorce is immoral after all, like homosexuality. Why isn't recognizing divorce a State's rights issue? Did you hear about the divorce case the went to the Supreme Court where Florida refused to recognize a divorce in California? What? You haven't? That's because this case never happened and divorce never needed to be morally debated because Christians wanted divorce and have no moral problem with divorce.
Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. All the claims I have made about Irreni are unproven. The Irreni system accounts for this by calling for massive experiments in parallel. These experiments are to be run over the course of say 100 years. These experiments are to be scientific experiments and scientifically proven to match claims with evidence.
So VFWYK is a place to start. Where we may end up after 100 years of scientific experiments is anyone's guess. What's not a guess is that religion can never and will never scale because claims are dogma.
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

Today's topic: Irreni Community After Religion
The desirable aspects of religion are shrinking daily. The one big bastion that the non-religious acknowledge about religion is traditional community. People get together to do good.
Conversely a common criticism of secular society by the religious is lack of community: weddings, funerals, etc.
Today's topic is Irreni community replacing religious community and so the last desirable aspect of religion by the non-religious community is replaced to everyone's satisfaction. Religion, The End.
Religion is irrelevant because religion doesn't scale. I'm going to switch things up though and present the solution first rather than progress from a problem argument to its solution.
So here's your solution:
Religious community replaced: vote who you know.
Irreni's fundamental driver for motivating community engagement is one of the twenty big fancy pants ideas: vote-for-who-you-know voting. This is six-degrees of chain voting. You vote for a friend, who votes for a friend, who votes for a friend who then votes for Obama for President. All the votes in the chain vote count for the candidate.
Vote-for-who-you-know voting (VFWYK) is only possible with today's new technology: the vote bank. The vote bank is hosted on a handheld device made available to everyone called the device of life (DOL). All votes are public. This affords everyone access to see the chain of votes.
VFWYK voting turns voting on its head. Instead of voting for a candidate you don't know, you've never heard of and only made familiar to you via slick campaign ads that may or may not reflect reality then with VFWYK you vote for only people in your immediate sphere of family and friends, vote your tribe. If there is some candidate you want to vote for and no one in your tribe has a vote chain for this candidate then people are going to need to engage each other to create the vote chains. This is the exact opposite of getting to know the candidates vicariously via campaign ads. You get to know real people in your life.
VFWYK builds communities. VFWYK builds communities by requiring people to engage each other so as to have someone to vote for. This flips the concept of campaigning on its head.
All politics is local. We all know this. But corruption has made modern politics ethereal. We don't know the people we are voting for. At all. Now, the politicking will be local.
VFWYK is a spark. A spark that will motivate people to engage at the level where engagement has the most value: with those people in their day-to-day lives.
What is to prevent corruption of the VFWYK system? After all, I can just claim to know everyone? A couple of easy rules to thwart corruption. One rule would be having both people acknowledge they know each other as a matter of public record in the vote bank. Another rule would be to put limits on who one claims to know. How many people can you really know? 10? 20? 30? Just cap the number of people one is allowed to claim to know to say 30. The system will be self-correcting because VFWYK is not about a single candidate, a single issue. Perhaps one can claim to know someone for a particular election cycle, particular candidate, but then what about the other elections and candidates? VFWYK favors finding your tribe. Then your tribe finding a tribe-of-tribes for voting chains of like thinking folks. VFWYK builds voting blocks from the ground up, from the tribe up, rather than what we have today. What we have today is corruption where a single person can buy politicians and parties.
Harumph, you snort. Voting is just voting. Religious communities are so much more. Think about it though. What is politics if not society itself? Debates on health-care, marriage, rights-to-dignity in dying are just some of the toughest moral debates today in politics. Irreni brings people together for voting. VFWYK voting requires people to network, to agree, and to have conversations about not just any single topic or candidate but the entire expanse of social projects. The holistic conversations of all social issues will happen because who you vote for represents more than just a single topic or candidate.
So yes, VFWYK replaces the ineffectual, irrelevant, unscalable, and dysfunctional religious community of today with a vibrant, built-to-scale system that engages on social matters of all levels of importance. The party system of politics is top down and doesn't scale. VFWYK is bottom up and scales to any size.
VFWYK is just the foundation. There are other community building systems within Irreni:
- The right to individual currency: the money you mint will have no value unless you can get your community to trade in it.
- Direct funding projects: Kickstarter for public projects.
- Real-time project pool: A top ten list of populist projects to be paid for by taxes. VFWYK applies. People involved with projects lobby their vote chains to spread the word.
What's missing: tradition
Weddings, funerals and other social traditions are missing from Irreni. Tradition applies to a time when things moved much slower, where change came at a much slower pace and traditions passing from generation-to-generation made sense. Traditions are required no more and Irreni replaces tradition with the COx principle that states that the dead have no hold on the living. Goodbye Christmas! Time for every generation to pick holidays that have meaning for them.
Religion is irrelevant.
I just presented a solution for replacing religious community with secular community. Here is the problem argument for why religion cannot and will not ever scale:
- Dogma: claims are made without merit.
- Moral absolutes: moral absolutes are tenuous at best and only enforceable at a tribe level of people.
- Racism: massacre in South Carolina based on racism ingrained and wide-spread throughout the south, a Christian south.
- Climate change: The Pope says combating climate change is a moral issue.
- Guns: The Pope says you can't be a Christian and manufacture guns or own stock in a company that does.
- Virginity: Bristol Palin announces she is pregnant when she is a Christian and a national spokesperson for abstinence only education in America.
- Virginity: the average age for having a child nationally in the US has hit 30 years.
- Health care: Obamacare was kept intact by the Supreme Court.
- TPP: Democrats caved and voted for it.
From racism, to gay marriage, to climate change, to virginity, to gun ownership this week Christians will claim moral dogma supporting both for-and-against. Dogma Fail. Dogma can't be ambiguous. Christianity died not because of gay marriage but because Christianity provides no morality because Christians can be found arguing both for against every major moral issue. Dogma Fail.
Religions don't scale because the illusion of moral absolutes cannot withstand the transparency of instant communication.
Moral ambiguity is a new meme that needs promoted. I love Christopher Hitchens as an outspoken anti-theist. I have watched at least twenty of his lectures on Youtube. However, I think Hitchens got it wrong on dogma fails. All Christians are hypocrites. Hitchen's best take down on hypocricy was to label all modern Christians as cafeteria Christians where today's Christians see the Bible as a buffet, a smorgasbord where they get to pick and choose the morals they see fit.
But the better argument to be made that Christian dogma fails is universal dogma ambiguity for even the most heinous of morals such as slavery and its twisted cousin, racism. How can you be racist and be moral?
Want to have fun with someone against gay marriage? Bring up divorce. Why is a divorce in one state recognized by every other state? Shouldn't it be a religious freedom for every state individually to decide to recognize divorce? Divorce is immoral after all, like homosexuality. Why isn't recognizing divorce a State's rights issue? Did you hear about the divorce case the went to the Supreme Court where Florida refused to recognize a divorce in California? What? You haven't? That's because this case never happened and divorce never needed to be morally debated because Christians wanted divorce and have no moral problem with divorce.
Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. All the claims I have made about Irreni are unproven. The Irreni system accounts for this by calling for massive experiments in parallel. These experiments are to be run over the course of say 100 years. These experiments are to be scientific experiments and scientifically proven to match claims with evidence.
So VFWYK is a place to start. Where we may end up after 100 years of scientific experiments is anyone's guess. What's not a guess is that religion can never and will never scale because claims are dogma.
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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