Hi! Happy Saturday!
Soon, hopefully within a month, I plan on bringing Irreni to life via something other than this blog: role playing.
Role playing for Irreni World Scale will serve as a platform for iterating on empathy, conversation and consensus. Irreni big fancy pants technology such as the Vote Bank will be implemented, tested and refined. How exciting is that!
Irreni World Scale is fundamentally about people governing themselves first and foremost. This requires empathy, conversations and consensus. After we have consensus comes experiments. The first level of experiment then is role playing.
Role playing has another name: simulation. Pilots use flight simulators to train for flying. Role playing is simulation for enacting social policy, building empathy, conversations and consensus. Role playing then is the defacto starting point for social experiments.
Role playing is a great way to socially experiment. Irreni is all about experiments and science. Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. This one sentence invalidates every single religion to date. Religion makes claims with no evidence. Therefore all religions are irrelevant. Irreni World Scale is a scientific social system whereby all claims about social efficacy require scientifically backed evidence authorizing real-world experiments based upon passing simulation standards.
Time to throw out all of religion because 100% of religion is bullshit without evidence. Religion represents claims made without evidence. Time to flush religious bullshit thinking down the toilet of history. Prove it or lose it.
So what next? What comes after religion for society? Funny thing is we already know the answer: science. We simply apply science to society the same as we apply science to anything else.
We need to learn to experiment socially. Experiments such as Obamacare can be hugely expensive if they fail in the real world. Lives are at stake. Every single one of us knows that we've should have rolled Obamacare out at a much smaller scale before we launched a program for 300 million people. Why did we?
Why did we? Incompetence. Rolling out a new program nationwide shows how incompetent and totally useless are the people in Washington D.C. They rolled out Obamacare to all 300 million before scaling up. It is impossible, and I mean impossible, to be any more incompetent than our politicians are today. We have hit rock bottom of incompetency. Is it any wonder only the incompetent are running for office and for President today? Who in their right mind would want to be a part of that level of incompetency other than the incompetent?
Social science is an inexact science because there are so many unknowns. Thus the progress will be one step forward and two steps back. When we govern ourselves we can expect more failure than success. In science this is known as trial-and-error working with unknowns. This is also known as a feedback loop.
Social science requires we start with the best facts of the day coupled with empathy or a shared common cause. Then we have conversations and arrive at consensus. Then after consensus we start experimentation with role playing. Then we jump into reality with small group experiments and if successful then we scale out by magnitude orders of ten. At any given step of progress there may be one step forward followed by two steps back. Sometimes I think our reluctance to conduct social experiments is not so much due to religious dogma but rather due to our shame for failing. We need to overcome that. Failure is just a step towards success.
The most critical or common failure point will be moving from design to implementation. Role playing represents the design phase of social experiments. A design is cooked up out of people's imagination for the first time. This design gets its very first trial run in simulation via role playing. When role playing checks out then a design leaps into the real world. Failure will be most common when a design is first put into implementation. Science requires that we document why something failed and factor those reasons back into the next design. That's the difference between science and dogma of religion. We go back to the drawing board so to speak and innovate. Innovation replaces revolution is what Irreni means. Going back may even include fixing fundamental assumptions by going all the back to our empathy basis or the decided consensus depending on why something failed.
If you have made it this far into the post then you may be thinking, "that's a lot of work. We don't do that today." And right you would be. And that's the problem. We want instant answers to everything. We can't wait. So politicians roll out Obamacare to all 300 million people without experimentation. Even if Obamacare ultimately succeeds the path taken will have been the highest risk path to take, all 300 million people now.
I leave you with this thought. A feedback loop that scales out to 7 billion people will take many generations to fully roll out. We need the collective patience to stomach hundred-year long projects. Considering the objective is for humans to be around millions if not billions of years then this time period is reasonable. We just need to get out of the mind set of living for today and into a mind set of realizing we are part of an ongoing continuum story that will span millions of years. This is why there are two seeming opposite tag lines below, "Innovate at a rapid pace!" and "Slow speed ahead!" These juxtaposed tag lines are meant to convey we need to experiment at a massive scale in quantity of experiments but contrarily these experiments will take possibly hundreds of years to mature. Therefore we innovate at a face pace of millions of experiments, but we will only realize their completion over hundreds of years, a slow speed.
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!
Soon, hopefully within a month, I plan on bringing Irreni to life via something other than this blog: role playing.
Role playing for Irreni World Scale will serve as a platform for iterating on empathy, conversation and consensus. Irreni big fancy pants technology such as the Vote Bank will be implemented, tested and refined. How exciting is that!
Irreni World Scale is fundamentally about people governing themselves first and foremost. This requires empathy, conversations and consensus. After we have consensus comes experiments. The first level of experiment then is role playing.
Role playing has another name: simulation. Pilots use flight simulators to train for flying. Role playing is simulation for enacting social policy, building empathy, conversations and consensus. Role playing then is the defacto starting point for social experiments.
Role playing is a great way to socially experiment. Irreni is all about experiments and science. Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. This one sentence invalidates every single religion to date. Religion makes claims with no evidence. Therefore all religions are irrelevant. Irreni World Scale is a scientific social system whereby all claims about social efficacy require scientifically backed evidence authorizing real-world experiments based upon passing simulation standards.
Time to throw out all of religion because 100% of religion is bullshit without evidence. Religion represents claims made without evidence. Time to flush religious bullshit thinking down the toilet of history. Prove it or lose it.
So what next? What comes after religion for society? Funny thing is we already know the answer: science. We simply apply science to society the same as we apply science to anything else.
We need to learn to experiment socially. Experiments such as Obamacare can be hugely expensive if they fail in the real world. Lives are at stake. Every single one of us knows that we've should have rolled Obamacare out at a much smaller scale before we launched a program for 300 million people. Why did we?
Why did we? Incompetence. Rolling out a new program nationwide shows how incompetent and totally useless are the people in Washington D.C. They rolled out Obamacare to all 300 million before scaling up. It is impossible, and I mean impossible, to be any more incompetent than our politicians are today. We have hit rock bottom of incompetency. Is it any wonder only the incompetent are running for office and for President today? Who in their right mind would want to be a part of that level of incompetency other than the incompetent?
Social science is an inexact science because there are so many unknowns. Thus the progress will be one step forward and two steps back. When we govern ourselves we can expect more failure than success. In science this is known as trial-and-error working with unknowns. This is also known as a feedback loop.
Social science requires we start with the best facts of the day coupled with empathy or a shared common cause. Then we have conversations and arrive at consensus. Then after consensus we start experimentation with role playing. Then we jump into reality with small group experiments and if successful then we scale out by magnitude orders of ten. At any given step of progress there may be one step forward followed by two steps back. Sometimes I think our reluctance to conduct social experiments is not so much due to religious dogma but rather due to our shame for failing. We need to overcome that. Failure is just a step towards success.
The most critical or common failure point will be moving from design to implementation. Role playing represents the design phase of social experiments. A design is cooked up out of people's imagination for the first time. This design gets its very first trial run in simulation via role playing. When role playing checks out then a design leaps into the real world. Failure will be most common when a design is first put into implementation. Science requires that we document why something failed and factor those reasons back into the next design. That's the difference between science and dogma of religion. We go back to the drawing board so to speak and innovate. Innovation replaces revolution is what Irreni means. Going back may even include fixing fundamental assumptions by going all the back to our empathy basis or the decided consensus depending on why something failed.
If you have made it this far into the post then you may be thinking, "that's a lot of work. We don't do that today." And right you would be. And that's the problem. We want instant answers to everything. We can't wait. So politicians roll out Obamacare to all 300 million people without experimentation. Even if Obamacare ultimately succeeds the path taken will have been the highest risk path to take, all 300 million people now.
I leave you with this thought. A feedback loop that scales out to 7 billion people will take many generations to fully roll out. We need the collective patience to stomach hundred-year long projects. Considering the objective is for humans to be around millions if not billions of years then this time period is reasonable. We just need to get out of the mind set of living for today and into a mind set of realizing we are part of an ongoing continuum story that will span millions of years. This is why there are two seeming opposite tag lines below, "Innovate at a rapid pace!" and "Slow speed ahead!" These juxtaposed tag lines are meant to convey we need to experiment at a massive scale in quantity of experiments but contrarily these experiments will take possibly hundreds of years to mature. Therefore we innovate at a face pace of millions of experiments, but we will only realize their completion over hundreds of years, a slow speed.
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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