Hi! Happy Sunday!
Mmmmmm, hugs.
I am moving to Maine, probably in the spring after all the ice
melts. The house will close at the end of February, but the current
owners are going to hang until spring.
Why the move, why Maine?
Well, Maine was not the desire. I'm moving to Irreni World Scale. By
that I mean I was looking for a theatrical studio. The place will be great with the wide open window for shooting video. The second garage will suffice for a stage and music.

Irreni World Scale has a couple of new names I've come up with:
Selfie.gov and A Shiny World Disorder and I think the move to Maine is best explained by explaining one of them, Selfie.gov.
The credo that binds Americans is the notion of life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness.
There is an assumption in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
that this is an individual expression mainly. And yet the fact is that we all live in
a balance, a balance of group dependency based upon group benefit. None of us individually can build a modern house, car or smart phone.
In some respects the founders created an impossible tension between E
pluribus unum--from many, one--and 'life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness'. Whose happiness? Yours? mine? Some compromise in between?
Irreni resolves this fundamental failure of the founders by requiring a
constant, every changing expression of what we want, what we define
happiness to be. And since people are born and die every day then so will
expressions of happiness.
This is what Selfie.gov and this new theater in Maine is all about. At
the heart of Irreni is that we all have a responsibility to say
forthright the happiness we most want. This is a defining duty for
citizens of Irreni. We cannot make E pluribus unum if we have no
Maine is a theater then to kick-off the the process of expressing
happiness desires with video, music, laughter and art.
And hard work.
A few years ago I was indulging in listening to talk radio during my
commute to-and-fro work. One thing particularly stuck in my mind:
Glenn Beck was partnering with a rich developer to start a
city-upon-a-hill Christian community in Florida. Good for them, I thought. Unfortunately this never happened but I think it would have been healthy for all of us to see what modern Christian conservatives consider one ideal.
The Puritans tried this. This eventually culminated in a total
repudiation of that religious ideal. In the latest biography of John
Adams it is said that Adams early career as a lawyer was one of overturning
Puritanical law in New England. He was so good at it that when the time came he was given
the task of writing the first democratic constitution ever, that for the State of
What do we want today? How do we define our mutual happiness as a
country? How do we bridge the individual mind of life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness with group demands of E pluribus unum?
I argue with Irreni the first step is we need to express what we
believe the ideals to be. And this must, must be the duty of every
single one of us. We must take a selfie on the stage of our desires
and show it to the world.
It is only then, after everyone chimes in on what we think we want,
that we can begin to combine the many into one.
And so it is not so much that I'm moving to Maine. I found a house
that I thought would make a good stage. Of course there are financial
realities of money and employment, after those were met then I picked
a theater, not a home.
Speaking of what we want, I'd like to address the recent use of the
word "shithole" for describing governments. First of all, the person
using this word is pathological for citing the reason as being we need
the best and brightest to improve this country. Does he not think we
are the best and brightest? What needs improved and how are foreigners
in a better position to do these improvements than hiring from within,
so to speak?
That's not my Irreni point. My Irreni point is that aesthetics does
not equate to better morality. To put this in a different context I'd
like to cite a Charlie Rose interview with Harold Bloom last
decade. Bloom went on-and-on about how Shakespeare was the best
moralist ever and as a result the best predictor of human outcomes. He
cited many examples of how Shakespeare's characterization of human
nature mapped to modern tragedies.
Bloom's notion that the those best at aesthetics are the best at
representing human nature is false, and by corollary then bad
aesthetics are not the worst at representing human nature.
However, aesthetics is an expression of want and that is a valid point
of desire; I don't want it. What kind of language do you like to
engage: say lyrics by Shakespeare or by rap? Shithole or 'what light
upon yonder window breaks'?
"Why are we allowing people to come here from countries with who knows
what light upon yonder window breaks?" - Trumpspeare
This new duty will lead us down a path of aesthetics, that actors who
look good on the screen carry more weight in the public opinion of
politics. It will be biased against people's who's happiness includes
keeping quiet about that happiness. Is this what Irreni means? I just
want to say definitely, no it does not. Many of us, I include myself,
prefer the life of solitude, a life that does not lend itself well to
the big screen. A talent for expressing ourselves cannot be tied to
the expression itself. And so it is that life must be a feedback loop
where those with talent have a duty to help those without, help them
to express their desires. This includes those with the hardest to
express desires of them all of those we are most uncomfortable with
even as the may be moral and acceptable otherwise.
Well, then, Mybrid, if you prefer a life of solitude to a life of
gusto then why this gusto change? Because my desire to see Irenni be
the next generation of government trumps my desire for the life of
solitude. So I'm going to fake gusto until I make it. ha!
And hard work.
I left that hanging up there previously because I wanted to
address another tenet of Irreni: making and bartering. An internal
thermostat of self-reliance is inherit to all of us and today's sense of total
group dependence is a source of despair that subverts our desires.
I read somewhere that something as simple as a jar of peanut-butter can have as many as one million people "touch" that jar before it gets to
you. Imagine you are one of those million. How rewarding is a life
where your work is lost in a sea of millions in production?
Irreni World Scale calls for a renewed sense of self-reliance by
promoting making and bartering. The advent of 3D printers along with
more traditional makery machines such as sewing machines can bring us
all closer to what we use in our day-to-day lives. Bartering with
other makers will equate our sense of self-worth.
Hard work is integral to expressing our desires. But further we need
self-reliant work that promotes healthy self-esteem and healthy
desires. Our current world of perceived total dependency coupled with
jobs of lost meaning has imposed a cancer on our hearts desire we need
to cure...with making and bartering.
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!
Mmmmmm, hugs.
I am moving to Maine, probably in the spring after all the ice
melts. The house will close at the end of February, but the current
owners are going to hang until spring.
Why the move, why Maine?
Well, Maine was not the desire. I'm moving to Irreni World Scale. By
that I mean I was looking for a theatrical studio. The place will be great with the wide open window for shooting video. The second garage will suffice for a stage and music.

Irreni World Scale has a couple of new names I've come up with:
Selfie.gov and A Shiny World Disorder and I think the move to Maine is best explained by explaining one of them, Selfie.gov.
The credo that binds Americans is the notion of life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness.
There is an assumption in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
that this is an individual expression mainly. And yet the fact is that we all live in
a balance, a balance of group dependency based upon group benefit. None of us individually can build a modern house, car or smart phone.
In some respects the founders created an impossible tension between E
pluribus unum--from many, one--and 'life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness'. Whose happiness? Yours? mine? Some compromise in between?
Irreni resolves this fundamental failure of the founders by requiring a
constant, every changing expression of what we want, what we define
happiness to be. And since people are born and die every day then so will
expressions of happiness.
This is what Selfie.gov and this new theater in Maine is all about. At
the heart of Irreni is that we all have a responsibility to say
forthright the happiness we most want. This is a defining duty for
citizens of Irreni. We cannot make E pluribus unum if we have no
Maine is a theater then to kick-off the the process of expressing
happiness desires with video, music, laughter and art.
And hard work.
A few years ago I was indulging in listening to talk radio during my
commute to-and-fro work. One thing particularly stuck in my mind:
Glenn Beck was partnering with a rich developer to start a
city-upon-a-hill Christian community in Florida. Good for them, I thought. Unfortunately this never happened but I think it would have been healthy for all of us to see what modern Christian conservatives consider one ideal.
The Puritans tried this. This eventually culminated in a total
repudiation of that religious ideal. In the latest biography of John
Adams it is said that Adams early career as a lawyer was one of overturning
Puritanical law in New England. He was so good at it that when the time came he was given
the task of writing the first democratic constitution ever, that for the State of
What do we want today? How do we define our mutual happiness as a
country? How do we bridge the individual mind of life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness with group demands of E pluribus unum?
I argue with Irreni the first step is we need to express what we
believe the ideals to be. And this must, must be the duty of every
single one of us. We must take a selfie on the stage of our desires
and show it to the world.
It is only then, after everyone chimes in on what we think we want,
that we can begin to combine the many into one.
And so it is not so much that I'm moving to Maine. I found a house
that I thought would make a good stage. Of course there are financial
realities of money and employment, after those were met then I picked
a theater, not a home.
Speaking of what we want, I'd like to address the recent use of the
word "shithole" for describing governments. First of all, the person
using this word is pathological for citing the reason as being we need
the best and brightest to improve this country. Does he not think we
are the best and brightest? What needs improved and how are foreigners
in a better position to do these improvements than hiring from within,
so to speak?
That's not my Irreni point. My Irreni point is that aesthetics does
not equate to better morality. To put this in a different context I'd
like to cite a Charlie Rose interview with Harold Bloom last
decade. Bloom went on-and-on about how Shakespeare was the best
moralist ever and as a result the best predictor of human outcomes. He
cited many examples of how Shakespeare's characterization of human
nature mapped to modern tragedies.
Bloom's notion that the those best at aesthetics are the best at
representing human nature is false, and by corollary then bad
aesthetics are not the worst at representing human nature.
However, aesthetics is an expression of want and that is a valid point
of desire; I don't want it. What kind of language do you like to
engage: say lyrics by Shakespeare or by rap? Shithole or 'what light
upon yonder window breaks'?
"Why are we allowing people to come here from countries with who knows
what light upon yonder window breaks?" - Trumpspeare
This new duty will lead us down a path of aesthetics, that actors who
look good on the screen carry more weight in the public opinion of
politics. It will be biased against people's who's happiness includes
keeping quiet about that happiness. Is this what Irreni means? I just
want to say definitely, no it does not. Many of us, I include myself,
prefer the life of solitude, a life that does not lend itself well to
the big screen. A talent for expressing ourselves cannot be tied to
the expression itself. And so it is that life must be a feedback loop
where those with talent have a duty to help those without, help them
to express their desires. This includes those with the hardest to
express desires of them all of those we are most uncomfortable with
even as the may be moral and acceptable otherwise.
Well, then, Mybrid, if you prefer a life of solitude to a life of
gusto then why this gusto change? Because my desire to see Irenni be
the next generation of government trumps my desire for the life of
solitude. So I'm going to fake gusto until I make it. ha!
And hard work.
I left that hanging up there previously because I wanted to
address another tenet of Irreni: making and bartering. An internal
thermostat of self-reliance is inherit to all of us and today's sense of total
group dependence is a source of despair that subverts our desires.
I read somewhere that something as simple as a jar of peanut-butter can have as many as one million people "touch" that jar before it gets to
you. Imagine you are one of those million. How rewarding is a life
where your work is lost in a sea of millions in production?
Irreni World Scale calls for a renewed sense of self-reliance by
promoting making and bartering. The advent of 3D printers along with
more traditional makery machines such as sewing machines can bring us
all closer to what we use in our day-to-day lives. Bartering with
other makers will equate our sense of self-worth.
Hard work is integral to expressing our desires. But further we need
self-reliant work that promotes healthy self-esteem and healthy
desires. Our current world of perceived total dependency coupled with
jobs of lost meaning has imposed a cancer on our hearts desire we need
to cure...with making and bartering.
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!
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