A Better Tomorrow
Irreni World Scale, Make 2018 campaign is a campaignthat puts political responsibility on you, not politicians.
We must start working together and start making collective decisions
without government.
Introduction - Thinking In Replacement Space
Irreni World Scale is a two-hundred-year-long plan to replace all world
existing world governments. We cannot have a revolution because
so many countries depend on the US and upon each other. Therefore a
gradual replacement, or innovation, is required. Innovation is the
'I' in Irreni, which stands for "Innovation Replaces Revolution, Engineering Not Ideology".
The document discussion focuses on diagrams that create the replacement space for future governments to come.
We cannot replace existing governments if we do not have the correct problem definition. Irreni World Scale correctly provides the problem definition for 2018. The solutions provided by Irreni are aimed squarely act fixing the problem space defined.
Space 1: The Scales of Politics
The first diagram is entitled, "The Scales of Politics". Politics is about balancing individual identity with group identity, individual control with group control.
Too much individual identity results in tribalism due to an over abundance of tribes or individual tyranny. We have countries with tribes like Afghanistan where warlords run amok controlling people. North Korea is the starkest example in 2018 of a single individual's identity trumping all others. When individual identity is not balanced with group identity then the individual identities of the few are raised over everyone else's.
Too much group identity results in disaffected, despondent and desperate individuals. Today in the US we are fighting over athletes taking a knee during the playing of an anthem. Identity politics and political correctness have
reached new heights of power, suppressing individual identity. Most of us are reluctant to speak up, run for office or otherwise engage in public discourse due to a sea of group social rules no one can navigate. Out-of-control group-control can be every bit as identity squashing as out-of-control dictators in some ways.
With too little group identity then Kings, Emperors, Warlords, Despots, Dictators and other bullies are prioritized over all others as individuals. Individual dominance ensues. With too little individual identity then group identity becomes so large that we are all lost and afraid, our individual identity seems nothing.
Replacing Democracy and other world governments must necessarily fix today's imbalances between the individual and the group.
In the following three diagrams we are going to further define the imbalance spaces.
Space 2: Individual Identity Potential
A fundamental problem with US politics today is that it is built on rugged individualism.
Rugged individualism can be roughly defined in 1789 as this, "Leave me the fuck alone, I can take care of myself." Today we get this same mantra from the Republican party with its calls for smaller government. It is important to note that the Republican mantra is not for right-sized government. Republican smaller government attitude is rooted in a fundamental distrust of government. As Ronald Reagan said, "The worst eight words a person can hear when there is a disaster is, "we're from the government, we're here to help." It is too bad no one every followed up with Reagan and asked who then? IBM? Some other corporation? The implication, of course, is you should just take care of yourself. Yeah, right. If a hurricane comes through and tears up your power, roads, and hospitals like it did in Puerto Rico then who's going to help? The government today is not helping Puerto Rico so who is helping Puerto Rico today, dead Ronald Reagan?
Rugged individualism kinda made sense in 1789 and probably did up until the
year 1900 when 90% of Americans still grew their own food. Today, virtually none of us grow our own food. In fact, if you take stock of all the things your life depends upon: water, food, electricity, transportation and health-care then you quickly realize that you, in fact, just pay for this stuff. You do not provide it for yourself, ergo rugged individualism is dead, like Ronald Reagan.
How much we can depend on ourselves feeds directly into our self-respect and identity and so a job that pays for everything sounds rather bleak and risky that for our sense of self, our identity, must necessarily depend on that single job that pays for it all.
Well, I got good news. No I have great news. Group dependency makes space for an increased sense of self identity not possible in 1789.
The next diagram is entitled, "Political Purpose: A, Individual Identity Potential."
Click To Enlarge
The first and largest impact group control and identity has on increasing your personal, individual identity potential is K-12 education. Education expands your ability to perceive yourself, control yourself, and introspect yourself that our pre-education ancestors never had.
Giving up primitive rugged-individualism for group dependence pays off in ways unimaginable for the rugged individual. As the diagram shows, K-12 is just the beginning of a 2018 life of increasing individual identity potential. Transportation via automobiles and airplanes allows us to live anywhere in the US and the world. World travel will expand your identity and gives us great respect for others and ourselves. Transportation also enables us a wider variety of jobs, no more company towns beholden to company overlords.
The job is huge. Capitalism provides us with far more goods and services then we can ever hope to make for ourselves in a single life-time. So even though it is a risk having a single job to define our identity, the pay off is group control and identity realized from taxes affords greater identity potential then then again greater services then we can make ourselves.
Finally, communication technology such as the smart phone and Internet enables to find our tribe no matter how specific the tribe, albeit a personality quirk, an illness, or our sexuality.
It is fair to say that in 2018 we in the US have an individual identity potential that far exceeds anything possible ever in history. Sacrificing rugged individualism for this group control, group identity has paid off ten-fold in individual identity potential, but like any sword it can cut both ways.
Space 3: Manifesting Collective Desires
The third diagram is entitled, "Political Purpose B: Manifesting Collective Desires."
We all want things. The government's purpose B is to provide us with a
small sub-set of things. For example, K-12 education. Think what life
would be if the government did not regulate air travel? I'm sorry
Ronald Reagan, but if we decided to remove world governments from airline
travel regulation and leave it solely to for profit corporations then our lives
would become a profit rounding error as opposed to reality today of years passing now without a single airline crash death even as air travel increased. As a group we want air travel. It is our group identity and the government regulates it.
This is what irks me more than than anything with conservatives these days.
Yes, when the country was founded the single service identified in the US Constitution is that the Federal government provides defense by military. But guess what? Times have changed and we need the EPA. Have you seen photos of the US before the EPA cleaned up Los Angles?
How do we express our group desires in 2018? The answer has been since day one via our representatives and then again the political parties. One of the complete break-downs in our society in 2018 has been the complete collapse of both political parties.
Both parties today have given up on any notion of delivering on group expressed desires by us individuals.
Most notably the reason our parties fail to listen to us is the corruption of success. Our success has become our failure. After WWII the US became flush with cash and our political system was not designed for it. Consequently Eisenhower warned when he left office about the military industrial complex. If only. We now have banks too-big-too-fail such that after 2008 Congress required a report be given on on the state of banks. Guess what? Every year since 2008 the report has said the same thing: the banks are only getting even larger and even more too-big-too-fail. We have reached full "Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy" levels of absurdity where reporting on the problem is the only solution possible.
If one has not partaken of, drunken from, "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" book I recommend doing so ASAP. It describes the state of our absurdity today precisely.
It goes without saying that if the government no longer provides collective desires but only corrupted desires of individuals then we lose our sense of identity, we feel we are not in control of our lives. Our infrastructure and services are crumbling, education is crumbling, so that all those things we depend on group identity for in in order to expand our own individual identity potential are failing.
The government is not the only group identity providing collective desires. Capitalism also provide collective desires. However, capitalism's Achilles' heel is profit by repetition. Capitalism makes the most profit by selling the same thing to everyone.
For example, news-for-profit has destroyed news in the US since the late 1980s when Republicans removed the Fairness Doctrine and then again both parties passed the Telecommunications Act in 1999 that removed restrictions on owning media companies.
Comcast, Viacom, AT&T and Disney own most of the news. The make the most money by selling us the same content. Rush Limbaugh being No. 1 in so many markets across the county is simply a profit strategy of reselling a single thing.
Click-bait is king and not content that costs money to produce. This is what capitalism run-amok produces. Capitalism needs a correction.
Irreni World Scale gives capitalism a much needed course correction and does
not replace capitalism as it does Democracy and all other forms of government.
Space 4: Political State 2018
Click To Enlarge
Diagram 4, "The Political State 2018" identifies the fundamental problem space of 2018. Our individual identities realized are shrinking even as our individual identity potentials have expanded.
The balance between individual identity and group identity is out of whack in 2018. The government and capitalist corporations are diminishingly providing collective desires, and instead have been corrupted to provide individual desires of those doing the corrupting.
When individuals take over group identity the result is always despotism and tyranny. This is what happened in Venezuela, not socialism. This is what is going to happen to the US as we continue to fail to balance group and individual concerns.
Any government must balance individual control and individual identity with group control and group identity or fail. Correct group identity and group control expands individual identity potential by providing education, transportation, communication and jobs. However, too much group identity and group control begins a spiral of undermining individual identity realization. Once individuals feel dis-empowered of expressing and realizing collective desires then they give up, thus creating a space for group control and identity
to become overwhelmed with corruption and overtaken by individual desires of the Kings, Emperors, Despots, Dictators and Bullies.
To whit, rugged individualism no longer defines America or any government. All governments are defined by balancing individual with group identity and control.
Space 5: The Spaceship Paradox
The Spaceship Paradox diminishes individual identity potential by providing cradle-to-grave resources, obligations and behaviors.
The Spaceship Paradox is a thought experiment. Imagine that you are born on a spaceship flying through space. The spaceship is large enough to contain all the water, food and resources for you to live your entire life. Everything is provided. Further, spaceship maintenance obligations are mandatory and safety protocols severely limit movement and physical activity.
Now what? What identity can you really have? You only have responsibilities
you did not sign up for, assigned before birth and did not agree too? What choices do you have? How many people can you meet?
Of course our future society would anticipate this and provide such travelers with full blown hologram decks like on Star Trek Voyager with endless hours of content to engage. But would this suffice for an identity?
The point is we are building out planet Earth. In a hundred-years, perhaps two-hundred years, we could realize an Earth where people are provided for cradle to grave with no responsibility imposed on them or action required.
This is a problem that needs addressed our we are going to end up with our own version of Thanos.
The End
This concludes the definition of replacement space for any future government in 2018. Notice that other than nitpicking a few outdated ideas of conservatives, the future is not defined by Republican versus Democrat wedge issues that take up so much of our news space today.
It is time to demand a better tomorrow and move beyond partisan bickering of wedge issues like abortion that have no solutions.
A Better Tomorrow
Irreni World Scale acknowledges the roles that both capitalism and government play in expanding our individual identity potential.
Irreni World Scale is a two-hundred-year plan to gradually correct the "Political State 2018" where we are winnowing of the realized individual identity due to our failed systems today.
The first step in reversing our failure is for us to become like politicians of a sort ourselves. We must do this because we must agree upon what our collective desire priorities are as we the people.
Today in California each Senator represents over thirty-million people. Pick any issue such as guns, abortion, or health-care and no matter what decision the Senator makes then they will be be both loved and hated. In effect,
our representatives are in a no-win scenario. It just doesn't matter what vote they cast, lots of people are going to disagree. Any issue they vote on does not represent our collective will because we lack the skills to express our collective desires because political parties no longer function.
How do we fix this problem of our representatives being unable to express collective desires?
- We must do more than vote.
- We must take responsibility.
- We must work.
- We must work at making decisions amongst ourselves.
- We must come to our collective desires, one-on-one, as we the people.
We can no longer rely on political parties that are detached from us in Washington D.C.
Irreni World Scale's first endeavor is Make 2018.
Make 2018 has two fronts for going beyond voting:
1. Micro-modular governing organizations.
2. Jobs.
MGOs, or micro-modular governing organizations, upgrade rugged individualism to rugged groupism. They are called micro-modular because they have a fixed size of thirty people. Thirty people is large enough where someone can take a vacation, be ill, etc. and other people in the MGOcan cover. Thirty
people is small enough whereby everyone can know everyone.
Irreni World Scale uses MGOs as building blocks to scale. Scaling is not
part of the initial Make 2018 campaign so no further explanation of why MGOs is needed except to say that with thirty people it is possible to have enough technical experience as rugged groupism to make things in this high tech world where rugged individualism is hopeless.
So rugged individualism is being replaced with MGOs.
The second front is jobs. Bootstrapping the coming together, the purpose, of the MGO, is to make jobs. AI is coming and automation is putting people of a job daily. The Make 2018 campaign is an effort to mitigate this by forming groups of thirty that can help support each other start making things that can be sold. Technical expertise spread across thirty people makes modern making feasible and in addition allows thirty people to pool investement. Technical equipment can be expensive.
And smelly. Ha! I was going to start doing 3D plastic printing in my apartment until I read up on how much smell they create. Hopefully in your MGO someone has a garage or place large enough to house a 3D printer.
Getting together to build things is a great way for us to bring online our new social skills outside of the politics of they day. Learning socials skills just be be learning social skills is a non-starter. Business, on the other hand, provides tangible results, money, and thus motivates tangible negotiation skills and so teaches the value of a.) the universe does not revolve around us and b.) we don't get to dictate to others because we don't want to be dictated too.
A better tomorrow requires us to make better collective desire demands on our government. By better demands I mean replacing the existing political parties. It starts with us learning one-on-one agreements followed by then bringing in more people. Social media can be used to track and account for compromises and deals. Rather than constantly rehashing the same tired arguments about guns and abortions, we can work on the things that we can agree on.
This is not going to be easy. This is not going to happen overnight. We need to get off the gerbil wheel of instant gratification. This is going to take years of work and practice to start improving our social skills, working together as people to promote our collective desires to the government.
MGOs replace political parties as well as rugged individualism. Once the practice of MGOs start taking hold then technology to support them will happen in the form of social media and such. Technology to aggregate MGOs into collective desires support by thousands and millions from the ground up will happen
We can build a better tomorrow. It is just going to take hard time and hard work.
Irreni World Scale, Make 2018 campaign is a campaign that puts political responsibility on you, not politicians. We must start working together and start making collective decisions without government.
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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