America Dissolved
I'm going to predict the future.
Here it is.
Google and other tech companies are soon going to start paying salaries in dual currency, fifty-percent American dollars and fifty-percent a country of your choice.
I was debating between calling this essay "America Reloaded" or "America Dissolved." If you've seen "The Matrix Reloaded" there is a scene in there that reflects Silicon Valley. Specifically when Neo asks the Oracle what the Merovingian wants? Her reply, "What do all men want, power. More power." Silicon valley tech men are political neophytes, or Neos. For starters they think everybody thinks like them: greed is universal. This is reinforced by a culture of greed. The CEOs of Silicon Valley are universally driven by greed and this is what they see staring at them everywhere they go. This reinforces a world view that everyone is the same. Today's tech leaders believe anyone of importance wants the same thing they do, money. More money.
Silicon Valley failed miserably at a politics after the Trump election. Given that money is their neophyte mind set then money is what they believed would control Trump. Apple brought back manufacturing, Elon Musk went to Washington as a personal bag man, and other Silicon Valley bag men went to Washington to sit on various councils and buy control.
That lasted all of, what, all of six-months?
The tech industry is not interested in day-to-day politics. By politics I mean a classical type practiced in Washington D.C. and State governments. The Tech Industry prefers to buy their control with money.
"Hi! I'm Bill Gates, here have some money. Let's talk. After we get done talking I'll give you even more money, it doesn't matter if you do what I ask."
Throwing money at the problem so as to gain control is the Silicon Valley way.
However, that didn't work with Washington DC in 2016 and that's the point of this essay.
Now what?
Fly Over States
To better understand it is important to expand the concept of "fly over states".
When people use the phrase "fly over states" they generally think of a concept of people arrogance. The notion is that the people on the coasts think they are better than everyone else, ergo from their perspective they are flying above. But that notion is not the only notion and I argue here it is not even the most important notion.
The most important notion of fly over states is flying over politics.
One cannot stress enough just how apathetic the tech industry is with regards to politics. Let's run down some numbers.
- No politician in the House of Senate is a tech industry politician.
This applies to California. Diane Feinstein is pre-tech. Kamilia Harris is old Democrat, pre-tech. She was groomed by the Alito family of San Francisco and is a lawyer. Point is that even the California representatives in Washington DC are not tech people. Not a one. - There are no atheists in Congress.
There are no atheists in Congress because atheists don't care to run. The political system by and large is a religious one and who wants that?
- There are no, non-religious in Congress.
Well, this is both true and false. False on the one hand that there are many in Congress who may not practice religion, like the current President. This is true on the other hand in that, just like Trump, every person in Congress kowtows to religion even if they don't practice it.
Here's the thing, demographics are changing dramatically and politics is not keeping pace. The atheists of America have historically only represented one percent of the population. Christian privilege has been such that ignoring them in Congress with extreme prejudice was seen righteous and self-evident. On a moral footing though ignoring one percent of a population should have always been questionable. Now that atheist community has increased anywhere from 4-10% depending on the survey, where this depends on the definition one uses as atheist (self-identified atheists or including agnostics). The 4-10% is a much large swath of population to ignore. So where are these people represented in State in Federal government?
Then you have the non-religious who are the fastest growing religious demographic. They are not represented in Congress. Congress is becoming more irrelevant every day.
And then finally the tech industry. Why should we pay attention to such a small minority? Well, because while they are a small minority of the population, they are a large chunk of the US wealth.
All the above is to point out the all of these groups have checked out of the political system. This is the way "fly over states" should be understood best. The fly over folks cannot be bothered to vote for representatives that reflect them.
The fly over states represent the religious states and the Federal government represents the religious states. The fly over people have checked out of the religious government, the Democratic party has been abandoned. What's left is a husk of a shell.
The fly over states being a political fly over more so than arrogance fly over is key to understanding politics today. Silicon valley and the tech industry in general has no interest in classic American politics, instead their idea of politics is neophyte: buy control. This is the timeless golden rule: he who has the gold makes the rules.
Charting Its Own Path
The tech industry failed round one after Trump took office, buying Trump access via seats on Presidential councils.
Round two of the tech industry influence is best illustrated by the Gavin Newsome tweet below.
"California must chart its own path." -Gavin Newsome
California has been testing these waters of charting its own path for awhile with sanctuary cities. Have you noticed the sanctuary city legal fight has disappeared? That's because California won.
California does not need to secede from the Union to be independent. Instead, as Gavin has said, it just needs to chart its own course.
California will double down on ignoring the Federal government and implementing its own policies as if California is a country.
The tech industry doesn't care for seceding, it's too messy and hurts profits. Ignoring the Federal government is much cheaper.
It is also worth pointing out that California Democrats are not national Democrats. Just as Trump has to kowtow to stay in power, whoever is in Sacramento has to kowtow to the tech industry to stay in power, even as there are other lobbies such as the prison lobby and big agriculture. But still, the tech industry dominates California politics and two parties are not needed for this and the Democratic party represents tech.
What this means is that the California State government is ripe for new showdowns with the Federal government.
I predict a new showdown will be over currency.
The tax laws implemented by the Republicans targeted blue states and has hit California hard. That's not going to stand. Since money is power then why not just manipulate the money. And one easy way to do that is to start paying tech workers with foreign currency.
This is not as big a stretch as you think. The percentage of tech workers from foreign countries is large, I imagine well above fifty-percent. Paying them in the currency of the country they originated from is not that big of a stretch.
For Americans in Silicon Valley then they will get to shelter money offshore the same way that rich people today do already.
So there it is.
Google and other tech companies are soon going to start paying salaries in dual currency, fifty-percent American dollars and fifty-percent a country of your choice.
America Dissolved World View
There are two main topics of this essay.
- Political apathy
- Money as politics
Google hit it big by stripping down Linux to a bare minimum and making web searches fast. An America Dissolved world view is the same kind of thinking: create a stripped down American political operating system that runs fast.
- Capitalism. American style capitalism is the defining principle of America dissolved.
- Money controls law. Managing every country's legal systems across the world is a nightmare. Buying control is much easier.
- Political apathy. Washington DC is irrelevant. The old system of passing laws moves excruciatingly too slow relative to the speed of tech innovation.
- Global markets. The ideal market is all seven billion people. including human resources.
- Open travel and communication worldwide.
- Infusion of the stripped down American world view worldwide
The idea is simple. All countries will become dissolved in American capitalism. American politics today will dissolved and so America Dissolved. The simpler American Dissolved government that every country agrees to tacitly or explicitly will implement global levers of capitalism that's best for tech.
The conservatives are correct that "the left" is anti-traditional America. However, they could not be more wrong than by associating the left with communism. Nothing could be further from the truth. The preponderance of the richest people in the world are tech capitalists, not tech communists. Greed is the most sought after personality trait in Silicon Valley.
The tech industry has nothing to do with the 1968, political left of socialism and communism. So why do we only see the 1968 left on our TV screens? The answer is political apathy. It is impossible to see what's not showing itself. The tech industry sees no value in Washington DC, DC simply moves too slow. The few tech folks you do see are outliers.
This is the future of tech politics, America Dissolved. The extant American political system moves too slow and is therefore not worth investing time and resources into. It is true that California can move somewhat faster and will be a convenient proxy for staving off the worst of perceived Federal policies, but even California charting its own course is a pawn of the tech industry power world chess board.
That is why paying tech employees in foreign currency will happen. It further advances diffusing a stripped down American politics throughout the world and neuters the US Federal government by sheltering tax money.
As I stated previously, American politics today is a zombie. The political parties are both husks of their former selves. We now just have a government of corruption.
This is why we need Irreni World Scale. Old politics cannot meet the demands of the pace of technological advancement. Irreni does.
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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