You're Human Nature, Your Science, And You!

You're Human Nature, Your Science, And You!


This essay builds upon "Dead Democracy, State of States" and "A Better Tomorrow".

Previously it was stated that Irreni World Scale is a two-hundred-year plan to gradually correct the individual and group balance of 2018. As Isaac Newton so eloquently stated, "If I have seen further than others it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants." In 2018 this manifests as group identity and control by requiring us to to do things like attend K-12 education. This group control in fact expands our individual identity potential. However, the balance between group control and individual identity in 2018 has run-amok, group control is undermining individual identity realization.  Even as our individual identity potential has expanded beyond any previous time in history that potential is under assault every day by group control so that individual identity realization is shrinking.

It was also argued previously that Democracy is dead beyond repair due to an inherent reliance on top-down, power pyramids of bureaucracy. Micro-modular governing organizations (MGOs) are put forth as the bureaucracy replacement along with projects.

The first step of this 200-year-long plan is the Make 2018 campaign. We must learn better people skills in order to form a collective set of wants, a group identity, that our government can then implement. We make these new people skills by making jobs. AI and automation will take up all the repetitive work for repetitive capitalism. The Make 2018 campaign focuses on boutique markets, including reuse markets of reusing things and re-purposing things like plastics that are waste today. Jobs provide tangible results: money. The act of running a small business for the boutique products enables us to hone people skills.

And because we are living in 2018, we cannot go this alone, we need help. The MGO is here to help. Gather up to thirty people and build your business. Thirty-heads are better than one in 2018. Keeping the maximum size pegged to thirty people ensures everyone's vote counts, everyone can know everyone, and everyone can bring something to the table.

You're Human Nature

Can we all just get along? Let's all be kind to each other? Why are humans so cruel to each other?

Irreni World Scale will realize this dream of everyone getting along and the answer comes at the end of the essay. :)

The fundamental problem with hugs and kisses government is a little something we call moral relativity.

    moral relativity, noun: 1. different things are important to different people.

When one is subject to a monarchy claiming the divine right of kings then moral objectivity is the name of the game. There is only a single set of important things: the king's. The genius move of moral objectivity was to marry church and state. The king backed the church's play and the church backed his play.

Moral relativity, however, requires everyone to get in on the action. We must all express what we want and then get down to the difficult business of compromising and prioritizing. Bureaucracies, as pointed in "Dead Demcracy", undermine group desires with the corruption of the individuals at the top.

One question that you may have had while reading "Dead Democracy, State of States" is that since bureaucracy seems an inevitability of human nature a legitimate criticism of Irreni then is human nature. If all of human existence up until 2018 assumes bureaucracy like we assume oxygen  when we breathe and we take them both for granted, then how can Irreni World Scale possibly make the claim it can succeed doing away with bureaucracy? Bureaucracy is human nature.

Good question there. If bureaucracy has always been used then how can we move beyond it?

Easy answer: we do and we don't.

In 1789 we removed one particular kind of bureaucracy, monarchy. And oh what a difference that made. We kept the same dysfunction for corporations today and government organizations but the state and federal government themselves are elected officials, not bureaucracies at all.

Think about that for a minute. Let it sink in. We just chopped of the head bureaucracy, the monarchy, and looked how we flourished!

Irreni World Scale takes the same approach as the founding of this country of replacing only some bureaucracy types. However, over two-hundred years most bureaucracy types will be replaced with MGOs and projects. The two bureaucracy acknowledgements of our human nature are:

1. Two-hundred years of gradual bureaucracy replacement.
2. The MGO.

One might say that a fundamental flaw of the US Constitution is that it did not go far enough in that it stopped in 1789 and had no provisions for continuous improvement.

Irreni World Scale does for two-hundred years. The plan calls for several stages of bureaucracy replacement over the course of two-hundred years as milestones of "self-governing" are met. When Thomas Jefferson stated that the government that governs least governs best because the people govern themselves then he didn't specify how. Irreni World Scale picks up where Jefferson's comment left off and specifies how.

In the beginning the Make 2018 campaign is about the initial creation of MGOs for the purpose of making jobs producing a boutique product in thirty-person group. The political focus is on creating jobs and individual responsibility running a business. Each MGO creates a legal US corporate company you will help manage. How the group forms its company by-laws, rules, is up to the group the same as any other company today. You make the rules and you become a better following by following.

The bureaucracy mitigation comes in the from of limiting the size to thirty people. So in the plan bureaucracies are part of Irreni World Scale because the only mitigation is scale.

Given the focus of the Make 2018 campaign is to take on AI and automation square in the face by building boutique products means initially so there is no need for MGOs to coordinate as some kind of larger bureaucracy unit.  Bringing MGOs together comes later.

You are human nature. So is Irreni World Scale. Bureaucracies are built in.

So then how does Irreni World Scale eliminate bureaucracies two-hundred years from now? Over-time the sovereignty of the federal and state governments are supplanted. For example, once MGOs have been adopted on a scale of say thirty-percent of the US population then a Constitutional amendment is passed that gives people the right to issue money and then limits the government's right to collect taxes to just the currency that it issues.

This is a second franchise beyond voting. MGOs at this point will work together on short-lived projects of five-to-ten year contracts. MGOs will begin replacing government services at a fevered pitch with projects using MGO currency. As state and federal programs are supplanted by MGO projects then less-and-less currency of federal and state government is used.

During this time people take on more responsibility and work governing their own lives. Either you are making decisions controlling your life or somebody else is. We are replacing the current somebody else of federal and state governments with your MGO and projects.

Your Science

One departure that Irreni World Scale has with all existing forms of government is a reliance on science for proving policy claims. That means yet another job for you. Another job was previously stated where everyone is going to become a politician of sorts in order to express individual wants as group wants. The next occupation is everyone is going to become a scientist of sorts in order validate  policy claims so those wants meet the claims as stated.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare was passed without any knowing if it would succeed. This is not possible with Irreni. From a scientific point of view passing a legislation as all encompassing as Obamacare without first validating it works on a smaller scale is anathema.

Thus everyone in the world will be a scientists of sorts. Some of us will just be collecting data. Others will be doing data entry. Others still will be responsible for analysis and reporting. All political endeavors with Irreni World Scale must be proven first to work on a graduated scale from small-to-large. Each gradation must have data and analysis the supports the claims of desired wants policy. Experiments that fail do not reach the next level of scale.

This is how we guarantee Irreni World Scale will work. There is no ideology in Irreni. Irreni means "Innovation replaces revolution, engineering not ideology." So, all political policies must be proven in a scientific fashion from small-to-large scale.

This is called innovation. This experimental approach to government policy is just one of many reasons why Irreni projects are short-lived requiring many project contracts using many MGOs to facilitate long-term projects. All along this way data collection with experiment results must prove out policy claims. Policies that fail the claims test fall away. Short term contracts mitigate any one MGO's losses.

Make no mistake about it. All this science is going to be a lot of work. That's what it takes though to be self-governing, a lot of work. Voting is the least you can do and many don't do even do that today. Giving governments tax dollars with no accountability except voting has turned out to be no more Democratic than monarchy. Corruption of the American governments is complete.

And You!

How will you get along with everyone?

So bureaucracies are going to be gradually subsumed by MGOs and then again projects based upon proving  projects. So your future responsibilities will be  making things and practicing science for government.

In addition you will have to govern. Gradually, over-time, the sovereignty of federal and state governments will be replaced by MGOs and MGO groups coming together for projects. All laws coordinating groups of MGOs will be subordinate to the MGO. There will literally be seven-billion divided by thirty people governments on the planet using today's population. This is an upside down system relative to the power pyramid where the smallest unit has the supreme authority and not the largest unit.

And that's how the people govern themselves. Irreni World Scale, Make 2018 campaign is a campaign that begins a two-hundred year process of more political responsibility on you, not politicians. We must start working together and start making collective decisions without government. In two-hundred years the responsibility, effort and work that every person puts into self-governing will be magnitudes beyond what is considered remotely possible today.

And that's why Irreni World Scale is going to take generations and two-hundred years to reach fruition. Personal responsibility must gradually grow over time with each generation. As it does the need for bureaucracy, the power pyramid, is replaced by people deciding for themselves rather than relying on the all-seeing eye.

Will bureaucracy ever completely go away? Unknown at this point but unlikely given our understanding of "you are human nature". The autonomy of the MGO is such that each MGO is free to write its own constitution and that includes creating a bureaucracy of thirty people. So even under the best of success in two-hundred years then bureaucracy most likely will very much still be with us, just contained in groups of size thirty.

Bureaucracy is not the only natural failing of human nature the science of Irreni World Scale is designed to mitigate. However, one does not need to fully understand that design and plan that manages seven-billion people just that the process for doing so is scientifically based. Claims must be proven at the small scale first. Innovation in politics will see to the optimal solution rising to the top.

To achieve this though we all will need to take on more responsibility and more work to govern ourselves, it is the only option. Bureaucracy has run its course and the all-seeing eye has run its course.

I started off this essay posing the possibility of us all getting along. We can, eventually with MGOs. Human nature is such that we may not like some people, even hate some people. The group hug with MGOs uses six-degrees of separation. We get along with someone who gets along with some one who gets along someone who likes people we don't. With millions of MGOs eventually in existence then the possibilities for getting along are simply a matter of finding a chain of MGOs that can negogiate between folks who otherwise might not hug it out. It is is not a matter of everyone having compassion for everyone directly, but indirectly. Moral relativity is realized and strife due to conflicts over moral objectivity are gone.

Let's get cracking!

Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!

Politics as Science!

Demand Irreni World Scale!

Anti-theism is feminism!  

Think disruption!

Empathy for all!

Moral relativity: think it, breath it!

Prove it or lose it!

Conversations equal consensus! 

Welcome to the 21st century!

Scale your empathy, scale the world! 

Find your tribe!

Be sexy people!

The future is coming! 

Innovate at a rapid pace!

Slow speed ahead!

Well come! and well met!

