What is Irreni? Take twenty or so...
Hi! Happy Wednesday!
Here goes this feeble writer's attempt number twenty or so by yours truly to explain Irreni to someone for the first time. This means either I'm insane by repeating or shooting for success by try, try again. Ha! Well, I'll keep pressing on as our failing politics today sorely needs rebuilt.
Irreni World Scale is a replacement government. Imagine if you will that the US were to replace entirely the government every twenty-five years as Thomas Jefferson once specified (before recanting).
That means we'd be on our ninth new government:
2018 - 1789 = 229 / 25 = 9.16
Meh, from a technological innovation perspective nine iterations is not even a good start. That's a pittance.
Irreni world scale advances the state of government to where we should be if in fact we had implemented already nine distinct governments and were getting ready for round ten.
World governments today such as the US Democracy makes about as much sense in 2018 as governing by some tribal leader and a shaman. Or to put things in a different perspective, the gap between our US Democracy today and governing by a tribal leader and shaman should be close to zero relative to where we should be today and the delta with Democracy in 1789.
Irreni World Scale then is a replacement government intended to leapfrog government generations so as to represent ten generations removed from today's Democracy.
There are four distinguishing factors that place the design of Irreni square in the 2018 frame of reference:
1. Government for making governments.
2. Governments are of size thirty.
3. Proven by science.
4. 200 hundred plan.
We have 300 million people in the U.S. Divide that by thirty and there are 10 million governments. Ten million governments means innovation of new government happens at a pace inconceivable by today's political thinking but commensurate with the pace of technological advancement. The design of Irreni sounds weird because Irreni is a government for making governments and lots of them, millions of them, so we can innovate government at a technological pace.
If this sounds impossible to you then that just means you are not living in the 21st Century. Technological changes are disrupting families, neighborhoods, cities, states and nations at such a fast pace our laws are meaningless and impotent in the face of technology's onslaught pace.
Perhaps 10 million governments sounds more fantastic than human nature will accommodate. And that's true. We've learned a thing or two from computer science and one of them is that humans herd in something referred to as a Ziffian distribution, or the 80/20 rule. For example, 80% of the files accessed by humans are small files, but 80% of the data transferred by humans are large files. Given the 80/20 rule applies than of the 10 million future governments then around 8 million will simply be copies of each other, no innovation. Why? Because people by-and-large are not interested in politics and will just adopt the most common form of the day. That leaves 2 million governments doing innovation. Within that 2 million there will be yet another Ziffian distribution of about 80% having only minor changes and then 20% significant changes, or about 400,000 with significant changes. Within that 400,000 there will be another another Ziffian distribution of about 80% retaining some common form and then another 20% will be entirely new forms of government.
This is how innovation matures. A small percentage is making entire changes, the failures are then scavenged by a larger percentage scavenging the failures for pieces that worked. This larger percentage of significant changes will themselves fail and yet the parts that succeed will be adopted by every larger percentages making minor changes until some innovative political theory makes its way into the most common form.
Innovation then is not so much a divide and conquer as it is a die and scavenge strategy. We need lots of trial and error, or die and scavenge? Why? Because of the butterfuly effect. The butterfly effect recognizes that small changes in a system of large variables that is too large to model can cause changes in signficant ways much larger than the original change.
Irreni World Scale demands a scientific approach to government in that the current state of things must first be measured. Then a hypothesis experiment takes place with various claims of improvements, Finally measurements are made to validate the hypothesis claims. If the experiment fails then the hypothesis behind the experiment must be revised or the experiment redesigned. Using a scientific approach then political theories in the Irreni World Scale era can be adopted by larger groups of people when hypothesis claims are proven at ever larger scales.
And that's Irreni World Scale explained to someone for the first time, at least for this go around. Irreni uses science to prove political hypothesis' using a government making framework where the governments made are of size thirty. This approach enables our political advancement rate to match our technological advancement rate.
Oh, and the 200 year plan? People living in 2018 believe their only government skills required are voting. To make Irreni happen it will require generations of ongoing, every increasing government responsibilities by everyone. This is going to take time to train people to be their own government and to do that work; like 200 years time. The Irreni World Scale plan has milestones for enacting ever increasing responsibilities: yee ole "boiling a frog alive slowly in a pot" scenario of gradually increasing government responsibilities at an acceptable pace.
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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