Irreni Introduction, Area 51
This introduction focuses on potential government, or the nameless.
In a previous introduction to Irreni, "Mourning in America",
I go into detail about The Nameless and concluded:
"Philosophers have failed us. Philosophers have failed us due to a derelict of duty. A philosopher's duty is to expand upon reality space for us to use, just as for a physicist then a physicist's duty is to expand upon physical space that we use.
Why? Simple arrogance. Philosophers are solely caught up in mental masturbation of self-congratulatory circle jerks of creating existing word combinatorics of new working patterns(tm)(wink). They do this instead of the necessary work needed of expanding the nameless reality space, So, here we are, we are currently stuck with existing government types of Democracy and such. Philosophers are just caught up in their own mental superiority of known topics looking down on everyone else.
Irreni World Scale carves out of the nameless reality space a new philosophy for Endeavor Cycle governing. The start gun is to declare the human race over, we won. We have moved beyond survival mode to quality of life mode. We know how to survive. Humans possess the capability to feed, house and clothe all seven billion people."
I get a bit snarky lambasting philosophers because if there is one group of folks who can be taken to task for a lack of self-awareness it is philosophers. Being self-aware is kinda their job.
The Nameless can be simply defined as thus:
Nameless, noun: 1. the known and unknown that is not defined by words.
Let me illustrate using my chosen name, "Mybrid". Perhaps when you first heard the name "Mybrid" you felt a bit weird. You felt a bit off, confused, or distant. This is because my name is weird. The power of the weird is when something has no context, no beginning, no end and no narrative. What is "Mybrid"? Where did it come from? What does it mean?
My name has many meanings. The casual meaning is "Mybrid" is a play on words. It is a hybrid, my hybrid of my + hybrid = "Mybrid". One deeper significance of the name "Mybrid", however, is it is weird just like me. Something weird is uncomfortable and unknown, nay even frightening. A name like "John" is the opposite of "Mybrid" where it is common and comfortable. The name "Mybrid" exists in a black void of space in your mind with nothing surrounding it. This void is called The Nameless. The name "John", on the other hand, can live in call kinds of space. The name "John" is a biblical name and suggests one is a Christian or at least the parents were. The name "John" is cultural and suggests European or American decent. It also denotes gender, male. The name "John" is common and we all know other people named "John". This name "John" also works as a stereotype, "I have another friend John, he's a good sort of fellow." Or not. In which case "John" will be a negative stereotype. The name "John" then lives in a rich fabric of culture, a rich fabric that includes a context of movies, books, dead people and living people all named "John". The name "John" lives in a rich space of context and is common, where the name "Mybrid" lives in no space of context and is weird, surrounded only by The Nameless.
The innate human bias towards known things and known names cannot be overstated. One can go into a tourist shop and find a key chain with your name in gold. Your name is uttered in movies and on the street. There are books that promote personality stereotypes by just one's name like "John". This is analogous to astrology where your personality is pegged to the day-month one was born into. We want to believe these arbitrary stereotypes. This is the power of The Common. We have an inherent bias in our human nature to want to pattern match everything. So much so that reducing humans to just large "pattern matching machines" is a common trope in cognitive science.
Therefore the power of The Weird is the anti-pattern of the power of The Common. The Weird represents everything unnatural. The common is comforting, the weird is discomforting. The common is predictable, the weird is unpredictable.
Irreni World Scale represents the power of The Weird. Irreni World Scale represents the power of The Nameless. Irreni World Scale represents a government factory, a government that creates governments.
Imagine, if you will, we lived in a world where everyone is named one of a handful of names: John, Mary, Mark and Elizabeth. Now imagine in a world of seven-billion people then someone comes along and says, "we want to name our child, Bianca." The idea would be strange, weird and rejected.
Today we live in a world where we only name governments a handful of names: Democracy, Republic, Communist, Socialist, Dictatorship, Oligarchy and Authoritarian. Now in walks Irreni World Scale and says we are going to expand that list of names by the thousands. Irreni World Scale then as an idea is strange, weird and rejected. Irreni World Scale is adversely subject to the power of The Common no different than any other concept, or my name "Mybrid".
For the record, my name is a test. If one cannot handle the power of the weird name, "Mybrid", then one is certainly not going to be interested in me in general. My name then represents a filter where people steeped in tradition are self-selecting in rejecting my company.
Irreni World Scale then is a weird idea that is akin to an ice-breaker ship at the North Pole. Irreni is breaking up the ice that is represented by Democracy, Republic, Communist, Socialist, Dictatorship, Oligarchy and Authoritarian. Irreni as an ice-breaker is going to be slow going and is a small ship relative to the huge expanse of ice being broken up. This is one reason why Irreni World Scale has a two-hundred schedule. Irreni World Scale needs to go from flowing against the power of The Common to be flowing with the power of The Common.
So at this point you might be wondering how Irreni World Scale is going to be a new government idea factory and stamp out thousands of new ideas and names for governments when for all of recorded history we've ever only had a handful?
Easy. Irreni World Scale obliterates the one thing all of these handful of government's have in common: bureaucracy. Bureaucracy is a power pyramid where power is vested in a single person at the top. Smaller pyramids within the pyramid exists. The pyramid shape of sub-leaders being vested power over a sub-set of followers. In corporate America this is a corporate ladder of Chairmen, Board of Directors, CEO, CXO, President, Executive Vice-President, General Manager, Director, Manager and Employee. Every government on the face of the planet today and throughout history has relied on bureaucracy.
Irreni World Scale shatters bureaucracy by defining a new government concept: the MGO or micro-modular governing organization. The MGO is a fixed size of thirty people, no more. Now within that MGO and thirty people any government structure can be defined, including a traditional bureaucracy of thirty people. Each MGO defines its own constitution. Each MGO has final authority and power over people within that MGO. This means that any contract any MGO enters into is inferior to the law of the MGO itself. The MGO constitution is the "law of the land" if you will for the thirty people involved.
The MGO is the key to Irreni because the MGO obliterates bureaucracy. Yes one can build a bureaucracy of MGOs. However, final power lies within each MGO. The upshot is that bureaucracy of MGOs that exhibits oppressive and authoritarian tendencies can be subverted day-by-day, second-by-second by those in the MGO ignoring and countering the laws of the bureaucracy of MGOs. The rule of law for a bureaucracy of MGOs then comes with a check, the rule of the MGO. For example, say you don't want to pay your taxes to a new US government comprised of MGOs. The IRS comes after you for tax evasion. In the MGO world then your prosecution can be voided by your MGO and the IRS then has no legal authority to convict as the MGO has the supreme authority and not the US Supreme Court.
This notion that the MGO is the supreme authority is what gives Irreni World Scale its engine for creating thousands of new kinds of governments with thousands of new kinds of names, like maybe Mybrid. Irreni World Scale then is not a government as we recognize government today. Irreni World Scale defines a minimum set of laws for innovating government. Innovation creates new government life by a thousand incremental improvement changes. Irreni World Scale enables innovation of government by obliterating bureaucracy. No more bureaucracy. Bureaucracy is replaced with the MGO. A bureaucracy of MGOs then can be built but that bureaucracy will be nothing like bureaucracy today because the power of the bureaucracy at all times must be ultimately voluntary and not compulsory.
Notice I just used the qualifier word "ultimately". This is because within any voluntary organization there is always a tension between of commitment compulsion, mission compulsion, and dysfunction. Life is never perfect and a bureaucracy of MGOs will necessarily experience dysfunction and resulting inefficiency as all human endeavors do to today. The difference is that with the Irreni World Scale model a bloated and failed bureaucracy can be easily recognized and realigned. With the Irreni World Scale model a bureaucracy of MGOs cannot put inhuman pressure on its members to work overtime and in dangerous conditions with impunity. Any person in a bureaucracy of MGOs can opt to ignore inhuman condition pressure and as long as the MGO they belong backs that person: the MGO authority is final.
The MGO is the heart of Irreni World Scale's model that enables innovation of governments. However, the MGO is not the entire story. Further mitigation against bureaucracy is required because our human tendency toward bureaucracy is so strong and permeates all of human history.
Irreni World scale also requires other bureaucracy mitigations, or bulwarks.
This introduction to Irreni World Scale expands on the concept of The Nameless: things known and unknown that have no name or definition. Today we are limited to a very small set of government types. Irreni World Scale is a government of governments, a government of government innovation. The combination of MGOs, projects and individual currency are bulwarks against our compelling human nature to tend towards bureaucracy so much so that all governments throughout all of history have used them. These bulwarks of MGO, project and individual currency have political high walls and political thick bulkheads in order to do the seemingly impossible: mitigate bureaucracy.
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

This introduction focuses on potential government, or the nameless.
In a previous introduction to Irreni, "Mourning in America",
I go into detail about The Nameless and concluded:
"Philosophers have failed us. Philosophers have failed us due to a derelict of duty. A philosopher's duty is to expand upon reality space for us to use, just as for a physicist then a physicist's duty is to expand upon physical space that we use.
Why? Simple arrogance. Philosophers are solely caught up in mental masturbation of self-congratulatory circle jerks of creating existing word combinatorics of new working patterns(tm)(wink). They do this instead of the necessary work needed of expanding the nameless reality space, So, here we are, we are currently stuck with existing government types of Democracy and such. Philosophers are just caught up in their own mental superiority of known topics looking down on everyone else.
Irreni World Scale carves out of the nameless reality space a new philosophy for Endeavor Cycle governing. The start gun is to declare the human race over, we won. We have moved beyond survival mode to quality of life mode. We know how to survive. Humans possess the capability to feed, house and clothe all seven billion people."
I get a bit snarky lambasting philosophers because if there is one group of folks who can be taken to task for a lack of self-awareness it is philosophers. Being self-aware is kinda their job.
The Nameless can be simply defined as thus:
Nameless, noun: 1. the known and unknown that is not defined by words.
Let me illustrate using my chosen name, "Mybrid". Perhaps when you first heard the name "Mybrid" you felt a bit weird. You felt a bit off, confused, or distant. This is because my name is weird. The power of the weird is when something has no context, no beginning, no end and no narrative. What is "Mybrid"? Where did it come from? What does it mean?
My name has many meanings. The casual meaning is "Mybrid" is a play on words. It is a hybrid, my hybrid of my + hybrid = "Mybrid". One deeper significance of the name "Mybrid", however, is it is weird just like me. Something weird is uncomfortable and unknown, nay even frightening. A name like "John" is the opposite of "Mybrid" where it is common and comfortable. The name "Mybrid" exists in a black void of space in your mind with nothing surrounding it. This void is called The Nameless. The name "John", on the other hand, can live in call kinds of space. The name "John" is a biblical name and suggests one is a Christian or at least the parents were. The name "John" is cultural and suggests European or American decent. It also denotes gender, male. The name "John" is common and we all know other people named "John". This name "John" also works as a stereotype, "I have another friend John, he's a good sort of fellow." Or not. In which case "John" will be a negative stereotype. The name "John" then lives in a rich fabric of culture, a rich fabric that includes a context of movies, books, dead people and living people all named "John". The name "John" lives in a rich space of context and is common, where the name "Mybrid" lives in no space of context and is weird, surrounded only by The Nameless.
The innate human bias towards known things and known names cannot be overstated. One can go into a tourist shop and find a key chain with your name in gold. Your name is uttered in movies and on the street. There are books that promote personality stereotypes by just one's name like "John". This is analogous to astrology where your personality is pegged to the day-month one was born into. We want to believe these arbitrary stereotypes. This is the power of The Common. We have an inherent bias in our human nature to want to pattern match everything. So much so that reducing humans to just large "pattern matching machines" is a common trope in cognitive science.
Therefore the power of The Weird is the anti-pattern of the power of The Common. The Weird represents everything unnatural. The common is comforting, the weird is discomforting. The common is predictable, the weird is unpredictable.
Irreni World Scale represents the power of The Weird. Irreni World Scale represents the power of The Nameless. Irreni World Scale represents a government factory, a government that creates governments.
Imagine, if you will, we lived in a world where everyone is named one of a handful of names: John, Mary, Mark and Elizabeth. Now imagine in a world of seven-billion people then someone comes along and says, "we want to name our child, Bianca." The idea would be strange, weird and rejected.
Today we live in a world where we only name governments a handful of names: Democracy, Republic, Communist, Socialist, Dictatorship, Oligarchy and Authoritarian. Now in walks Irreni World Scale and says we are going to expand that list of names by the thousands. Irreni World Scale then as an idea is strange, weird and rejected. Irreni World Scale is adversely subject to the power of The Common no different than any other concept, or my name "Mybrid".
For the record, my name is a test. If one cannot handle the power of the weird name, "Mybrid", then one is certainly not going to be interested in me in general. My name then represents a filter where people steeped in tradition are self-selecting in rejecting my company.
Irreni World Scale then is a weird idea that is akin to an ice-breaker ship at the North Pole. Irreni is breaking up the ice that is represented by Democracy, Republic, Communist, Socialist, Dictatorship, Oligarchy and Authoritarian. Irreni as an ice-breaker is going to be slow going and is a small ship relative to the huge expanse of ice being broken up. This is one reason why Irreni World Scale has a two-hundred schedule. Irreni World Scale needs to go from flowing against the power of The Common to be flowing with the power of The Common.
So at this point you might be wondering how Irreni World Scale is going to be a new government idea factory and stamp out thousands of new ideas and names for governments when for all of recorded history we've ever only had a handful?
Easy. Irreni World Scale obliterates the one thing all of these handful of government's have in common: bureaucracy. Bureaucracy is a power pyramid where power is vested in a single person at the top. Smaller pyramids within the pyramid exists. The pyramid shape of sub-leaders being vested power over a sub-set of followers. In corporate America this is a corporate ladder of Chairmen, Board of Directors, CEO, CXO, President, Executive Vice-President, General Manager, Director, Manager and Employee. Every government on the face of the planet today and throughout history has relied on bureaucracy.
Irreni World Scale shatters bureaucracy by defining a new government concept: the MGO or micro-modular governing organization. The MGO is a fixed size of thirty people, no more. Now within that MGO and thirty people any government structure can be defined, including a traditional bureaucracy of thirty people. Each MGO defines its own constitution. Each MGO has final authority and power over people within that MGO. This means that any contract any MGO enters into is inferior to the law of the MGO itself. The MGO constitution is the "law of the land" if you will for the thirty people involved.
The MGO is the key to Irreni because the MGO obliterates bureaucracy. Yes one can build a bureaucracy of MGOs. However, final power lies within each MGO. The upshot is that bureaucracy of MGOs that exhibits oppressive and authoritarian tendencies can be subverted day-by-day, second-by-second by those in the MGO ignoring and countering the laws of the bureaucracy of MGOs. The rule of law for a bureaucracy of MGOs then comes with a check, the rule of the MGO. For example, say you don't want to pay your taxes to a new US government comprised of MGOs. The IRS comes after you for tax evasion. In the MGO world then your prosecution can be voided by your MGO and the IRS then has no legal authority to convict as the MGO has the supreme authority and not the US Supreme Court.
This notion that the MGO is the supreme authority is what gives Irreni World Scale its engine for creating thousands of new kinds of governments with thousands of new kinds of names, like maybe Mybrid. Irreni World Scale then is not a government as we recognize government today. Irreni World Scale defines a minimum set of laws for innovating government. Innovation creates new government life by a thousand incremental improvement changes. Irreni World Scale enables innovation of government by obliterating bureaucracy. No more bureaucracy. Bureaucracy is replaced with the MGO. A bureaucracy of MGOs then can be built but that bureaucracy will be nothing like bureaucracy today because the power of the bureaucracy at all times must be ultimately voluntary and not compulsory.
Notice I just used the qualifier word "ultimately". This is because within any voluntary organization there is always a tension between of commitment compulsion, mission compulsion, and dysfunction. Life is never perfect and a bureaucracy of MGOs will necessarily experience dysfunction and resulting inefficiency as all human endeavors do to today. The difference is that with the Irreni World Scale model a bloated and failed bureaucracy can be easily recognized and realigned. With the Irreni World Scale model a bureaucracy of MGOs cannot put inhuman pressure on its members to work overtime and in dangerous conditions with impunity. Any person in a bureaucracy of MGOs can opt to ignore inhuman condition pressure and as long as the MGO they belong backs that person: the MGO authority is final.
The MGO is the heart of Irreni World Scale's model that enables innovation of governments. However, the MGO is not the entire story. Further mitigation against bureaucracy is required because our human tendency toward bureaucracy is so strong and permeates all of human history.
Irreni World scale also requires other bureaucracy mitigations, or bulwarks.
- Right to individual currency. Everyone has the right to print money and establish currency. Further agencies can only tax currencies that the agency itself issues.
- Projects not governments. Projects replace governments in Irreni World Scale. Projects are defined to have a fixed size: five years. This is akin to MGOs being defined to have a fixed size of thirty people. Projects that take longer than five years must be renewed as a new project. This constant renewal of projects undermines bureaucracy by having a short lifespan because building an empire of only five years in life is not all that interesting or powerful.
This introduction to Irreni World Scale expands on the concept of The Nameless: things known and unknown that have no name or definition. Today we are limited to a very small set of government types. Irreni World Scale is a government of governments, a government of government innovation. The combination of MGOs, projects and individual currency are bulwarks against our compelling human nature to tend towards bureaucracy so much so that all governments throughout all of history have used them. These bulwarks of MGO, project and individual currency have political high walls and political thick bulkheads in order to do the seemingly impossible: mitigate bureaucracy.
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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