Irreni Introduction: Irreni Police
Hi! Zappy Friday! YAII! Yet another Irreni introduction!
This Irreni introduction is about justice. Justice is completely revamped with Irreni and the topic requires an entire text book in-and-of itself. This is not that text book. In this introduction I want to focus on news of the day, the Catholic church yet again being exposed covering pedophilia. I want to ask and answer a question: how would Irreni World Scale police this?
This writing is rated PB, proudly blasphemous. If one is offended by reading blasphemy, an anti-theist calling religion evil then you might want to be gone.
How should we respond to the decades now of the Catholic Church's continually covering up child abuse?
After 9/11 a new atheist movement arose as an answer to another religious malfeasance: Islamic terrorists. It was obvious that the same new atheists would also apply their critiques to the Catholic Church's much storied, ongoing child abuse.
new atheist, noun: 1. a response to 9/11 that became a new atheist movement to now publicly classify religion as evil. This is juxtaposed to an atheist tradition to publicly espouse that religion in general was good, but to rally against certain points such as homosexuality is sin. 2. See "God Is Not Great, How Religion Poisons Everything."
The public has not caught up with the new atheist agenda. The public still has this overall belief that religion does more good than harm and so we give a pass to the Catholic Church child abuse, no matter how heinous the child abuse.
The new atheist movement agenda was to change public perception with respect to accepting religion. Specifically Christopher Hitchens in his book, "God Is Not Great, How Religion Poisons Everything" went on a book campaign to raise awareness that religion can no longer be accepted as on the whole being good, but on the whole being poison.
Prior to 9/11 the atheist argument about the existence of god was phrased something like this:
Show me sufficient evidence for your god and I will believe and perhaps convert to your religion. Just show me evidence god exists.
After 9/11 the new atheist argument about the existence of god was phrased something like this:
Your god is evil and I don't follow evil, albeit Earthly or the supernatural.
In other words, evidence of for God is moot because that changes nothing for a new atheist. These new atheists took up a new moniker, anti-theists.
“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”
― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
What does this have to do with Irreni World Scale Police, you ask? The answer is that the response to agenda of new atheist being anti-theists takes the same approach as Irreni World Scale police.
A common policing question asked of new atheists was this: do you actively support the agenda to abolish religion?
The answer was always no. Instead, the new atheist agenda is secularism, or government free of religious machinations, and also educating women. We will gladly trade any denial of patriarchy that the religious delude themselves with as long as women are educated worldwide and with the most extreme prejudice.
Given the new atheist agenda is secularism then one response to the Catholic Church crimes would be to remove the Vatican from the U.N. Further, the Catholic Church should be penalized by stripped of all of its legal recognition as an institution and declared to be a secular non-profit. The religion of Catholicism itself cannot abolished, but the institution that is committing crimes and covering it up can be.
In the short, eleven-minute video I linked in this blog post, I was reminded of the time when it came out that the priests in Wisconsin were abusing deaf children. Deaf children. Let that sink in. And yet? What penality did the Catholic Church receive other than paying money AFTER being found guilty?
Any other institution found to have covered up such wicked, vile disgusting behavior would have been disbanded.
“With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.”
― Steven Weinberg
Christopher Hitchens rightly claimed that secular organizations and atheists specifically can morally perform all acts performed by the religious. However, religious people and institutions can commit crimes that can only happen when one is religious. Only a religious institution could repeatedly cover up child abuse with decades of repeated public reporting and still exist.
Covering up pedophilia and the abuse of deaf children is something that would only be accepted by the public due to religion.
Religion then does not provide objective morality, but instead religion creates moral cover for heinous, evil crimes that would otherwise would never be permitted. Anything religious organizations are doing today for the public good are being done bigger and better by secular institutions. Religion then is not needed for good but does provide cover to otherwise unacceptable evil.
Irreni World Scale would respond to the Catholic Church's crimes today in the same way new atheists would: punish the institution and not the ideas.
Irreni World Scale is a government of governments, Irreni is a government framework for manufacturing other governments. The supreme law of the land for Irreni is the MGO, micro-modular governing organization. In order for that supreme law to have meaning then the Irreni Police must have very limited powers.
Irreni Policing has only one power: the membership of MGOs. Any MGO violating Irrenni policy can suffer one of two penalties: members removed or MGO disbanded with all members being removed.
In 200 years from now when Irreni is fully functionally, if the Catholic Church were caught covering up child abuse then the Irreni response would be institutional: break up the MGOs and remix MGO membership to limit be in MGOs with minority number of Catholics.
Who are the Irreni Police? Irreni calls for a governing university: The Terran Sea Otter Academy. The name stems from the juxtaposition of a sea otter looking cute, but in fact being ferocious.
The Terran Sea Otter Academy, TSOA, is charged with curating all of human knowledge in existence and providing that knowledge to all MGOs and all humans. Access to all human information is a right of the Irreni World Scale government. That information includes all information of humans themselves, like existing states of personal health, education and opportunity. Armed with the human information to make MGO membership decisions then the TSOA has the information necessary to disband and reform new MGOs based upon everyone's known information. It is important to note the MGO membership changes do not require judge, trial and verdict. The TSOA has many reasons to change MGO memberships, of which limited justice is only one. Primarily membership is aimed at new government experimentation, a much finer grain of decision making than just abuse.
Irreni World Scale does not weigh in on the validity of ideas, just results of experiments. That's because Irreni World Scale calls for massive government experiments. It would be impossible to have government experiments, including theocracy, if various ideas were not allowed. Instead, Irreni takes a very broad brushed approach to human rights such as requiring education, information, currency, health care and opportunity be individual rights. These rights are very broad in formulation specifically to enable widely varying ideas of what these mean.
However, when failed governments are the result of experiments, Irreni does have policing power to respond to such crimes such as the Catholic Church covering up pedophilia. The response would be similar in nature to the new atheist approach, remove some or all members of the MGOs to penalize the institution. The idea itself can be iterated on in future experiments, presumably under different circumstances like say eliminating the celibacy requirement.
I'd like to close this introduction with one final comment to my new atheist/anti-theist brothers and sisters. Why are we just targeting the Catholic Church when it comes to their crimes of child abuse? Why aren't we shaming sponsoring institutions such as the United Nations? The Vatican no longer deserves a special place in any world governing body. Further, we should be targeting our respective governments to abolish the recognition of the Catholic Church as a religious legal institution as penalty for its decades of child abuse and inability to police itself going forward. Let them pay taxes. Shaming only the Catholic Church and its members will have no effect, the same as shaming bankers after 2008 had no effect on big banks. People do not police themselves and real word penalties must be enacted for accountability. We cannot seek to abolish religious ideas just as we cannot seek to abolish ignorance, but we can dismantle their institutions and we should when the crimes are as egregious as the Catholic Church's.
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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