A New Government, Fund Us Please!
(for making new governments)
Irreni World Scale
I have a new working title for an Irreni book, "A New Government (for making new governments) Irreni World Scale." This is a longer title than "Love". *~wink*~ Still debating.
I have started one book about Irreni already, "MGO After Democracy." However, I did not make it past the introduction. Why?
I've done a lot of thinking about this and have come up with an analogy. Imagine that you have a rainbow colored swatch of cloth in the palm of your hand. Further that swatch has exposed thread ends for every thread and these can be pulled on. Now just imagine that in order to understand how to make the swatch each thread must be pulled out just so. However, as threads are pulled out the swatch starts to look like a mess of rather than something desired to be known how to make.
This is how it is trying to explain a world governing body. Every explanation just raises more questions. The challenge with writing a book about a new government is the interwoven complexity of the effort. In my first book concept attempt, "MGO After Democracy", I opted to try a deep dive into a single aspect, the MGO, or micro-governing organization. However, after getting past the introduction I stopped because I found the effort strained because governing by its very nature is more a fabric woven of the many different aspects tightly integrated rather than interchangeable bricks easily distinct.
This new book will weave a fabric of ideas as an introduction. Using this premise I have now racked up about fifteen different introduction blog posts. So my new book will be a wide but shallow introduction of all concepts rather then a deep dive on one concept.
What order should these introductions be presented?
Well, I have yet to suss that out yet except the first one: asking for money. Ha!
So here it goes, The Gregg and Mybrid Upgrade, Inc., hereafter The GMU, is requesting funding of $300,000/year to jump start a new government effort. This money employs the both of us full-time as software developers as well as providing IT costs supporting the software effort.
What is involved the first year:
- A foundational web site. This is initially a vanilla web site. This web site is the base camp where our Mount Everest will be built. In other words we are starting with a generic web site with social media of the day like chat, blogging and video that will be continually upgraded with novel work as that novel work is built out.
- A voucher system. In short a voucher system of identity is similar to proof of life used in kidnapping cases. The twist is that someone who is vouching for someone else not only needs proof of date but also proof of the voucher who must be in the same video as the person being vouched for. Video is used because barrier to spoofing is still high for most people. Rules for the voucher system will be flushed out. The voucher system is meant to allow us to provide the one-to-one correspondence of each person having a verified single account.
- The vote bank. The vote bank a is novel voting system that utilizes six-degrees of separation called six-degrees voting. Once the vouching system is up and running then people vote for people they know. One can only vote for people one has vouched for in the real world. Chain voting is used whereby any person voted for then represents themselves and the number of people having voted for them. So how does one vote for somebody one does not know? Well, one has to meet with people in the real world to vouch. One has to build a six-degrees vouching network of real-world proof of life. Further there is a cap on the number people one can vouch for or be vouched by: thirty. The idea being that once one has reached the thirty-person cap, or even prior, one continues to build out a vouching network by helping others vouch for each other. In addition to only voting for people one knows the vote bank uses a deposited vote and not casting votes. Votes are deposited and withdrawn the same as one deposits money in a bank. Corruption voting allows vote buying, remember this is a vouching network, to mitigate corruption. Issues and people are all voted upon using six-degrees voting. Six-degrees voting replaces political parties with vouching networks. People build voting blocks of trust networks in the real-world. These trusted networks can be professionals and experts who would never campaign for office but represent expert voting blocks.
- Make 2018 Campaign. MGOs, or micro-governing organizations represent fixed-size of thirty people building blocks, or cells, of governing. Thirty is chosen because thirty is small enough where every vote matters and yet large enough a single person cannot derail the system. The Make 2018 campaign is a jobs program. Automation is here to stay and jobs are continuing to go away. The Make 2018 initial effort is to promote groups of people starting MGO corporations with by-laws that reflect Irreni World Scale principles and use Irreni novel technology once available. Specifically the Make 2018 initiative is targeting boutique industries that do not meet automation economic thresholds. Specifically the Make 2018 initiative will target two markets. The first is reuse of products via barter and trade. The notion is to build out an Ebay like network of used products. The second is a repair market utilizing 3D printing and other new technologies to fix used and broken things. These boutique industries are mostly immune to automation markets. People can take control of their lives by employing themselves rather than relying on the fickle fate of corporations today. Losing a job is not the only pain associated with automation. In addition in corporations today one's job position can be eliminated and force one into a new position even at the same company. the job may not be to ones liking with a new manager that one may not fit with. Re-organization in companies these days commonly happen two-to-three times per year because technology changes the business landscape so quickly.
Gregg and I will only be involved with the Make 2018 campaign tangentially providing guidance and support. Our full-time efforts will be applied to software development, out expertise. Our involvement with the MGO initialization is to recruit a team and funding for them as well. All the software being built by us is for the Make 2018 initialization effort in support of MGO corporations.
Irreni World Scale is a government of governments, a government for making new governments that are primarily concerned with experiments of new governing. Experiments are run. Failed experiments means those governments are revamped or replaced; something that does not take place today. In some respects Irreni World Scale can be called a framework similar to the U.S. Constitution being called a framework. The difference being that the U.S. Constitution is a static framework that piles up mountains of federal, state and local laws the grow continuously and more oppressively over centuries, where Irreni new governments cycle laws and also cycle entire governments themselves. The U.S. Constitution is a single-home compared to Irreni World Scale building out 300 million homes. The U.S. constitution framework as a house metaphor is a single house, complete with roof and concrete foundation. Each State continues to build out that house with its own laws adding the walls, plumbing and electricity . Local governments further continue to build out the legal house by adding doors, windows and finishing touches. It has only been when states were added that rooms are added. Irreni, on the other hand, creates and destroys governments continuously. This allows for legal innovation, something missing in our federal, state and local governments.
There is one governing entity throughout the world that does cycle laws: corporations. Corporations come and go and their by-laws with them. Many people naively think that corporations only fail when the business or product fails, but corporations routinely fail due to structural inadequacies of by-laws. In the movie "Pretty Woman" Richard Gere is a wealthy arbitrager. Family owned businesses are bought out for their parts, not their business, and the family business itself eliminated. In fact most farming in the United States has been replaced by big-aggro. It can be argued that U.S. capitalism is only about competition when a market first emerges, like with the Internet. After a time companies start buying other companies and this kind of success is not competition success but structural success where some company can legally buy-out another albeit as hostilely or friendly.
What does this have to do with Irreni World Scale? Easy, the initial thrust of governing experiments will be experimenting with corporation by-laws for groups of size thirty or less, the MGO. Corporation by-laws must adhere to all federal, state and local laws of course. But there is still meaningful by-laws that can be experimented with in creating MGOs, especially with preventing large corporation buy-outs either friendly or hostile. Will MGOs be legally prevented from selling out to large corporations? No. Will there be experiments to provide incentives and firewalls against large corporate takeovers? Yes. As MGOs become popular then local laws can be rewritten to create firewalls against the larger corporations. When MGOs get even more popular then state laws can be rewritten and eventually federal laws.
The initial objective of Irreni World Scale is to replace corporate law, not local, state or federal law. Corporate law is not in the U.S. Constitution. Therefore corporate laws in the U.S. can be completely rewritten without touching the U.S. Constitution. Further all corporations can be eventually replaced with MGOs. That is the initial objective and will take decades.
Irreni World Scale is a two-hundred-year-plan that starts at the bottom of the legal hierarchy: corporate law. Once corporate law today has been supplanted successfully with MGO company governing that is far superior to what's in place today then local law will be next and eventually so state and federal. That is the two-hundred year plan. Proven experiments of efficacy claims are key. Irreni World Scale demands that claims of superior governing must be proven out at the smallest of scales or the experimental governing organization must cycle laws , including dissolve and reform completely. In some respects Irreni is the ultimate legal competition.
If this process sounds familiar that is because it is. This process is called innovation. When people talk about civil war in 2018 they are completely overlooking the scope of laws that exist in the U.S. Irreni World Scale does not. Further, Irreni is a government for running governing experiments. No one can claim after any revolution that were to happen today that a new type of government would have proof of claims, this includes turning back the clock to some perceived original interpretation of the U.S. constitution. All existing governing systems today compound laws, they don't cycle laws. This prevents legal innovation.
The GMU is asking for seed money of $300,000/year to kick-off a long hard slog of upgrading our legal systems on a two-hundred-year time-line.
Won't you join us?
-Gregg and Mybrid
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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