Irreni Introduction: Genesis

A Useful Fiction

Hi! Happy Hugs! Sunday!

YAII! Welcome to yet another Irreni introduction.

Well, I thought I was done with these introductions but then I thought it might be useful to write about the genesis of Irreni.

Irreni is a design with guiding principles. These are those principles. Irreni is derived from values taken from a useful fiction. Irreni represents a departure as social engineering in that it swipes left on aspiring to steer in the direction of ultimate truth and swipes right on steering in the direction of ultimate useful fiction.

This is that fiction.


  1. In the beginning we don't know what created the universe.
  2. We do know what we can observe and that is what this useful fiction is derived from, our very best most up-to-date observations of 2018.
  3. From these observations we do know why the universe was created. It was created as an experiment to search for answers about something springing from nothing. Something did spring from nothing. And continues to do so, at random occurrences, again and again and again.
  4. Consciousness eventually occurred out of something springing from nothing. A long chain of events extending from that initial consciousness lead to this universe's creation.
  5. This consciousness is seeking answers as to how something keeps springing from nothing. Further, some consciousness is experimenting to engineer control of these events.
  6. Something springing from nothing represents a threat to consciousness, however infinitesimally small. Survival stakes are the game.


From these observations we can derive these requirements for universe creation:

  1. The universe is an experiment seeking knowledge to find the both source of something springing from nothing and ways to control that for survival reasons.
  2. Randomness is the soil for something springing from nothing. This has many implications, not the least of which is that life needs to expand in order to expand entropy.
  3. Recording of the experiment for analysis is required. The conservation of energy/matter is better stated as the preservation of energy/matter. If something springs from nothing than because everything is preserved then everything is recorded. This record can be replayed so as to analyze something coming from nothing.
  4. When something springs from the nothing the universe will stop. The fine tuning of the universe is a trap. It is a trap for something springing from nothing.
  5. The multi-verse represents an infinite randomness and infinite traps for something springing from nothing. If something springs from nothing the universe of manifestation stops.
  6. Consciousness is being reproduced ad infinitum as a hedge against consciousness being destroyed by random something springing from nothing events.
  7. This universe experiment has a time line of twenty-six billion years.
  8. This universe experiment has a throttle in dark energy and dark matter.
  9. The experimenting consciousness has only one supernatural interactive control of this experiment to control the expansion of the universe.
  10. If consciousness reaches a certain milestone in this universe then the expansion of the universe may be turned off.
  11. It is far more likely that this universe was created by a machine replicating multiverses than directly by the consciousness itself.
  12. Any supernatural event beyond throttling universe expansion will stop the universe experiment. This feature prevents actors in one universe from jumping to another, thus implying we will have the knowledge someday to observe other universes, sharing information and knowledge.

Human Nature

What is our role in this useful fiction?

  1. Useful fiction is a program to amplify both our free will and our group will.
  2. Useful fiction is a brain program that assuages our worst fears artificially about our mortal bodies and mortal love.
  3. Useful fiction promotes a healthy purpose of expanding random consciousness and seeking ever increasing expanding knowledge.
  4. There is only one predetermined creation fate for consciousness that is a group fate of all consciousness working collectively in a shared experience.
  5. One fold of our fate is to seek every increasing knowledge so as to ourselves create experiments attempting to create something from nothing. Stopping the universe does not destroy it. 
  6. Evil is defined as destroying or controlling consciousness.
  7. The evil built into the universe can be avoided, including within our genetics. It is our purpose to conquer evil.
  8. Evil is a continuous reminder to act as a group will to mitigate evil.
  9. Random evil built into the universe is a continuous reminder to act with free will to randomize knowledge. Someday our solar system will become uninhabitable. It is our imperative to conquer this.
  10. The contradiction and opposition between free will purpose and group will purpose is a random environment. Evil then is an ingredient for randomness.
  11. Destroying and controlling consciousness is destroying randomness of consciousness and therefore the one evil that has safeguards from the universe creating consciousness perspective. This means there must safeguards built into the system. Group benefit is built into all life because all life reproduces.
  12. Reconstruction of all consciousness that have ever existed will happen. We all will be resurrected. We all will be. Our technology some day will reach a point were we will be able to replay the recording of our preserved energy/matter. It will be our compelling ethic to then replay all the lives to have ever existed and to reconstitute them.
  13. Fellowship is our purpose. Physical life replicates via physical coupling. Idea life replicates via idea coupling. Our group-will purpose is to amplify idea life as well as to amplify physical life.
  14. Distinct identity is our purpose. Everyone can feel the pull of our one collective fate but none of us are obligated to answer the call. This is free will. You can choose, you are obligated to choose.
  15. Existing levels of evil are reminders for our free will that ignoring the group has costs; that we must attend group will purpose and that a group will purpose is paramount to consciousness.

The uPShot

  1. The uPShot of all this is that we all in this together, including the least of us.
  2. Leave no consciousness behind.
  3. You and your loved ones will wake up again someday.
  4. Further you will not be resurrected in your original body but a genetically superior body free of those defects as are manageable at the time of reconstruction.
  5. We are in a knowledge and technological race to unlock the technology to replay the universal recording.
  6. Cosmology is our ultimate collective goal so as first to unlock the recording technology and second to experiment creating something from nothing.
  7. Free will is our ultimate randomizing agent.
  8. Our inner universe goal collectively is achieving a highly randomized enough and greatly expanded enough degree of overall consciousness that will halt the expansion of the universe.
  9. All of the above is contrived fiction to amplify observations of existing experience, such as humans absorb new technology and knowledge like a sponge.
  10. We are all waking contradictions of free will purpose and group will purpose. Where we choose to slice that cake is our spiritual identity, or our identity not born of natural influences.

Editor's Note


I have a credo in life from my teen years that has since expanded into the useful fiction just presented.

"Which is better:
a good eye,
a good neighbor,
a good spouse,
or the understanding of consequences?

It is none of these things. But rather the understanding of the price of individual dignity and worth of human fellowship. This is best."
-Frank Herbert, The God Makers

The trappings of life -- the first sentence of Frank Herbert's observation -- are there to serve a purpose. That purpose of is to support the promotion of colliding and randomizing the dignity of individual free will and the worth of group will.

Irreni World Scale with its massive moral relativity and massive 300 million, self-governing bodies promotes amplifying both individual free will and group will. The significance of your vote and voice within  the thirty person MGO promotes your dignity, your power, your control. The quantity of 300 million MGOs promotes massive group will experiments and expanding knowledge.

Irreni World Scale must perpetually be revised as this useful fiction is improved going forward.

I'm sorry that I will miss out on those revisions in the near future and look forward to meeting them one day in the far future.

The objective of useful fiction is not to isolate any consciousness from the combined total. Any fiction that does so is not a useful fiction.

Freethinkers unite!


Party On!

Let's get cracking!

Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!

Politics as Science!

Demand Irreni World Scale!

Anti-theism is feminism!  

Think disruption!

Empathy for all!

Moral relativity: think it, breath it!

Prove it or lose it!

Conversations equal consensus! 

Welcome to the 21st century!

Scale your empathy, scale the world! 

Find your tribe!

Be sexy people!

The future is coming! 

Innovate at a rapid pace!

Slow speed ahead!

Well come! and well met!

