Hi! How ya' doin'? Welcome to YAII! Yet another Irreni introduction.
In the previous introduction we advocated for any new government requiring increased ability and power of self-governing. But isn't that direct Democracy?
In this introduction we consider self-governing as cooperation versus direct Democracy.
Direct Democracy has been called many things: mob rule, tyranny of the majority, stupidity, and infeasible.
Let's kinda tackle each of these issues individually and discover how Irenni is designed to promote cooperation that mitigates each of the direct Democracy criticisms.
When do people voluntarily act as groups? Well, historically, one such set of circumstances is in the heat of the moment as a mob. The notion is that in general we keep to ourselves but on occasion will come together, right now, in the heat of the moment. Sometimes this is called populism and generally speaking the populist movements are all based on fear and anger as with anti-immigration and so on.
If direct Democracy has no check on human red-hot burning passions then direct Democracy can be a force of destruction.
So how does Irreni World Scale mitigate mob rule?
Two methods:
Much has been made of the ignorance of people in general with respect to Democracy being the worst kinda government because people are stupid.
However, stupidity is just one kind of corruption of some more, perceived idealistic society. This corruption type is just another type of other corruption like bribery and greed undermining some more, perceived idealistic society.
The question then is not one of if stupidity is corruption but if mitigation of stupidity corruption can be accomplished the same as mitigation of bribery corruption. The answer is yes.
Irreni attenuates, or promotes, a more idealistic intelligence by MGO power and not Irenni power. The Irreni organization only has one power, to reformulate MGOs. MGOs have all the other power when interacting with other MGOs.
There are two primary powers MGOs have with respect to each other: trade and contract law. MGOs coordinate and cooperate via trade and contract law. MGOs that are seen as destructive will have trade sanctions applied against them and MGOs that are seen as ideal will curry trade deal favors. MGOs that break contracts by invoking capricious or arbitrary MGO supreme power will be shunned for future contract endeavors. Contract law is supreme with Irreni because it is the life-blood of trade.
Irreni also promotes a more idealistic intelligent society by being a system of perpetual experiments. If an MGO makes a claim that some social rule is superior then responsibility exists to create an experiment of said social rule and prove out the claims. Once claims are proven at the smaller scale, including just a single MGO, further larger numbers of MGOs are then included in further experiments. If the experiments fail then the claim is recorded for all of history as failed and the social rule abandoned and deemed destructive.
Irreni necessarily relies on the Internet and all MGOs having access to the complete record of all government experiments. Irreni World Scale is of a time and place: a time and place where the Internet is universally available.
The MGO firewall against mobs presented above also protects minorities. Every person's supreme law is the MGO they belong too. If a majority law of multiple MGOs is seen as discriminating against a minority individual then the MGO can choose to ignore the multiple MGO law. If any MGO discriminates against its own member then that member can be moved to a different MGO.
Irreni World Scale is feasible by building on proven, real-world concepts in human networking: interchangeable blocks of fixed size.
The interchangeable block of fixed size in Irreni is the MGO (Micro Governing Organization). If Irreni World Scale were in place today there would be 300 million building blocks of governing to experiment with and prove out new forms of government. There will sufficient redundancy such that redundant blocks of duties and responsibilities can be interchanged when experiments of new governing rules fail.
Say, for example, a few hundred MGOs are required to provide continuous maintenance of the Hoover Dam. Redundant MGOs of duty and responsibilities can exist side-by-side where one MGO is risky experimental and the other MGO is not. The Hoover dam itself is not at risk due to the redundancy of duties and responsibilities.
The reason States as hotbeds of new government experiments never panned out in the United States is that the cost of failure is to high, so therefore high risks are not taken. Irreni World Scale can entertain high risk experiments because the building blocks are interchangeable and small enough for high redundancy.
As a system of direct-Democracy checks-and-balances then Irreni itself is not direct Democracy no more than representative Democracy as a system of checks and balances is a system of direct Democracy.
But how do we get there?
The problem with revolution is that the people do not have the new skills required to implement any new wholesale replacement government.
After 9/11 the U.S. successfully invaded Iraq and overthrew the government. We subsequently occupied Iraq under the auspices of establishing a Democratic Republic.
Guess what? That never happened and primarily because the people in Iraq were not prepared to implement a Democracy. The had neither the skills nor the inclination to implement a government like the United States.
Irreni style world scale government would fail for the same reasons if a revolution were to take place. Americans have no skills or belief for the degree of self-government required.
This is why any new government replacing our Democratic Republic must use an innovative approach and not a revolutionary approach. The implementation of the government must gradual and the rate mush match the skills and belief of people to new degrees of self-governing.
The schematic above gives a picture of how Irenni plans to roll out over time using a set of milestones. First corporate government must be replaced, then local government, then State government and finally federal government. But, notice in the schematic that all replacements may start at time zero, or from the start.
This is because Irreni is a perpetual experimental system. New governing claims must be proven out in two ways: self-governing skills acquired and efficacy of the governing claims.
This is how we train ourselves to implement self-governing that is not direct Democracy. We gradually prove that we can replace existing forms of representative governing with improved, proven forms of improved self-governing.
Irreni World Scale is a system of everyone self-governing. It also is a system that puts into places sufficient checks and balances on direct Democracy weaknesses such that it is no longer a direct Democracy, but rather self-governing by voluntary cooperation. Innovation is required so that people can attune to having new skills and belief in those skills. Irreni World Scale then is Innovation Cooperation and not Revolution Direct Democracy.
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

In the previous introduction we advocated for any new government requiring increased ability and power of self-governing. But isn't that direct Democracy?
In this introduction we consider self-governing as cooperation versus direct Democracy.
Direct Democracy has been called many things: mob rule, tyranny of the majority, stupidity, and infeasible.
Let's kinda tackle each of these issues individually and discover how Irenni is designed to promote cooperation that mitigates each of the direct Democracy criticisms.
Mob Rule
When do people voluntarily act as groups? Well, historically, one such set of circumstances is in the heat of the moment as a mob. The notion is that in general we keep to ourselves but on occasion will come together, right now, in the heat of the moment. Sometimes this is called populism and generally speaking the populist movements are all based on fear and anger as with anti-immigration and so on.
If direct Democracy has no check on human red-hot burning passions then direct Democracy can be a force of destruction.
So how does Irreni World Scale mitigate mob rule?
Two methods:
- The MGO building block of fixed size thirty. A mob's power, if you will, is contained to size thirty legally. Each MGO (Micro Governing Organization) has a distinct, independent constitution that is the supreme law for that group of thirty people, only inferior to a very small set of powers allocated to Irreni enforcement. Any legal mob of size greater than thirty must necessarily represent multiple MGOs within the Irreni system. However, whatever laws these multiple MGOs cook up, they are inferior to the supreme law of the MGO itself.
- Irreni police. The Irreni police have exactly one power: to reformulate the members of an MGO up to an including dissolving an MGO entirely. This means mobs can be nipped in the bud by removing individuals causing trouble in one MGO or dissolving an MGO altogether.
Much has been made of the ignorance of people in general with respect to Democracy being the worst kinda government because people are stupid.
However, stupidity is just one kind of corruption of some more, perceived idealistic society. This corruption type is just another type of other corruption like bribery and greed undermining some more, perceived idealistic society.
The question then is not one of if stupidity is corruption but if mitigation of stupidity corruption can be accomplished the same as mitigation of bribery corruption. The answer is yes.
Irreni attenuates, or promotes, a more idealistic intelligence by MGO power and not Irenni power. The Irreni organization only has one power, to reformulate MGOs. MGOs have all the other power when interacting with other MGOs.
There are two primary powers MGOs have with respect to each other: trade and contract law. MGOs coordinate and cooperate via trade and contract law. MGOs that are seen as destructive will have trade sanctions applied against them and MGOs that are seen as ideal will curry trade deal favors. MGOs that break contracts by invoking capricious or arbitrary MGO supreme power will be shunned for future contract endeavors. Contract law is supreme with Irreni because it is the life-blood of trade.
Irreni also promotes a more idealistic intelligent society by being a system of perpetual experiments. If an MGO makes a claim that some social rule is superior then responsibility exists to create an experiment of said social rule and prove out the claims. Once claims are proven at the smaller scale, including just a single MGO, further larger numbers of MGOs are then included in further experiments. If the experiments fail then the claim is recorded for all of history as failed and the social rule abandoned and deemed destructive.
Irreni necessarily relies on the Internet and all MGOs having access to the complete record of all government experiments. Irreni World Scale is of a time and place: a time and place where the Internet is universally available.
Tyranny of the Majority
The MGO firewall against mobs presented above also protects minorities. Every person's supreme law is the MGO they belong too. If a majority law of multiple MGOs is seen as discriminating against a minority individual then the MGO can choose to ignore the multiple MGO law. If any MGO discriminates against its own member then that member can be moved to a different MGO.
Irreni World Scale is feasible by building on proven, real-world concepts in human networking: interchangeable blocks of fixed size.
The interchangeable block of fixed size in Irreni is the MGO (Micro Governing Organization). If Irreni World Scale were in place today there would be 300 million building blocks of governing to experiment with and prove out new forms of government. There will sufficient redundancy such that redundant blocks of duties and responsibilities can be interchanged when experiments of new governing rules fail.
Say, for example, a few hundred MGOs are required to provide continuous maintenance of the Hoover Dam. Redundant MGOs of duty and responsibilities can exist side-by-side where one MGO is risky experimental and the other MGO is not. The Hoover dam itself is not at risk due to the redundancy of duties and responsibilities.
The reason States as hotbeds of new government experiments never panned out in the United States is that the cost of failure is to high, so therefore high risks are not taken. Irreni World Scale can entertain high risk experiments because the building blocks are interchangeable and small enough for high redundancy.
Innovation Versus Revolution
As a system of direct-Democracy checks-and-balances then Irreni itself is not direct Democracy no more than representative Democracy as a system of checks and balances is a system of direct Democracy.
But how do we get there?
The problem with revolution is that the people do not have the new skills required to implement any new wholesale replacement government.
After 9/11 the U.S. successfully invaded Iraq and overthrew the government. We subsequently occupied Iraq under the auspices of establishing a Democratic Republic.
Guess what? That never happened and primarily because the people in Iraq were not prepared to implement a Democracy. The had neither the skills nor the inclination to implement a government like the United States.
Irreni style world scale government would fail for the same reasons if a revolution were to take place. Americans have no skills or belief for the degree of self-government required.
This is why any new government replacing our Democratic Republic must use an innovative approach and not a revolutionary approach. The implementation of the government must gradual and the rate mush match the skills and belief of people to new degrees of self-governing.
The schematic above gives a picture of how Irenni plans to roll out over time using a set of milestones. First corporate government must be replaced, then local government, then State government and finally federal government. But, notice in the schematic that all replacements may start at time zero, or from the start.
This is because Irreni is a perpetual experimental system. New governing claims must be proven out in two ways: self-governing skills acquired and efficacy of the governing claims.
This is how we train ourselves to implement self-governing that is not direct Democracy. We gradually prove that we can replace existing forms of representative governing with improved, proven forms of improved self-governing.
Irreni World Scale is a system of everyone self-governing. It also is a system that puts into places sufficient checks and balances on direct Democracy weaknesses such that it is no longer a direct Democracy, but rather self-governing by voluntary cooperation. Innovation is required so that people can attune to having new skills and belief in those skills. Irreni World Scale then is Innovation Cooperation and not Revolution Direct Democracy.
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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