Hi! Happy Wednesday!
Welcome to YAII! Yet another Irreni introduction.
!!! WARNING !!! This introduction is rated BM, Blasphemous Maximus. If denigrating religion causes you pain then don't read this.
Today's topic is marketing, memes, and people programming.
As a reminder this blog is about solutions and not punditry. Irreni World Scale promotes maximizing free will and therefore freedom by defending against mass marketing, memes, and people programming.
Why is Coke one of the most universally recognized words in the world? Coke is just sugar water. The answer? People programming. People are computers that can be programmed. At a benign cultural level we call this marketing.
Marketing as programming is nothing more sophisticated than a mental drum beat. Coke's success has zero to do with its flavor and 100% due to its aggressive marketing. Coke, in a sense, is a 100% people programming product. This means that since programming people is its product then Coke first and foremost must be the best at marketing past, present and future. Coke spends zero money upgrading their physical product, coke, and billions of dollars on their actual product: marketing.
We all know this and this is nothing new. Coke, Pepsi, and back in my day, Royal Crown Cola are mostly indistinguishable in formula. Coke just won the marketing wars.
Every single day capitalism hits us with an onslaught, an avalanche of marketing from the moment we get up till the moment we go to bed. Every logo, every distinct design on even the most mundane things like toothbrushes are intended to program us to spend money on a particular brand.
We know this. Deep inside of us all of us can feel that pull to buy a name brand over something generic.
The psychology of programming people *against* their will is well known. You were not asked to enjoy Coke, you were told too. You did not undergo a blind taste test and pick Coke before ever being exposed to the first Coke advertising. You were forced to buy Coke in every sense of the word by sheer repetition of marketing, a mental drum beat.
And we can say you were forced based upon the success of Coke. If humans were not computers to be programmed then brand advertising, which is all that Coke is, would have no effect. Marketing would have no effect and brand advertising would not exist if we are not programmable.
Advertising it is not an uniform force. The fact the marketing compels some more than other opens the door for modern evil. Capitalists who advocate for absolute free will point to those who prefer Pepsi or don't drink soda at all. You are not being forced to drink Coke, it is 100% a free will choice, never mind that billions of people are drinking Coke solely on the basis of marketing.
This is a particularly nefarious form of evil. It guilts people who are susceptible to forces being applied to them beyond their control because people *want* to believe they have 100% free will. This nefarious evil today has now manifest at the national level in the form of national obesity. Americans are fat. And the reason we are fat is that marketing works! Marketing is extremely successful in programming people to buy food products.
The tension between the reality that people are computers versus religious free will debate is its binary nature. Everyone does have some degree of self-control. But that degree of self-control varies widely from person to person. This variation affords the religious free-will advocates a pass; those blank slate, religious sin promoters to guilt us into believing we all have 100% control. And since humans are predisposed to believe they have 100% free will -- we want to believe it -- the marketing is seen as benign and not the evil for which it truly is.
As a reminder this blog is about solutions and not punditry. Irreni World Scale promotes maximizing free will and therefore freedom by defending against mass marketing, memes, and people programming.
In 1996 I was in the habit of visiting Fremont park in San Juan Batista, California. Fremont park is about an hour-and-a-half drive south of where I was living at the time, San Jose California.
I did this because Fremont park is home to the largest amateur telescope in the United States. At the time I was getting into astronomy and had bought myself the cheapy telescope with a couple of lenses. I would go out in my backyard observe Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and the Moon. And while city lights ruin star-gazing, they have no impact on Moon gazing. In fact, my favorite time to Moon gaze was at dusk after sunset and before complete darkness.
So amateur astronomy brought me to Fremont park. I had been talking to a bunch of students at college about my next telescope upgrade, a design called a Cassegrain. One day a fellow student told me that he didn't have a telescope, instead every new moon he just went to Fremont park and looked through other people's telescopes. Fremont park is kinda like an amusement park with rides. People new to astronomy are expected to wonder to various telescope owners, ask to look through their scope as well as be informed about the star, galaxy or other astronomical object.
And it's great! People have motors to track stars at night for long exposure photography and so on. Astronomy education could last fifteen-to-thirty minutes. It is awesome. Something I highly recommend. And I no longer needed to upgrade my telescope! Instead, I bought a 7x pair of binoculars for Milky Way browsing while laying on the hood of my car.
Good times.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. It was during one of these astronomy education sessions that I was introduced to Rush Limbaugh. I was chatting with an older, conservative fellow who was recommending Rush Limbaugh to everyone that came to look through his scope. Finally! Here was a conservative media radio program!
This was my first introduction to conservative media. I listened to Rush once. Back then he was not as hyperbolic as he is today, but he was still hyperbolic. I have no use for emotional appeal and just ignored Rush.
Flash-forward to some time after 2001. By this time I was working, commuting from Redwood City to San Francisco. Typically I took the train and did leisure reading. The Game of Thrones books were just the kind of reading for me.
But occasionally I had to drive. Normally I would just listen to music on CDs. However, one day I decided to flip the radio channels to hear what conservative media was saying about 9/11. The first radio program I landed on was Sean Hannity on ABC in New York. I was appalled! Part of my college education was reading up on modern anthropology, the study of modern man. Modern anthropology is a survey discipline. Psychology, public health, modern history, and yes even modern grave digging all are part of modern anthropology. One of the topics covered was people programming. I'll give you a quick, two bullet synopsis of people programming:
This is just a fact of human nature. We are all susceptible to fear, anger and hate programming.
Fear, anger, and hate programming has a check list. The Sean Hannity show checked each and every one off the list of hate programming factors in his show. I was so alarmed I did something I don't usually do. I called into ABC radio in New York and asked that his program be removed on the grounds of hate programming. I was told that they would not do so and if I had concerns to email to the show directly. So I did. I asked the director to remove the program. I got the most childish, first amendment argument one would expect from a child. My request was not an appeal for government censorship, that's the first amendment. I was asking the producers of the show to self-censor based upon harm to the community.
Conservative media has devastated America with its hate programming.
The first thing a caller does when they call into the Sean Hannity program is exchange "You're a great American" greetings. This is coded language of dehumanization. The dehumanization is that there is an inside group of true Americans to be contrasted with an outside group of traitors called Liberals. Liberals are being dehumanized.
Conservative media is no different than Coke in programming. There is a single drum beat. With Coke the beat is enjoy Coke. With conservative media it is hate Liberals. Liberals hate America. Liberals are communists, Liberals are socialists, Liberals are anti-American. All of this is intended to program humans to hate Liberals. That is all conservative media is. All the facts and opinion debunking liberal news are done solely to support the larger singular agenda of hating Liberals.
And conservative media lies with great aplumb. Take, for example, the birther movement. The birther movement promoting Obama was a Muslim sent to destroy America was promoted by all conservative media outlets: web sites, AM Radio, as well as Fox News. AM Radio, and Fox news have floated lies such as Hillary Clinton assassinating Vince Foster since forever. Every single conservative media outlet does this with great abandon and with the ultimate objective to promote hatred of liberals.
Conservative media has normalized fabricating conspiracy theories about Liberals since its inception with Rush Limbaugh. And that is why it is common knowledge in conservative circles that Obama is a Muslim who hates America, he's a terrorist set out to destroy America.
Trump then is just a simple manifestation of what has already been in place for forty years now.
This is why I can say for 100% certainty that the next Republican President will be worse than Trump. Why? Because that hate machine monster has to be fed. Trump didn't create the monster, he is just feeding into it.
This is why Trump can make a claim like Democrats conspired against him by inventing a death toll of 3,000 deaths resulting form hurricane Maria. The conservative audience lives on a steady of diet of pure fiction, fabricated conspiracies. What's another conspiracy? Just part of a *necessary* diet.
So how does all this relate to Irreni World Scale and how does Irreni World Scale defend against hate programming?
First I want to bring up Jesus Christ and Christianity. As an anti-theist I often get asked to defend a total elimination policy of religion in society when religion has arguably provided some degree of good in society.
Jesus is considered a radical. He's considered a radical in two ways. One, Jesus advocates for the poor. This makes Jesus a hippie in the vernacular. Second, Jesus promoted using love and sophistication programming over the easier hate programming. Jesus promoted being fishers of men. Think about what that means for a second. Fishing as an act is sophisticated. In Jesus' day fishing was at the pinnacle of technology by using nets, poles, and even boats. Jesus advocated attractive fishing over compelling force. Jesus commanded his followers to use the highest tech of his day to entice new followers versus using the brute force of simple, mandatory compliance.
Christopher Hitchens is the first person I heard say that religion was our first, worst attempt at a human operating system. It contains a little bit of everything: cosmology, health care, and human organizing rules. Jesus also revolutionized religious programming using attraction and not compulsion.
So, how has religion panned out as an operating system? Does it work?
Obviously not. Christianity has no defense against hate programming. In fact, it is telling that those people most susceptible to hate programming are the most Christian. Nazi Germany did not kill six-million Jews because of atheism. Germany was a Christian nation before the Nazis, during the Nazis and after the Nazis. The people shovelling the Jews into ovens when they were German were Christian, not atheists. Only the leaders were atheists. The everyman in Germany was Christian. Catholics and Christians have sponsored anti-Semitism since Christianity's inception. Hitler just tapped into anti-Semitism that had been laying around for centuries, hatred programmed by Christianity.
This is why I can absolutely say that religion must completely fade away. Religion has absolutely failed as a human operating system given its own directives of love programming. Whether it is the Christians in Germany being unable to resist the hate programming of killing Jews or the Christians in American promoting the hatred of Liberals, it is clear that love and sophistication taught by Jesus has failed completely. So much so that Evangelical Christians in 2018 are the most hateful people in the United States who are sponsoring a champion of Liberal hatred: Trump.
This failure of Christianity to inculcate against hate programming is even worse than just failure. The evidence of Evangelicals today damns Christianity all to hell, damns Christianity because in fact it provides fertile ground for hatred to thrive in within the larger community. Christianity amplifies hate programming and it does not amplify love programming as Jesus taught. Fail.
Christianity has to go.
But Christianity is not the only failed programming.
Representative Democracy is too.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness has no meaning when faced with the kind of mass hatred manifest in conservative, Christian communities. In other words, any operating system that portends to promote freedom must necessarily guard against our innate human nature to fall victim to the easiest and most powerful programming: hate programming at a mass level like the kinds we see today.
And it doesn't.
The founders of this country did try to guard against our worst nature using the Constitution. It is called a system of checks and balances. What does our system of checks and balances check and balance? Corruption. Adams wrote the very first Constitution for the State of Massachusetts. His muse was Cicero and Cicero warned against any future Democracies demanding perfection from corruption. Rome had a law of any corruption disqualifying any politician from office. Since every politician was corrupt then no corruption was mitigated by this policy.
Therefore Adams built a system of checks and balances. Promote the good and downplay the corruption was Cicero's advice. Ultimately every politician lives in the community they rule, they drink the water and breathe the air and so will want to do the right thing. Adams' idea was to allow some corruption to play out and check that corruption with the balance of another branch of government.
So the founders did program our Constitution to mitigate against our baser human nature.
However, it fell far short even their own eyes. Slavery, of course, being a huge failure in the eyes of the abolitionists.
Adams also lamented, "whoa be the day the voters realize they can vote themselves money." Again, an appeal to our baser, human nature.
The founders never intended our Constitution to remain: they all believed it would need a page one rewrite by future generations, an upgrade to guard against what were even then known fundamental flaws of human nature left unattended in 1787. That we have not done so is a shame upon us all.
Irreni World Scale does this. Irreni World Scale guards against hate programming by Massive Moral Relativity. Hate programming relies on objective morality. Objective morality doesn't exist. This makes objective morality the tool of hate choice: kill, excommunicate, and ostracise the apostates and the heathens, the traitors. As an atheist it is common to all religions to claim atheists have no operating system, that atheists have no morality. This is total nonsense of course. Why is objective morality used then? Because it gives license to dehumanize and dismiss other humans. It is a power play. Objective morality is a power play and not a statement of human nature.
Massive moral relativity starts with each MGO of size thirty. Each MGO has supreme authority over its member and represents the supreme law for them. Each MGO has its own constitution.
MGOs undermine large organizations, the large groups of today like say the six corporations that control 90% of American media today. When large groups exist then those at the top, albeit one person or the few, can control a message programmed into millions of us. Today we call this the mainstream media. We are being controlled.
Large organizations will be the most fragile, ephemeral organization in the Irreni future and not the small organization of today. Large organizations will be built from every increasing numbers of MGOs that can completely undermine any law or rule of the large organization at any time. This means that large organizations are built on the frailest of human nature programming: voluntary cooperation. Corporations have authoritarian power of people today and that will not exist in an Irreni future.
Democratic Republics have an authoritarian power to collect taxes that will not exist in the future.
Voluntary cooperation means that hate programming will be mitigated to the smallest units possible, small groups of MGOs. The largest organizations of large power will be those built on voluntary sophistication of love and crumble at the mere touch of hate programming.
Wow! That sounds like a fantasy! And it is! ...Today. This is why Irreni calls for two radical governing mechanisms in its implementation. First it calls for massive innovation and second it calls for a two-hundred-year schedule. We are going to need time and generations to teach ourselves love and sophistication power. This is a long game, a two-hundred-year long game. Experimentation of proving governing claims of love and sophistication means proof of success must come before scaling-out to ever larger quantities of MGOs.
The initial baseline for Irreni success is the degree of success we already have today. Irreni experiments must prove claims create better results over the state of Democratic Republics today. In this way Irrenni World Scale ensures our future success is not a fantasy, but a proven fact.
And that is how we guard against hate programming. Marketing, memes, and people programming have the most power to do evil when the few can program the millions and billions. Irreni World Scale takes the focus off of the few programming the millions and billions and instead puts the focus on the few programming thirty people within the MGO. Irreni World Scale calls for 300 million governing organizations inculcated against large scale programming by a large volume of 300 million ultimate authority governments.
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

Welcome to YAII! Yet another Irreni introduction.
!!! WARNING !!! This introduction is rated BM, Blasphemous Maximus. If denigrating religion causes you pain then don't read this.
Today's topic is marketing, memes, and people programming.
As a reminder this blog is about solutions and not punditry. Irreni World Scale promotes maximizing free will and therefore freedom by defending against mass marketing, memes, and people programming.
Why is Coke one of the most universally recognized words in the world? Coke is just sugar water. The answer? People programming. People are computers that can be programmed. At a benign cultural level we call this marketing.
Marketing as programming is nothing more sophisticated than a mental drum beat. Coke's success has zero to do with its flavor and 100% due to its aggressive marketing. Coke, in a sense, is a 100% people programming product. This means that since programming people is its product then Coke first and foremost must be the best at marketing past, present and future. Coke spends zero money upgrading their physical product, coke, and billions of dollars on their actual product: marketing.
We all know this and this is nothing new. Coke, Pepsi, and back in my day, Royal Crown Cola are mostly indistinguishable in formula. Coke just won the marketing wars.
Every single day capitalism hits us with an onslaught, an avalanche of marketing from the moment we get up till the moment we go to bed. Every logo, every distinct design on even the most mundane things like toothbrushes are intended to program us to spend money on a particular brand.
We know this. Deep inside of us all of us can feel that pull to buy a name brand over something generic.
The psychology of programming people *against* their will is well known. You were not asked to enjoy Coke, you were told too. You did not undergo a blind taste test and pick Coke before ever being exposed to the first Coke advertising. You were forced to buy Coke in every sense of the word by sheer repetition of marketing, a mental drum beat.
And we can say you were forced based upon the success of Coke. If humans were not computers to be programmed then brand advertising, which is all that Coke is, would have no effect. Marketing would have no effect and brand advertising would not exist if we are not programmable.
Advertising it is not an uniform force. The fact the marketing compels some more than other opens the door for modern evil. Capitalists who advocate for absolute free will point to those who prefer Pepsi or don't drink soda at all. You are not being forced to drink Coke, it is 100% a free will choice, never mind that billions of people are drinking Coke solely on the basis of marketing.
This is a particularly nefarious form of evil. It guilts people who are susceptible to forces being applied to them beyond their control because people *want* to believe they have 100% free will. This nefarious evil today has now manifest at the national level in the form of national obesity. Americans are fat. And the reason we are fat is that marketing works! Marketing is extremely successful in programming people to buy food products.
The tension between the reality that people are computers versus religious free will debate is its binary nature. Everyone does have some degree of self-control. But that degree of self-control varies widely from person to person. This variation affords the religious free-will advocates a pass; those blank slate, religious sin promoters to guilt us into believing we all have 100% control. And since humans are predisposed to believe they have 100% free will -- we want to believe it -- the marketing is seen as benign and not the evil for which it truly is.
As a reminder this blog is about solutions and not punditry. Irreni World Scale promotes maximizing free will and therefore freedom by defending against mass marketing, memes, and people programming.
In 1996 I was in the habit of visiting Fremont park in San Juan Batista, California. Fremont park is about an hour-and-a-half drive south of where I was living at the time, San Jose California.
I did this because Fremont park is home to the largest amateur telescope in the United States. At the time I was getting into astronomy and had bought myself the cheapy telescope with a couple of lenses. I would go out in my backyard observe Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and the Moon. And while city lights ruin star-gazing, they have no impact on Moon gazing. In fact, my favorite time to Moon gaze was at dusk after sunset and before complete darkness.
So amateur astronomy brought me to Fremont park. I had been talking to a bunch of students at college about my next telescope upgrade, a design called a Cassegrain. One day a fellow student told me that he didn't have a telescope, instead every new moon he just went to Fremont park and looked through other people's telescopes. Fremont park is kinda like an amusement park with rides. People new to astronomy are expected to wonder to various telescope owners, ask to look through their scope as well as be informed about the star, galaxy or other astronomical object.
And it's great! People have motors to track stars at night for long exposure photography and so on. Astronomy education could last fifteen-to-thirty minutes. It is awesome. Something I highly recommend. And I no longer needed to upgrade my telescope! Instead, I bought a 7x pair of binoculars for Milky Way browsing while laying on the hood of my car.
Good times.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. It was during one of these astronomy education sessions that I was introduced to Rush Limbaugh. I was chatting with an older, conservative fellow who was recommending Rush Limbaugh to everyone that came to look through his scope. Finally! Here was a conservative media radio program!
This was my first introduction to conservative media. I listened to Rush once. Back then he was not as hyperbolic as he is today, but he was still hyperbolic. I have no use for emotional appeal and just ignored Rush.
Flash-forward to some time after 2001. By this time I was working, commuting from Redwood City to San Francisco. Typically I took the train and did leisure reading. The Game of Thrones books were just the kind of reading for me.
But occasionally I had to drive. Normally I would just listen to music on CDs. However, one day I decided to flip the radio channels to hear what conservative media was saying about 9/11. The first radio program I landed on was Sean Hannity on ABC in New York. I was appalled! Part of my college education was reading up on modern anthropology, the study of modern man. Modern anthropology is a survey discipline. Psychology, public health, modern history, and yes even modern grave digging all are part of modern anthropology. One of the topics covered was people programming. I'll give you a quick, two bullet synopsis of people programming:
- Fear, anger and hate are the easiest most powerful people programming tools available. No people programming language of love and sophistication can compete. Fear, anger and hate are a short game primarily because since the tools are available to everyone of any education level then competition is fierce.
- Love and sophistication are the weakest, long game form of people programming. No matter how educated and talented someone is with sophistication and love programming, hate can destroy it all quicker and much easier.
This is just a fact of human nature. We are all susceptible to fear, anger and hate programming.
Fear, anger, and hate programming has a check list. The Sean Hannity show checked each and every one off the list of hate programming factors in his show. I was so alarmed I did something I don't usually do. I called into ABC radio in New York and asked that his program be removed on the grounds of hate programming. I was told that they would not do so and if I had concerns to email to the show directly. So I did. I asked the director to remove the program. I got the most childish, first amendment argument one would expect from a child. My request was not an appeal for government censorship, that's the first amendment. I was asking the producers of the show to self-censor based upon harm to the community.
Conservative media has devastated America with its hate programming.
The first thing a caller does when they call into the Sean Hannity program is exchange "You're a great American" greetings. This is coded language of dehumanization. The dehumanization is that there is an inside group of true Americans to be contrasted with an outside group of traitors called Liberals. Liberals are being dehumanized.
Conservative media is no different than Coke in programming. There is a single drum beat. With Coke the beat is enjoy Coke. With conservative media it is hate Liberals. Liberals hate America. Liberals are communists, Liberals are socialists, Liberals are anti-American. All of this is intended to program humans to hate Liberals. That is all conservative media is. All the facts and opinion debunking liberal news are done solely to support the larger singular agenda of hating Liberals.
And conservative media lies with great aplumb. Take, for example, the birther movement. The birther movement promoting Obama was a Muslim sent to destroy America was promoted by all conservative media outlets: web sites, AM Radio, as well as Fox News. AM Radio, and Fox news have floated lies such as Hillary Clinton assassinating Vince Foster since forever. Every single conservative media outlet does this with great abandon and with the ultimate objective to promote hatred of liberals.
Conservative media has normalized fabricating conspiracy theories about Liberals since its inception with Rush Limbaugh. And that is why it is common knowledge in conservative circles that Obama is a Muslim who hates America, he's a terrorist set out to destroy America.
Trump then is just a simple manifestation of what has already been in place for forty years now.
This is why I can say for 100% certainty that the next Republican President will be worse than Trump. Why? Because that hate machine monster has to be fed. Trump didn't create the monster, he is just feeding into it.
This is why Trump can make a claim like Democrats conspired against him by inventing a death toll of 3,000 deaths resulting form hurricane Maria. The conservative audience lives on a steady of diet of pure fiction, fabricated conspiracies. What's another conspiracy? Just part of a *necessary* diet.
So how does all this relate to Irreni World Scale and how does Irreni World Scale defend against hate programming?
First I want to bring up Jesus Christ and Christianity. As an anti-theist I often get asked to defend a total elimination policy of religion in society when religion has arguably provided some degree of good in society.
Jesus is considered a radical. He's considered a radical in two ways. One, Jesus advocates for the poor. This makes Jesus a hippie in the vernacular. Second, Jesus promoted using love and sophistication programming over the easier hate programming. Jesus promoted being fishers of men. Think about what that means for a second. Fishing as an act is sophisticated. In Jesus' day fishing was at the pinnacle of technology by using nets, poles, and even boats. Jesus advocated attractive fishing over compelling force. Jesus commanded his followers to use the highest tech of his day to entice new followers versus using the brute force of simple, mandatory compliance.
Christopher Hitchens is the first person I heard say that religion was our first, worst attempt at a human operating system. It contains a little bit of everything: cosmology, health care, and human organizing rules. Jesus also revolutionized religious programming using attraction and not compulsion.
So, how has religion panned out as an operating system? Does it work?
Obviously not. Christianity has no defense against hate programming. In fact, it is telling that those people most susceptible to hate programming are the most Christian. Nazi Germany did not kill six-million Jews because of atheism. Germany was a Christian nation before the Nazis, during the Nazis and after the Nazis. The people shovelling the Jews into ovens when they were German were Christian, not atheists. Only the leaders were atheists. The everyman in Germany was Christian. Catholics and Christians have sponsored anti-Semitism since Christianity's inception. Hitler just tapped into anti-Semitism that had been laying around for centuries, hatred programmed by Christianity.
This is why I can absolutely say that religion must completely fade away. Religion has absolutely failed as a human operating system given its own directives of love programming. Whether it is the Christians in Germany being unable to resist the hate programming of killing Jews or the Christians in American promoting the hatred of Liberals, it is clear that love and sophistication taught by Jesus has failed completely. So much so that Evangelical Christians in 2018 are the most hateful people in the United States who are sponsoring a champion of Liberal hatred: Trump.
This failure of Christianity to inculcate against hate programming is even worse than just failure. The evidence of Evangelicals today damns Christianity all to hell, damns Christianity because in fact it provides fertile ground for hatred to thrive in within the larger community. Christianity amplifies hate programming and it does not amplify love programming as Jesus taught. Fail.
Christianity has to go.
But Christianity is not the only failed programming.
Representative Democracy is too.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness has no meaning when faced with the kind of mass hatred manifest in conservative, Christian communities. In other words, any operating system that portends to promote freedom must necessarily guard against our innate human nature to fall victim to the easiest and most powerful programming: hate programming at a mass level like the kinds we see today.
And it doesn't.
The founders of this country did try to guard against our worst nature using the Constitution. It is called a system of checks and balances. What does our system of checks and balances check and balance? Corruption. Adams wrote the very first Constitution for the State of Massachusetts. His muse was Cicero and Cicero warned against any future Democracies demanding perfection from corruption. Rome had a law of any corruption disqualifying any politician from office. Since every politician was corrupt then no corruption was mitigated by this policy.
Therefore Adams built a system of checks and balances. Promote the good and downplay the corruption was Cicero's advice. Ultimately every politician lives in the community they rule, they drink the water and breathe the air and so will want to do the right thing. Adams' idea was to allow some corruption to play out and check that corruption with the balance of another branch of government.
So the founders did program our Constitution to mitigate against our baser human nature.
However, it fell far short even their own eyes. Slavery, of course, being a huge failure in the eyes of the abolitionists.
Adams also lamented, "whoa be the day the voters realize they can vote themselves money." Again, an appeal to our baser, human nature.
The founders never intended our Constitution to remain: they all believed it would need a page one rewrite by future generations, an upgrade to guard against what were even then known fundamental flaws of human nature left unattended in 1787. That we have not done so is a shame upon us all.
Irreni World Scale does this. Irreni World Scale guards against hate programming by Massive Moral Relativity. Hate programming relies on objective morality. Objective morality doesn't exist. This makes objective morality the tool of hate choice: kill, excommunicate, and ostracise the apostates and the heathens, the traitors. As an atheist it is common to all religions to claim atheists have no operating system, that atheists have no morality. This is total nonsense of course. Why is objective morality used then? Because it gives license to dehumanize and dismiss other humans. It is a power play. Objective morality is a power play and not a statement of human nature.
Massive moral relativity starts with each MGO of size thirty. Each MGO has supreme authority over its member and represents the supreme law for them. Each MGO has its own constitution.
MGOs undermine large organizations, the large groups of today like say the six corporations that control 90% of American media today. When large groups exist then those at the top, albeit one person or the few, can control a message programmed into millions of us. Today we call this the mainstream media. We are being controlled.
Large organizations will be the most fragile, ephemeral organization in the Irreni future and not the small organization of today. Large organizations will be built from every increasing numbers of MGOs that can completely undermine any law or rule of the large organization at any time. This means that large organizations are built on the frailest of human nature programming: voluntary cooperation. Corporations have authoritarian power of people today and that will not exist in an Irreni future.
Democratic Republics have an authoritarian power to collect taxes that will not exist in the future.
Voluntary cooperation means that hate programming will be mitigated to the smallest units possible, small groups of MGOs. The largest organizations of large power will be those built on voluntary sophistication of love and crumble at the mere touch of hate programming.
Wow! That sounds like a fantasy! And it is! ...Today. This is why Irreni calls for two radical governing mechanisms in its implementation. First it calls for massive innovation and second it calls for a two-hundred-year schedule. We are going to need time and generations to teach ourselves love and sophistication power. This is a long game, a two-hundred-year long game. Experimentation of proving governing claims of love and sophistication means proof of success must come before scaling-out to ever larger quantities of MGOs.
The initial baseline for Irreni success is the degree of success we already have today. Irreni experiments must prove claims create better results over the state of Democratic Republics today. In this way Irrenni World Scale ensures our future success is not a fantasy, but a proven fact.
And that is how we guard against hate programming. Marketing, memes, and people programming have the most power to do evil when the few can program the millions and billions. Irreni World Scale takes the focus off of the few programming the millions and billions and instead puts the focus on the few programming thirty people within the MGO. Irreni World Scale calls for 300 million governing organizations inculcated against large scale programming by a large volume of 300 million ultimate authority governments.
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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