Hi! Happy Monday!
Welcome to YAII! Yet another Irreni introduction.
!!! WARNING !!! This introduction is rated BM, Blasphemous Maximus. If denigrating religion causes you pain then don't read this.
Just as a reminder, this blog is about solutions not punditry. I say this because this introduction uses a current event for illustrative purposes. The Irreni World Scale model is one of massive moral relativism. The opposite of the proper morality of massive moral relativism is moral objectivity: the notion that a single moral code exists that all seven billion humans should follow.
As an anti-theist I can say with a high degree of certainty that the one thing that drives religious people the most crazy is generalizing about religions as one. Not all religions are equal is the clarion call of any religious apologist. But ooooh they sooooo can be.
There is only one evil necessary to tie every religion up into one bundle of kindle for historical burning.
In massive moral relativism it is immoral to dehumanize someone. Everyone's human worth is the same the day they are born until the day they die. No crime, no evil deed can change that priceless worth.
The reason dehumanizing someone is the most evil of all religious morals is that it then gives license to treat the other, the dehumanized, with any degree of human indignity. Take for example Native Americans. Native Americans were dehumanized as savage beasts and eventually the Pilgrims resorted to burning them alive. Pilgrims would build a circle of fire around Native American camps, fan the flames inward and burn them alive. Did you know that? They would burn entire of encampments of men, women and children alive, listening to their screams ensuring no one escaped alive. And what makes this story particularly compelling is our historical lens. Historically we only focus on the Salem Witch trials and not the burning of Native Americans alive. When I learned about this fact in a history class I asked myself, "Why do we focus on the Salem witch trials and not the far more horrific, wholesale slaughter of entire camps of Native Americans being burned alive." The answer is simple: religion. Religion dehumanizes other humans and once dehumanized all the dehumanized are forgotten. Every religion does this and so every religion can be dismissed by any anti-theist with the same degree of indiscriminate, urgency of political force.
This is not the only moral evil that all religions share, but just this one is sufficient enough to generalize all religions as being evil, one and the same from the perspective of an anti-theist promoting that religions all should relegated to the ash can of history to be every bit as forgotten as those Native Americans who were burned alive.
Dehumanization is immoral with massive moral relativism. As a moral relativist I have no internal conflict when it comes to people doing morally reprehensible, evil things and yet still holding those people in high esteem; the same esteem as if they did not commit the moral evil. Take George Washington. He's a hero of mine. However, when it comes to moral reprehensibility there is nothing more reprehensible than slavery except killing. Slavery is the ultimate dehumanization of people other than outright killing people. George Washington owned slaves. That makes him morally reprehensible a 10 on a scale of 1-10.
But understand this: to a moral relativist human value remains the same from cradle to grave, all humans are priceless. Dehumanization is the worst moral evil in a massive moral relativism system like Irreni World Scale.
Understanding this then let us consider the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for a Supreme Court Justice position.
Kavanaugh is nothing more than a grown man bullying a seventeen-year old woman. We have a word for this: coward. There is a special hell for men who would abuse women and children. Kavanaugh's legal opinion on this makes him morally reprehensible and disqualifies him from ever being any kind of judge, ever. The fact that Republican Senators would even consider Kavanaugh indicts them all to hell. These Republican Senators are all the worst kind evil that they themselves would ascribe to those opposing Kavanaugh.
See what I did there? I dehumanized. I dehumanized not only Kavanaugh but the Republican Senators. I damned them all to hell, eternal torment. Except of course I don't believe in hell or anything supernatural. I'm a massive moral relativist. Everyone shares the same priceless human value, including Kavanaugh and all the Republican Senators who don't even flinch at lauding Kavanaugh as highly respectable; a bully who would terrorize a seventeen-year-old to carry an unwanted pregnancy. Pathetic losers, all of them, and none of them are qualified to govern.
The reason I bring this up is that just this last week a #Metoo moment happened for Kavanaugh. He's accused of attacking at woman while drunk when he was seventeen-years-old. She felt her life was in danger.
There are two aspects of this story that are worthy of Irreni instruction introduction.
Ask yourself this: what is the Christian, objective moral when a woman with a thirty-year-old accusation coming to light at an opportune time? Should the accusation be considered? If considered should Kavanaugh be outright dismissed as a Justice nominee?
But for me that isn't where the real honey lies in this Winnie the Pooh bee-hive of life. No, the real honey is moral objectivity. If there is a moral and that moral is objective then every single Christian should come to the same moral conclusion. I mean, there is only one moral after all.
As an anti-theist I often point out the craven moral bankruptcy of religion when it comes to technology, the lack of the ethics of modern technology such as genetics, the atomic bomb and abortion. Yes abortion. The right-to-life, religious crowd cannot objectively, morally reconcile the fact that Roe V. Wade has enjoyed at least 60% approval popularity within the U.S. since its inception. America has always been a majority Christian religion nation and if half of your Christian nation cannot agree on the morality of something like abortion then your "objective morality" arguments are null and void. Just this week Chelsea Clinton tweeted that the right to an abortion is a Christian moral. There is no moral objectivity here.
As an anti-theist the objective morality regarding modern genetic engineering, atomic bombs, and texting while driving gets ignored by the objective moral crowd because these concepts are are not in the Bible.
However, the relationship between man and woman is arguably one of the most important topics in the Bible. So surely Kavanaugh's alleged attack on a woman thirty-years-ago has to be one of those things with crystal clear, objective morality as applied by the Bible. Ha!
Here is a total and complete indictment of Christianity and moral objectivity. Stick fifty American Christians in a room and ask them to write out the objective morality of the Kavanaugh situation. Should he lose his nomination? Should the woman be shamed for her opportunistic revelation, timed when it was?
I can guarantee with 100% accuracy one thing: there is no moral objectivity and the answers will be all different and all over the place.
If you have been looking inward at your moral eye, staring in an abyss of moral vacuum when it comes to the Kavanaugh #Metoo accusation, trust me, you are not alone. This is because religion is and has always been morally bankrupt. There is no there, there with respect to objective morality.
Every person has to make their own determination. After that then work it out with their MGO of thirty people. And then have even broader conversations and so on. That is how morality is worked out, including agreeing to disagree.
If the Brett Kavanaugh situation were to happen in an Irreni World Scale system then the first voice to speak morally would be his MGO. The MGO knows your history. Is this a pattern? Is this a one time, drunken seventeen-year-old failure of morality? Ah, but there is a pattern of misogyny by Kavanaugh, which leads me to the next point:
If an MGO were to look for a pattern of misogyny then Kavanaugh's treatment of the seventeen-year-old fits the bill. This means in two-hundred years when Irreni is fully functional I don't think it would have come to this. This is because the attempted bullying of a seventeen-year-old would have been morally seen correctly in the first place. He's unqualified. I say this because once a massive moral relative system is in place then dehumanizing of illegal immigrants goes away. In fact there aren't any illegal immigrants. Everyone belongs to an MGO of thirty people. Dehumanizing people is antithetical to massive moral relativism. This means the seventeen-year-old , cowardly bullying by Kavanaugh would have caught people's moral attention and disqualified him outright before the need to ever expose his #Metoo moment.
And the #Metoo moment? A massive moral relative conservation would first take place starting with Kavanuagh's MGO. After that the conversation would spread to every larger groups of MGOs. Moral relativism requires new morals to have new conversations.
And who knows, maybe two-hundred years from now when Irreni is fully operational perhaps we can grow out of our moral objectivity stupidity and eventually elevate the history of burning alive innocent Native Americans over the Salem witch trials.
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

Welcome to YAII! Yet another Irreni introduction.
!!! WARNING !!! This introduction is rated BM, Blasphemous Maximus. If denigrating religion causes you pain then don't read this.
Massive Moral Relativity
Just as a reminder, this blog is about solutions not punditry. I say this because this introduction uses a current event for illustrative purposes. The Irreni World Scale model is one of massive moral relativism. The opposite of the proper morality of massive moral relativism is moral objectivity: the notion that a single moral code exists that all seven billion humans should follow.
As an anti-theist I can say with a high degree of certainty that the one thing that drives religious people the most crazy is generalizing about religions as one. Not all religions are equal is the clarion call of any religious apologist. But ooooh they sooooo can be.
There is only one evil necessary to tie every religion up into one bundle of kindle for historical burning.
All religions sponsor dehumanization.
In massive moral relativism it is immoral to dehumanize someone. Everyone's human worth is the same the day they are born until the day they die. No crime, no evil deed can change that priceless worth.
The reason dehumanizing someone is the most evil of all religious morals is that it then gives license to treat the other, the dehumanized, with any degree of human indignity. Take for example Native Americans. Native Americans were dehumanized as savage beasts and eventually the Pilgrims resorted to burning them alive. Pilgrims would build a circle of fire around Native American camps, fan the flames inward and burn them alive. Did you know that? They would burn entire of encampments of men, women and children alive, listening to their screams ensuring no one escaped alive. And what makes this story particularly compelling is our historical lens. Historically we only focus on the Salem Witch trials and not the burning of Native Americans alive. When I learned about this fact in a history class I asked myself, "Why do we focus on the Salem witch trials and not the far more horrific, wholesale slaughter of entire camps of Native Americans being burned alive." The answer is simple: religion. Religion dehumanizes other humans and once dehumanized all the dehumanized are forgotten. Every religion does this and so every religion can be dismissed by any anti-theist with the same degree of indiscriminate, urgency of political force.
This is not the only moral evil that all religions share, but just this one is sufficient enough to generalize all religions as being evil, one and the same from the perspective of an anti-theist promoting that religions all should relegated to the ash can of history to be every bit as forgotten as those Native Americans who were burned alive.
Dehumanization is immoral with massive moral relativism. As a moral relativist I have no internal conflict when it comes to people doing morally reprehensible, evil things and yet still holding those people in high esteem; the same esteem as if they did not commit the moral evil. Take George Washington. He's a hero of mine. However, when it comes to moral reprehensibility there is nothing more reprehensible than slavery except killing. Slavery is the ultimate dehumanization of people other than outright killing people. George Washington owned slaves. That makes him morally reprehensible a 10 on a scale of 1-10.
But understand this: to a moral relativist human value remains the same from cradle to grave, all humans are priceless. Dehumanization is the worst moral evil in a massive moral relativism system like Irreni World Scale.
Understanding this then let us consider the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for a Supreme Court Justice position.
"Kavanaugh defends religious privilege while trampling the rights of women. Last year, he argued unsuccessfully that the government could force a 17-year-old girl detained as an illegal immigrant to continue her unwanted pregnancy — with conditions that essentially would have forced her to carry the pregnancy to term."
Kavanaugh is nothing more than a grown man bullying a seventeen-year old woman. We have a word for this: coward. There is a special hell for men who would abuse women and children. Kavanaugh's legal opinion on this makes him morally reprehensible and disqualifies him from ever being any kind of judge, ever. The fact that Republican Senators would even consider Kavanaugh indicts them all to hell. These Republican Senators are all the worst kind evil that they themselves would ascribe to those opposing Kavanaugh.
See what I did there? I dehumanized. I dehumanized not only Kavanaugh but the Republican Senators. I damned them all to hell, eternal torment. Except of course I don't believe in hell or anything supernatural. I'm a massive moral relativist. Everyone shares the same priceless human value, including Kavanaugh and all the Republican Senators who don't even flinch at lauding Kavanaugh as highly respectable; a bully who would terrorize a seventeen-year-old to carry an unwanted pregnancy. Pathetic losers, all of them, and none of them are qualified to govern.
The reason I bring this up is that just this last week a #Metoo moment happened for Kavanaugh. He's accused of attacking at woman while drunk when he was seventeen-years-old. She felt her life was in danger.
There are two aspects of this story that are worthy of Irreni instruction introduction.
- The lens of moral, hanging wringing over an alleged attack thirty-years ago being newsworthy and not Kavanaugh's craven, degenerate, disgusting, morally bankrupt attempted bullying of a seventeen-year-old girl.
- The moral bankruptcy of religion to provide any moral clarity on the issue.
Let's tackle moral bankruptcy first.
Ask yourself this: what is the Christian, objective moral when a woman with a thirty-year-old accusation coming to light at an opportune time? Should the accusation be considered? If considered should Kavanaugh be outright dismissed as a Justice nominee?
But for me that isn't where the real honey lies in this Winnie the Pooh bee-hive of life. No, the real honey is moral objectivity. If there is a moral and that moral is objective then every single Christian should come to the same moral conclusion. I mean, there is only one moral after all.
As an anti-theist I often point out the craven moral bankruptcy of religion when it comes to technology, the lack of the ethics of modern technology such as genetics, the atomic bomb and abortion. Yes abortion. The right-to-life, religious crowd cannot objectively, morally reconcile the fact that Roe V. Wade has enjoyed at least 60% approval popularity within the U.S. since its inception. America has always been a majority Christian religion nation and if half of your Christian nation cannot agree on the morality of something like abortion then your "objective morality" arguments are null and void. Just this week Chelsea Clinton tweeted that the right to an abortion is a Christian moral. There is no moral objectivity here.
As an anti-theist the objective morality regarding modern genetic engineering, atomic bombs, and texting while driving gets ignored by the objective moral crowd because these concepts are are not in the Bible.
However, the relationship between man and woman is arguably one of the most important topics in the Bible. So surely Kavanaugh's alleged attack on a woman thirty-years-ago has to be one of those things with crystal clear, objective morality as applied by the Bible. Ha!
Here is a total and complete indictment of Christianity and moral objectivity. Stick fifty American Christians in a room and ask them to write out the objective morality of the Kavanaugh situation. Should he lose his nomination? Should the woman be shamed for her opportunistic revelation, timed when it was?
I can guarantee with 100% accuracy one thing: there is no moral objectivity and the answers will be all different and all over the place.
If you have been looking inward at your moral eye, staring in an abyss of moral vacuum when it comes to the Kavanaugh #Metoo accusation, trust me, you are not alone. This is because religion is and has always been morally bankrupt. There is no there, there with respect to objective morality.
What is the Irreni response to political situations like this?
Every person has to make their own determination. After that then work it out with their MGO of thirty people. And then have even broader conversations and so on. That is how morality is worked out, including agreeing to disagree.
If the Brett Kavanaugh situation were to happen in an Irreni World Scale system then the first voice to speak morally would be his MGO. The MGO knows your history. Is this a pattern? Is this a one time, drunken seventeen-year-old failure of morality? Ah, but there is a pattern of misogyny by Kavanaugh, which leads me to the next point:
Let's tackle the lens of morality now.
If an MGO were to look for a pattern of misogyny then Kavanaugh's treatment of the seventeen-year-old fits the bill. This means in two-hundred years when Irreni is fully functional I don't think it would have come to this. This is because the attempted bullying of a seventeen-year-old would have been morally seen correctly in the first place. He's unqualified. I say this because once a massive moral relative system is in place then dehumanizing of illegal immigrants goes away. In fact there aren't any illegal immigrants. Everyone belongs to an MGO of thirty people. Dehumanizing people is antithetical to massive moral relativism. This means the seventeen-year-old , cowardly bullying by Kavanaugh would have caught people's moral attention and disqualified him outright before the need to ever expose his #Metoo moment.
And the #Metoo moment? A massive moral relative conservation would first take place starting with Kavanuagh's MGO. After that the conversation would spread to every larger groups of MGOs. Moral relativism requires new morals to have new conversations.
And who knows, maybe two-hundred years from now when Irreni is fully operational perhaps we can grow out of our moral objectivity stupidity and eventually elevate the history of burning alive innocent Native Americans over the Salem witch trials.
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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