Blue Wave 2006
Happy Wednesday! This essay is just a nudge in the right direction. What direction is that? The direction away from denial, denial that our government is still salvageable. If you already believe that our government has passed the point of no return then there is nothing new here for you.
Just a reminder that this blog is not about punditry, but solutions. The solution in this case is to realize our government is forever broken and we must start a new one, Irreni World Scale.
Fall has arrived in Maine. We are getting one-and-two day cold snaps. With the first cold snap I turned on my space heater in my bedroom to get to sleep. The following morning I got up, went to my car, turned the key and rrrrnt, rrrrnt, rrrrnt. Woooo Hooo! The starter was turning but engine wouldn't start. Just great.
I thought to myself, okay, my battery is probably dead and due to be replaced as the cold weather pushed it over the edge. So I called my car service to get a jump. The guy shows up in his tow truck. But, instead of unwinding the jumper cables from his tow truck, he pulls out this teeny tiny, lunch-box size portable charger. For sure that battery was too small to jump my car. But this time of year batteries like mine going dead is common. They only need a helping boost. Sure enough after attaching the portable I turned the key and the car started.
To my, "Blue Wave 2006", "once bitten, twice shy" eyes the people pinning hopes on a blue wave are naive to think that Blue Wave 2018 is going to jump start our government.
Fool me once in 2006, shame on you. Fool me twice in 2018 shame on me.
I will not be fooled again.
In 2006 we there was another Blue Wave, Blue Wave 2006. How did that work out?
Murder. It was murder. We were expecting a life saver instead we were stabbed in the back, the knife deeply twisted and left there. That knife's name is Nancy Pelosi.
In 2006 after Democrats retook the house expectations among liberals were high. The expectations were that finally investigations into Black Water and other Bush Administration war machines would prosecute the war profiteers and such.
Knife, meet back.
Nancy Pelosi came out and said unilaterally and unequivocally that the House was not going to investigate anyone, not a single person in the Bush Administration.
Nancy Pelosi is responsible for the Republican Party and Trump today. Had the Republicans and Bush been held to account then the shame of war crimes committed, of war profiteering committed, would have tarnished the Republican party such that they would still be recovering today.
But no. That. Didn't. Happen.
The checks and balances in this country are not just what's in the constitution. From the beginning two-party system is suppose represent one party balancing the other.
Because Nancy Pelosi gave a free pass to all Republicans and to all Bush Administration officials then we can draw a straight line from what she didn't do in 2006 to 2016, and Trump.
In 2006 I was naive enough to believe a Blue Wave 2006 would bring about redress, that our government still functioned. I believed that this country would right its ship, that Congress would check the abuse of power by the executive branch as is its role.
Nope. Boy was I wrong and naive.
So it is no stretch all to predict that Nancy Pelosi will repeat herself. She will come out and say,
"For the sake of our country unity and for healing partisan division then we will not investigate any member of the Trump administration."She did it in 2006 and so it is perfectly reasonable to predict she will do so in 2018.
Nancy Pelosi is every bit as responsible for what Trump has done as Trump is himself. The same as an accessory to murder can be charged with first degree murder. She did nothing to check Executive Branch in 2006 and we are living with the results today. She failed her duties and responsibilities to be check on the executive branch.
Did you know the Army is recruiting eighteen-year-old people today who were born after 9/11? That is Nancy Pelosi's legacy.
Our government is not going to fix itself because the people in power want our government to be exactly what it is today, overrun with corruption. The only desire there is to fix our corruption is a desire for political theater to blow off the steam to keep us plebs in line. They need and want Bernie.
I was fooled by Blue Wave 2006. I will not be fooled by Blue Wave 2018.
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Is that you?
I say all this not to criticize Nancy Pelosi because they are all complicit. Every single person in Washington DC is rotten to the core. It is not guilt by association. It is murder-guilt by murder-accessory, murder of our government.
It is time to reinvent government from the ground up with Irreni World Scale. We need to get out of our denial that the U.S. government can just recover with a portable battery jump start, which is all that Blue Wave 2018 represents.
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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