Nice Things!
Happy Saturday!
Welcome to YAII! Yet another Irreni introduction!
Why we can't have nice things?
!!! WARNING !!! This introduction is rated BM, Blasphemous Maximus. If denigrating religion causes you pain then don't read this.
Nice things is a recent meme on the Internet, just like the meme, "That's not how it works, that's now how any of this works."
This is a long essay.
This is a long essay about philosophy and is a twenty-minute read. If philosophy bores you to tears then this most certainly will.
I'm in the process of taking all the Irreni introductions over the last couple of months and compiling a book. Looking through them I chose them to be topical so as to be motivating to everyone. Many of them are responses to current events and how Irreni World Scale would solve unsolvable problems of today.
Today I thought I would toss in this one more introduction of pure philosophy chapter for just that small minority of us who are motivated by philosophy.
As a side note philosophers today are crap sophists. That means their time is spent making a mountain out of a grain of sand. That's not me, I'm an engineer. Philosophy to me is only valuable to the extent that the philosophy is applied to the real world. Everything else is mental masturbation.
Just to be clear, I love mental masturbation. I do it all the time. I engage ideas just for the sake of exercising my brain. However, the difference for me as a philosopher is that when I mentally masturbate I don't do it public.
Philosophy is simply the practice of creating mental ideas that orchestrate physical models so as to manipulate reality to meet the stated objectives of the mental ideas.
In this essay I'm going to argue Democracy is dead, not to be resurrected. I'm going to do this by demonstrating that our country was founded on the same three pillars of power as the Catholic church: tradition, clergy, and the bible. I will show that two-out-three of these pillars have been destroyed and that the third, the constitution, cannot function on its own.
The founders were the original clergy. Trade and Christianity are the traditions, in that order. The Constitution is the Bible. Time has not been nice to Democracy. Trade has is now global and erased our constitution borders. Education and information destroyed Christianity. Idiots have replaced the founders.
This essay is engineering philosophy that we can sink our teeth into and act on.
Example: can we all decide to quit calling Trump a populist and instead call him a hatrist? Populist is a puppy word. It comes off as cute, warm, and fuzzy. Trump is a hatrist. Trump hates. Trump's popularism is contingent on him yelling, "Lock Her Up". He'll never be able to drop that hate. Trump is a hatrist. Trump spreads hate for two reasons: first to gather this followers and second to repel his enemies. Republicans win in low voter turn out elections and Trump's hatrist product is nerve gas to those he hates. Those who Trump hates will be repelled and feel compelled to not vote. So hatrist and not populist.
See? Labelling Trump a hatrist is philosophy we can sink our teeth into.
Here is another example, the data dictionary. In my chosen vocation of software engineering we missed a large philosophy boat, the data dictionary. What's a data dictionary? A data dictionary serves the same purpose for people as a language dictionary, ease of communication with a common understanding.
Banks run on software invented back in the 1980s called relational databases. Relational databases are innovative because data is linked not by computer addresses as in the past, but by the data itself. This would have been the perfect time to create a data dictionary.
An example data dictionary entry might be to define a person as thus:
1. A unique name that requires a unique 64-bit number to disambiguate.
2. A list of alias names in order of common usage such as nicknames, first names, last names, etc.
3. A country legal name as defined by the country, i.e. first and last.
4. A principal language.
5. A principal address.
If we had done something like this in the 1980s as a bit of philosophy then today we'd benefit from the ease of use of standard data definitions.
A data dictionary is engineering philosophy.
What is sophistry philosophy? Discussions involving free will. Free will might make for great entertainment but has no practical application in the real world.
So, why don't we have a data dictionary? The reasons echo the the same fundamental reasons Democracy is dead today.
Democracy requires more than a constitution. It is dishonest fiction perpetuated on us that the rule of law defines Democracy. Democracy has from the very beginning relied heavily on willing cooperation that is not dictated. The constitution is just a piece of paper. The common good objective agreements of those making the laws has always been a lynch pin of our Democracy. These common objectives underpin why we have political parties.
Common agreement is missing in tech today. There is no data dictionary in computer science today because computing today has suffered another Internet meme: success has become failure. In addition tech has no equivalent to political parties.
Prior to the advent of the Internet then the philosophy of computing was still in large part a conversation between University academics. The end of this era can be directly traced back to TCP/IP, the protocol the Internet. The Universities lost philosophical control after TCP/IP, subsequent rise of the Internet, and success of the money. Computing's financial success became its failure, academic philosophy was replaced with financial interest.
There was an attempt to create a data dictionary. In the mid-1990s a standard XML was created. What is XML? The XML standard defines human document data format similar to relational databases defines computer storage data format. At that time a data dictionary was proposed. This dictionary would be written in the XML specification. A consortium came together of major tech businesses and academia. That mixed model of academia and business represents the downfall of philosophy in computing today. By definition competing companies do not trust each other. Each tech company wanted to be the authority of storing the data dictionary, or the Merriam Webster of language dictionaries if you will. Fighting within the consortium ensued and no data dictionary was ever published.
Other standards suffered the same fate as the XML data dictionary. For example, take SQL2, the language of relational databases. This standard was supposed to come about in the mid 1990s. It never did. And again a mid-1990s an Internet data standard failed, another data language called CORBA.
Computing philosophy is dead in 2018. JavaScript is hot mess and so is PaaS, platform as a service. Both of these standards drive the Internet today and both of these standards are corporate battlegrounds of power and not philosophical standards for ease of communication.
Democracy requires more than a constitution. Democracy requires willing cooperation of some agreed upon set of ideas, ideas sometimes called an ideology and other times called a tradition.
Death of Tradition
Computing protocols and standards today do not form a coherent set of ideas. Computing protocols today are designed per use. This is because it doesn't make any sense to create an ideology or tradition for disparate purposes. For example, the protocol of the Internet, TCP/IP, has nothing in common with the language of relational databases, SQL. They don't need too either.
Computing ideas are siloed. Computing ideas do not represent an ideology. I bring this up because Democracy tried to scale and replace coherent ideas with party planks. Political parties at some point adopted a philosophical notion of platforms and planks. Planks like labor laws do not need to make sense with respect to military planks. This did help us scale, for awhile.
This is the first argument Democracy is dead and cannot be resurrected. Democracy relies on coherence of ideas as a tradition and ideology and this coherence has evaporated.
The coherence of ideology and tradition has always been evil, full of tyranny and oppression. I'm an atheist and an anti-theist. If I were to run for public office in the United States as an out-and-out atheist and anti-theist I could not get elected because we still have vestiges of ideology. One has to be a Christian, to be religious. And yet today the non-religious population in the United States is the fastest growing religious demographic today. Soon the tyranny and oppression of necessarily being a Christian to be a politician must end.
Should we strive to bring back ideology and bring back a coherence of ideas in Democracy? No! That's asking if we should strive to maintain tyranny and oppression.
And yet Democracy cannot survive without tradition and ideology.
What was our last tradition?
The last national American dream, American narrative, took place in the 1950s. That dream was mom, dad, the kids, and a two-car-garage home. And to a lesser extent this dream also included a free college education from the GI Bill and a New Deal where the poor houses were eliminated because we took care of the elderly.
Since the 1950s we've had no common American dream and no common American narrative. Our Democracy is dead because of it. The two party system has fruitlessly struggled to govern without any common tradition.
Conservative Christians are trying to piece Humpty Dumpty back together again. Fuck off and die. That's my response as an atheist. You Christians can all go straight to hell. Seriously, I speak for every dead atheist that has ever lived in a religious country that has been oppressed going on thousands of years. Just fuck right off.
But I am not the reason tradition is dead in this country. Education and information are. They are the sunlight disinfecting the disease of religion. Counter-culture expanded as public education expanded, it started with the Roaring 1920's. Education expanded again after WWII and counter-culture expanded in the form of the Beat Generation. Video and print information expanded again in the 1960s where counter-culture really took off with the sexual revolution of the 1960s along with protesting of the Vietnam war. Information finally propelled counter-culture to eclipse religion starting in the 1990s with the advent of the Internet.
Counter-culture, counter-tradition, and counter cohesion of ideas of ideology are permanently in our rear view mirror. Politics has caught up with computing: political ideas live in silos now. Health-care laws should have nothing do to with education laws. Individual rights are no longer a set of uniform rights applied to individuals, individual rights are individually chosen ideas. Liberty is minority defined.
There is no going back. Mass tradition is in our cultural rear-view mirror.
Death of Clergy
And clergy? Clergy are the conduits between the bible and the tradition. The clergy maintain the tradition as times change. The Catholic Church pope is infallible interpreting the Christian Bible. The Supreme Court is infallible in interpreting the laws based upon U.S. Constitution.
Congress is charged with updating the laws as time changes. Our politicians are the clergy. Our politicians were suppose to embody the existing traditions as well as provide continuity of the current traditions with new traditions.
The politician-as-clergy design of our government has a huge hole, a huge built in flaw. Our constitution was designed around the abilities and integrity of the initial founders. It needs a continuation of the Jefferson's, Adam's and Madison's. We have never had such a collection of philosophers again.
Instead, our political parties weakly prop up our idiot politicians as clergy. This is problematic today because Democrats have long been a big tent party, a rainbow party of disparate ideas. The Democratic party for the last-half of the last-century represented a loosely affiliated set of country-culture ideas combined with traditional interests where labor unions represented the largest traditional faction. So it is ironic that it is Republicans that destroyed labor -- the last bastion of tradition within the Democratic party -- thus creating an purely counter-culture opposing party.
Republicans see themselves as the last clergy of our Democracy today. They see themselves as our priests with the Supreme Court as the pope. Republicans see themselves as the only infallible interpreters of the U.S. Constitution.
Their success though requires that the Republican clergy put the counter-culture genie back in the bottle. Ain't going to happen. It ain't going to happen as long as there is mass education and mass information. Religion's evil, murderous dysfunction cannot stand the disinfectant sunlight of education and information.
Modern American politics is not the first example of education and information revolution bucking the evil clergy of religion as it is practised. The Protestant movement represents the religion-within-a-religion counter-culture movement. Christianity went from a single organization Catholic Church to over thirty-thousand Protestant denominations today.
Irreni is similar movement, but also different. One difference is that Irreni is counter-punching Democracy whereas Protestants counter-punched Catholicism. Another difference is that Irreni is upfront engineered to split into 300 million governments, whereas the Protestant movement chaotically split into thirty-thousand factions without a plan at all.
When Martin Luther kicked off the Protestant movement he did so by pasting fifty points on the gates of the Vatican. These fifty points outlined how the Catholic church was violating principles in the Bible. Foremost among them is that Christians could simply pay money for forgiveness. Nowhere in the bible does it say money can be exchanged for divine forgiveness.
Martin Luther was protesting the clergy. The clergy were miss-interpreting the bible. Therefore the Protestant movement became a movement against clergy and one of sola-scriptura, or only scripture. The Wikipedia link has a nice summary of sola scriptura.
Death of the Bible
Martin Luther protested two pillars of Catholic power: clergy and tradition. That just left the bible. Protestants tried to correct the failures of the Catholic Church by replacing the clergy and tradition with its own counter-culture versions, but subverting the clergy and tradition power to the power of the bible alone. The ultimate authority for sola scriptura resides in the individual, but Protestantism has always maintained the individual still needs a clergy and tradition support network. Protestants then have always played footsie with becoming that which they despised, the Catholic Church.
How? The Protestant movement was an education and information movement. The Protestant movement was made possible by the advent of the printing press and the mass production of the bible.
Irreni World Scale is similar to the Protestant movement. The clergy of Congress and the Supreme Court are miss-interpreting the U.S. Constitution. It is time to do away with them.
Irreni World Scale improves on the Protestant movement because Irreni is a planned engineering movement. Irreni calls for massive experiments to prove social claims against social practice. In addition Irreni does not place the ultimate authority on the individual to create a constitution. Instead, Irreni replaces countries with the MGO, the micro-modular governing organization. The MGO is to create and interpret a constitution and to contain its own clergy and to create a useful fiction as tradition.
The U.S. Constitution as a concept is not flawed just because of its reliance on clergy and tradition. We cannot simply do a page-one rewrite and continue with the same notion of clergy and tradition, nor can we eliminate them. The U.S. Constitution is flawed because it does not scale. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and any central government that experiences success in money and in population growth then becomes absolutely corrupted.
Democracy has been dying due to financial corruption since 1900.
I will use a recent example, however, almost any story coming out of Washington can be used.
In this case let's use the current story of Fred Trump's tax evasion.
The New York Times just ran an investigative journalism piece on Trump's family evading $500 million dollars in taxes. The Trumps were never prosecuted and never jailed. If Al Capone were still alive the he'd be like, wait, what?
It is true that debtor's prison is unconstitutional. It is also true that debtor's prison exists today. Poor people in Ferguson, Missouri and many other cities are thrown in jail for not paying parking tickets. Tax evaders are still thrown in jail. It is common knowledge the reason that debtor's prison was forbidden by the U.S. Constitution is because debtor's can't pay back debt while in prison. What's missing is that the rule of law cannot be justly applied to debtor's prison. Fred Trump and Al Capone are the perfect examples. Al Capone went to jail. Fred Trump didn't. Why? Because the debtor's prison rule of law cannot be justice blind and corrupted power is easiest wielded by tossing people in jail for debt. Debt is not a crime at the time of commitment. Borrowing money is not a crime. People do not intend to commit a crime at the time of borrowing money, but only when they cannot pay money back. Therefore people who are normally not criminals can be thrown in jail for perceived debt crimes, implying anyone and everyone can be targeted.
Also, as Benjamin Franklin pointed out long before this country was founded, everyone cheats on their taxes.
The fact that we have multiple forms of debtor's prison in our country is just one of one-million, three-hundred thousand, five-hundred and sixty-one reasons that a constitution doesn't scale. Debtor's prison is forbidden in the U.S. Constitution. The constitution clergy politicians are every bit as guilty of violating the interpretation of our legal bible as the Catholic clergy were of their religious bible.
Same can be said with the Supreme Court's allowing of the War Power's act of 1973. I could go on.
So we have covered how all three pillars of power of U.S. Democracy today are broken. Our Democracy is permanently broken because a common tradition for 300 million people is no longer possible. Our Democracy is permanently broken because absolute power corrupts and our financial success is our failure. Our Democracy is permanently broken because without a tradition to apply to interpreting the U.S. Constitution then the politician's hands are tied, there is no tradition to advance.
Irreni World Scale is to Democracy as the Protestant movement is to Catholicism. Both movements break a monolithic organization into orders of magnitude larger numbers of organizations.
Irreni World Scale, however, improves on the Protestant movement by not just being an protest movement with no plan for what happens next. Irreni World Scale is an engineering movement founded in science and reason. Irreni World Scale is a lab for governing experiments. Irreni World Scale provides the lab equipment and result analysis processes for perpetual experimental improvement.
Irreni World Scale retains the three pillars of power. Irreni World Scale shrinks the pillars of power to a fundamental size of thirty people. These MGOs are then building blocks for greater power just like Lego plastic pieces can create different toys the MGOs are intended to be combined and recombined into various governing designs. These designs configurations have two-fold purpose: 1.) applications in the real-world and 2.) ongoing experiments in the philosophy world.
Irreni shrinks the pillars of power to align with the reality of 2018 of permanent counter-culture. Counter-culture is redefined as MGO culture. MGO culture starts at size thirty and increases size as building blocks are combined. These blocks have looser, less defined traditions and weaker power. The inverse correlation between larger population size and weaker power is a minority based government. This correlation represents massive moral relativity in harmony. We learn to self-govern and then to group-govern at larger and larger sizes. We voluntarily cooperate between MGOs as opposed to forcibly cooperate by rule of law at mass scale in the millions and billions today.
The rule of law applied as the force of cooperation has always been morally reprehensible to minorities; albeit minority of race, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation or by being an atheist. We are not represented. Even today I cannot be a Federal politician because society today will not elect an atheist. Other minorities may have some representation, but still much less than that minorities population percentage.
Irreni World Scale will enable minorities to have power where minorities can voluntarily decide to engage majority oppression based upon mass-group benefit.
As long as there are humans there will be tyranny and oppression of larger-groups oppressing minorities. Irreni World Scale provides a system of voluntary minority cooperation so as to choose oppression in exchange to gain mass benefit of majority cooperation. This is juxtaposed to the rule of law forced cooperation.
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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