U.N. Climate Report: Twelve Years Disaster
Hi! Happy Thursday!
This essay is about the solution to climate change disaster predictions.
The United Nations just released a report stating that scientists have determined we have a twelve-year window to address global warming. If we don't, then billions of lives are risk not to mention property value.
Just a reminder that this blog is not about political punditry, but solutions.
The Irreni solution to global action is 300 million micro-modular governments as opposed to the handful of governments today that most people live under.
Large governments only move slow. Small governments can move fast. When I first mention 300 million governments people pull back in disbelief.
We can't have 300 million governments, that's insane.
Is it?
Google is only 20 years old and yet has billions of users. Why? Because technology goes viral at the smallest level of all, the individual.
Literally billions of people within ten years adopted the Android phone.
Could the world governments have passed laws mandating people buy those phones?
I just bring this up to set a precedent in your mind. Billions of people voluntarily cooperated to support a platform like "Whats App".
Governments today cannot move that fast.
Al Gore was alone outstanding in his field. There is zero leadership in Washington D.C. with respect to climate change legislation. None.
We've reduced the expectation of our politicians to a simple belief. If a politician believes in climate change and global warming that's enough.
Uhh, no its not. We need government leadership if we are to do anything within this twelve-year window.
Okay, so why don't individuals just do the right thing the same as adopting the Android Phone or What's App?
Well, there is a two-fold answer to this:
1. The solutions require large projects not available as a simple retail purchase.
2. We selfishly adopt personal pleasures, and yet require sharing in our personal sacrifices.
For example, one way to significantly reduce our carbon footprint is for the world to go vegan. Most of us meat eaters, myself included, would be far more willing to do this as long as everyone is doing this. If all the restaurants and all the grocery stores quit selling meat then okay then.
World governments could get together and declare as a planet the world is going vegan and pass laws accordingly.
That's impossible. I say that because this is what 300 million governments seems to you as well, impossible.
What if Irreni were fully functional today? How would that play out?
Just a reminder, Irreni will take upwards of two-hundred years to be fully functional because we have to learn to self-govern and we are starting at zero self-governing: casting votes.
First and foremost there is the MGO, or micro-modular governing unit of fixed size thirty people.
When Irreni is online then buildings and housing will reflect the thirty people size. One can imagine two-hundred years from now people have new living buildings for thirty people complete with kitchens, gardens, etc.
We do not necessarily need to see everyone on the planet joining us in our sacrifice. The Irreni model is that thirty people sharing sacrifice suffices. An MGO could adopt a vegan law. Each MGO is its own government with its own constitution. To implement a vegan law the MGO could have a few people, say three-to-five, who cook for the rest on a daily basis prepare only vegan meals. The cooks then provide the vegan meals. As long as we are experiencing other people joining in our sacrifice then we'll go along.
Irreni scales empathy to the world scale not by scaling each individual's empathy to empathize with billions in the world. Irreni scales empathy by focusing on empathy with the thirty people in our MGO.
First we scale empathy because you're vote will count in the MGO. Absolutely in a group of thirty your vote will count. This is important in any sacrifice scheme. People must feel that their input is being considered. Your empathy is active.
Second we scale empathy as we learn to cooperate, or self-govern. We all learn to bargain, compromise and change our minds. How many decision meetings are you in today? The MGO size of thirty means anyone can potentially be involved in all decisions. People will learn that their ego doesn't run the world. This is key to scaling empathy. We cannot feel empathy for seven billion people, but we can for thirty people.
Third, we scale cooperation. The concept of the MGO is that an MGO is a building block for larger governments. MGOs of micro-modular size thirty will cooperate together to from larger MGOs, modular governing organizations.
The micro-modular governing size will enable ideas to go viral at the largest scale. Each MGO has ultimate legal authority over its members. Members can choose to go vegan and the MGO is now vegan. This only requires thirty people to agree to fairness in sacrificing. When a disaster scenario such as the U.N. report indicates world cooperation then MGOs work together to scale out.
Would 100% of planet Earth initially go vegan if Irreni were 100% online today? No. But, we would find the maximum set of people willing to share in a vegan diet sacrifice. How large would this percentage be? A guess? Maybe another 20-25% of the world's population that is not vegan today would go vegan. But as time goes on their children will be vegan and then over the course of a few generations the world could go 100% vegan.
Scaling empathy is one of the fundamental design principles of Irreni. We scale empathy by sharing sacrifice; but not with a billion people, a million people, a thousand people, or even one hundred people, but as thirty people.
Groups of thirty people who are sacrificing together support each other and encourage others by example. Small government sizes allow governing ideas to spread quickly. In the free-market today we'd call that going viral.
Now and in the future we will need governing ideas to go viral in order to manage large scale disasters.
We need Irreni World Scale.
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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