Apples and Oranges

Apples and Oranges

Hi! Happy Thursday!

Just a reminder that this blog is about solutions and not punditry.

Apples and oranges today is a topic contrasting systemic perspective versus ideological perspective.

The Irreni World Scale solution is an upgrade to our systems of government. Irreni World Scale is not about the ideology of our lives. In fact lack of ideology is built into the Irreni name: Innovation Replaces Revolution, Engineering Not Ideology (IRRENI).

It has become clear to me recently that separating out system solutions from ideology problems is a apples and oranges problem. A media system of hate programming appears to be an ideological argument when it is actually a systemic one.

In recent media posts I have called out conservative hate media as a conservative problem that Irreni solves by a systemic upgrades. I have been given feedback that the argument and solution both appear ideological supporting my liberal politics. Fair enough. I accept that.

The confusion comes from my personal politics which I use in choosing the problems to focus Irreni solutions on these problems. The liberal bias criticism is valid in that the problems I'm choosing reflect my personal politics of being an anti-theist liberal. The ideology problem selection and systemic problem solution, however, are apples and oranges of ideology and systemic.

This essay is meant to dispel the notion that calling out conservative hate media is somehow an ideological solution to an ideological problem. Irreni World Scale offers a systemic solution to a human nature problem.

The best starting point to distinguish the apple and orange is the concept of false equivalency. A false equivalency argument goes something like that since apples and oranges are both fruits and further since I can bake a tasty apple pie then I can also bake a tasty orange pie. No. Yes it is true that apples and oranges are both fruits. No it is not true that they both be made into pies because one is mostly water and the other is mostly fiber. The false equivalence is the water percentage.

Hate speech is a well studied phenomena. For this essay I only need but one component of hate speech to make the false equivalence argument, the equivalent water percentage argument.

Hate speech needs a constant refreshing of the speech. Hate speech needs a day-to-day maintenance, a constant reinforcement.

It is also worth noting that hate speech does not require the use of direct threats or use of the word "hate" to be hate speech. Hate speech just needs an ongoing drum beat of droning reinforcement of mantra programmed with hate emotion.

Conservative hate-speech media is hate speech because of its incessant non-stop pattern of programming.

When I studied network bandwidth at UC Berkeley we learned about the concept of self-similarity. What is self-similarity? One way to think of it is to draw a sine wave representing amplitude over time. We see these commonly on TV and in movies with voice patterns. The volume and frequency of a persons voice is displayed as various frequencies of amplitude. A self-similar pattern is defined to be a waveform that looks the same independent of the time slice. The same waveform will be visible if the time slice is one minute, five minutes, one hour, or one day. From the start of the time slice to the end the same waveform pattern will be visible, or self-similar.

I read about the discovery of self-similar network bandwidth when a study was conducted about University network traffic over lunch hour. Network bandwidth bottlenecks had been observed at peak times such as the beginning of day, lunch hour, and end of day. The University upgraded network bandwidth to exceed the peak traffic of the existing bandwidth. Guess what? The same pattern emerged. There were still bottlenecks at the same peak times. The network was upgraded yet again and yet again the bottlenecks still occurred? Why? Because humans tend to adjust their behavior to the circumstances. Specifically as the network was upgraded then people started using more bandwidth. Digging into this phenomena led to the discovery that over a twenty-four hour period any time-slice showed the same waveform pattern, just with different amplitudes and duration.

Hate-speech programming of human minds follows a similar pattern. It is not possible to program someone with just a single hate speech comment, Or two comments. Or three comments. No, hate speech programming requires a steady cadence of of constant programming. In other words, a system is required. A system of constant repetition of repeating the same words over and over again. The self-similar concept is required because people engage media on every time slice imaginable. Sometimes people listen for five minutes, sometimes they listen for an hour. Sometimes people listen daily, sometimes people listen hourly, and some people have conservative media going 24/7. The hate speech needs to be self-similar in waveform to be most effective for a varying degree of consumption by those being programmed.

Conservative media drove right by liberal bias and right into the ditch of hate-speech media by adopting a self-similar hate speech system. Below are just some of the hate mantras being constantly programmed into the minds of those consuming conservative media.

Common conservative hate speech mantras:
  1. Democrats are communists.
  2. Democrats are socialists.
  3. Democrats are evil.
  4. Democrats are un-American.
  5. Democrats are un-Patriotic.
  6. Democrats are anti-Capitalists. 
  7. Liberalism is a mental disease.
  8. Liberals want handouts.
  9. Liberals are baby-killers.
  10. Liberals have killed 50 million babies.
  11. Liberals are atheists.
  12. Atheists have no morals.
  13. Atheists are rapists and murderers.

All of these are hate speech because they are mantras also programmed as hate emotion. These are just some of the mantras, hundreds more exist. It is important to note that programming human minds can be very computer-like in deterministic effectiveness once repetition works to take hold. The hatred emotion is created from the dialog in between the mantras. saying the mantras is quick. Ginning of the hatred emotion of liberals due to the perceived evilness of their position on issues takes the majority of time. A single issue can be talked about for any hour or five minutes. The mantras are sprinkled throughout the discussion of the issues.

Conservative hate-media programs the human mind in much the same way I use Python to program a computer. There are some major differences between programming the human mind. Hatred is natural but the levels required for political purposes are not and therefore the programming has to be refreshed constantly using mantras.

The effects of hate programming such as is found in conservative media can be striking. Ronald Reagan coined "liberalism is a mental disease." However, it took Rush Limbaugh pounding that mantra daily to turn it into hate speech that divides.

There is a documentary on Netflix about just how damaging conservative-hate speech programming can be. A women noticed that with the advent of Rush Limbaugh and Fox News then her Father went from a happy grandfather to an angry, miserable person after spending years consuming conservative hate-media. She shared this story online and soon found many others who had experienced similar situations and so made the movie.

Of course most people do not suffer this extreme kind of change from happy to miserable-angry consuming conservative hate-speech media. The impact we see of conservative hate-speech programming today is increased tribalism where conservatives have disengaged from the population at large and retreated to echo chambers of self-reinforcing hate.

Our increased tribalism over the last forty years has exactly one cause: conservative hate-speech media. Conservative media is an addiction of hate for those who engage it.

Understanding this then brings into focus the false equivalence of liberal and conservative media being the same when it comes to hate.

For example, conservatives today blame Obama for ginning up racism and anti-police violence. Their proof? Obama made a few comments that might be construed as hate speech where he accused conservatives of clinging to their guns and bibles or some such.

However, it is not possible for a single person to say a few comments and gin up tribalism and mass hatred of a group based upon the uttering of those comments, especially of millions of Americans. It is possible for AM Radio and Fox News to foster hatred by a 24/7 programming of hate mantras over forty years to foster hatred of 30-60 million Americans. There is no comparison. Tune into any AM Radio talk show or tune into Fox News political commentary and the hate mantras will be said in a self-similar pattern. This media is consumed by 30-60 millions Americans daily.

To claim that liberal media bias is any way comparable to conservative hate-speech programming displays a fundamental lack of how the human mind works. A constant reinforcement of repetition of mantras is required to elevate hate to otherwise unnatural levels. The hate mantras have to be as constant as the drum-beat of any song.

When it comes to hate speech then NPR and Fox News are not comparable. They are apples and oranges. Bias is not hate.

What to do? I'm a free speech absolutist. I do not believe the government should be censoring hate-speech media nor solving this problem. We the people must solve this problem. But how do we solve the problem systemically?

Without Irreni the solution is to simply call out the hate speech as I am doing here and refuse to engage with anyone who espouses any of the hate speech mantras or their supporting arguments. There is nothing you can do for someone calling us a baby-killer because we support abortion. It is not a discussion when someone is just regurgitating group-think programming. In some respects we need to treat those afflicted with conservative hate speech the same way we treat drug addicts. We need to insist they demonstrate a time period of abstinence. They need to be hate-drug free. They need to voluntarily quit watching Fox News and listening to AM Radio for at least six-months before engaging them in any meaningful way politically. Until they are drug free then we just agree to see them at the voting booth and have no discussion whatsoever. We cannot dissuade what is programmed. Having a conservation with someone cannot compete with the daily drone of relentless programming.

And with Irreni? Irreni turns the media world upside down by design of the MGO. The MGO represents your sovereign constitution, the legal system with final authority over any person. This means the politics of day-to-day life for everyone will be local first and not national first like today. Local first media is hate speech proofed because hate speech is used by the few to program the millions. Are haters still going to hate? Sure. But the unnatural levels of hatred created by today's conservative hate-speech media will dissipate because we will all be focused primarily on our own MGOs first and foremost. Our local political attentions will attenuate attentions given to larger groups of MGOs of lesser power than our personal MGO.

There is no liberal version of conservative hate-speech media. To be fair, there was no conservative hate-speech media in America prior to they advent of Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. The solution to this conservative hate speech cannot be ideological because it is not an ideological problem, but a systemic problem. Free speech must always be protected from the power of government so it is up to we the people to find solutions to this systemic problem.

There is no existing solution today against the juggernaut of conservative hate-media. Those of us that are no not under its spell can attempt to de-program those caught in the programming but this will be as futile as attempting to break a drug addict's addiction by intervention. No, conservative hate-media is a new manifestation of the technology of our times. We need a new solution of commensurate with our technology to solve this problem. Irreni World Scale is such a solution with its MGO design.

Apples and oranges. Hate speech is a systemic apple created by conservative hate media. Rescuing people from hate-speech programming is not an ideological problem the same as rescuing people from a drug addiction is not an ideological problem. Both are systemic problems based upon the system of human nature. However, I can understand how critics of Irreni see this as an ideological orange that can confuse addressing a systemic problem as an ideological stance because the target of conservative media hate speech includes atheists such as myself. Politics today that depend on ideology can only be dysfunctional until the system of hate is removed. Then and only then can liberals and conservatives be in the same room and come to happy ideology compromises of mutual governing as a Democracy. As long as Republicans espouse Democrats are un-American and traitors there is nothing to discuss.

One final word on the hatred grown from ideology. Ideology is the substrate that hatred is manufactured from. Irreni itself does not support or deter ideology. People are free to construct an MGO constitution with the ideology of their choice. However, someday years from now when humans have elevated political discourse beyond ideology to just adopting ideas on a case-by-case basis then Irreni World Scale will be there as an ideology free laboratory.

Freethinkers unite!


Party On!

Let's get cracking!

Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!

Politics as Science!

Demand Irreni World Scale!

Anti-theism is feminism!  

Think disruption!

Empathy for all!

Moral relativity: think it, breath it!

Prove it or lose it!

Conversations equal consensus! 

Welcome to the 21st century!

Scale your empathy, scale the world! 

Find your tribe!

Be sexy people!

The future is coming! 

Innovate at a rapid pace!

Slow speed ahead!

Well come! and well met!

