Love, Hard Work Book Draft: Chapter 4

Hard Work
By Mybrid Wonderful

A New Government
(For Making New Governments)
Irreni World Scale

"Irreni World Scale means hard work. Hard work in the past meant physical labor, back breaking labor of long hours. Hard work today means brain labor of social skills, getting along with people productively."
-Mybrid Wonderful, "Love, Hard Work - Introduction"

"Don't Panic! Two-hundred-million world governments as proposed by Irreni and opposed to today's two-hundred world governments is not meant to happen over night, but rather over two-hundred years."
-Mybrid Wonderful, "Love, Hard Work - Introduction"

Welcome to Love, Hard Work!




Before we get started, duty demands I lay down a couple of things first. Irreni World Scale means hard work. Hard work in the past meant physical labor, back breaking labor of long hours. Hard work today means brain labor of social skills, getting along with people productively. Don't Panic! Two-hundred-million world governments proposed by Irreni as opposed to today's two-hundred world governments is not meant to happen over night, but rather over two-hundred years.

Introduction: December 4, 2018

You ever wake up, roll over, look at the blue-glowing clock to ask yourself if it is time to start thinking? And in part do so by asking  yourself, "Do I rule the Universe today?" Over the many mornings of my fifty-six years I have devised many different methods for answering that question: do I rule the Universe today? Mmmm. My latest Universe ruling thermometer is to check the new movie listings on the "Rotten Tomatoes" web site on my phone. I don't know about you but when I first wake up I can't remember jack blank. Literally, my brain is off and I don't even know my name. I look at the movie listings and if I go, "oh, I remember that crap from yesterday", then I know it is time to start thinking. I mean, new movies only come out once per week.  That's the first part. The second part is I look at the titles. My review usually goes something like this, "crap, crap, who would watch that?, I want to be entertained not depressed, yuck!, more crap, what the hell is that?, and meh..." After that review exercise I'm ready to think and I know that I don't rule the Universe. So I get out of bed and start the day. Because let's be serious, if I did rule the Universe then action movies would be all the new movies. :)

My favorite movies of 2018 are "Dead Pool 2", "Venom", and "Blank Panther". Yeah, okay, "Avengers: Infinity War", came out and I liked it: I just didn't fav it. That movie just tried too hard and I felt like I was sitting on the crapper pushing, pushing, pushing...then what heck was that that came out?

In my brain and in my heart I'm still a kid. There was one moment in time back in 1977 where I did feel like I was on top of the world, I ruled the Universe. Two things happened that lead me to conclude I mattered. The movie "Star Wars" came out and the album, "Hotel California", came out. "Hotel California" even went on to win a Grammy for the album of the year! Yes! 1977 was the one time I felt I belonged to our planet we call Earth, I saw myself reflected and I ruled. Yee haa! The fact that Star Wars got critically panned also meant I ruled 'cause we all like to both love and hate critics. I mean we Love when a critic agrees with us and we Hate when they don't. As one Supreme Ruler of the Universe to another we must find it as unthinkable Supreme Ruler etiquette to give a crap what an actual critic judges...'cause that cramps the Supreme Ruler style. Although I do read movie reviews for the plot synopsis. Just saying. Hmmmph.

I've always had fun imagining I ruled the Universe. It is this game I have played since as long as I can remember.

Here's a fun Ruler story. I'm not a belonger by nature, I don't join groups or go to group things. No, I fly Solo(tm). Although sometimes I do ponder my childhood and wonder what happened to finding my Chewy(tm) partner? Anyway, back in 2007 I attended one of a handful conferences I've attended in my life. I attended a  Linux conference in San Francisco called "Linux World". I'm a software developer by trade. I write computer programs. I love open source software and  Linux. Anyway, I get in the queue for registration. Part of the process is to create a name badge. What you may not know is that it is common practice at such a conference to have name badges that are plastic, credit-card-size, badges complete with conference art work. They look like a business card. They have a  rectangular hole at the top for the lanyard hook. You then got a lanyard with a clear, plastic holder for the name badge that just coincidentally happens to be handy for both showing your name and also holding business cards of all manner of conference going folk. I'm like, "Perfect". I saw a chance, I made a move. Registration took place on a PC, a keyboard and a screen. The registration screen had you enter your registration information and finally came the name badge screen with three rows: Company, Title, and Name. So in goes, "Universe, Supreme Ruler, and Mybrid Spalding", because I hadn't changed my last name to "Wonderful" at that time. Anyway, so there I am, walking around the huge Moscone Center with a lanyard and name badge declaring I'm the Supreme Rule of the Universe. Ha! I had great fun! It was awesome! The people who smile and laugh are the ones I to talk too, and the people who sourpuss-it face I don't. Easy peasy. It is the same practice I use with with my name. People who get their back up because, "Mybrid", I walk away from. People who enjoy the imagination idea of "Mybrid" I open the door for. Yeah baby, yeah. Out with the old, in with the new!

Introduction: December 4, 2018, Infinity War

Part of the Supreme Ruler of the Universe game is I seriously ponder ruling the Universe. How are the current Universe Rulers doing and can I devise better? I've always had an Infinity War with the powers that be; they don't know what they are doing.

My first recollection of an Infinity War battle took place in a church. I think was maybe nine-years old at the time? My family attended "The Wesleyan Methodist Church", just a couple of blocks from where we lived. I'd say our family was pretty typical for the 1970s. We went to church on Sundays kinda regularly and whenever free baby sitting was offered, aka Bible Camp, then we went.

I have never believed in Christianity even though I was indoctrinated from early childhood. I remember thinking "no way you can get all those animals on a boat". At that time I thought it was an original thought. Ha! Never underestimate the intelligence of a child. However, my thoughts were wrong because I lived in land locked, Lafayette, IN. The only boat I had ever seen was row boat on a pond behind our school that someone used for fishing. You can't get an elephant on that boat. I had no idea what a boat was because I had never seen one. So yeah. The picture in the picture book showed Noah's Ark entirely on the same page with a bunch of animals. Not big enough.

Anyway, this is a story about first serious Universe Ruling recollection. It involves  a couple who had been married and divorced six times. But that's not the kicker. No, the kicker is they had been married and divorced six-times to each other. I gotta hand it to the Methodists. The Methodists practice, "give us your tired, your poor." Methodists minister to the weakest and most desperate of us. I appreciate the fact that no matter how broken one is, one can always be welcome in a Methodist church.  So anyway, this couple had asked the preacher to marry them in the church. For the seventh time. Take that Catholic Church. The Pastor said yes, but on one condition. He wanted use them as an sermon topic and marry them in front of the whole congregation. So we had a Sunday service that ended with a short wedding ceremony of these two desperate, ex-cons who had both been in-and-out of jail, in-and-out of marriage multiple times.

I became a serious Supreme Ruler during the sermon. See, the sermon starts out how the Pastor espoused Methodist principles of ministering to the poor and those most in need. Therefore this marriage was not a mockery of God and marriage, but a Pastor and his congregation participating in ministering to a couple who may yet find redemption with our help. I have to say, of all the Christian denominations, I find the Methodist practice of helping the thieves, lepers, and whores the most to my liking. Anyway, that's not the part I had issue with. No, the part I had issue with was the civil part. The Pastor reminded us that along with a spiritual responsibility of marriage comes a civil responsibility. He further went on to say that with marriage comes over seven-hundred civil rights-and-privileges exclusive to marriage and went on to name a few. That's when I got serious. No, just no. Stop it. First of all, what's with bundling individual rights and privileges. Individual rights and privileges should be decided as individual, ala carte. At nine-years old I was like, nope, those seven-hundred rights and privileges should be listed individually and I should be able to designate my wishes and exercise my rights one-by-one, no packaging allowed.

Looking at the state of marriage today, I think my nine-year-old self was onto something. Civil social-engineering of marriage has been a disaster in this country.

That was then. What I do for a living now is write software programs. My interest in being a Supreme Ruler of the Universe though has maintained by a large appetite for reading up on social engineering. I've read broadly about history, economics, religion, anthropology, social science, social studies, cognitive science, and of course speculative science fiction. Speculative science fiction is the business of social engineering by speculating new ethics and new morals based upon imagined new technology.

My insights come from a combination of two things: broad reading education coupled with a talent based upon reason and observation. Irreni World Scale is the culmination of years of education and of reason from a Supreme Ruler of the Universe eye. *~wink*~

Where does one start when thinking like a Supreme Ruler? George Carlin had a good definition of a comedian I thought that also applies to defining a Supreme Ruler. Essentially Carlin defined a comedian as someone who observes life and points out the absurdities. He then immediately proves his point and says, "take for example a disposable douche, is there any other kind? When would you not dispose of a douche"? In some sense I'm a comedian. I look at life and observe absurd.

One such absurd example is the religious right's claim to Christian privilege in this country because we are a Christian Nation. To which I retort, oh yeah? What about the thousand years between 300 CE  and 1787 CE when the Catholic Church was literally in bed with the state as a state church? Weren't these thousand years of Christian nations? Were they a success? The Catholic Church was the Christian Nation church for the countries of France, England, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and such. How did that work out? What was the American Revolution revolting from? What were the Protestants protesting? Funny thing is when I point out the Christian Nation absurdity then Christians just act like I'm speaking Klingon or something. Imagine that. Being a Supreme Ruler is hard.

Anyway, my infinity war started at the moment of our first childhood consciousness thoughts and ends at death. So I can safely say that social engineering has been an Infinity War for me, a game of Supreme Ruler of the Universe where I enjoined degrees of seriousness and whimsy.

Introduction: December 4, 2018, The Powers That Be Economy

I'm going pick on economists. Basically I'm a coward and everybody picks on economists. I'm not going to alienate anyone picking on economists because everyone does this and also economists are resigned to this fate. :)

The Powers That Be, our Supreme Rulers, have no clue what they are doing with the economy. Look around you. I have two  fundamental economy observations that show the absurdity of The Powers That Be Economy are:

1. Savings
2. Gasoline prices

I grew up in the 1970s. Our high school had a class we were required to take, called "Home Economics". We learned how to balance a checkbook. We learned how to bake. Ummm, yummy cinnamon rolls from scratch. We also were taught the necessity of having a savings account and saving money.

Do you hear that today? What no? If you tell someone today you that you are putting money in savings account then they will tilt their head like a dog looking at a penguin for the first time: is that a dog or a cat? What?

You see savings accounts since 2007 having been paying zero percent interest. When we were taught savings in high school we took one-hundred dollars and put that into a savings account that paid five-percent. We then compounded that interest over forty years and came up with a million dollars! Or something like that.

Later on when in the 1980s and 1990s as I followed economic news there was always this leading indicator that all economists talked about: American savings-to-GDP ratio. Seems after WWII then Americans established a some benchmark savings to GDP ratio or some such. The recession in the 1980s seriously drained American savings accounts and credit-card debt was on the rise. Economists warned that the clouds would fall if that savings ratio sunk too low. Further, if that savings ratio sunk lower then all the nitrogen would fall out of the sky and finally all the oxygen and we would all suffocate to death. That would suck. Savings, savings, and more savings were promoted by economists.

Then 2007 came along and BAM!!! Savings? What's that? Turn on any economic forecast in 2018 and you will not hear one single peep about American savings having any impact on the economy. No, today it is all about 401k investments in Wall Street. Mmmmm. I wonder why?

The point is that The Powers That Be Economy are clueless. They have no clue what they are talking about and the savings predictions of before 2007 prove it.

Gasoline prices are another case of clueless. It all started in 1999/2000 with the demise of Enron. Enron was a Fortune 3 company, one of the largest companies in the world. Enron's shenanigans and ultimate collapse in the energy markets lead to oil price increases. Economists warned that if oil prices rose by as much as ten-percent then this would cause inflation. Rising oil costs meant rising transportation costs. Rising transportation costs meant rising food costs, including rising costs of McDonald's burgers. Economists predicted that a ten-percent increase in gasoline prices would mean a ten-percent increase in food prices because food is mostly transported by truck.

In 2007 in California gas prices peaked at five-dollars per gallon. That is not a ten percent increase. That is a five-hundred percent increase over 1999. And yet you could still buy a hamburger at McDonald's for under one dollar. In fact, McDonald's even had a one dollar value menu and yet gas prices in California hit five-dollars per gallon.

Introduction: December 4, 2018, What Now?

The latest round of Powers That Be Economy absurdity is tax cuts. Or rather, tax cuts without cutting spending. None other than the Wall Street Journal is projecting that the short term economic gains from slashing taxes will peak early next year and then fade by 2020.

I mean, come on, short term gains for long term losses? This is also called cutting off your nose to spite your face. These tax cuts without spending cuts were reckless and irresponsible to be polite about it. To be cynical about it one can just listen to what the Republican politicians are telling us: they did it so as to balloon the deficit and force tax cuts that cut Social Security and Medicare.

These are the Powers That Be Economy people who are the Supreme Rulers of our Universe.

Have you had enough yet?

Introduction: Irreni World Scale Absurdity


Irreni World Scale must necessarily appear absurd. For example, Irreni is designed for micro-modular governments of size thirty people. This means there will be around two-hundred million sovereign governments based upon today's seven-billion size world population. Today we have less than two-hundred sovereign governments.

You have to realize though that today's Supreme Rulers of our Universe have failed absurdly. Any competent solution put forward must necessarily look absurd by comparison.

The only question then is the reasonableness and efficacy of the new absurdity.

This book is going to lay out the case that the Irreni World Scale formula for absurdity success makes sense. For example, the plan to achieve two-hundred million sovereign government requires two-hundred years to implement. We will go from two-hundred to two-hundred million over two-hundred years.

So that's the Introduction, a requirement for absurdity. Our government failures today in the United States and in the world are extreme in their absurdity. If the consequences were not life-and-death then we might be able to laugh about the absurdities and call them absurdity comedy.

But the stakes are life-and-death. What started for me as a childhood absurdity of play thinking that I am the  Supreme Ruler of the Universe has lead me on a path to creating Irreni World Scale, an absurd solution for absurd times.

Absurdity is the order for the day, perhaps with a side of fries. The only work left for the rest of this book then is to make the case that Irreni World Scale is the right kind of absurdity.

Chapter 1

Fantastic! Build the MGO, build the world! THESE are the times that try our social skills. The social media warrior and the comment troll will, in this endeavor, shirk hard work, doing so from within the information shadows as if bridge trolls whose life's meaning is simply to scare the frightful and the children as they cross into the future bridge. We the people that commit to the hard work required to build our future communities with love for everyone will ensure our individual and world's security with prosperity without end. Tools, language, and social groups are our intellectual heritage and yet when we take the measure of each then one is deficient: we are surrounded by technology's breath taking pace, emojies on the Internet connect all our languages, and yet our politics regress, we do not see new social skills required to make new communities keeping pace. We must have the courage as our parents and their parents before them to boldly go into new frontiers, even as those new frontiers are social estate and not real estate.

Love Hard Work. If you've coming looking for disposable political content that characterizes politics today then you will be disappointed. This book, "Love, Hard Work" is a book that is a call to action, to do things. And action that is necessarily made from love and hard work. Love is required to promote the well being of everyone on planet Earth and hard work is required to upgrade our social skills so we can build new social estate.

Let us begin.

This is not a technical manual specifying how a system works, a system designed for all seven-billion people on the Earth today and even more tomorrow. Everyone should feel welcome in reading this book as the message is meant for everyone. That message is simple: build an MGO.

What is an MGO? An MGO is a micro-modular governing organization of fixed size thirty people. Initially an MGO will just be a typical corporation. As time goes on and MGOs become popular then they will start to subsume local, state, and federal law. The MGO is a building block much like a Lego block. The blocks of size thirty are intended to be assembled into ever larger governing organizations. However, instead of the larger organizations having the greatest power, the MGO always has the greatest power. The more MGOs there are then the weaker the organization. This is the opposite of today where sovereign power resides in the largest organization, the country, and the weakest power at the smallest level, local government.

"THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value."
-Thomas Paine, The Crisis Papers

Crisis, what crisis?

The above album art was part of a social campaign to bring about social change, namely the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Before the EPA was created the large cities in the US were smog ridden trash heaps.

In 1776 Thomas Paine wrote the Crisis papers to gin up support for the war. Are we in crisis today?


We are not.

We are in quality of life mode, not crisis mode. We now have the capacity to feed, clothe, and provide shelter for all of Earth inhabitants even as the population is its largest ever.

The only reason we have not done so is bad politics, bad governance. And no one is out there proposing some 2018 EPA to clean up our political trash. Until now. Irreni World Scale upgrades our politics to serve us all.

This book has an impossible task of convincing people that three-hundred million governments of size thirty people is the future. An additional impossible task is to convince this plan will take two-hundred years in an instant gratification age.

But neither three-hundred million governments nor a two-hundred-year plan is as impossible a task as convincing people we are not in crisis mode.

This is because Irreni is something new. New ideas. New ideas are easier to sell than shifting human nature gears. Our human nature is to perceive ourselves in crisis mode. News really should be called Bad News. If it bleeds it leads. News since its inception has always attracted subscribers with sensationalism, however muted. Journalism is considered the fourth estate because its role was taken to mean taking out the trash. Investigative journalism doesn't investigate why marriages work, but rather extra-marital affairs of people in power.

Celebrate! Dance to the music! We live in fantastic times! Imagine an average American from 1776 being transported to an average American home today? Indoor plumbing, indoor electricity, automobiles, television, computers, and smart phones! The wonders to behold for this 1776 American!

And yet our media today is stuck in the same rut as it was in 1776, sensationalism of bad news.


We should be full of joy for all the advantages we enjoy today! Why aren't we? Human nature.

"The reasonable person adapts themselves to their environment. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable person."
--George Bernard Shaw

Being a human is like mountain climbing where no matter how much mountain has been progressed, we are focused on the next progress.

The reason our politics has eclipsed its ability to progress is that we have reached the limit of crisis politics. We need to shift to celebratory politics.

Crisis politics is defined to be politics established to oppose tyranny and oppression. The US Constitution is such a document. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is the opposite pole of tyranny that benefits the few. The few govern today in every country.

Crisis politics is not quality of life politics. Crisis politics is opposition to the tyranny of the few to carve out life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as an opposing force to tyranny to the extent possible. That extent has been reached and our politics have reached the limits of happiness capacity.

We are now in the information age, the quality of life age. We have the capacity to feed, shelter, and clothe one-hundred percent of all humans. The only thing holding us back from doing so is us, our human nature.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This means any power structure that funnels power to the few will be corrupt. Crisis government is designed to fight the funnelled power. Shifting perspectives from crisis government to celebratory government then means massively distributing power and this is why Irreni calls for what are now called countries to be MGOs, groups of thirty people.

Crisis government is revolutionary whereas celebratory is innovative. When the tyrants albeit capitalists or government officials run amok then the tyrants are tore down and so large disruptions can ensue, up to and including all out revolution or corporate collapse. Crisis government then is by nature one step forward and two steps backwards. Corruption is built into the few governing the many, a top-down system. Success becomes failure as the riches of success corrupt those few in power, turning them into tyrants. The corrupt system is tore down and a new one replaces it. This is all expensive and costly. Crisis government then is inherently limited in success because corruption increases as success increases and the system then succumbs to revolution of some sort.

Celebratory government is incremental innovation. This is because celebratory government starts with a calibration of the quality of life today and then innovates improvements to the calibration to increase the quality for all.

To better understand crisis versus celebratory government then let us apply the differences to a modern problem at large: climate change.

First there is the immediacy framing. We are told that we have twelve years to respond to climate change. This is crisis management. We have a deadline and we have to scurry, scrounge, and fight to meet the deadline or suffer dire consequences.

Does this frame make any sense whatsoever? First, for this frame to apply this assumes that world governments can respond in a timely manner. As if? Right? Come on, do world governments have any track record of responding on such short notice? The frame is silly.

Why give the frame of twelve years at all? Well, the story goes that we will reach of point of no return that we cannot halt changes. The celebratory perspective is to admit disaster is reality and realize that twelve years is a ridiculously short time for global response. So, celebratory response would be to look for incremental, innovative changes that can begin to mitigate the coming disaster incrementally rather than some perceived complete and total solution.

Second there is the isolation framing. Climate change response is considered isolated from the overall world state. The world state is not a zero-sum game where any change adds and subtracts from some world state total. But neither is world state infinitely flexible. The reality is world state exists somewhere between a zero-sum game and flexibility. Celebratory politics always considers the overall state of the world and how any change impacts overall state. This is because the objective of celebratory politics is to increase overall quality of life.

These two frames of immediacy framing and isolation framing are foundations of crisis politics. There are no long term plans in crisis politics where long term is defined to mean longer than one human life span. Climate change response will always be us for now and ever more. Being in a constant state of emergency for now and ever more is a poor quality of life.

The quality of life standard for climate change is to change the very name to Earth stewardship. The spelunking motto is "take nothing but photos, leave nothing but footprints." Every human can feel the evolutionary pull of wanting to leave the Earth in as good as shape possible for future generations. As the Earth reels and rolls through its various environmental changes then our celebratory response is to minimize the negative impact on current people as well as sustain a good Earth for future generations.

We are not going to solve any of the big problems of 2018 with a crisis mentality. It is exhausting because everything is framed as a crisis and we all become desensitized to the crisis of the day. Around every corner and on every web page a new crisis is brewing.

Crisis government and crisis mentality must go and be replaced with quality of life government that celebrates life. We must quantify overall world state and look to increase on a forever trajectory.

Irreni World Scale shifts our entire governing perspective from crisis management to quality management. Power is massively distributed with MGOs as a firewall against absolute power corrupting absolute. Millions of governments replacing hundreds of governments acts as a firewall against crisis inducing corruption. The two-hundred year time-line provides time for multiple generations to create and pass-on new social skills required for everyone governing. The two-hundred year time-line provides time for quality of life metrics to be established and then governing experiments to prove out quality of life increases.

Irreni World Scale then replaces static government of static laws with experimental government with experimental laws. Static laws provide fertile ground for corruption because permanency is the bedrock of corruption. Power permanently established is power easily corrupted. Crisis government demands static laws whereas celebratory government demands experimental laws.

Experiments require laboratories and lab equipment. Irreni World Scale has both. The laboratory is the Terran Sea Otter Academy (TSOA). The TSOA is charged with experiment inception, data collection, analysis, and refereeing. The experiments are conducted by MGOs. The MGOs are the building blocks of governing experiment. MGOs are combined into larger entities via contracts of experiment called projects. These projects are run until the experiment concluding criteria are met or the project canceled due to faulty premises, faulty configuration, or changing world circumstances. The TSOA is solely responsible for MGO composition from outside of the members of the MGO. The TSOA can reconfigure MGO membership to meet experiment criteria as well as to break up MGOs that abuse power.

The Irreni World Scale plan is roughly broken into four stages: corporate, local, state, and country. First corporations are replaced with MGO projects. This can take from fifty to one-hundred years. Second local governments are replace, then state, and finally countries themselves are replaced. These stages will overlap as different regions on Earth adopt at varying rates of efficacy.

The call-to-action today is a Make campaign. Automation is rapidly replacing mundane, repetitive jobs. Irreni World Scale is calling for initial MGOs to form as a jobs program. Job security comes from taking control of our own job fates. We learn various modern job skills such as 3D printing. MGOs are formed under existing corporation law. In parallel the TSOA will be constituted. Software identified in later chapters will be developed to run the initial experiments as projects and to initiate the MGO refereeing system.

Start a corporate MGO. That is your action. The TSOA will need financial resources. At a high-level these two initiatives are the beginning, chapter one.

Chapter 2, Day One, MGO Designation: MGO 10

It is a mild day here in Hermon, Maine. Eight of us are sitting at couple of handmade tables at Cafe Perone, laptops open. There is an ocean wave of sorts I'm staring at. People are mostly wearing knit hats of various colors and the varying heights of people are creating peaks and valleys. Go Colts. Hmmmmph.  Cafe Perone is a new addition to Hermon, a town of only three thousand. The large five-acre lot across from the city building and next to the fire department building had always just been grass. Cafe Perone looks like it is has been here for decades, mainly due to the tables and chairs all having been made local by local craftsman. We have some long, log benches and a huge fireplace. There is a large pine wreath complete with cones hanging about that fireplace. Considering we are right across from the fire department I find that a wee bit odd. However, there is a rather large fire extinguisher laying in basket next to the fireplace. Perhaps the pine cones are just the next round of kindling. 

Mild weather in Maine means temperatures above 25F. If it is much colder into the teens then weather forecast will be cold. Single digit temps are bitter cold. It is mild today though. Today is the third day after a snow. A bit of serendipity there. I always find people are in a rotten mood the day after a snow, what having to dig out and clean up. The second day after a snow people are back to normal and the third day people are feeling liberated and smiling with a new sense of freedom in that very relaxed kinda way.  Like today. Good. At least eight of us in Maine are relaxed.

Today is charter day for MGO 10, day one. The charter has been agreed too and signed by all thirty members and we have officially incorporated as a 'C' corporation named, "Perone". This will be the first meeting of the MGO. All thirty people are here, although only eight of us live in Hermon. The other twenty-two are present using a Zoom virtual meeting room. Most of the virtual members and dialed in by phone. It looks like six of us are using video and have their cameras available, although only Bruce has his camera on. He's wearing a red flannel shirt in Maine spirit, I guess,  he definitely looks the part sporting a hipster neck beard. He lives in California and I recruited him off the Irreni MGO sign-up forum. Tech skills are typically inversely proportional to social skills and Bruce is no exception. He could very well end up speaking more time than I do. We need him to build our Facebook site.

My name is Hermoine, which in Greek means earthly and a messenger. I'm in my mid-forties and an accounting manager BMG, at Bangor Medical Group. My parents claimed they named me 'Hermoine' because in Greek it means "earthly" and they wanted a down-to-earth, earthly girl and not because Hermoine is the Greek version of Hermon. They still think that joke is cute and tell people that all the time. Is accounting earthly? I don't think so. However, being a manager is certainly messengery. I spend what seems like half my time conveying corporate communications, defending them, and occasionally getting blamed. Don't shoot the messenger is wishful thinking. Health care is a mess. I'm probably the last person one would profile as a revolutionary, pioneer, or a frontier settler. But here I am a pioneer leading an MGO charter meeting. Of the three of us with management experience I was randomly chosen to lead this meeting. Roll of the dice, except in this case it was some gaming function in a game called "Neverwinter Nights". Rolling electronic dice happens on every encounter in the game. Geoffe thinks it is irony to be playing a game called "Neverwinter Nights" in Maine. We need better health care. It will take years with Irreni, perhaps even decades before Irreni can tackle health care. We have to start somewhere. In this case that somewhere is our new corporation, "Perone" - MGO designation: MGO 10.

A couple of the MGOs are using "Robert's Rules of Order" and other formal meeting rules. The idea being that everyone has opportunity to have a voice, not just those who are naturally outspoken. Without formal rules meetings tend to center around a few outspoken people. MGOs are social corporations first and financial corporations second. I believe that since formal rules of order will not apply in any of the one-on-ones, committee meetings, or social gatherings  then people are going to have to socially navigate various personalities day-to-day. Formal rules in a large meeting only serve to disrupt those patterns. I also find that people who only go to meetings a few times per year chafe at formal rules and that prevents them from speaking out, not being comfortable with the rules. We only plan only meeting as a group once per quarter. So I'm just going to let things play out. I have not discussed this thinking with my two other management experienced members. I guess we are all just making this up as we go.

Committee assignments will be the next meeting, today we are just introducing ourselves. Day one.

"Jackie, please start the meeting."

Jackie, "Time is 9:48am, December 20th, 2018 and recording of these proceedings has commenced."

"Thank you Jackie, Jackie is our journalist for those of you who weren't aware."

Geoffe, "Journalist? Who is she reporting for, The New York Times?"

Bruce, "A journalist records all information on behalf of the MGO and then delivers and reports on this information to the Terran Sea Otter Academy, TSOA. You'd know this if you had read the MGO spec. In my industry we say RTFM."

"Thank you, Bruce. This is all new to us and there is a lot of information to take in and no one here is expected to know one-hundred-percent, ever. So lets practice patience, please. Some of us will even make mistakes."

"Now, I have opening guidance from Irreni as to suggestions regarding how we introduce ourselves. I say hogwash. First and foremost in the MGO charter is that we are an independent corporation, we are not a franchise. We are a legal entity no different than other American corporation. We must follow all the local, State, and Federal laws. Further, Irreni has no say in how we conduct our business. So, I am tossing aside the guidelines. I want to have a round-table discussion about our Facebook replacement expectations."

"Since we are a social media charter and overwhelmingly the number reason stated by all thirty of us for being here is to replace Facebook then that is our mutual motivation. I feel we should bond over our heart's focus. With Bruce's expertise we can launch our own Diaspora social site for all thirty of us. As a corporation we will, together, decide our data sharing privacy rules, including complete privacy for those so inclined. For those interesting in making ad revenue money then will have to share our data, but unlike Facebook there will one-hundred percent transparency and control."

*** round table discussion ensues ***

"Any further questions so far?"

Lynn, "I'd like to stick to the Irreni guidelines on one thing. It says we should all by the way of introduction state our social media priorities in order of importance, including those not under consideration but maybe will be someday."

"Okay, that's a good idea. Let's go in Zoom meeting room order, state your name, and then your social media priorities."

Bruce, "Bruce Wayne, Batman, Facebook, email, texting, all things Google related."
Juan, "Juan Alvarez, Facebook, Face time."

*** vote break ***

"Thanks everyone. Video chat and video messaging came in second after Facebook and this agrees with your charter questionnaires. The cost of video content is expensive. The cost of bandwidth and storage can be one-hundred to one-thousand times more expensive then any other content. Therefore Irreni has issued guidance that video should be put off until there are enough MGOs to pool resources. The guidance further suggested that we put aside or save money for video if we wish to sponsor video later. About half of us checked off the survey box that indicated saving money for video was a priority. We will address this at a future meeting."

"I'd like to thank you all for being here today. My MGO message is simple: we are pioneers, we are frontier settlers. The frontier in this case is social estate and not real estate. We are building new communities. As with any pioneers we are assuming high risk. We are not talking Donner Pass, cannibalism type risks, but real risks nevertheless. Over livelihoods are at risk. The initial Irreni campaign is a Make campaign, a jobs campaign. If we are successful here many of us will be supported by revenue generated by this corporation. We are going to pioneer Diaspora as an MGO social media site and then we are going to sell this as possibly a service or even a franchise to other future MGOs. Any time our jobs are on the line the risk is very real. So we are pioneers. We are doing this for the same reasons all pioneers take this risk on: future generations. Like previous pioneers we may see only sacrifice, hardship,  and failure in our lifetime. I don't think so. The Irreni plan is well thought out and mitigates risk. While we can disengage from Irreni and be a stand-alone corporation at any time this is not our goal of our agreed upon charter. We have all committed to put social priorities above financial priorities."

Bruce, "About that, I have question."


Bruce, "Say I build this Diaspora franchise software and we are making money, full-steam ahead. Then one day we change our social policy and give it away. Can I take the software, start my own MGO corporation, or just another corporation? What are the IP rules?"

"Anyone can leave at any time, just like any other corporation. We follow all existing laws regarding IP. As a corporation it is recommended that we make all our software open source. If not open source then it is recommended that we allow leaving members access to all IP created. The Irreni philosophy is to encourage community by allowing people to come and go. We should not be putting up artificial barriers. People coming and going from MGOs is expected. If we are making money on IP and then some one leaves and competes using that IP then that is a pioneering risk we are taking. Just a reminder, we have yet to set our IP policy and we have no obligation whatsoever to follow Irreni guidelines. If after we decide on any policy then someone decides to leave that is a risk we assume. This risk of people leaving creates a social pressure to compromise, improve social skills, and create a community that is incentive to stay that eclipses policy disagreements disincentives that are bound to happen. As a celebratory government we should celebrate life. Those celebrations should be attractions, ties that bind. We cannot survive as just a faceless corporate, sterile environment. Our success will be contingent on our being a community more than a job. Hopefully we see the MGO as more than just a financial opportunity, but a life opportunity. So, to whit, if money is our only tie that binds we will fail as an MGO but we could transition to a normal corporation if that happens."

Bruce, "So I can leave with my software?"

"Policy hasn't been set yet Bruce. You will have an equal say as we all do."

Bruce, "Yeah, but I'm the only one with the skill to pull this off. In fact that is partly why I joined, I want more control."

"Okay, the next meeting will be committee assignments and then committees are going to draft the by-laws and corporate policy by department. But I believe in this case we should make an exception and have a vote. I'd like to propose a policy that Bruce can leave any time and take a copy of any Diaspora work with him at no expense."

Mark, "Who put you in charge? You aren't the CEO?"

"No, I'm not. But I think that Bruce's skill is unique and a unique policy is merited. Let me quote from the Irreni guidelines, "Life is not fair." We are all individuals. It was once said that tradition is what we resort too when we don't make the time to do something right. I would add that fairness is also what we resort too when we don't have the time to consider people as individuals with distinct needs. In fact, I would say fairness is the currency of crisis management governing because crisis is now and now doesn't afford time to consider the individual. I remind you that an MGO will never grow larger than the thirty of us. We have the opportunity and I would argue obligation to treat individuals as individuals and that this will, in the end, prove far superior to fairness that necessarily has to devolve to some lowest common denominator. Bruce is an individual. At a size of thirty people we can afford to be individuals and treat each other as individuals. We should only rely on fairness when we fail to be a community. Working in the health care industry I can testify that some people are going to require a level of care that is unfair to those giving the care. What is life? Fairness or caring? The Irreni philosophy is to quantify a quality-of-lie state the best we can and then work to improve quality metrics for all our members. We each live dependent as children and elders. Community is first and foremost doing for each other where fairness will not be possible. Fairness is an illusion based on a physical, emotional, and intellectual states of equality that don't exist. Fairness treats humans as all the same.  So I ask that we take this vote not because I'm the CEO or this policy is fair, but because we are treating Bruce as Bruce and we need his skills. This is most unfair. We are not balancing Bruce's distinct needs against those of this body, against the needs of everyone, but I believe this vote is necessary now."

Mark, "Alright."

*** vote ensues ***

"Proposal approved. Our IP policy will include a provision to allow Bruce to leave any time and take a copy of any Diaspora work with him."

Jackie, "Five minutes."

"Okay, our time has come to an end. This meeting had no agenda other than an introduction. In the future we'll have our Facebook replacement and we will all have social media to get to know each other or not as we all see fit. This meeting has met my expectation given I was tasked with running the meeting. We had an MGO experience introduction discussing our Facebook replacement expectations along with Bruce's demand. We are not a faceless Facebook. We are individuals. I look forward to having the opportunity to get to know each and everyone of you as individuals and the MGO providing individual opportunities given our individuality. Individual respect and opportunity is not a priority for any financial corporation, it takes an MGO of social priority. MGOs provide community, something no business corporation can consider except as glib mission statements.

We must acknowledge we are pioneers. We are taking on great risk to ourselves. The TSOA does not exist yet and we are flying without a referee. My own motivation and experience with health care has been a decades long decline in our ability to provide health care. I am here to reinvigorate community I believe necessary for health care. I hope you are too! Thank you!"

Jackie, "Done?"


Jackie, "Recording ends! Party On!"

"Okay, celebration time! Jackie is going to live stream on Twitch a piano recital for those interested. Further we've purchased for the year access to this Zoom room and this room is open 24/7 for us all to hang out in. This room is reserved as our social room in addition to our quarterly all hands meetings! Cheers!"

Chapter 3, uPGrade!

The previous chapter was meant to give an idea of how Irreni World Scale plays out if you start today, this minute, this hour. We are upgrading corporations. Further these corporations have no special legal requirements, any structure will do. The one must-have requirement is a size of thirty people that is maintained. People are excepted to leave and be replaced. Growth beyond thirty people is not allowed. Any MGO corporation can choose to become a typical corporation at any time. Existing corporations could choose to upgrade to a thirty person corporation and convert to an MGO at any time.

This is not a revolution. This is an innovation. Innovations in technology are incremental and so it will be for politics. Revolutions tear things down and then rebuild. In the 21st century tearing things down is not an option, too many lives are at risk.

"Love, Hard Work" is the title to this book. Why? Because the objective of Irreni is not solve any specific political problem such as perceived failures of Facebook or the job losses due to automation. The objective of Irreni is hard work needed to build new political bodies, new social estate of the TSOA and MGO. The existing system with our three branches of governments has run its course. In the tech industry we say it doesn't scale. The amount of corruption due to our economic success now funneling money to those at the top has exceeded the capacity of our system of checks and balances to sustain. The Irreni upgrade represents incremental success of MGOs brought about by the love of  hard work over a long period of time needed to conduct social experiments of  both failure and success so as to create the new social estate.

The hard work needed is to establish new social skills for everyone. These social skills are needed to take on new social responsibility of corresponding power distributed on a massive scale. This distribution is a level set of power distribution that will be much harder to overrun with corruption than the five-hundred legislators we have in Washington today. If Irreni World Scale were fully operational today then there would be ten million MGOs. Bribe that. 

Irreni then is a training program. Irreni is hard work training each and every one of us to have better social skills. We accept this hard work to accept the social responsibility of increased social power. The US Constitution starts out with we the people. We the people is a power statement, the power of the government is invested in us. Where the US Constitution fails is with responsibility. With great power comes great responsibility and yet our only responsibility is to vote. Voting is the least we can do and it shows.

MGOs are micro-governments. We all then become politicians. Today those micro-governments, MGOs, will be just typical corporations. Tomorrow, two-hundred years from now, MGOs will be sovereign governments.

It is said that in order to be a good leader one needs to be a good follower, but no one ever follows up with what it takes to be a good follower. Here it is. To be a good follower one needs to be a leader. A good follower doesn't need to have been a good leader, just be a leader so as to appreciate what that means.

The last two Presidents of the United States have been seen by the opposition party as not just a bad leader, but a horrendous leader. As voters we are followers. Most of us have no experience leading and therefore we naively pick lousy leaders. We have no leadership experience and pick lousy leaders.

Irreni World Scale changes this. A micro-government of size thirty means everyone has to pull their weight. The weight includes everyone stepping into some kind of leadership role to some degree. An MGO is we the people responsibility commensurate with we the people power.

As we all gradually become engaged in politics day-to-day then we will pick better politicians when we do vote.

So the hard work is to upgrade our social skills in order to wield social power responsibly.

Why is the 'Love' in the title then? Well, Americans love hard work. Americans have never been ones to shirk hard work. Hard work made America what it is today. I believe America can take on the hard work of Irreni. I'm not saying it is going to be pretty, just that we can get 'er done.

Another reason for 'Love' in the title is that everyone is in, no exceptions. There are no outsiders. Religion is no longer the order of the day, everyone in is. As an anti-theist sometimes religious folk of all stripes lodge the same complaint: you can't lump all religions into the same bucket called "religion".

Bullshit. Oh yes you can. I said this isn't going to be a technical manual but I will digress here for a point. Religions have many things in common, but one is pure evil, the most insidious of all. One thing all religions have in common that is pure evil and the worst, vile, disgusting, despicable, malevolent, mean, murderous, degenerate trait is that of us-versus-them. All religions promote insider versus outsider. Those in the religion are good and those outside are bad. To be moral one must be in the religion, those outside are immoral. Those in the religion are humans worth saving, those outside are sub-humans worth eternity in hell. Every religion of substantial historical record has this insider/outsider trait of pure evil. All religions are pure evil and immoral due to an insider versus outsider trait that dehumanizes outsiders and then sponsors wholesale slaughter of outsiders. Burning witches at the stake went on for over one thousands of years. That's religion.

Irreni World Scale says no more. We are reconstituting our politics with the moral that we should have had in 1776: everyone's in, no exceptions. Serial killers and pedophiles too. From the worst-of-the-worst to the best-of-the-best: everyone is in.

Love as meant by Irreni World Scale then is not an emotional appeal to have empathy for everyone: that's not possible. No, love means an intellectual agreement to accept everyone is in. Period. No matter how much anyone disgusts you. Today's religious are going to reject this, so be it.

Love means another upgrade, Love Life! Celebrate! I thought about a different title, "Love Life! Love Hard Work!"

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy Shit, what a ride!"

Let's upgrade love life! Take life by the horns and experience life with gusto!

Let me ask you a question, how much opportunity can you provide for yourself as opposed to if you had thirty people pooling resources? Yeah? Instead of single-family dwellings we have today then tomorrow could be thirty-people MGO dwellings. Thirty people pooling their resources could have all kinds of shared facilities like a movie theater for the next "Star Wars" release! Woot! Ha!

Irreni World Scale then not only upgrades our politics, but also upgrades our life quality, our life gusto! baby! 

But that's not all the upgrades. Irreni World Scale kicked off with a Make 2018 campaign that also upgrades jobs. The upgrade to life quality is to pool our resources together to make things. Jobs are being replaced daily with better automation. Reuse, re-purpose, repair, scavenge, and barter are the future of job security. Automation works best in a consumer economy were goods are disposable. That is our economy today. However, most goods that are tossed in the trash still have value. Capturing that value will require ingenuity and ingenuity is not feasible for automation. A large corporation cannot sustain repairing things, which is why repair corporations do not exist today. But an MGO of size thirty people? Oh yeah. You get the idea. The Make 2018 campaign finds the economic cracks in a consumer economy. Every repaired item sold replaces a new consumer item built by automation and so a maker community can eventually supplant large segments of a consumer based economy. A maker economy can also provide job security that secures against automation job elimination. The maker campaign can be thought of as taking ones own economic fate into ones own hands...or rather thirty hands.Thirty hands are better than one.

Taking ones fate into ones own hands is and upgrade from being at the mercy of our faceless corporate overlords today.

Irreni World Scale upgrades our people skills so as to accept new responsibility of massively distributed power, power that is centralized in Washington today. Irreni World Scale upgrades social responsibility to include everyone, no exceptions. Everyone is in. Irreni World Scale upgrades our celebration of life by pooling our resources as groups of thirty people. Pooling resources can mean new social dwellings for thirty people with workshops and entertainment facilities not possible as a single family purchase. The Make 2018 campaign upgrades our economy to a maker economy so as to secure our future from the fickle fate of corporate, automation whim today.

All these upgrades come with a price tag of hard work. That hard work takes on a distinct nature of upgrading social skills of everyone to realize overall better politics. This has  never attempted in the history of human existence and therefore we are social pioneers and trailblazers.

We are heading into unknown social territory. When people head into unknown territory  that we call those people pioneers. They blaze trails. The unknown is rife with peril, full of risk, and perhaps even deadly, but that is what it is going to take. We are conquering new frontier of social estate. We get to make history. Make 2018!

Irreni World Scale then also upgrades our concept of what it means to be a pioneer. If someone breaks new technology ground with some technology invention we call them technology pioneers. If someone breaks new social estate ground with some new social invention we will call them social pioneers. Here is the exciting part: the social frontier is pristine. You have real opportunity of unbroken ground.

I invented Irreni World Scale and so I'm a social pioneer. How does one invent new social estate? How does one innovate? upgrade?

The answer is free thinking. Some of us are born free-thinkers but any one can aspire to be one with a little work. I have always been an iconoclast, a free-thinker. For example, when I was growing I was taught to pray, just like most American kids. However, unlike most American kids, I pushed back. I was probably told the same rules most people are taught. It is not okay to pray for money and personal fortune. It is worthy to pray for people in need. Pray for God's help, but don't tell God how to do his job, just pray that God helps someone or yourself if you are in need. Finally, one can only pray for Jesus to save yourself. You cannot pray for God to save someone else. Wrong. You can. Since the day I was taught to pray I have only ever had one prayer: God save everyone, everywhere, for all time past, present, and future. I believed that prayer worked the first time and no other prayers were ever needed. Even so to this day I recite this prayer before I go to sleep even though I'm an avowed atheist and anti-theist. This is because this prayer is a daily reminder that from my first moments of memory I have always felt a love to include everyone in my world view. I still do. We will never be separated into two buckets of heaven and hell, you and I. Not ever. We are all together, you and I.

Free thinking is juxtaposed to programmed thinking. Programmed thinking looks into the sky and sees what everyone else sees, the agreed upon sun. When it comes to governing then programmed thinking always frames things as known governments of historical types such as a republic, a democracy, communism, socialism, an oligarchy, a monarchy, authoritarian, or an empire. A free-thinker though sees unlimited possibilities. To be a free-thinker one just has to swap mental glasses from what is, to what could be.

Irreni World Scale ask anyone who dares to understand to be a social estate pioneer, to be a free thinker of social estate and upgrade to free-thinker.

How? Sam Harris said something I think exemplifies what it means to be a free thinker. Sam said that the word atheism should be struck from the dictionary because lack of belief in something defines nothing. Imagine the universe in your mind for a second. You see a vast space with millions and billions of stars. There is far more space between stars than space occupied by stars. A free-thinker looks not just at the stars, but the empty space. Sam looked into the empty, free-thinking space and saw an infinite possibility of things we could believe in that we lack belief in. Future things unknown to us today, past things lost and forgotten. Does lack of belief in any of these things determine your behavior today? Nope. This is free thinking, seeing the space between the known.  The path to upgrading ones free-thinking skills is not just to consider of the stars of the known but also the infinite space of the unknown.

Just for the record, lack of belief would have the same effect if one is an atheist or a believer of a false religion. One can imagine that Christians view atheists as missing something tangible. Kinda like not believing water is essential for life. Atheists who would fail to drink water due to this lack of belief water is necessary would then die. Death by dehydration is a material effect based upon the lack of belief in something real. So it is that Christians believe their god is real like water and just as necessary. The thing is though that lack of belief is lack of belief. This means the effects off not believing are the same whether one lacks this belief due to being an atheist or one lacks of belief due to believing in the wrong religion. It is all the same. In fact, the Catholic church historically called every non-believer an atheist. Historically this even applied with Protestants and  as recent as with Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson was called an atheist by his religious peers because they felt the Jefferson bible was invalid due to his removal of the supernatural events in the Bible. Jefferson did not consider himself an atheist. Jefferson was a free thinker who rejected programmed thinking. However, because Jefferson was perceived to lack belief in the true god then he suffered from the same effects as any other non-believer, he was an atheist.

Back to the subject at hand. Upgrades, lots of upgrades. Irreni World Scale calls for many different types of upgrades. The most challenging upgrades will be to pioneer social estate frontiers using new inventions of free thinking.

I will close this chapter with one another new social estate example I have invented for Irreni. Irreni has twenty such inventions that I call twenty big fancy pants ideas. This new social estate is called, "The VERY", or virtual earth - reality you. Virtual earth - reality you is a virtual Earth in exact detail of reality comprised of a real-time simulation of exact details of planet Earth. The "reality you" reflects the requirement that everyone has exactly one personal avatar in this virtual Earth. The VERY then is a new social estate for people to conduct MGO business. Think of The VERY as one big large conference room for everyone on the planet, and then some.

The VERY is also a required part of the Terran Sea Otter Academy (TSOA) laboratory. The TSOA referees MGO membership in support of social estate experiments. Irreni is an experimental government as opposed to a static government. The VERY is part of the TSOA laboratory. Everyone and anyone can be instantly be teleported to any location on virtual Earth for a sit down, stand up, or to party.

In addition MGOs will be comprised of members that are physically neighbors and also virtually neighbors. The VERY is the TSOA controlled laboratory for MGOs to meet and parley. There will be VERY rules that are set and refereed by the TSOA in support of MGO functionality.

That is the definition of The VERY. But that's not all! The VERY is also a place of celebration. Recreating planet Earth in virtual reality with real-time updates will be the single largest art project ever undertaken.

The VERY will  also be the largest commercial business commons connecting everyone and anyone for selling goods.

The VERY will be a place where everyone can express their art desires at the price of just bits. The VERY will be the largest show-and-tell venue ever.

Finally, The VERY will be a space port. Soon we will have a space port analogous to an airport today. It won't be just astronauts who travel into space, but anyone. People in space can access The VERY to sit down and have a family dinner, or an MGO dinner. Virtual reality and physical reality can merge similar to how video chat merges physical reality today.

The VERY is new social estate meant to pioneer MGO success. When people start living on Mars, or the Moon, then The VERY will be there for them to experience Earth with friends and family.

The VERY is very exciting! But, we must realize risk and excitement are two sides of the same coin. This means the future of social estate is both exiting and risky and so the future of social estate requires the courage of pioneering.

Our pioneering days are not over! Not at all!  In social estate our pioneering days have just begun, oh yeah. Irreni World Scale! The challenge is to scale today's existing social barriers and see the infinite possibilities! The TSOA and MGOs represent a rocket ship for reaching new social orbits of social estate.

But all this excitement comes with a price: love and hard work.

Are you up for some love and hard work?

Are you ready for the long, hard slog of upgrading? Instant gratification seekers need not apply.

Chapter 4, The MGO

So far the MGO has been briefly introduced as a micro-modular, governing organization of fixed size thirty people. One purpose of the MGO is to update we the people power with requisite responsibility, new social skills of political power. Today our political power is to vote. The MGO is an organizational solution to the corruption today. We are going to take the power in Washington and spread it out.  Power that is today consolidated in those very few governing us millions many corrupts those very few: absolute power corrupts absolutely. The MGO massively redistributes power from the 500 politicians in Washington to ten-million MGOs over two-hundred years once the plan comes to completion. Further the MGO is a political, Lego building block that is part of a new from of government. This new form of government is celebratory government of experimental laws. We are in a quality of life era and the future will be a continuous series of experiments aimed at improving quality of life. Our quality of life has suffered in the modern era due to the collapse of social groups; the family, the neighbor, the neighborhood, the school, the city, the state, and our country. The MGO is a new social group intended to reinvigorate social skills with the expressed purpose of rebuilding social groups and capitalizing on one of our three primary benefits of consciousness: social groups. We humans seemingly have natural affinities for capitalizing on the other two benefits:  language and tools. Our social group progress has not kept up with our tool and language progress. In fact our social groups have collapsed. The MGO is a designed to rebuild social groups and propel continuous progress of social groups similar to how technology advances tools and the Internet advances language.

Irreni World Scale is an innovative, incremental plan designed so we can all bite off as much as we can chew. We can bite off a little or a lot.

You are sitting in your chair right now asking yourself this question, "what am I suppose to do?"

Join an MGO, today. That's the first answer given in previous chapters.

Let's dive into more things that you can do.

The future is coming...

The fact is the future has been coming since around, oh, 1900. What do I mean by that? The future is coming is simply a statement that new technology is going to land in our lap and we are not prepared.

The automobile, the telephone, indoor electricity, and indoor plumbing all emerged around the same time in the early 1900s. Our society was not prepared. One criticism of religion that also applies to all religions is they do not prepare society for the adoption of new technology. No religion has a system of technological adoption. Irreni World Scale, on the other hand, is such a system. Irreni can adapt society to new technologies as fast as new technologies can emerge. This is because Irreni is an experimental government and not a static government, a static religion.

What am I suppose to do? Get behind experimental governing.

Static government with its static laws cannot adapt to new technology fast enough. This is because static laws are analogous to religious morals of permanency.

Experimental systems mean that political trials will be going on indefinitely the same way we expect pharmaceutical drug trials to go on indefinitely because both of these systems are built to adopt ever new technology.

For example, take Obamacare. As an experimental system one might split the country in half. Half the country would adopt Obamacare and the other half would not. The experiment would run side-by-side to validate claims made about Obamacare. We don't do political trials like this today because our system is a static system.

Aren't the States suppose to be our political laboratories? Hand waving. Or rationalization. Pick one. That's what the founders of this country did when they asserted that the States would be the political laboratories of their tomorrow. I say hand waving or rationalization as there exists no legal framework for State laws transitioning to federal laws.  What do I mean by that? Well, they could have said that new tax laws could only be put into place  after a majority of the States had put them in place and ensured they worked. Something like that.

What am I suppose to do? Have realistic failure expectations.


Get behind experimental governing. Commit to it.

Next up is to realize that innovation means failure. Lots and lots of failure. Sotware Venture Capital investors will tell you that nine-out-of-ten software start ups fail. After having been exposed to more than a few start ups I'd say that the 9/10 ratio has to been due primarily to the incompetence of VC management.

We don't want MGOs to fail nine-out-of-ten times, but there will be a substantial ratio of failure up front. As corporations go MGOs are start-ups after all.

I think a better way to view MGO failure is with the lens of a Fortune Magazine study I ready back in the early 1990s. Fortune did a study where they surveyed something like a hundred CEOs who were about to retire. They asked them what these CEOs expected to do after retirement. The most common answers were first to spend more time with their families followed by taking up new hobbies such as playing tennis or golf. Fortune followed up five years later after these CEOs retired. What did Fortune fine? Something like seventy-five percent went back to work. Why? Well, first and foremost, their wives were not their assistants. CEOs get used to being catered too. Wives are not so much inclined to do that. So, the CEOs went back to an environment were they were privileged. Second, everyone looks like a six-year-old starting a new hobby. CEOs were not accustomed to the level of shame and embarrassment. They gave up their hobbies.

We can learn from this to expect people to return back to their previous lives after a short trial. We are not CEOs but we have a comfortable social order and inviting social change will be a an emotional trial many will quit. And that's okay. Further, realize that any skill being developed necessarily requires a awkward, embarrassing phase as well. Adults generally don't take well to feeling as awkward as kids again.

The hard work of joining an MGO means failing and picking ourselves up and trying again. The hard work of joining an MGO will be involve the shame and embarrassment involved with developing new social skills. We will all make embarrassing mistakes. 

What am I suppose to do? Have a common social purpose.

Have a common purpose, a common social purpose. MGOs incorporated today will be standard corporations. Even so all corporations can create any by-laws of purpose they chose to have. The common social purpose of an MGO is called the charter. The MGO common purpose requires starting with a charter. The charter in some ways can be thought of as a mission statement companies typically espouse today. Mission statements are typically only one or two sentences. Charters are intended to pages. Charters are a  not legally binding, but instead is a social contract. The charter is analogous to the Declaration of Independence where the corporate by-laws are analogous to he US Constitution.

In the beginning the common social purpose should be singular purpose and limited in social purpose similar to how most companies focus on a single business. Why? Because we are all amateurs here in this. We all need to learn to walk before we run.

A corporation to make money is a perfectly acceptable social purpose. In the example MGO of Chapter 2 the MGO charter had a single purpose to create a Facebook replacement. Any social purpose will do, including charities and non-profits. The Make 2018 campaign focuses on maker jobs that shield us against automation replacement. People who already are makers then are a natural starting place. Youtube content creators or Etsy artists are just two such existing maker groups. I guess you could look a this like a union of sorts. But not really. Unions represent labor bargaining with management. Makers are self-employed. MGOs for makers are about pooling resources. Makers can share knowledge, lend each other a hand, augment each-others products, and create new software to support to their products and the MGO community.

So that's it.

What is an MGO? 

A better way to phrase this question would be as thus: what is an MGO to me today?

An MGO today is:

1. a standard corporation of fixed size of thirty people.
2. a corporate charter of social common purpose.
3. a commitment to experimental governing.
4. a realistic failure expectation.

That's it. Shouldn't there be more though? What about the previously mentioned TSOA?

No integration is required with the Terran Sea Otter Academy (TSOA). Why? First of all the TSOA doesn't exist yet. So there's that. Second the TSOA is primarily involved with orchestrating the MGOs as Lego blocks. There need to be a few of these Lego blocks to start with. So this is kind of a chicken and the egg problem. The TSOA runs the experiments involving multiple MGOs. The TSOA will also provide guidance to MGOs and that guidance does not exist as of yet.

If you start an MGO now then this MGO will be setting out on uncharted social waters. That is what it means to be a pioneer. Realize that if the MGO succeeds as a standard corporation then the success is a standard corporation success. Any MGO can leave the Irreni system at any time. That means if your MGO company has substantial financial success then you can just start growing and leave the MGO experiment behind without penalty.

Of course we'd prefer that people stick with the MGO experiment.

I'd like to close this chapter with where MGOs are headed in the very near future beyond that of just being a standard corporation today.

The future MGO will being to integrate with the TSOA.

The TSOA has twenty big fancy pants ideas that are its charter. A couple of these ideas will be the first adopted by in a year or so.

First there is a vouching system. What is vouching? Vouching is a time honored practice of personal introductions for trust. I vouch for you by introducing you to someone else as someone I trust. That other person presumably trusts me and so by extension now they will trust you. The vouching system is meant to eventually in the far future replace Social Security systems, driver licenses, etc. as authority of identification. The vouching system then necessarily relies on everyone in the MGO system having access to a smart phone. The MGO specific smart phone application is called the DOLL, or device of loving life. The thirty people within an MGO can vouch for any other MGO member. The MGO now begins to open a flower of being a community beyond just for making money. It does so  by creating new models of social trust. MGO members begin to trust each other, rely on each other, and depend on each other for authentication. A vouching system is analogous to co-signing a loan except without the loan. The co-sign is just to identify.

Second there is a new voting system. In addition to a vouching system the DOLL will have a new voting system called the Vote Bank. Votes will no longer be cast, but banked. Banking a vote is just like banking money. There is more though, the new voting system is more than just vote banking. The new voting system is an anti-corruption voting system. This requires all votes to be made public. This new system also requires six-degrees voting, or chain voting. When votes are cast for representatives the votes are not directly cast for the person unless we actually know that person. Instead we vote for someone via six-degrees of Kevin Bacon. We know somebody, who knows somebody, who knows somebody, who knows somebody, who knows the person we want to vote for. This is called six-degrees voting or chain voting.

Vouching and anti-corruption voting via the DOLL are technical topics. This is not a technical book. Suffice it to say that vouching and anti-corruption voting are two foundations that the TSOA requires to run experiments. Irreni World Scale needs better trust models as well as better voting models than exists in the world today. These better models for trusting people and voting are needed in order to ensure that the Irreni experiments run are trusted and secure. We don't want the Russians hacking our elections and we don't want the Chinese hacking our accounts. Real world introductions cannot be hacked by computers. Six-degrees voting is built on the vouching system.

The TSOA will also be providing common software to utilize these new vouching and anti-corruption voting systems. Common MGO software made available by the TSOA will include things like new social media software like Facebook and Twitter. Text, voice, and video messaging will also be provided. The TSOA, MGO network will rebuild the Internet with respect to the social media for all MGO members. This is analogous to having a private corporate network. MGOs themselves may also have individual corporate networks. The TSOA will be the inter-MGO network used for MGO experiments and MGO communication.

An MGO built starting today then should be self-sufficient just like a boat sailing on the ocean looking to discover new land.  There will initially be no new land on the social estate horizon to sail to though. The new horizons will be available as the TSOA builds out the infrastructure for MGOs so as to begin cooperating in experiments of MGOs working together.
