Love, Hard Work Book Draft: Introduction

Hard Work
By Mybrid Wonderful

A New Government
(For Making New Governments)
Irreni World Scale

"Irreni World Scale means hard work. Hard work in the past meant physical labor, back breaking labor of long hours. Hard work today means brain labor of social skills, getting along with people productively."
-Mybrid Wonderful, "Love, Hard Work - Introduction"

"Don't Panic! Two-hundred-million world governments as proposed by Irreni and opposed to today's two-hundred world governments is not meant to happen over night, but rather over two-hundred years."
-Mybrid Wonderful, "Love, Hard Work - Introduction"

Welcome to Love, Hard Work!



Before we get started, duty demands I lay down a couple of things first. Irreni World Scale means hard work. Hard work in the past meant physical labor, back breaking labor of long hours. Hard work today means brain labor of social skills, getting along with people productively. Don't Panic! Two-hundred-million world governments proposed by Irreni as opposed to today's two-hundred world governments is not meant to happen over night, but rather over two-hundred years.

Introduction: December 4, 2018

You ever wake up, roll over, look at the blue-glowing clock to ask yourself if it is time to start thinking? And in part do so by asking  yourself, "Do I rule the Universe today?" Over the many mornings of my fifty-six years I have devised many different methods for answering that question: do I rule the Universe today? Mmmm. My latest Universe ruling thermometer is to check the new movie listings on the "Rotten Tomatoes" web site on my phone. I don't know about you but when I first wake up I can't remember jack blank. Literally, my brain is off and I don't even know my name. I look at the movie listings and if I go, "oh, I remember that crap from yesterday", then I know it is time to start thinking. I mean, new movies only come out once per week.  That's the first part. The second part is I look at the titles. My review usually goes something like this, "crap, crap, who would watch that?, I want to be entertained not depressed, yuck!, more crap, what the hell is that?, and meh..." After that review exercise I'm ready to think and I know that I don't rule the Universe. So I get out of bed and start the day. Because let's be serious, if I did rule the Universe then action movies would be all the new movies. :)

My favorite movies of 2018 are "Dead Pool 2", "Venom", and "Blank Panther". Yeah, okay, "Avengers: Infinity War", came out and I liked it: I just didn't fav it. That movie just tried too hard and I felt like I was sitting on the crapper pushing, pushing, pushing...then what heck was that that came out?

In my brain and in my heart I'm still a kid. There was one moment in time back in 1977 where I did feel like I was on top of the world, I ruled the Universe. Two things happened that lead me to conclude I mattered. The movie "Star Wars" came out and the album, "Hotel California", came out. "Hotel California" even went on to win a Grammy for the album of the year! Yes! 1977 was the one time I felt I belonged to our planet we call Earth, I saw myself reflected and I ruled. Yee haa! The fact that Star Wars got critically panned also meant I ruled 'cause we all like to both love and hate critics. I mean we Love when a critic agrees with us and we Hate when they don't. As one Supreme Ruler of the Universe to another we must find it as unthinkable Supreme Ruler etiquette to give a crap what an actual critic judges...'cause that cramps the Supreme Ruler style. Although I do read movie reviews for the plot synopsis. Just saying. Hmmmph.

I've always had fun imagining I ruled the Universe. It is this game I have played since as long as I can remember.

Here's a fun Ruler story. I'm not a belonger by nature, I don't join groups or go to group things. No, I fly Solo(tm). Although sometimes I do ponder my childhood and wonder what happened to finding my Chewy(tm) partner? Anyway, back in 2007 I attended one of a handful conferences I've attended in my life. I attended a  Linux conference in San Francisco called "Linux World". I'm a software developer by trade. I write computer programs. I love open source software and  Linux. Anyway, I get in the queue for registration. Part of the process is to create a name badge. What you may not know is that it is common practice at such a conference to have name badges that are plastic, credit-card-size, badges complete with conference art work. They look like a business card. They have a  rectangular hole at the top for the lanyard hook. You then got a lanyard with a clear, plastic holder for the name badge that just coincidentally happens to be handy for both showing your name and also holding business cards of all manner of conference going folk. I'm like, "Perfect". I saw a chance, I made a move. Registration took place on a PC, a keyboard and a screen. The registration screen had you enter your registration information and finally came the name badge screen with three rows: Company, Title, and Name. So in goes, "Universe, Supreme Ruler, and Mybrid Spalding", because I hadn't changed my last name to "Wonderful" at that time. Anyway, so there I am, walking around the huge Moscone Center with a lanyard and name badge declaring I'm the Supreme Rule of the Universe. Ha! I had great fun! It was awesome! The people who smile and laugh are the ones I to talk too, and the people who sourpuss-it face I don't. Easy peasy. It is the same practice I use with with my name. People who get their back up because, "Mybrid", I walk away from. People who enjoy the imagination idea of "Mybrid" I open the door for. Yeah baby, yeah. Out with the old, in with the new!

Introduction: December 4, 2018, Infinity War

Part of the Supreme Ruler of the Universe game is I seriously ponder ruling the Universe. How are the current Universe Rulers doing and can I devise better? I've always had an Infinity War with the powers that be; they don't know what they are doing.

My first recollection of an Infinity War battle took place in a church. I think was maybe nine-years old at the time? My family attended "The Wesleyan Methodist Church", just a couple of blocks from where we lived. I'd say our family was pretty typical for the 1970s. We went to church on Sundays kinda regularly and whenever free baby sitting was offered, aka Bible Camp, then we went.

I have never believed in Christianity even though I was indoctrinated from early childhood. I remember thinking "no way you can get all those animals on a boat". At that time I thought it was an original thought. Ha! Never underestimate the intelligence of a child. However, my thoughts were wrong because I lived in land locked, Lafayette, IN. The only boat I had ever seen was row boat on a pond behind our school that someone used for fishing. You can't get an elephant on that boat. I had no idea what a boat was because I had never seen one. So yeah. The picture in the picture book showed Noah's Ark entirely on the same page with a bunch of animals. Not big enough.

Anyway, this is a story about first serious Universe Ruling recollection. It involves  a couple who had been married and divorced six times. But that's not the kicker. No, the kicker is they had been married and divorced six-times to each other. I gotta hand it to the Methodists. The Methodists practice, "give us your tired, your poor." Methodists minister to the weakest and most desperate of us. I appreciate the fact that no matter how broken one is, one can always be welcome in a Methodist church.  So anyway, this couple had asked the preacher to marry them in the church. For the seventh time. Take that Catholic Church. The Pastor said yes, but on one condition. He wanted use them as an sermon topic and marry them in front of the whole congregation. So we had a Sunday service that ended with a short wedding ceremony of these two desperate, ex-cons who had both been in-and-out of jail, in-and-out of marriage multiple times.

I became a serious Supreme Ruler during the sermon. See, the sermon starts out how the Pastor espoused Methodist principles of ministering to the poor and those most in need. Therefore this marriage was not a mockery of God and marriage, but a Pastor and his congregation participating in ministering to a couple who may yet find redemption with our help. I have to say, of all the Christian denominations, I find the Methodist practice of helping the thieves, lepers, and whores the most to my liking. Anyway, that's not the part I had issue with. No, the part I had issue with was the civil part. The Pastor reminded us that along with a spiritual responsibility of marriage comes a civil responsibility. He further went on to say that with marriage comes over seven-hundred civil rights-and-privileges exclusive to marriage and went on to name a few. That's when I got serious. No, just no. Stop it. First of all, what's with bundling individual rights and privileges. Individual rights and privileges should be decided as individual, ala carte. At nine-years old I was like, nope, those seven-hundred rights and privileges should be listed individually and I should be able to designate my wishes and exercise my rights one-by-one, no packaging allowed.

Looking at the state of marriage today, I think my nine-year-old self was onto something. Civil social-engineering of marriage has been a disaster in this country.

That was then. What I do for a living now is write software programs. My interest in being a Supreme Ruler of the Universe though has maintained by a large appetite for reading up on social engineering. I've read broadly about history, economics, religion, anthropology, social science, social studies, cognitive science, and of course speculative science fiction. Speculative science fiction is the business of social engineering by speculating new ethics and new morals based upon imagined new technology.

My insights come from a combination of two things: broad reading education coupled with a talent based upon reason and observation. Irreni World Scale is the culmination of years of education and of reason from a Supreme Ruler of the Universe eye. *~wink*~

Where does one start when thinking like a Supreme Ruler? George Carlin had a good definition of a comedian I thought that also applies to defining a Supreme Ruler. Essentially Carlin defined a comedian as someone who observes life and points out the absurdities. He then immediately proves his point and says, "take for example a disposable douche, is there any other kind? When would you not dispose of a douche"? In some sense I'm a comedian. I look at life and observe absurd.

One such absurd example is the religious right's claim to Christian privilege in this country because we are a Christian Nation. To which I retort, oh yeah? What about the thousand years between 300 CE  and 1787 CE when the Catholic Church was literally in bed with the state as a state church? Weren't these thousand years of Christian nations? Were they a success? The Catholic Church was the Christian Nation church for the countries of France, England, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and such. How did that work out? What was the American Revolution revolting from? What were the Protestants protesting? Funny thing is when I point out the Christian Nation absurdity then Christians just act like I'm speaking Klingon or something. Imagine that. Being a Supreme Ruler is hard.

Anyway, my infinity war started at the moment of our first childhood consciousness thoughts and ends at death. So I can safely say that social engineering has been an Infinity War for me, a game of Supreme Ruler of the Universe where I enjoined degrees of seriousness and whimsy.

Introduction: December 4, 2018, The Powers That Be Economy

I'm going pick on economists. Basically I'm a coward and everybody picks on economists. I'm not going to alienate anyone picking on economists because everyone does this and also economists are resigned to this fate. :)

The Powers That Be, our Supreme Rulers, have no clue what they are doing with the economy. Look around you. I have two  fundamental economy observations that show the absurdity of The Powers That Be Economy are:

1. Savings
2. Gasoline prices

I grew up in the 1970s. Our high school had a class we were required to take, called "Home Economics". We learned how to balance a checkbook. We learned how to bake. Ummm, yummy cinnamon rolls from scratch. We also were taught the necessity of having a savings account and saving money.

Do you hear that today? What no? If you tell someone today you that you are putting money in savings account then they will tilt their head like a dog looking at a penguin for the first time: is that a dog or a cat? What?

You see savings accounts since 2007 having been paying zero percent interest. When we were taught savings in high school we took one-hundred dollars and put that into a savings account that paid five-percent. We then compounded that interest over forty years and came up with a million dollars! Or something like that.

Later on when in the 1980s and 1990s as I followed economic news there was always this leading indicator that all economists talked about: American savings-to-GDP ratio. Seems after WWII then Americans established a some benchmark savings to GDP ratio or some such. The recession in the 1980s seriously drained American savings accounts and credit-card debt was on the rise. Economists warned that the clouds would fall if that savings ratio sunk too low. Further, if that savings ratio sunk lower then all the nitrogen would fall out of the sky and finally all the oxygen and we would all suffocate to death. That would suck. Savings, savings, and more savings were promoted by economists.

Then 2007 came along and BAM!!! Savings? What's that? Turn on any economic forecast in 2018 and you will not hear one single peep about American savings having any impact on the economy. No, today it is all about 401k investments in Wall Street. Mmmmm. I wonder why?

The point is that The Powers That Be Economy are clueless. They have no clue what they are talking about and the savings predictions of before 2007 prove it.

Gasoline prices are another case of clueless. It all started in 1999/2000 with the demise of Enron. Enron was a Fortune 3 company, one of the largest companies in the world. Enron's shenanigans and ultimate collapse in the energy markets lead to oil price increases. Economists warned that if oil prices rose by as much as ten-percent then this would cause inflation. Rising oil costs meant rising transportation costs. Rising transportation costs meant rising food costs, including rising costs of McDonald's burgers. Economists predicted that a ten-percent increase in gasoline prices would mean a ten-percent increase in food prices because food is mostly transported by truck.

In 2007 in California gas prices peaked at five-dollars per gallon. That is not a ten percent increase. That is a five-hundred percent increase over 1999. And yet you could still buy a hamburger at McDonald's for under one dollar. In fact, McDonald's even had a one dollar value menu and yet gas prices in California hit five-dollars per gallon.

Introduction: December 4, 2018, What Now?

The latest round of Powers That Be Economy absurdity is tax cuts. Or rather, tax cuts without cutting spending. None other than the Wall Street Journal is projecting that the short term economic gains from slashing taxes will peak early next year and then fade by 2020.

I mean, come on, short term gains for long term losses? This is also called cutting off your nose to spite your face. These tax cuts without spending cuts were reckless and irresponsible to be polite about it. To be cynical about it one can just listen to what the Republican politicians are telling us: they did it so as to balloon the deficit and force tax cuts that cut Social Security and Medicare.

These are the Powers That Be Economy people who are the Supreme Rulers of our Universe.

Have you had enough yet?

Introduction: Irreni World Scale Absurdity


Irreni World Scale must necessarily appear absurd. For example, Irreni is designed for micro-modular governments of size thirty people. This means there will be around two-hundred million sovereign governments based upon today's seven-billion size world population. Today we have less than two-hundred sovereign governments.

You have to realize though that today's Supreme Rulers of our Universe have failed absurdly. Any competent solution put forward must necessarily look absurd by comparison.

The only question then is the reasonableness and efficacy of the new absurdity.

This book is going to lay out the case that the Irreni World Scale formula for absurdity success makes sense. For example, the plan to achieve two-hundred million sovereign government requires two-hundred years to implement. We will go from two-hundred to two-hundred million over two-hundred years.

So that's the Introduction, a requirement for absurdity. Our government failures today in the United States and in the world are extreme in their absurdity. If the consequences were not life-and-death then we might be able to laugh about the absurdities and call them absurdity comedy.

But the stakes are life-and-death. What started for me as a childhood absurdity of play thinking that I am the  Supreme Ruler of the Universe has lead me on a path to creating Irreni World Scale, an absurd solution for absurd times.

Absurdity is the order for the day, perhaps with a side of fries. The only work left for the rest of this book then is to make the case that Irreni World Scale is the right kind of absurdity.
