The Olympian Model
Irreni World Scale
Reaching for Ideals
I have taken many early American history classes and read many early American biographies as well because I find the period and people fascinating, especially Thomas Jefferson.
There are three topics of representing the ideal person that I'd like to use as a vehicle to discuss the micro-modular governing organization [MGO] as an ideal.
- Greek sculpture
- The Encyclopedia project
- Thomas Jefferson
I'd like to talk about Thomas Jefferson first because he represents a culmination of Greek ideals and Encyclopedia ideals.
In one class I took Thomas Jefferson was cast as the last American Olympian. When we think of Olympics we think of ideal athletes. Greek culture, however, was concerned with more than just ideal athletes, the culture was premised on everyone reaching to be the ideal person emotionally, physically, and intellectually. The Olympics just represented one aspect of this culture, the athlete.
My professor called Thomas Jefferson the last American Olympian because it represented a time and ego. Jefferson was talented and smart. Jefferson pursued all aspects of intellectual pursuit and curated an encyclopedic library on as many topics as he could.
Jefferson tried to be an ideal person intellectually, and intellectual Olympian.
An ideal person is not a perfect person, by the way. The ideal is just represents limits of what can be achieved as humans. The Greeks, for example, calculated that the ideal physique was seven-foot tall. Any bigger and awkwardness from size alone would inhibit. Any smaller and a bigger person could do better.
And intellectually? Here I think not about the Greeks but the project Encyclopedia. Turns out that during the 17th century some fellow got the idea that all the knowledge of human experience could be collected in one place. He called this project the Encyclopedia project. He sent his collectors to the four corners of the earth to gather all the knowledge possible. He did not set up to create a set of books for door-to-door sales. No, his ego was such that he thought it was possible to do this.
It seems a silly notion today to think about one person having access to all human knowledge even with the Internet. There is just too much of it.
But there is something to learn from these naive notions of human ideals albeit the Greeks, the Encyclopedia project, or Thomas Jefferson's' quest to be an Olympian intellectually.
That lesson is control and freedom.
Control and Freedom
Think about it. If you were an ideal person intellectually, emotionally, and physically this would give you the best of odds of controlling your life.
The ideal that Irreni World Scale strives to reach then is to realize this person ideal analogous to the Greek aspiration: to be that ideal personal so as to get the most out of life and to have the most control.
It is often been said in lyric and rhyme that freedom means nothing left to lose or freedom to some people just means free of responsibility. That is not freedom.
When we say freedom we mean "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" and the responsibility that implies. What we are wanting is control. Freedom is control. And in order to do that we need to be most intelligent, emotionally capable, and athletic person possible.
Irreni World Scale recasts the Olympian ideal person to an Olympian ideal, virtual person. That virtual person is made up of thirty people, the micro-modular governing organization [MGO]. One objective of the MGO is freedom of control by having a tight circle of people to exercise control with cooperatively; call this the virtual ideal person.
Imagine your MGO has a doctor, lawyer, computer programmer, farmer, house builder, chef, comedian, and so on. If your MGO has such a make up of capabilities then as your governing body of sovereignty just as with the US government today, the difference is you will have direct voting control in a group size thirty. You will be able to talk directly to any person in your sovereign nation who is making controlling decisions about your life.
Contrast that with today's Democracy experience. Your vote is worthless. Your voate has no bearing on any policy directly. We'd all like direct say on things like military actions or abortion. People often say they do not want their tax money being spent on war or abortions. There are even one-issue voters who vote to achieve that.
But we have no control today because we are three-hundred-million people with five-hundred representatives. That is not control and that is not freedom.
We are far from free.
Think of the MGO as an ideal virtual person. The collection of thirty people can survive in the wild because they have abilities to do so. This virtual person can also go to medical school and be a software engineer.
No one is suggesting that getting thirty people on the same page and to agree is easy or in all cases possible. No. What Irreni World Scale is saying that thirty people is enough people to create a big enough virtual ideal person to be sovereign and yet small enough where everyone's voice matters when voting.
People look at Irreni and scoff because there is no evidence that the ideas will work. However, that is not what freedom is about. Freedom is about taking control, about finding the sweet spot of organizing billions of people and yet each of us feeling free. The ideal way to do this is with this notion of an ideal virtual person who has in some was Encyclopedic knowledge, Olympian physical prowess, and highly functional emotional responses.
Thirty people is not enough to know everything, not even close. It is enough to provide optimal freedom. Thirty people represents a balance of ideal control: optimal capability of many with optimal freedom of one.
Today we feel despondent, depressed, and insignificant in a modern world where our work seems frivolous and we have no control and less freedom every day. All our decisions like say on health care are being made for us.
The only way to reign in control and bring back freedom is to decrease the population size of sovereignty until the group size is small enough that your vote matters, your desires are heard and important.
Beyond The MGO, The Terran Sea Otter Academy
An MGO as a micro-modular governing organization then is going to need a tightly coupled set of relationships with secondary MGOs to complete the survival needs. Your MGO will have one-or-two other close MGOs to fill-out the needs for survival. Following this train of thought then MGOs will also align to fill out project needs like say building a spaceship or a car. When the group of MGOs get to size thirty again then this represents nine-hundred total people and this group is just called a modular governing organization, or MGO. Such a project MGO is not an ideal vision of a human, but an ideal project vision.
An MGO is fundamentally a cooperative model based on a diverse array of capabilities and not a top-down Patriarchy. But how does one achieve this ideal mix?
To that end there is a support organization within Irreni World Scale called the Terran Sea Otter Academy, [TSOA]. The TSOA has two purposes. The first is to have the very best science on creating a virtual person so as to make recommendations for MGOs. The second is to act as a referee to break up MGOs when they become non-cooperative. The TSOA is not police, their only power is to manage group membership based upon MGO ideals.
Ideals Not History
Irreni then shares a similar founding trait as US Democracy founding. That trait is create a new ideal, not a historical increment.This trait of creating anew ideal is what morality is all about. Irreni then represents a better morality than Democracy.
To understand this objective it is important to first understand that human nature is not moral and not ideal. For example, males are promiscuous and would sleep with as many women as they could by and large if morals were not in place to manage that. As Rebecca Goldstein has pointed out the most significant genetic trait that impacts our social group behavior is male dominance and male dominance is not an ideal, just natural.
Democracy has failed because its moral system was built upon a foundation of male dominance that devolves to one controlling many and not optimizing groups of people. Improving on morals is our long, shared history of creating better morals where politics and civilization are both words defined upon the idea of humans living in cities and we are stuck there today. These cities then are run by governments with a governor. This male dominant structure has a name, patriarchy.
American Democracy as implemented and spread throughout the world today is wholly dependent on patriarchy. CEOs run companies, Governors run States, Presidents run countries, Generals run the military, and on and on.
Patriarchy represents one person controlling everyone else. This is anathema to individual freedom. And yet Patriarchy is pretty much the only governing model today albeit Democracy or Dictatorship.
Irreni World Scale is a moral imperative to manage patriarchy. It does this first by trying to construct a virtual ideal person of many different talents and educations. This is a cooperative model and not a patriarchal model because the expert in say medicine would take lead on medical decisions because that's the ideal.
As of 2019 patriarchy has little moral management. Patriarchy is free to do as it wants with some checks like city councils, State Assemblies, and a Federal House of Representatives and a Senate. But don't kid yourself. The Federal government employees five million people and all five million people are organized as bureaucracies of patriarchy with Directors, Secretaries, and so on. The rest of us are employed by Corporations of Patriarchies.
One person controlling hundreds, thousands, and millions of people is not freedom. Corporations are not bastions of freedom, but terrors of tyranny.
We need to introduce morals to manage our baser nature of Patriarchy just like we need morals to manage our baser natures of sex. Democracy has no morals to manage Patriarchy other than the few people of Congress and thus our society has failed to implement freedom because we all live today under the tyranny and oppression of Patriarchy.
So there is no evidence that the MGO will succeed. None whatsoever. However, that is not the objective, to have evidence. The objective is to create new governance with new ideals and the primary ideal about all others is personal control and its resulting responsibility, the primary ideal is freedom.
Irreni World Scale will achieve this objective by first organizing humans into a group representing a virtual ideal person that can do everything and anything based upon human limitations. This ideal virtual person then is sovereign, with no other sovereign entity to answer too. Larger sovereign bodies of today are replaced with contracts. This contracts are projects of desired work. The life of the contract spans only the time of the desired work. Once the project is no longer considered desired for whatever reason then the contract is terminated and the virtual ideal person moves on to the next purpose in life.
All hail Welcome! to the new Olympian of freedom and control, the MGO. All hail Good Riddance! to our baser moral nature, the Patriarchy and down with individuals controlling the many and up with group cooperation.
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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