Happy Sunday!
Dayton, El Paso, Gilroy. How are we to respond? How are we to think about social change -- including no change at all? From guns, to disasters, to war, and to climate change how should we think about social change?
There is no solution to social change with today's political system. None whatsoever.
First, we need to unlearn how we currently think about social change. We currently think about social change through a lens of false dichotomy. We are given only two choices, this is false dichotomy. Is my side winning, is my side losing.
The first thing we need to unlearn is party politics. Civil societies scale better than tribal society because civil societies reap the benefits of group size larger than a tribe.
The two party system of the U.S. today has always, always been tribal. You might be asking yourself that if that's the case then why are we seeing more tribalism today? The answer is obvious. The answer is technology has made local politics moot. We once were spread out across a vast continent without technology to connect everyone to become just two tribes. The two parties then were local first and national second. A Democrat in New England and an Democrat in Georgia were two very different things until recently.
So what then? What do we replace party politics with?
Two party politics is natural because it is tribal. Decisions map to the tribe we belong to and not the reasoning behind the issue. Social change was accomplished by those people in politics who were willing to forgo party tribalism and engage ideas on their merits. And, of course, overcoming corruption as well.
The U.S. then has always been navigating tribal waters of two-party politics on the winds of desired social change. Our political progress has sailed an ocean of two-party tribalism by steering around vortexes of corruption on a mission to land on new shores of social progress so as to reap ever larger group benefits. And now we have the iPhone. Further, we've expanded our civil society to include billions where Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook all have billions of users and so we are all taking part in the same global systems.
Social change today is seeming impossible. Today the tribal waters have ever expanding vortexes of corruption such that the winds of change are not strong enough to carry us forward politically, we are regressing. Further the tribal waters themselves have created such friction that the winds of change cannot push us forward much.
We absolutely must unlearn the tribalism of the two-party system if we are to move forward and catch the winds of social change..
So how should we think about social change if not by political party? How should we respond to the shootings of El Paso and Dayton where upwards of thirty people have been killed and many more wounded? If not through the lens of the two party system then what lens?
Irreni World Scale takes the only reasonable civil approach to large scale politics: the lens of experiment.
This means no more party politics. Instead we enact experiments that prove claims of change match reality.
Lately I've taken up yet another marketing campaign for Irreni, "Atheist Culture & Politics". I do this first by rewriting the definition of "atheist".
Catholics coined the term of "atheist" as a pejorative, a non-believer. Catholics coined this term to cast aspersions on non-believers. It is a Catholic term of pure, unadulterated hatred. It was never meant to be the clinical term it has become today.
I say we reclaim that term and redefine it from a negative use and definition, a negative use as a dehumanizing term and negative definition of what someone is not. We reclaim that term as a positive, what we are and what we believe in.
I bring this up because this applies to the question of how do we think about social change today if not through a lens of two-party politics?
The answer is hard work and moral relativity.
Irreni moral relativity is ever changing groups of moral circles. The groups are far more dynamic than cities, states, and countries that we have today. Irreni starts with ten million MGOs (modular micro-governing organizations) of size thirty where today we start with one federal government, fifty states, some territories, counties, and some cities.
Irreni World Scale as a system of ten-million MGOs is a massive experimental social system (MESS). It is a MESS of MGOs . These MGOs are meant to be the basis for running social experiments. MGOs are grouped to any size for experimenting with social change.
Claims can be arbitrary. In the future then when we make claims we can make them using any grounding for a hypothesis, including intuition, tradition and religion. However, that is where these various shores stop. Once a claim has been made and society has agreed to expend resources on the social experiment then an experiment must be designed. The experiment will be conducted like all experiments should with measurements and data collecting. Tracking of the results happens all along the way that includes side effects. If the results prove out then the claim is available for larger experiments and as a basis for laws.
If we do not adopt experiments then the horrific mass shootings this weekend are going to result in the usual hand wringing but with no change, including the no change of addressing the concerns of the opponents of current gun laws vehemently opposed to no change.
Irreni demands hard work. If you want to change our society then one must prove claims of change. Democracy then is ass-backwards. Democracy willy-nilly, capriciously, and arbitrarily passes laws of proclamation. Oh sure we have environmental impact studies and some other diligence but ask yourself this: will any scientist claim an impact study is replacement for experimental evidence? Of course not.
And here's the thing. The very nature of running experiments means moral relativity. One group of people will be experimenting with a new set of morals.
Experiments are antithetical to Democracy where one size fits all is the Democratic social policy, there can be only one law for everyone. When it comes to the mass shootings this weekend the right in question is the right to bear arms, the 2nd amendment. The 2nd amendment precludes some experiments because running an experiment that violates the one-size-fits-all social policy is impossible.
When Irreni World Scale finally replaces Democracy there won't rights because rights provide arbitrary limits on social experiments. We will still have universal laws just as we do today. There will still be universal laws like stopping at stop signs. They just won't be rights. We need the flexibility of running large scale experiments using a MESS made of MGOs.
There is no solution to social change with today's political system. None whatsoever. By that I mean any one-size-fits-all social policy will always represent tyranny to sub-populations. The rich and corrupt will channel these oppositions to suit their needs and enrich themselves. If we want to stop the cycle of corruption we must stop the cycle of moral objectivity, one size fits all. We must begin a MESS like Irreni World Scale.
Any other attempt at social change in the modern technological area is akin to pissing in the wind. Social change by simple legal proclamation as designed by Democracy must come to an end. We must make a MESS of things.
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

Dayton, El Paso, Gilroy. How are we to respond? How are we to think about social change -- including no change at all? From guns, to disasters, to war, and to climate change how should we think about social change?
There is no solution to social change with today's political system. None whatsoever.
First, we need to unlearn how we currently think about social change. We currently think about social change through a lens of false dichotomy. We are given only two choices, this is false dichotomy. Is my side winning, is my side losing.
The first thing we need to unlearn is party politics. Civil societies scale better than tribal society because civil societies reap the benefits of group size larger than a tribe.
The two party system of the U.S. today has always, always been tribal. You might be asking yourself that if that's the case then why are we seeing more tribalism today? The answer is obvious. The answer is technology has made local politics moot. We once were spread out across a vast continent without technology to connect everyone to become just two tribes. The two parties then were local first and national second. A Democrat in New England and an Democrat in Georgia were two very different things until recently.
We need to unlearn party politics.
So what then? What do we replace party politics with?
Two party politics is natural because it is tribal. Decisions map to the tribe we belong to and not the reasoning behind the issue. Social change was accomplished by those people in politics who were willing to forgo party tribalism and engage ideas on their merits. And, of course, overcoming corruption as well.
The U.S. then has always been navigating tribal waters of two-party politics on the winds of desired social change. Our political progress has sailed an ocean of two-party tribalism by steering around vortexes of corruption on a mission to land on new shores of social progress so as to reap ever larger group benefits. And now we have the iPhone. Further, we've expanded our civil society to include billions where Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook all have billions of users and so we are all taking part in the same global systems.
Social change today is seeming impossible. Today the tribal waters have ever expanding vortexes of corruption such that the winds of change are not strong enough to carry us forward politically, we are regressing. Further the tribal waters themselves have created such friction that the winds of change cannot push us forward much.
We absolutely must unlearn the tribalism of the two-party system if we are to move forward and catch the winds of social change..
So how should we think about social change if not by political party? How should we respond to the shootings of El Paso and Dayton where upwards of thirty people have been killed and many more wounded? If not through the lens of the two party system then what lens?
Irreni World Scale takes the only reasonable civil approach to large scale politics: the lens of experiment.
This means no more party politics. Instead we enact experiments that prove claims of change match reality.
Lately I've taken up yet another marketing campaign for Irreni, "Atheist Culture & Politics". I do this first by rewriting the definition of "atheist".
atheist, noun: 1. someone who believes in hard work and moral relativity.
Catholics coined the term of "atheist" as a pejorative, a non-believer. Catholics coined this term to cast aspersions on non-believers. It is a Catholic term of pure, unadulterated hatred. It was never meant to be the clinical term it has become today.
I say we reclaim that term and redefine it from a negative use and definition, a negative use as a dehumanizing term and negative definition of what someone is not. We reclaim that term as a positive, what we are and what we believe in.
I bring this up because this applies to the question of how do we think about social change today if not through a lens of two-party politics?
The answer is hard work and moral relativity.
The hard work is experiments.
Irreni moral relativity is ever changing groups of moral circles. The groups are far more dynamic than cities, states, and countries that we have today. Irreni starts with ten million MGOs (modular micro-governing organizations) of size thirty where today we start with one federal government, fifty states, some territories, counties, and some cities.
Irreni World Scale as a system of ten-million MGOs is a massive experimental social system (MESS). It is a MESS of MGOs . These MGOs are meant to be the basis for running social experiments. MGOs are grouped to any size for experimenting with social change.
Claims can be arbitrary. In the future then when we make claims we can make them using any grounding for a hypothesis, including intuition, tradition and religion. However, that is where these various shores stop. Once a claim has been made and society has agreed to expend resources on the social experiment then an experiment must be designed. The experiment will be conducted like all experiments should with measurements and data collecting. Tracking of the results happens all along the way that includes side effects. If the results prove out then the claim is available for larger experiments and as a basis for laws.
If we do not adopt experiments then the horrific mass shootings this weekend are going to result in the usual hand wringing but with no change, including the no change of addressing the concerns of the opponents of current gun laws vehemently opposed to no change.
Irreni demands hard work. If you want to change our society then one must prove claims of change. Democracy then is ass-backwards. Democracy willy-nilly, capriciously, and arbitrarily passes laws of proclamation. Oh sure we have environmental impact studies and some other diligence but ask yourself this: will any scientist claim an impact study is replacement for experimental evidence? Of course not.
We must run experiments.
And here's the thing. The very nature of running experiments means moral relativity. One group of people will be experimenting with a new set of morals.
Experiments are antithetical to Democracy where one size fits all is the Democratic social policy, there can be only one law for everyone. When it comes to the mass shootings this weekend the right in question is the right to bear arms, the 2nd amendment. The 2nd amendment precludes some experiments because running an experiment that violates the one-size-fits-all social policy is impossible.
When Irreni World Scale finally replaces Democracy there won't rights because rights provide arbitrary limits on social experiments. We will still have universal laws just as we do today. There will still be universal laws like stopping at stop signs. They just won't be rights. We need the flexibility of running large scale experiments using a MESS made of MGOs.
There is no solution to social change with today's political system. None whatsoever. By that I mean any one-size-fits-all social policy will always represent tyranny to sub-populations. The rich and corrupt will channel these oppositions to suit their needs and enrich themselves. If we want to stop the cycle of corruption we must stop the cycle of moral objectivity, one size fits all. We must begin a MESS like Irreni World Scale.
Any other attempt at social change in the modern technological area is akin to pissing in the wind. Social change by simple legal proclamation as designed by Democracy must come to an end. We must make a MESS of things.
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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