Bad Reasoning
Bad reasoning. We all have it and do it. Some of us more than others.
How many times have we heard the average person doesn't understand finances? And yet everyone is expected to have their retirement invested? What kind of mad world is this? We demand financial savvy where none exists? It is almost as if the system is rigged to rip us all off while telling us it is our fault and we buy it hook, line, and sinker? The sad fact is we do let them get away with it because we do think it is our fault.
Irreni World Scale manages bad reasoning.
Some people may naively think that ignorance of something like finances is the only cause. Not at all. I know people with degrees in Math who buy lottery tickets. When I ask them if they know they are just throwing away money they say yes. On a more personal level I know I should be exercising but I don't. I guess in some ways one could consider this bad decision making over bad reasoning because I know the right answer: I should be exercising. But what about the person in denial? Let us say for the sake of argument the opposite were true, that I'm certain exercise is not good for me even though all the evidence says otherwise? Is denial also bad reasoning? As Morpheus says, "There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
I argue that this distinction between knowing the path and walking the path is inscrutable except by you about you. Why? Because I can't read your mind. For example, let's say I ask if you understand that buying lottery tickets is just throwing away money. Now you look at me and go, "Okay this guy is smarter than me so he's probably right or at least thinks he's right. I don't want to start a fight and I don't want to seem stupid so I will just say, yes. So you say, "Yes". You don't believe it, you just answered "Yes". I can't read your mind so I assume you mean it. Inscrutable.
But things even get more convoluted if you think about what denial really means. I can tell you I know for a fact that exercise is needed, I am 100% sure. But what if I'm in denial? Would I know? How would I know if I know? What if deep down I don't really believe it?
Bad reasoning then is best evaluated at face value when actions are taken different than words spoken. It is perilous splitting hairs between knowing the path and walking the path. Maybe some day we will have the technology to look deep inside someone's brain and truly know what they believe but that day is not today. In this essay and in the design of Irreni World Scale bad reasoning means actions speak louder than words, bad action is bad reasoning.
We need to consider bad reasoning because humans are terrible at reasoning. This means then that any system designed to manage humans must manage the bad reasoning.
The design of Irreni calls for an MGO (micro-modular governing organization) of size thirty people precisely to manage bad reasoning. As my brother once said, none of us are our own best manager. We need other people to help us manage ourselves. The increasing failure of culture today is increasing bad reasoning failure. Why? Because management of bad reasoning needs to be at an intimate, personal level and we are not getting it. We are too isolated. Oh sure sometimes impersonal will do. In fact for someone like myself I can almost exclusively manage bad reasoning by reading books. We are a very small minority, however. People like myself are not the rule, we are the exception. The emotional succor we so desperately need in 2019 is that of personal relationships to help us manage bad reasoning. We do not have those relationships. As a result then most people are falling victim to appeals to our baser nature: fear, insecurity, and self-loathing. Hucksters, grifters, and charlatans are all scaring people and guilting people into even worse reasoning made apparently good by tribalism. We are joining tribes of victimhood to substitute for managing bad reasoning. The husksters are making money off turning our bad reasoning into even worse reasoning by joining tribes that reinforce bad reasoning as good.
Irreni World Scale manages bad reasoning by establishing bad reasoning management relationships for everyone, the MGO. The MGO is sovereign. That means your group of thirty people will have a constitution just like the US constitution. The laws made and enforced by your group of thirty people can all be discussed by everyone in your MGO with everyone. This small group of governing provides the opportunity for everyone to have relationships to manage bad reasoning. We will all be able to participate in all the most important laws, privileges and punishments of our lives affecting the thirty people being governed. Bad reasoning will be discussed and improved personally. Direct, intimate, personal dialog with people who complement their better reasoning with your bad reasoning will be yours. That is what is missing in our culture today: relationships of bad reasoning management.
What does bad reasoning management look like?
Well for starters the size of the MGO, thirty people, manages bad reasoning. Thirty is chosen because humans suck at reasoning about anything larger than order of ten. Limiting sovereign government to thirty people will fit our tribal evolution nicely.
Another bad reasoning management design is the vote bank coupled with six-degrees voting. In America voting for the President of United States means our vote is one of 330 million. What does that even mean to most people? How does my vote make a difference as one in 330 million? Irreni has a bad reasoning solution to that question called six-degrees voting.
Six-degrees voting is premised on the notion that Irreni World Scale is an Internet era government. Irreni demands an Internet level of technology to exist before it can be applied. Given the Internet is a requirement then we assume it exists when discussing all ideas involving Irreni.
Six-degrees voting makes use of the latest science: all humans are connected by a path of six people. That means I can link myself to anyone on the face of the planet by a connection of six people. For example, I learned my six-degrees with President Obama inadvertently one day when a friend of mine from Chicago told me one of his friends went to high-school with Obama's wife.
In six-degrees voting you can only vote for people you know. That's it. This is a bad reasoning management design. If you know someone then either they can talk to you or you to them when it is time to vote about the ultimate candidate choice. But how do I know what the paths are? How do I know what people can link me to someone like President Obama?
Six-degrees voting requires high technology, especially the Internet. Irreni World Scale requires every person on the planet to have a smart phones that contains Irreni apps. One such app is the vote bank. What is the vote bank? The vote bank changes voting from casting a vote to banking a vote. You will always have a vote banked for a candidate. As soon as an election is over then you bank a new vote the next day for the next election. And remember, you are not voting directly but indirectly via six-degrees. You vote for someone you know. All banked votes are publicly visible by everyone.
A vote in vote bank doesn't tells us the six-degrees path though. We need more technology. In other words, how do I determine if I cast a vote for Alice she will vote for Bob who will cast for Charlie who will cast for Dave who will cast a vote for Obama if I can only see the banked votes?
The vote bank requires a six-degrees app used for everyone to register friends. As we all know from Facebook the public notion of friends can be meaningless. Irreni World Scale addresses this with rules about friending. For starters one is only allowed a maximum of ten friends. Further, friends are validated by other friends. If you claim you are a friend of someone in Irreni six-degrees voting then that friendship has to be validated by other mutual friends. There are other rules too, but you get the picture, friends are validated.
The vote bank then contains a map of everyone's six-degree paths in the world and all of our connections. There will be a map application like Google maps to help you look up who your final vote cast will be for. You will also be able to set up alerts in case anyone in your path changes their vote.
People balk when they learn about six-degrees voting and the vote bank because it requires all votes to be public in order to create the pathways of six-degrees. Realize six-degrees voting is not like vote casting of today and this applies to the biggest concern people have about being targeted by how they vote. The counter-argument to being harassed for your public vote is social media. In the age of the Internet then give me five minutes on the Internet looking at your social media like Facebook and I can jump to a conclusion rightly or wrongly about how you will vote. I don't need you to tell me who you voted for. We live in a different world and a different time. I can feel confident about guessing your vote based upon social media. Irreni World Scale acknowledges times have changed and leverages our different society today and then optimizes the changes for our benefit.
I've laid out two methods that Irreni World Scale helps us manage bad reasoning: sovereign MGOs of size thirty and six-degree voting. Now I'm going to make a list of bad reasoning vectors in the modern world and ask that you reflect on which has more potential for managing bad reasoning: Irreni or politics today. A politics today that has no social grouping at all except party politics of two worthless tribes.
Bad Reasoning Vectors -> bad reasoning causes
1. Religion -> tribal scale, false hope, fear mongering, guilt, shaming
2. Conservative politics -> same as Religion
3. Math -> most people can only manage an order of ten, as in ten fingers.
4. Finances -> most people suck, see Math
5. Lottery tickets -> see Math
6. Homeopathy -> false hope, see Medicine
7. Exercise -> isolation
8. Medicine -> missing education
9. Education -> lack of self knowing
10. Entertainment -> bad time management, isolation
11. Politics -> over simplification in sound bites, everything in Religion
12. Parenting -> bad traditions
13. Technology -> missing education
Clearly Irreni with its mandatory social group of size thirty is far superior to political parties or other modern social groups that in fact leave us isolated.
I think of the superior design of the MGO as a virtual person because the people are tightly knit like cells in the real body. This virtual person has some of the same traits as a person.
First, an MGO is autonomous where an MGO is sovereign. Rules beyond the MGO are subordinate to the sovereign laws of the MGO just like you can choose to break the law when needed. MGOs have their own economy and their own money if they so choose.
Second, an MGO manages virtual person health. Healthcare in terms of modern medicine can be recast as just one domain of modern technology. All technology today requires employs thousands and even millions of people. Multiple MGOs will form larger organizations analogous to today's universities, corporations and government heath agencies that required to bring about sophisticated technology. The delivery of that technology though is ultimately the domain of the MGO and just like you know your health best, the MGO will know its member health best. For example one can imagine that an MGO without a doctor may have an unlicensed medic responsible for all medical emergencies when a doctor cannot be reached. Licensing will apply between MGOs, but not within an MGO. Medicine today fails in large part due to people self-medicating. MGO medicating will be superior in that it helps with bad reasoning of self-medicating and it is paid for and staffed by the MGO itself.
Third, an MGO is the unit of hire. In the future individuals will not be hired. Instead, MGOs will be contracted. Irreni World Scale does away with corporations, governments, and bureaucracy as we know it today. Instead MGOs work together on projects managed by contracts. How projects are selected and financed are both too complex of topic beyond the scope here.
Fourth, an MGO has personality. The thirty people voting within the MGO will comprise a set of morals and standards in their constitution to the outer world that reflect the group as a whole. For example, some MGOs will be pro-gun and others will not. What this means that when it comes to establishing projects made of multiple MGOs working together then these personalities must be taken into account the same as hiring an individual takes into account their personality.
Fifth, an MGO is community. We all want community and yet in 2019 community is nigh impossible to find. Irreni World Scale guarantees at least one community: the MGO. Practice makes perfect and once people get community practice within the MGO then establishing greater communities beyond the MGO size will be natural.
Hopefully you are starting to get excited about Irreni. Irreni brings solutions to the table for managing the ever increasing bad reasoning we see today. Our current political system has no such answers.
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

Bad reasoning. We all have it and do it. Some of us more than others.
How many times have we heard the average person doesn't understand finances? And yet everyone is expected to have their retirement invested? What kind of mad world is this? We demand financial savvy where none exists? It is almost as if the system is rigged to rip us all off while telling us it is our fault and we buy it hook, line, and sinker? The sad fact is we do let them get away with it because we do think it is our fault.
Irreni World Scale manages bad reasoning.
Some people may naively think that ignorance of something like finances is the only cause. Not at all. I know people with degrees in Math who buy lottery tickets. When I ask them if they know they are just throwing away money they say yes. On a more personal level I know I should be exercising but I don't. I guess in some ways one could consider this bad decision making over bad reasoning because I know the right answer: I should be exercising. But what about the person in denial? Let us say for the sake of argument the opposite were true, that I'm certain exercise is not good for me even though all the evidence says otherwise? Is denial also bad reasoning? As Morpheus says, "There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
I argue that this distinction between knowing the path and walking the path is inscrutable except by you about you. Why? Because I can't read your mind. For example, let's say I ask if you understand that buying lottery tickets is just throwing away money. Now you look at me and go, "Okay this guy is smarter than me so he's probably right or at least thinks he's right. I don't want to start a fight and I don't want to seem stupid so I will just say, yes. So you say, "Yes". You don't believe it, you just answered "Yes". I can't read your mind so I assume you mean it. Inscrutable.
But things even get more convoluted if you think about what denial really means. I can tell you I know for a fact that exercise is needed, I am 100% sure. But what if I'm in denial? Would I know? How would I know if I know? What if deep down I don't really believe it?
Bad reasoning then is best evaluated at face value when actions are taken different than words spoken. It is perilous splitting hairs between knowing the path and walking the path. Maybe some day we will have the technology to look deep inside someone's brain and truly know what they believe but that day is not today. In this essay and in the design of Irreni World Scale bad reasoning means actions speak louder than words, bad action is bad reasoning.
We need to consider bad reasoning because humans are terrible at reasoning. This means then that any system designed to manage humans must manage the bad reasoning.
The design of Irreni calls for an MGO (micro-modular governing organization) of size thirty people precisely to manage bad reasoning. As my brother once said, none of us are our own best manager. We need other people to help us manage ourselves. The increasing failure of culture today is increasing bad reasoning failure. Why? Because management of bad reasoning needs to be at an intimate, personal level and we are not getting it. We are too isolated. Oh sure sometimes impersonal will do. In fact for someone like myself I can almost exclusively manage bad reasoning by reading books. We are a very small minority, however. People like myself are not the rule, we are the exception. The emotional succor we so desperately need in 2019 is that of personal relationships to help us manage bad reasoning. We do not have those relationships. As a result then most people are falling victim to appeals to our baser nature: fear, insecurity, and self-loathing. Hucksters, grifters, and charlatans are all scaring people and guilting people into even worse reasoning made apparently good by tribalism. We are joining tribes of victimhood to substitute for managing bad reasoning. The husksters are making money off turning our bad reasoning into even worse reasoning by joining tribes that reinforce bad reasoning as good.
Irreni World Scale manages bad reasoning by establishing bad reasoning management relationships for everyone, the MGO. The MGO is sovereign. That means your group of thirty people will have a constitution just like the US constitution. The laws made and enforced by your group of thirty people can all be discussed by everyone in your MGO with everyone. This small group of governing provides the opportunity for everyone to have relationships to manage bad reasoning. We will all be able to participate in all the most important laws, privileges and punishments of our lives affecting the thirty people being governed. Bad reasoning will be discussed and improved personally. Direct, intimate, personal dialog with people who complement their better reasoning with your bad reasoning will be yours. That is what is missing in our culture today: relationships of bad reasoning management.
What does bad reasoning management look like?
Well for starters the size of the MGO, thirty people, manages bad reasoning. Thirty is chosen because humans suck at reasoning about anything larger than order of ten. Limiting sovereign government to thirty people will fit our tribal evolution nicely.
Another bad reasoning management design is the vote bank coupled with six-degrees voting. In America voting for the President of United States means our vote is one of 330 million. What does that even mean to most people? How does my vote make a difference as one in 330 million? Irreni has a bad reasoning solution to that question called six-degrees voting.
Six-degrees voting is premised on the notion that Irreni World Scale is an Internet era government. Irreni demands an Internet level of technology to exist before it can be applied. Given the Internet is a requirement then we assume it exists when discussing all ideas involving Irreni.
Six-degrees voting makes use of the latest science: all humans are connected by a path of six people. That means I can link myself to anyone on the face of the planet by a connection of six people. For example, I learned my six-degrees with President Obama inadvertently one day when a friend of mine from Chicago told me one of his friends went to high-school with Obama's wife.
In six-degrees voting you can only vote for people you know. That's it. This is a bad reasoning management design. If you know someone then either they can talk to you or you to them when it is time to vote about the ultimate candidate choice. But how do I know what the paths are? How do I know what people can link me to someone like President Obama?
Six-degrees voting requires high technology, especially the Internet. Irreni World Scale requires every person on the planet to have a smart phones that contains Irreni apps. One such app is the vote bank. What is the vote bank? The vote bank changes voting from casting a vote to banking a vote. You will always have a vote banked for a candidate. As soon as an election is over then you bank a new vote the next day for the next election. And remember, you are not voting directly but indirectly via six-degrees. You vote for someone you know. All banked votes are publicly visible by everyone.
A vote in vote bank doesn't tells us the six-degrees path though. We need more technology. In other words, how do I determine if I cast a vote for Alice she will vote for Bob who will cast for Charlie who will cast for Dave who will cast a vote for Obama if I can only see the banked votes?
The vote bank requires a six-degrees app used for everyone to register friends. As we all know from Facebook the public notion of friends can be meaningless. Irreni World Scale addresses this with rules about friending. For starters one is only allowed a maximum of ten friends. Further, friends are validated by other friends. If you claim you are a friend of someone in Irreni six-degrees voting then that friendship has to be validated by other mutual friends. There are other rules too, but you get the picture, friends are validated.
The vote bank then contains a map of everyone's six-degree paths in the world and all of our connections. There will be a map application like Google maps to help you look up who your final vote cast will be for. You will also be able to set up alerts in case anyone in your path changes their vote.
People balk when they learn about six-degrees voting and the vote bank because it requires all votes to be public in order to create the pathways of six-degrees. Realize six-degrees voting is not like vote casting of today and this applies to the biggest concern people have about being targeted by how they vote. The counter-argument to being harassed for your public vote is social media. In the age of the Internet then give me five minutes on the Internet looking at your social media like Facebook and I can jump to a conclusion rightly or wrongly about how you will vote. I don't need you to tell me who you voted for. We live in a different world and a different time. I can feel confident about guessing your vote based upon social media. Irreni World Scale acknowledges times have changed and leverages our different society today and then optimizes the changes for our benefit.
I've laid out two methods that Irreni World Scale helps us manage bad reasoning: sovereign MGOs of size thirty and six-degree voting. Now I'm going to make a list of bad reasoning vectors in the modern world and ask that you reflect on which has more potential for managing bad reasoning: Irreni or politics today. A politics today that has no social grouping at all except party politics of two worthless tribes.
Bad Reasoning Vectors -> bad reasoning causes
1. Religion -> tribal scale, false hope, fear mongering, guilt, shaming
2. Conservative politics -> same as Religion
3. Math -> most people can only manage an order of ten, as in ten fingers.
4. Finances -> most people suck, see Math
5. Lottery tickets -> see Math
6. Homeopathy -> false hope, see Medicine
7. Exercise -> isolation
8. Medicine -> missing education
9. Education -> lack of self knowing
10. Entertainment -> bad time management, isolation
11. Politics -> over simplification in sound bites, everything in Religion
12. Parenting -> bad traditions
13. Technology -> missing education
Clearly Irreni with its mandatory social group of size thirty is far superior to political parties or other modern social groups that in fact leave us isolated.
I think of the superior design of the MGO as a virtual person because the people are tightly knit like cells in the real body. This virtual person has some of the same traits as a person.
First, an MGO is autonomous where an MGO is sovereign. Rules beyond the MGO are subordinate to the sovereign laws of the MGO just like you can choose to break the law when needed. MGOs have their own economy and their own money if they so choose.
Second, an MGO manages virtual person health. Healthcare in terms of modern medicine can be recast as just one domain of modern technology. All technology today requires employs thousands and even millions of people. Multiple MGOs will form larger organizations analogous to today's universities, corporations and government heath agencies that required to bring about sophisticated technology. The delivery of that technology though is ultimately the domain of the MGO and just like you know your health best, the MGO will know its member health best. For example one can imagine that an MGO without a doctor may have an unlicensed medic responsible for all medical emergencies when a doctor cannot be reached. Licensing will apply between MGOs, but not within an MGO. Medicine today fails in large part due to people self-medicating. MGO medicating will be superior in that it helps with bad reasoning of self-medicating and it is paid for and staffed by the MGO itself.
Third, an MGO is the unit of hire. In the future individuals will not be hired. Instead, MGOs will be contracted. Irreni World Scale does away with corporations, governments, and bureaucracy as we know it today. Instead MGOs work together on projects managed by contracts. How projects are selected and financed are both too complex of topic beyond the scope here.
Fourth, an MGO has personality. The thirty people voting within the MGO will comprise a set of morals and standards in their constitution to the outer world that reflect the group as a whole. For example, some MGOs will be pro-gun and others will not. What this means that when it comes to establishing projects made of multiple MGOs working together then these personalities must be taken into account the same as hiring an individual takes into account their personality.
Fifth, an MGO is community. We all want community and yet in 2019 community is nigh impossible to find. Irreni World Scale guarantees at least one community: the MGO. Practice makes perfect and once people get community practice within the MGO then establishing greater communities beyond the MGO size will be natural.
Hopefully you are starting to get excited about Irreni. Irreni brings solutions to the table for managing the ever increasing bad reasoning we see today. Our current political system has no such answers.
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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