The key ingredient that our politics is missing in 2019 is culture change.
We sniff around culture innovations. For example we know that if the world made a single culture change and the world went vegetarian overnight that this would benefit both climate change and food supply.
Ask yourself this question. Would the youth of the day be better off lobbying culture to change to adopt vegetarian diets so as to reduce climate change or be better off by lobbying governments to reduce climate change?
We sniff around culture innovations.
Should be ban single-use plastic straws? Reporting on the huge island of plastic waste floating around the pacific is almost daily news.
What is missing in 2019 is culture change that activates citizens. Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country - or planet.
It is obvious that climate change and other governing problems of the day require cultural change and yet no governing mechanism to date has provided a single iota of cultural change power. John F. Kennedy was merely campaigning when he made his famous request to ask not what your country can do and that is because there was no change expected and none happened. George W. Bush had much better expectations of no change when he asked us to "go shopping" after 9/11. Bush was just asking us to resume our normal culture.
Irreni World Scale is the first governing design to include cultural change with governing. The cultural change power comes primarily from two design features:
Irreni World Scale replaces rule-of-law with benefit of cooperation.
Where does this design come from?
I am a software engineer by trade. Irreni World Scale is some ways designed around computing lessons learned such as the shift from mainframe to server designs. The Irreni design is analogous in that it shifts from lobbying a central government to activating billions of people. Governments don't scale.
The shift from mainframe to server computer architecture happened in my lifetime. Why? We'll use a comparison to how Obama-care was rolled out.
1. Mainframes were upfront expensive.
Obama-care was a national law that was rolled out for three-hundred million people in the country. There were huge upfront costs for implementation of the State insurance exchanges. There was always a huge upfront "tax" cost of everyone working mandated to buy health insurance. There was also the huge upfront cost of many people losing coverage altogether, losing their doctor, and losing coverage items. There was a huge upfront cost of large deductibles around $4-$10k per year.
2. Mainframes were nigh impossible to innovate.
When memory costs one-million dollars a megabyte innovation is expensive. Innovation is also stifled because only a handful of companies sold them and their technology was proprietary. Mainframes were also hard to innovate because the design was whole-hog. One could not just swap out any storage drive, but only swap out a storage drive provided by the manufacturer. Obama-care as written when it passed was said to need innovation tweaks, yet none of happened. Obama-care was passed without a single Republican vote and this is one reason why there has been no such innovation. Another is that over half of the States in the country were Republican run and so against Obama-care. This also stymied innovation at the State level. Immediately after Obama-care was implemented the House flipped Republican, no innovation happened. The underlying similarity with computing is that a design created and controlled by a few is hard to innovate by the many.
3. Mainframes don't scale.
The server architecture wiped out mainframe architecture because of scale-out. The idea of "going viral" means that the web site must scale overnight to meet new demand and mainframes don't scale. In the mid-1990s the first dominant search engine was "Alta Vista". Alta Vista was a mainframe. Initially that mainframe architecture could meet the demands of growing web traffic, an era where online dating was the most profitable application. Around 2000 the architecture of Alta Vista begin to fray and Google stepped in. Now Google has millions of servers worldwide.
The world going from thousands of mainframes to billions of servers is analogous to the design of Irreni World Scale for governing. However, instead of replacing mainframes with servers then central governments are replaced with MGOs. MGOs will enable political innovation the same way servers enabled computing innovation.
Irreni calls for hundreds of governments to replaced by millions of MGOs. In the tech world replacing mainframes with billions of servers happened over the course of a few decades without anyone blinking. Mainframes were replaced by servers with wild abandon. Irreni adoption cannot happen with the same wild abandon because Irreni requires human culture to change from rule-of-law to benefit-of-cooperation. Rule-of-law via central governments has been the culture of humans since government was invented. Changing culture to self-governing based upon benefit of cooperation is going to take time, time to upgrade culture to self-governing.
We've reached the end-of-line of top-down edicts from rule-of-law like with Obama-care. Individuals today on planet Earth are far too educated and wealthy to be forced into obedience. Humans have always resisted compulsion, tyranny, and oppression. Today we actually have the education and financial means to do so.
Republicans today frame the culture war as religion versus atheism, as previous culture versus new culture. That is the incorrect frame. First off, it is not a culture war, but a culture awakening. That awakening is people world-over are realizing they do not have to be beholden to central government edicts, this includes the rise of moral majority Republicans. The Chinese government is committing suicide by bringing their one-billion population up to western standards of education and financial security, however imperfect. It is obvious. This is why Islamic governments are anti-western. Those governing Islamic countries lose the power of central government edicts once people are educated and financially empowered.
All over the world people are rejecting central government edicts - all throughout Europe, Hong Kong, Africa, Asia and elsewhere. Okay, Russia seems to be immune to central power rejection. And there are a few other places but the trend is that educated, somewhat financially secure people are rejecting central government edicts like Obama-care all around the world.
That's where Irreni comes in.
Irreni scales governing the same way computing scaled when it went from mainframes to servers. The Irreni design is for governing to go from central government edicts using rule-of-law to MGO projects using benefit of cooperation. Laws are replaced by projects. These governing projects can be innovated the same way today computing technology is innovated, by small changes on a foundation of massively federated systems.
The key ingredient that our politics is missing in 2019 is culture change. Central government cannot function in the 21st century because it has no culture power to enable millions of people to cooperate on the likes of climate change. Irreni World Scale enables billions of people to cooperate with a design of MGOs where a government of thirty people is sovereign and then again with innovative projects replacing static edict laws.
This is not a choice. Irreni must happen. We need culture power to address the future in front of us, to address climate change.
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

We sniff around culture innovations. For example we know that if the world made a single culture change and the world went vegetarian overnight that this would benefit both climate change and food supply.
Ask yourself this question. Would the youth of the day be better off lobbying culture to change to adopt vegetarian diets so as to reduce climate change or be better off by lobbying governments to reduce climate change?
We sniff around culture innovations.
Should be ban single-use plastic straws? Reporting on the huge island of plastic waste floating around the pacific is almost daily news.
What is missing in 2019 is culture change that activates citizens. Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country - or planet.
It is obvious that climate change and other governing problems of the day require cultural change and yet no governing mechanism to date has provided a single iota of cultural change power. John F. Kennedy was merely campaigning when he made his famous request to ask not what your country can do and that is because there was no change expected and none happened. George W. Bush had much better expectations of no change when he asked us to "go shopping" after 9/11. Bush was just asking us to resume our normal culture.
Irreni World Scale is the first governing design to include cultural change with governing. The cultural change power comes primarily from two design features:
- Networks of team governments of size thirty people called micro-modular governing organizations, or MGOs.
- Projects replace laws.
Irreni World Scale replaces rule-of-law with benefit of cooperation.
Briefly speaking Irreni is designed to innovate governing over the course of two-hundred years. There are three phases. The first phase is to replace corporations with networks of MGOs. The second phase is to replace local, State, and Federal governing with networks of MGOs. The final phase is to replace all governing completely with networks of MGOs.Where does this design come from?
I am a software engineer by trade. Irreni World Scale is some ways designed around computing lessons learned such as the shift from mainframe to server designs. The Irreni design is analogous in that it shifts from lobbying a central government to activating billions of people. Governments don't scale.
The shift from mainframe to server computer architecture happened in my lifetime. Why? We'll use a comparison to how Obama-care was rolled out.
1. Mainframes were upfront expensive.
Obama-care was a national law that was rolled out for three-hundred million people in the country. There were huge upfront costs for implementation of the State insurance exchanges. There was always a huge upfront "tax" cost of everyone working mandated to buy health insurance. There was also the huge upfront cost of many people losing coverage altogether, losing their doctor, and losing coverage items. There was a huge upfront cost of large deductibles around $4-$10k per year.
2. Mainframes were nigh impossible to innovate.
When memory costs one-million dollars a megabyte innovation is expensive. Innovation is also stifled because only a handful of companies sold them and their technology was proprietary. Mainframes were also hard to innovate because the design was whole-hog. One could not just swap out any storage drive, but only swap out a storage drive provided by the manufacturer. Obama-care as written when it passed was said to need innovation tweaks, yet none of happened. Obama-care was passed without a single Republican vote and this is one reason why there has been no such innovation. Another is that over half of the States in the country were Republican run and so against Obama-care. This also stymied innovation at the State level. Immediately after Obama-care was implemented the House flipped Republican, no innovation happened. The underlying similarity with computing is that a design created and controlled by a few is hard to innovate by the many.
3. Mainframes don't scale.
The server architecture wiped out mainframe architecture because of scale-out. The idea of "going viral" means that the web site must scale overnight to meet new demand and mainframes don't scale. In the mid-1990s the first dominant search engine was "Alta Vista". Alta Vista was a mainframe. Initially that mainframe architecture could meet the demands of growing web traffic, an era where online dating was the most profitable application. Around 2000 the architecture of Alta Vista begin to fray and Google stepped in. Now Google has millions of servers worldwide.
The world going from thousands of mainframes to billions of servers is analogous to the design of Irreni World Scale for governing. However, instead of replacing mainframes with servers then central governments are replaced with MGOs. MGOs will enable political innovation the same way servers enabled computing innovation.
Irreni calls for hundreds of governments to replaced by millions of MGOs. In the tech world replacing mainframes with billions of servers happened over the course of a few decades without anyone blinking. Mainframes were replaced by servers with wild abandon. Irreni adoption cannot happen with the same wild abandon because Irreni requires human culture to change from rule-of-law to benefit-of-cooperation. Rule-of-law via central governments has been the culture of humans since government was invented. Changing culture to self-governing based upon benefit of cooperation is going to take time, time to upgrade culture to self-governing.
End of the line
We've reached the end-of-line of top-down edicts from rule-of-law like with Obama-care. Individuals today on planet Earth are far too educated and wealthy to be forced into obedience. Humans have always resisted compulsion, tyranny, and oppression. Today we actually have the education and financial means to do so.
Republicans today frame the culture war as religion versus atheism, as previous culture versus new culture. That is the incorrect frame. First off, it is not a culture war, but a culture awakening. That awakening is people world-over are realizing they do not have to be beholden to central government edicts, this includes the rise of moral majority Republicans. The Chinese government is committing suicide by bringing their one-billion population up to western standards of education and financial security, however imperfect. It is obvious. This is why Islamic governments are anti-western. Those governing Islamic countries lose the power of central government edicts once people are educated and financially empowered.
All over the world people are rejecting central government edicts - all throughout Europe, Hong Kong, Africa, Asia and elsewhere. Okay, Russia seems to be immune to central power rejection. And there are a few other places but the trend is that educated, somewhat financially secure people are rejecting central government edicts like Obama-care all around the world.
Then what?
That's where Irreni comes in.
Irreni scales governing the same way computing scaled when it went from mainframes to servers. The Irreni design is for governing to go from central government edicts using rule-of-law to MGO projects using benefit of cooperation. Laws are replaced by projects. These governing projects can be innovated the same way today computing technology is innovated, by small changes on a foundation of massively federated systems.
The key ingredient that our politics is missing in 2019 is culture change. Central government cannot function in the 21st century because it has no culture power to enable millions of people to cooperate on the likes of climate change. Irreni World Scale enables billions of people to cooperate with a design of MGOs where a government of thirty people is sovereign and then again with innovative projects replacing static edict laws.
This is not a choice. Irreni must happen. We need culture power to address the future in front of us, to address climate change.
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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