New Philosophy
This is a five minute read.Happy Saturday! This Irreni World Scale blog post is an open letter to Yuval Noah Harari and Steven Pinker. In addition I also want to put to bed any notion that I'm a misanthrope given my latest Facebook post where I ended with, "People are just ignorant."
The YouTube interview linked below only requires you to listen for just a minute or so of your time where Yuval Noah Harari and Steven Pinker advocate that new philosophy is needed:
In the linked video not only is the claim made by Yuval Noah Harari that we need new philosophy but in addition the claim is made that no new philosophy exists. Au contraire! Irreni World Scale is a new governing system built on new philosophy. This philosophy not only represents current day needs but also needs up to four-hundred years in the future. This philosophy with governing not only scales to the entire planet, but scales to the solar system, scales to the galaxy and beyond. And to think our governing systems today cannot scale beyond a few million people. Yummy.
Read on!
The foundation for the new Irreni philosophy is illustrated by why I am not a misanthrope when I say people are just ignorant.
New philosophy must rely on constraints and benefits of human nature. Ignorance is human nature. The reason I peg Irreni World Scale as having a four-hundred year relevance is that I believe we will probably have the capability to design human nature by then: assumptions change. Irreni World Scale is designed around human nature as it exists today.
Philosophically I love everyone, including the worst of human nature. I believe any new philosophy must be designed to include everyone, warts and all, ignorance and all. People are ignorant is a fundamental flaw of human nature. This flaw exposes the flaw of a headline that I was responding to which came across my Facebook timeline: "Why Do Some People Think Climate Change Isn't Real." What? People are ignorant, duh. Many of us atheists ask this question in reverse, "Why Do Some People Think That Imaginary God Is Real." Billions of people in the world today believe in an imaginary god. This is evidence enough that ignorance is built into human nature.
Principle of Ignorance: People believe things are so they know ain't so.
This Principle of Ignorance is a fundamental flaw with Democracy and its underpinning philosophy.
Why do people play the lottery? Why do people write headlines like, "Why Do Some People Think Climate Change Isn't Real"? This headline is incredulous because we live in a world of in-your face religious believers and lottery ticket buyers. Who's more ignorant: the person who wrote this headline; the person who believes there is a god; or the person who believes they have chance of winning the lottery in their lifetime?
When I wrote "people are just ignorant" that was in part meant to be reminder of the Principle of Ignorance being built into human nature.
To further expand on this universal nature of ignorance let's take a best case scenario where presumably scientists with PhDs should be a group least susceptible to the Principle of Ignorance. And yet only 70% of PhD scientists are non-religious and this means there are still 30% who believe their imaginary god is real.
Expecting 100% belief in a truth reminds me of lessons of the Carnet Engine in Physics. The Carnet Engine is a theoretical, mathematical model of the optimal efficient engine. This theoretical model demonstrates that at best any engine can be 66% efficient. That means for every 100 units of energy put into an engine then at best 66 units of that energy can be optimally output as work. The remainder will be exhaust. Human nature when it comes to the Principle of Ignorance strikes me as much the same. At best something like 70% of the public can be convinced something is so because of the Principle of Ignorance. It is unreasonable to expect humans to universally believe any truth in the face of all the evidence to the contrary.
This Principle of Ignorance is a fundamental flaw with Democracy and its underpinning philosophy.
What is the philosophy of Democracy? Most easily stated that philosophy is, "one person, one vote". It is a statement of fairness of power, opportunity and liberty. Fairness is the fundamental flaw with Democracy. All of us are distinct individuals with whom eventually we all run into the buzz saw of fairness cutting us off at the knees. Me? It is when I fly. I'm six-feet tall and literally the circulation in my knees is cut off because all seats are built to the same size. I mean come on, seats should be apportioned to the demographic: big, tall, small, baby, etc. Fairness though is the underlying philosophy in Democracy.
This fairness gets promoted as rights. We all have the same rights as if our bodies, our minds, our needs, and our wants are all the same.
The fundamental philosophical flaw with "one person, one vote" was immediately recognized by one of its proponents, Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson immediately realized that "one vote" meant "one educated vote". Jefferson knew that if in fact that a vote was to be beneficial to the voter and not beneficial to some populist, hoodwinking candidate then education is required. Once you insert the word "educated" in there then the Principle of Ignorance applies: education has optimal limits. It is little wonder that Jefferson had education inscribed on his tombstone and not the founding of the nation. He knew how the precarious the knife's edge of education was that Democracy is balanced upon.
Democracy Philosophy
Democracy philosophy is stated as one person, one vote and is a philosophy of fairness where a person needs a public education in order to make an informed choice to be fair to themselves.
Irreni World Scale Philosophy
Irreni philosophy is stated as the optimization of group benefit to expand limited will and requires a spectrum of fairness that starts with distinct treatment to optimize human nature.
The Principle of Ignorance is a design flaw with Democracy because voting at best it has an optimal informed decision making limit due to the Principle of Ignorance. When our survival as a species requires our species taking action beyond the capability of the public to make informed decisions then even the smartest of humans will opt for a totalitarian solution in order to survive. Thus it is we are seeing a rise in totalitarian philosophy today.
Irreni World Scale is a new approach to governing that is not contingent on fairness nor is it contingent on optimal informed voting choice. Irreni World Scale is new philosophy to optimize group benefit.
One deficiency of Democracy is that group benefit needs to run a spectrum of distinct treatment to fair treatment. We are missing that distinct treatment today in our existing Democratic philosophy because we solely rely on fairness.
Irreni provides distinct treatment. Distinct treatment needs to come from an intimate group of people who know the details of you. This limits the number of people to people who spend time with you, can spend time with you, and are willing to spend time to you.
Okay, I'm going to put a three *** break here because the new philosophy regarding the choice of size thirty as a group size is not the thesis of this essay...
...and so as you can see thirty people is one optimal number for the group of people who can treat us distinctly and further that some fairness is involved in that everyone belongs to a group of size thirty. It is not like some people are in a group of three people and others belong to a group of thousands of people. Nope, we are all in groups of size thirty as a general sense of fairness.
The new philosophy of Irreni mandates that every group of thirty people known as MGO for micro-governing organization must have free reign to establish any constitution they want. Each MGO must have a constitution for inter-MGO contract law but that constitution can take any form. This constitution can be anything. It can be a theocracy. It can be command control like with the captain of a ship. The reason MGOs need free reign is in order to provide unfettered distinct treatment of its members. MGOs need to be unencumbered of being fair. The personalities of the people withing MGO will determine the type of constitution.
Irreni then is not a system based upon a rule of law that enforces fairness. Irreni is a system of refereeing. There will be cases where MGOs turn into tyrannies and oppress. Irreni's design includes a new governing organization of sorts, The Terran Sea Otter Academy. The mandate of this academy is to provide the very best science for establishing mixes of human nature for MGOs and group benefit. The sole governing power of this new academy is to reformulate MGO membership. This includes when MGOs oppress so they can be dispersed. However, optimal group benefit even means that good MGOs may be reformulated by the academy to create better MGOs and so reformulation is not just for bad behavior but also to make good even better.
The new philosophy of MGOs can be thought of as creating the best virtual people. We do not have free will, we have limited will. We all know this. People have addictions they cannot overcome with free will power and people have proscriptions such as exercising for better health that they cannot start with free will power. We do not have free will. We have limited will. However, we do have the opportunity to increase greatly the limits of our personal will by belonging to a group. Together we stand, divided we fall as they say. One way to think about this easily is to think of the automobile. Your limited will is expanded greatly by having access to transportation. Other technologies such as books, education, the Internet, and so on all expand our limited will. These technologies are only made possible by groups of people working together. No one person could build a car or an Internet. Groups expand the limits of our will.
Shifting to a new philosophy is going to take time, or course. Some benefits such as prison reform will take longer to emerge. Irreni has a long plan of two-hundred years due to some necessary culture changes and we know culture takes hundreds of years to change. However, once Irreni is going there will be no prisons. Prisons treat bad behavior fairly, the exact wrong way to treat bad behavior. As someone once said we are all alike in our happiness, distinct in our own pain. MGOs will be sovereign governments with supreme power to punish people. Punishment is first the prerogative of the MGO. It will be obvious when it is personal that incarceration is counter-productive to whatever ends one wants from punishment. MGOs are free to come up with whatever solution may fit the distinct needs of the criminals within their group so as to benefit all concerned, including the victims of the crimes. Elimination of fairness so that distinct treatment of bad behavior is optimal is only possible with Irreni.
On the flip side Irreni is designed to bring out the best in people by distinct treatment within the MGO. Distinct treatment within a group of size 30 comes first and then second is fairness treatment when scaling to larger groups of MGOs to collaborate. Today in Democracy our personal power and personal treatment dissolve when we are only considered as part of larger and larger groups. Large groups do require fairness treatment in Irreni philosophy as well. However, MGOs stand in stark contrast to Democracy with only "one person, one vote" which lacks distinct treatment we all require because we are distinct people.
New philosophy is heady stuff and simplifying models are needed for popular consumption. In this case Irreni introduces the concept of the MGO being a new kind of virtual person. The MGO can be thought of as a virtual person because MBO behavior can be capricious, arbitrary and unlawful. Behavioral limits on MGO virtual person behavior are applied the same as with individuals today: by the greater society.
Unlawful MGOs? What is the greater society role beyond the MGO? In one sentence MGO groups are orchestrated using contracts of trade that are then used to coerce new behaviors as well as coerce bad behaviors. This means that planet-wide group behavior on the order required to affect something like global Climate Change is trade enforced and not contingent on an informed voter choiceas is the case today with Democracy. MGOs represent the power of coercion via trade.
Contracts require rule of law. Irreni MGO grouping does rely on the rule for MGO business. The courts and police are made of MGOs. However, the rule of law in the Irreni system is inferior to the sovereign power of the MGO. This is similar to how international trade laws are inferior to national laws today. Punishment is reserved to the MGO group primacy. Societal pressure in Irreni comes primarily from trade and not punishment for law breaking. Got bacon?
The new philosophy of Irreni then is to optimize group benefit where today Democracy optimizes fairness via rule of law enforcing the power of one person, one vote. Irreni is not limited by the Principle of Ignorance where Democracy is. This is because one person, one vote relies on an educated vote that is undermined by the Principle of Ignorance.
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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