No There There, A Demonstration
Happy Wednesday! This is a quick three minute read.
The "No There There" meme attached to this blog post lays out the abstract case for there being no there there with respect to our US constitution being a empty words. This essay is a demonstration of the principles from that meme. The demonstration uses the following dichotomy where one chooses one of:
- The US Constitution is a set of ideals taken ownership by legislators.
- The US Constitution is a corruption game board played upon by corrupt players.
- Death by a thousand cuts.
- Death by letter of the law.
Death by a thousand cuts.
The US Government has been treating the US Constitution as a corruption game board since they passed the War Powers act. If you don't know the War Powers Act was a cowardly act by Congress to alleviate themselves of the responsibility of declaring war. Why? Well, Congress has decided that incumbency or re-election is the objective of law making. Getting re-elected then trumps Congressional responsibility. The Vietnam War was extremely unpopular and legislators did not want that pinned on them ever again so they abdicated their responsibilities. Today Trump is sending troops to Saudi Arabia without a single Congressional act.
Once Congress decided to treat the US Constitution as a corruption game board then the rate of abdicating in the name of incumbency was fast and furious. By the time Reagan took office the President was given the power to decide if foreign aid to countries in Africa included condoms and other contraception. Congress did not give the President that power based upon ideals in the Constitution. No, Congress gave the President that power because legislators running for re-election did not want to have to face questions about contraception included in foreign aid.
And so it went year-over-year since Nixon that Congress has scapegoated all of its responsibilities that could possibly be perceived as a public sin. The President keeps getting voted more and more legislative power without ever asking for it.
Congress since the 1970s then has treated the US Constitution as a corruption game board of re-election. Congress abdicates its legislative responsibilities to the President in the name of incumbency. Thus it is that recently Trump has been able to threaten California with cutting off funds for highways and then again cutting funds or wildlife relief. I mean come on. And to be clear this abdication is more than just funding. Trump is also able to slash California automobile emissions standards unilaterally without Congressional legislation. That should not be.
It is not that the President has too much power because past Presidents took it. No the President has too much power because those in Congress want to do nothing but collect fat pay checks. It is not unthinkable to suggest that one day Congress just passes a law stating the President now has all Congressional authority and those in Congress just get to keep getting paid. If that were to happen then what are you going to do about it? Hunh? Not re-elect them? Ha ha ha!
Death by the letter of the law.
Why did Mitch McConnell give a press conference and state that if the House impeached Trump then he would be forced to hold a trial? What? The trial is called out in the Constitution?
People talk about the spirit of the law versus the letter of the law but I've always asked myself what does that even mean? To me the word "spirit" means that someone takes ownership of the ideals and tries to live up to them.
The US Constitution is a summary document. It does not specify the rules for how laws are made. Rule making was left up to the Congress. The people who wrote the Constitution understood that if living up to ideals no longer matters then the rules are moot.
The demonstration for letter of the law death is the Merrick Garland case. Mitch McConnell made US history by holding up a Supreme Court appointment for over a year. He did so based upon the lack of a rule specifying a time window. McConnell had no desire to live up to the ideals of the US Constitution. This is why McConnell made history because none of his predecessors would have considered what he did because his doing so was not living up to the ideals of the US Constitution.
Now we can understand why Mitch McConnell gave a press conference. I guarantee you this is what happened. McConnell went to his corruption overlords the day after Pelosi announced the impeachment inquiry. He said to them, "hee hee, I'm going to have a press conference like I did with the Merrick Garland and announce I will not hold the trial because we are so close to an election." Then McConnell got smacked down by his corruption overlords and masters. These masters not only hated his idea, but they told him, "You will hold a press conference and tell the public that you will hold the trial." And so it is we got this weird press conference saying McConnell would do what is already stated in the constitution and thus leaving people scratching their heads going, "was that even an option not too?"
Mitch McConnell having a moment of self-awareness about perhaps his behavior undermining the ideals of the US Constitution is not possible given his treatment of Garland. He was definitely given marching orders.
There will be no resurrection.
There is no there there. The US Constitution ideals are not being adhered too. The US Constitution is a corruption game board played upon by corrupt players and it has been since President Nixon by both parties. The US Constitution words are the rules of the game. Ignoring the ideals of the US Constitution is the privilege of the corruption players and also how they keep score. On that score Mitch McConnell surely scored a big win delaying a Supreme Court appointment for over a year. McConnell is a corruption winner. We are not. More importantly at this stage of corruption there is not enough there there with those in power adhering to the ideals for us to have a go at constitutional repair.
This US Government is failed. Completely. We need to admit it. There is no there there. It is impossible to resurrect. Time to roll up our sleeves and get to work gradually replacing it with Irreni World Scale.
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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