Kiss The Future
Mybrid Trees Wonderful
An Irreni World Scale Document
I have a plan. And yup, that is supposed to reflect Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream" speech. I have a plan to not run for President. I have a plan where King had a dream. By not running for President I have a plan to judge U.S. Congress Critters, or UCC, not by the color of their skin but the content of their character.
My plan to not run for President requires you to write my name in as a vote for President in 2020. Why would you do that? Write my name in? First because I am not affiliated with either party so it is impossible to get my name on any ballot. My name Mybrid has to be written in. Second because we need to judge the UCC by their character. The idea here is simple. Make Congress accountable by putting them in charge of the Federal Government. The UCC currently enjoys a 90% incumbency rate where they have a 10% approval rating. That makes them disapproval proof. Does that seem right to you? We need to mix things up, we need to create a new environment to break the 90/10 log jam of 90% incumbency with 10% approval.
But how? With my plan to not run for President. That's not a very good name though. I have another name for this plan: Make Congress Accountable. If you vote for me to not be President then I promise the following plan to make the Congress accountable:
1. No vetoes. Everything passed by Congress will be signed into law.
2. No office of President work except appointee final approval. I will not work as the President of the United States except to make final approvals for appointees by rules promised herein.
3. I will appoint the leader of the House and the leader of the Senate as co-Presidents who vote on all decisions required by a President. They will make all the decisions and have all the power of the Presidency except veto power and appointment power. There will be no vetoes. In the event the House and Senate leaders cannot agree by vote of two then no decision is made. All decision votes cast will be made public at the time of the vote.
4. I will approve all co-President appointees without consideration only after all of Congress critters hold Federal office. The co-Presidents will appoint members of Congress to a Federal Government position starting at the top with the President's Cabinet. Approval by Congress of Presidential appointees as required by the U.S. Constitution does not change. No Federal appointee by the office of the President will be filled until all five-hundred members of Congress are Federal executives holding the highest of Federal offices with the most public exposure. I will not approve any co-President appointee to any Federal position until all 500 members of Congress hold the highest Federal office. Once that is done then I will approve without consideration all other Federal appointments, including judges.
5. I will take the $400,000/year salary to use as seed money for a government start-up, Irreni World Scale. This I will work on full-time.
The idea here is simple. Make Congress accountable by putting them in charge of the Federal Government. Is that a risk? Sure. But our system of checks and balances is inert. It doesn't work. This new gambit creates a new system of check and balance. This is because the position of leader of the House and Senate is tenuous. Each body of the Senate and House makes their own rules by order of the Constitution for who is leader. This means the "co-Presidents" can be removed from office by each respective body. This is a much lower threshold for checking the office of the Presidency than impeachment. Removing a co-President can be done by a vote and rule change of each body.
Make Congress Accountable is a simple plan. We are going to expose the UCC in the media every day the same way Trump is in the media every day. The UCC have long enjoyed a 90/10 incumbency log jam because they hide in the dark like the rats they are. Let's put them to work for a change and do so square in the public eye. Once their names are in the daily news the same way Trump's name is then perhaps we can break the 90/10 incumbency log jam.
This is not the first Congress accountable plan. We oft hear of another plan: term limits. But I ask you fellow citizen how has that two term-limit plan worked for the office of the Presidency? As a Californian I can tell you that California has had term limits since the late 1990s and that nothing has changed for the better because of term limits. We need a different experiment. This is such an experiment. Will it work? Don't know. Sounds right though: expose those hiding rats to the same media exposure and public light that is brutal on Trump. Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell will be under a new kind of pressure as co-Presidents. They have to work together or be replaced by their respective bodies.
My brother use to say to me, "you can't get ahead by staying even." We can't get ahead governing this nation by a game of musical chairs campaigning for the President. That much is obvious. Is this plan guaranteed to work? No more so than the original Constitution was guaranteed to work. Sometimes we just have to run with the self-evident logic, or intuition. The Internet has created hyper-media that has destroyed journalism and left the court of public opinion in disarray. This hyper-media has laid waste to the office of the Presidency. It is impotent and ineffectual. So what have we got to lose? Also, the experiment has insurance: a fixed expiration date for each of two possible terms of Presidency.
What am I going to be doing then as not-President? I'm going to take the $400,000/year salary for life and work on a new government start-up. And just like the Make Congress Accountable plan this plan also focuses on the content of character.
We need to govern people by the content of their character. That much we can all agree upon. But how? No one as yet has put forth a plan. This is such a plan.
Irreni World Scale is a new government designed for all people on Earth. It is also designed for all people in the solar system and eventually to scale to the entire galaxy. It is a bold plan.
The problem with government today is that it is not judgment by the content of character, but instead judgment by bi-label: Democrat or Republican. Current government is also judgment by tribe: guns, abortion, climate change, etc. But perhaps foremost current government is judgment by click-bait. Perhaps click-bait is the worst because click-bait makes no pretense to be objective or be grounded in fact. Quite the opposite in fact. Click-bait is pure, unadulterated, energy-drink, adrenaline-rush-inducing excitement. No one to date has been better at click-bait then Trump. Trump is our heroin IV of click-bait politics. Click-bait politics value has the same value as space aliens when space aliens are on the cover of the National Enquirer. Purely fictional pretending to be reality that we knowingly purchase as fictional reality.
If we do not try something to get ahead then the Trump phenomena of click-bait politics is our fate as far as the future eye can see. By that I mean the US government could completely collapse and things completely change: something completely different arises. Until then we must work within the existing system with integrity.
Irreni enables judging people by the content of their character by something called the MGO, or micro-modular governing organization. The MGO is defined to be a group of people of fixed size thirty. In two-hundred years these groups will be what we think of as sovereign nations today. Instead of the two-hundred countries we have today then in two-hundred years there will be two-hundred million MGOs assuming a population around seven-billion.
You cannot get to know seven billion people to judge the content of their character. Seven billion people cannot judge you by the content of your character. So now what? Well, the number of people knowing you has to be smaller. How small? Irreni MGOs are size thirty. Why? Well, it is assumed one can probably get to now about five people well. It is further assumed we can take five groups of five people who know each other well. In such a situation governing decisions can be based on knowing the content of each person's character well. So what about other five? Why is Irreni MGO size thirty and not twenty-five with those assumptions? Well, crime and punishment will be part of MGO governing just like in any sovereign nation. We need a buffer for people who are problematic to get to know and people who are destructive. Justice then will be delivered to the best we can judging by the content of character of people we understand the least. Still though these indecipherable people will have the most opportunity to be judged by their character in a group of size thirty that has had daily interactions with them.
But I digress. This is not the Irreni World Scale design document. You can read that elsewhere.
But I give you just enough of the design of Irreni World Scale so that I can explain the start-up. I give the definition of MGOs and its purpose, which is to govern by the content of our character .
The start-up will be an investment of the $400,000 annual salary for the rest of my life in MGO software. This software that myself and my software partner Gregg will create. This software will be made publicly available always. This software will include the Vote Bank [VB], the Device of Loving Life [DOLL], and the Virtual Environment, Reality You [VERY]. These pieces of software are designed to enable an MGO to govern by the content of our character.
Irreni is an acronym: Innovation Replaces Revolution, Engineering Not Ideology. Irreni is innovation. This is why the Irreni road map is a two-hundred year plan. This is why the initial MGOs as designed will first target corporations before replacing local governments, state governments and federal governments over the two-hundred years. Your group of thirty people will incorporate and create a by-law constitution the same way all corporations do today. You will then have corporate power. For example, corporations buy ISP service for Internet access. Let us imagine for one second that your MGO started as a home-owner association. This corporation buys ISP service and provides that Internet service to everyone in the corporation on a corporate network as all corporations do today. This means something like a $500/month business connection can have costs divided by thirty people and provide Internet access for less than $20/month per person. The same economic calculation can be applied to say a cable service. MGOs will begin as an economic cooperation.
Irreni World Scale will provide the rules under which MGOs that belong to the Irreni organization must adhere to in order to be considered an Irreni MGO.
So that's what I will be doing as not-President. I will be designing and implementing a new form of government that is designed to govern by the content of character for everyone in existence. While I'm doing this then your responsibility will be to judge the UCC by the content of their character as executives in the Federal government. Hopefully if they suck at their job then the 90/10 incumbency log jam will be broken and the American public will start voting for politicians who have some skill; a skill other than raising money where raising money is all they do today because all legislation is written by lobbyists.
In the late 1990s I read a disturbing fact: 90% of all legislation passed by Congress is written by lobbyists. This means Congress is not doing their Constitutional job. They have abdicated all their responsibility. Congress hasn't worked an honest day since at least the late 1990s. Instead they spend all day getting paid to raise money, aka soliciting bribes. Lets put an end to that. Lets give them more work as a Federal executive who answers to the court of public opinion. Lets get their names mentioned in the media daily. Let us lay them bare to the brutal political media they have condoned and let us see if they can retain the 90/10 incumbency log jam. Let us see if they can stay disapproval proof. Will this experiment work? I have no factual basis. I just have self-evident basis that hyper-media exposure appears to dramatically affect popularity. Today the UCC hides in anonymity. A new degree of hyper-media exposure may be enough to break the 90/10 incumbency log jam and jump-start a new American voting effort for politicians with some skill. It is an experiment.
So vote for me as not President. Make Congress accountable by running a new experiment for the four-to-eight years of possibly two Presidency terms. Seed a new governing start-up, Irreni World Scale, that is designed to govern by the content of your character and not some faction's deliberately discordant national identity that faction knows other people in this country will reject outright. You be you, YBY.
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

Mybrid Trees Wonderful
An Irreni World Scale Document
Disapproval Proof
I have a plan. And yup, that is supposed to reflect Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream" speech. I have a plan to not run for President. I have a plan where King had a dream. By not running for President I have a plan to judge U.S. Congress Critters, or UCC, not by the color of their skin but the content of their character.
But how? With my plan to not run for President. That's not a very good name though. I have another name for this plan: Make Congress Accountable. If you vote for me to not be President then I promise the following plan to make the Congress accountable:
1. No vetoes. Everything passed by Congress will be signed into law.
2. No office of President work except appointee final approval. I will not work as the President of the United States except to make final approvals for appointees by rules promised herein.
3. I will appoint the leader of the House and the leader of the Senate as co-Presidents who vote on all decisions required by a President. They will make all the decisions and have all the power of the Presidency except veto power and appointment power. There will be no vetoes. In the event the House and Senate leaders cannot agree by vote of two then no decision is made. All decision votes cast will be made public at the time of the vote.
4. I will approve all co-President appointees without consideration only after all of Congress critters hold Federal office. The co-Presidents will appoint members of Congress to a Federal Government position starting at the top with the President's Cabinet. Approval by Congress of Presidential appointees as required by the U.S. Constitution does not change. No Federal appointee by the office of the President will be filled until all five-hundred members of Congress are Federal executives holding the highest of Federal offices with the most public exposure. I will not approve any co-President appointee to any Federal position until all 500 members of Congress hold the highest Federal office. Once that is done then I will approve without consideration all other Federal appointments, including judges.
5. I will take the $400,000/year salary to use as seed money for a government start-up, Irreni World Scale. This I will work on full-time.
The idea here is simple. Make Congress accountable by putting them in charge of the Federal Government. Is that a risk? Sure. But our system of checks and balances is inert. It doesn't work. This new gambit creates a new system of check and balance. This is because the position of leader of the House and Senate is tenuous. Each body of the Senate and House makes their own rules by order of the Constitution for who is leader. This means the "co-Presidents" can be removed from office by each respective body. This is a much lower threshold for checking the office of the Presidency than impeachment. Removing a co-President can be done by a vote and rule change of each body.
Make Congress Accountable is a simple plan. We are going to expose the UCC in the media every day the same way Trump is in the media every day. The UCC have long enjoyed a 90/10 incumbency log jam because they hide in the dark like the rats they are. Let's put them to work for a change and do so square in the public eye. Once their names are in the daily news the same way Trump's name is then perhaps we can break the 90/10 incumbency log jam.
This is not the first Congress accountable plan. We oft hear of another plan: term limits. But I ask you fellow citizen how has that two term-limit plan worked for the office of the Presidency? As a Californian I can tell you that California has had term limits since the late 1990s and that nothing has changed for the better because of term limits. We need a different experiment. This is such an experiment. Will it work? Don't know. Sounds right though: expose those hiding rats to the same media exposure and public light that is brutal on Trump. Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell will be under a new kind of pressure as co-Presidents. They have to work together or be replaced by their respective bodies.
My brother use to say to me, "you can't get ahead by staying even." We can't get ahead governing this nation by a game of musical chairs campaigning for the President. That much is obvious. Is this plan guaranteed to work? No more so than the original Constitution was guaranteed to work. Sometimes we just have to run with the self-evident logic, or intuition. The Internet has created hyper-media that has destroyed journalism and left the court of public opinion in disarray. This hyper-media has laid waste to the office of the Presidency. It is impotent and ineffectual. So what have we got to lose? Also, the experiment has insurance: a fixed expiration date for each of two possible terms of Presidency.
What am I going to be doing then as not-President? I'm going to take the $400,000/year salary for life and work on a new government start-up. And just like the Make Congress Accountable plan this plan also focuses on the content of character.
We need to govern people by the content of their character. That much we can all agree upon. But how? No one as yet has put forth a plan. This is such a plan.
Irreni World Scale is a new government designed for all people on Earth. It is also designed for all people in the solar system and eventually to scale to the entire galaxy. It is a bold plan.
The problem with government today is that it is not judgment by the content of character, but instead judgment by bi-label: Democrat or Republican. Current government is also judgment by tribe: guns, abortion, climate change, etc. But perhaps foremost current government is judgment by click-bait. Perhaps click-bait is the worst because click-bait makes no pretense to be objective or be grounded in fact. Quite the opposite in fact. Click-bait is pure, unadulterated, energy-drink, adrenaline-rush-inducing excitement. No one to date has been better at click-bait then Trump. Trump is our heroin IV of click-bait politics. Click-bait politics value has the same value as space aliens when space aliens are on the cover of the National Enquirer. Purely fictional pretending to be reality that we knowingly purchase as fictional reality.
If we do not try something to get ahead then the Trump phenomena of click-bait politics is our fate as far as the future eye can see. By that I mean the US government could completely collapse and things completely change: something completely different arises. Until then we must work within the existing system with integrity.
Irreni enables judging people by the content of their character by something called the MGO, or micro-modular governing organization. The MGO is defined to be a group of people of fixed size thirty. In two-hundred years these groups will be what we think of as sovereign nations today. Instead of the two-hundred countries we have today then in two-hundred years there will be two-hundred million MGOs assuming a population around seven-billion.
You cannot get to know seven billion people to judge the content of their character. Seven billion people cannot judge you by the content of your character. So now what? Well, the number of people knowing you has to be smaller. How small? Irreni MGOs are size thirty. Why? Well, it is assumed one can probably get to now about five people well. It is further assumed we can take five groups of five people who know each other well. In such a situation governing decisions can be based on knowing the content of each person's character well. So what about other five? Why is Irreni MGO size thirty and not twenty-five with those assumptions? Well, crime and punishment will be part of MGO governing just like in any sovereign nation. We need a buffer for people who are problematic to get to know and people who are destructive. Justice then will be delivered to the best we can judging by the content of character of people we understand the least. Still though these indecipherable people will have the most opportunity to be judged by their character in a group of size thirty that has had daily interactions with them.
But I digress. This is not the Irreni World Scale design document. You can read that elsewhere.
But I give you just enough of the design of Irreni World Scale so that I can explain the start-up. I give the definition of MGOs and its purpose, which is to govern by the content of our character .
The start-up will be an investment of the $400,000 annual salary for the rest of my life in MGO software. This software that myself and my software partner Gregg will create. This software will be made publicly available always. This software will include the Vote Bank [VB], the Device of Loving Life [DOLL], and the Virtual Environment, Reality You [VERY]. These pieces of software are designed to enable an MGO to govern by the content of our character.
Irreni is an acronym: Innovation Replaces Revolution, Engineering Not Ideology. Irreni is innovation. This is why the Irreni road map is a two-hundred year plan. This is why the initial MGOs as designed will first target corporations before replacing local governments, state governments and federal governments over the two-hundred years. Your group of thirty people will incorporate and create a by-law constitution the same way all corporations do today. You will then have corporate power. For example, corporations buy ISP service for Internet access. Let us imagine for one second that your MGO started as a home-owner association. This corporation buys ISP service and provides that Internet service to everyone in the corporation on a corporate network as all corporations do today. This means something like a $500/month business connection can have costs divided by thirty people and provide Internet access for less than $20/month per person. The same economic calculation can be applied to say a cable service. MGOs will begin as an economic cooperation.
Irreni World Scale will provide the rules under which MGOs that belong to the Irreni organization must adhere to in order to be considered an Irreni MGO.
So that's what I will be doing as not-President. I will be designing and implementing a new form of government that is designed to govern by the content of character for everyone in existence. While I'm doing this then your responsibility will be to judge the UCC by the content of their character as executives in the Federal government. Hopefully if they suck at their job then the 90/10 incumbency log jam will be broken and the American public will start voting for politicians who have some skill; a skill other than raising money where raising money is all they do today because all legislation is written by lobbyists.
In the late 1990s I read a disturbing fact: 90% of all legislation passed by Congress is written by lobbyists. This means Congress is not doing their Constitutional job. They have abdicated all their responsibility. Congress hasn't worked an honest day since at least the late 1990s. Instead they spend all day getting paid to raise money, aka soliciting bribes. Lets put an end to that. Lets give them more work as a Federal executive who answers to the court of public opinion. Lets get their names mentioned in the media daily. Let us lay them bare to the brutal political media they have condoned and let us see if they can retain the 90/10 incumbency log jam. Let us see if they can stay disapproval proof. Will this experiment work? I have no factual basis. I just have self-evident basis that hyper-media exposure appears to dramatically affect popularity. Today the UCC hides in anonymity. A new degree of hyper-media exposure may be enough to break the 90/10 incumbency log jam and jump-start a new American voting effort for politicians with some skill. It is an experiment.
So vote for me as not President. Make Congress accountable by running a new experiment for the four-to-eight years of possibly two Presidency terms. Seed a new governing start-up, Irreni World Scale, that is designed to govern by the content of your character and not some faction's deliberately discordant national identity that faction knows other people in this country will reject outright. You be you, YBY.
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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