You Be You, YBY, Be Anti-Party
Mybrid Trees Wonderful
An Irreni World Scale Document
A couple of days ago I wrote my declaration of candidacy for Presidency in 2020. Is the candidacy serious? Can I be President?
"Sometimes you gotta create what you want to be a part of."
--Geri Weitzman
Every Presidential election I want someone's name to be write in for President. Every Presidential election since Ross Perot I haven written in someone's name. I've never been happy with who I pick. So this time I decided to create that choice I will be happy with. Sometimes you gotta create what you want to be part of. This same idea is true with Irreni. Democracy blows. Democracy is a poorly designed system. As Winston Churchill pointed out, Democracy sucks but it just happens to be the best alternative we have. I want better. So I created Irreni World Scale.
I'll vote for myself and the "Make Congress Accountable" campaign. Because that's what I'm looking to vote for. I'm looking for someone with balls enough to expose Congress and call our entire party system evil.
1. Is the candidacy serious? Yes! I want some write in a candidate that stands for what I believe. No one else does what I think is needed so I'm running.
2. Can you be President? No I cannot be President because the parties won't allow it, see the discussion below.
Irreni World Scale is a government I want. Irreni is a government that is based upon the content of character of each person. It is not based upon political party affiliation, ideology, or other unaccountable concept. That's the thing about ideology is that it cannot be held to account no matter how egregiously it fails. Ideologies are designed to always hold the individual accountable for not living up to the ideology, not the ideology being flawed. The ideology is never at fault by definition. This is why the concept of "sin" is so evil where the ideology can be the most egregiously flawed system and yet sustain as if it is not because the system failures are due to the sins of the people. A more evil system than one based upon sin cannot be created.
Fuck ideology. Fuck political parties.
I want to be part of an accountable government. I want the U.S. Congress to be accountable. So I have created what I want to be a part of.
I'm dead serious about my run. If I am the only person to vote for myself then I have succeeded. But it would be nice if millions of others joined me.
Lets take a step back. Could it happen? I mean after all I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had it up to here with both the politicians in political parties as well as their stupid ideologies. Millions of people may want to vote for a Make Congress Accountable plan. This thing could go viral like so many ideas on the Internet. Who knows? No one knows why anything goes viral, yet.
If I were to somehow beat the odds and win it doesn't matter. Why? Because the political parties elect the electors of the Electoral College. Do you really think that if something like this were to happen where a write-in candidate wins the popular vote that the political parties would let that stand? Hell no. Both parties would pick the next most popular person that belonged to one of the parties. Because they are rotten to the deepest recesses of their consciousness. They are rotten people. That is my point.
And that's not the end of it. Let us suppose they allow the electors to cast their vote for a write-in. What then? Month one: impeach and remove. They would just remove such a President. Why? Because that President wouldn't belong to either party. This is why the Vice President in my platform is to be picked by the leaders of the House and Senate. I guarantee you that person will be a Democrat or Republican. That way they can remove me and viola, the parties are back to business as usual. The objective here is to Make Congress Accountable by exposing them. We must expose the parties as to who they really are: evil doers.
The Parties Treat You Like Babies And You Act Like Babies
A baby screams in the night when hungry and oft times a pacifier will do. That's the American voter. Infants screaming in the night accepting a pacifier.
Trump campaigned on building a wall to keep out illegal immigrants. During his entire campaign the Republican party said nothing. That's because they did not support it. We know this because for two years of an all Republican government the Republicans never funded the wall. What's laughable is that now that the Democrats have taken over the House then the Democrats have allocated more money for funding the wall than Republicans ever did. Look it up.
The parties treat you like an infant wanting a pacifier and it works.
Bernie Sanders is out there promising people the world: free healthcare, free college, I mean the list is endless. And somehow people buy into this. They do so because they are babies. The Democratic party doesn't agree with Bernie. Bernie won't get anything passed, not one thing. Just like Trump and the wall. Andrew Yang says he's a math guy. Yet mysteriously he has failed to do the math in Congress and the Democratic party support needed in Congress. That's because there isn't any support. How is Andrew Yang mathematically going to get Universal Basic Income passed without a single vote of support in Congress? He won't.
Yet the baby voters are content with just campaign promises, aka a pacification. People are screaming for attention and getting some attention is the end of it.
Why are we so immature about these things? Why do we believe a President with zero party support can get any law passed?
So, I decided to put the focus of politics where it needs to be: on the parties. I put the focus on the evil parties. They are both evil. The Make Congress Accountable campaign is meant to start conversations. The most important conversation is why are American voters allowing themselves to be pacified? Why are we believing that Trump can have a wall built or Sanders can get Medicare for All with no party support? It makes no sense.
I have confronted American voters about this infantile behavior. You know what response I get? Oh, the bully pulpit. Trump or Sanders can use the bully pulpit to oust Congress critters going forward who don't support the agenda. Yeah? Well, how has that worked for Trump? How did it work for Obama? Show me any time in American history where a President ousted majorities of their own party when those folks did not support the President's agenda? It hasn't happened. It is infantile to believe it will.
The other problem I have with electing the President without party support is that it puts the cart before the horse. If you really want Medicare for All or you really want Trump's wall then you damn well better oust the Congress critters first before you elect the President of that agenda.
Make Congress Accountable is a campaign to start conversations about holding both parties accountable. This is not just a game of musical chairs and voting out people we don't like. The parties have rigged the system so they cannot lose. For example, if you are an independent member of the House or Senate then you have to "caucus" with either the Democratic or Republican parties or be left out. Another example I just explained: the electoral college. If we truly want an independent candidate then we have to have a political system that can empower an independent.
So here ya go.
The Idea Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of political party, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging political speech. Congress shall make no rules of Congress, elections and other government processes acknowledging or requiring political identification; nor shall Congress make any record.
People and the ideas they bring need to stand on their own merits. People need to stand on the content of their character. Affiliation with any political or other group should not be legally recognized. Ideas need to stand on their own merits. Affiliation with any ideology should not be legally recognized.
We need to empower people and ideas above political parties and ideologies. The days of legal party power are over because if we don't end the legal power of political parties then they will surely end us.
The Make Congress Accountable campaign is a conversation kick-off. We need to move in the direction of passing something like The Idea Amendment and obliterating the legal power of parties. Parties are nothing more then corruption machines today.
What do you want out of an election? Pacification? Someone to pacify your screaming? More of the same you have today? You want to continue being that baby that cries in the night and nothing more?
Or do you want to get down to business. The first order of business has to be obliterating legal political party power completely.
So yes, I am dead serious about my candidacy. We need to start the conversations that will Make Congress Accountable as opposed to infantile pacification of wishful thinking promises that will knowingly never happen.
And yeah, having $400,000/year to fund Irreni World Scale would be nice. Ha!
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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