Some Imagination Required
Irreni World Scale
Let's talk imagination.
New ideas require imagination. Exploration requires imagination and courage to take on risk. And not just any risk, but unknown risk. Imagine you lived a few centuries ago and got on a boat setting sail to explore the world. You have no idea what to expect. Could be nothing. Could be you run into other people who kill you. Could be your boat sinks due to bad weather you've never seen before, like horrible currents lying right below the surface that you can't see. But for some reason you decide to get on that boat and sail into the unknown.
Irreni World Scale is sailing into the unknown. The risks are unknown. So why do it? If you are looking behind you into the past there will be no comfort. Those without courage are just going to mock you. You are heading into the unknown.
So here is why you do it. The known is killing us.
We are drowning in the current political waters and there is no life preserver being thrown to us. The current governments of today are regressing to authoritarianism the same as monarchy. Monarchy is our base nature. Monarchy is unthought thought.
That's why you take the risk to explore new frontiers whether that frontier is physical or ideas, to strive for better humanity than our base nature.
Our current political landscape is failed. Christians in America forget that we were founded by Christians being persecuted by other Christians. Up until the second Vatican of the 1960s the Protestants and the Catholics hated each other, vehemently. And back in 1600s those Christians took terrible risks to leave what they perceived as impossibly failed governments.
We are at that time today people. Those people in the sixteen and seventeen hundreds were smarter than us in one very important way. They were smart enough to realize that the government they lived in was flawed beyond repair. That's why they took great, deadly risks.
Some imagination is required in order for us to admit that our governments are broken beyond repair. In order for us to admit that our failed governments will never, ever fix themselves then some imagination is required. We lack that imagination today. Some people, not all, but some people had it in seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
We cannot fix Democracy using Democracy. It is not possible. Democracy is dead. Democracy cannot succeed to any extent further than it is today. In fact everyone who ponders Democracy at length today admits we are regressing to our base nature, our instinctual nature, our unthinking nature, and that is tribalism wrapped in authoritarianism.
Some imagination is required to admit defeat. The great American experiment is done. Stick a fork in it.
How did I come to this conclusion and how did I come up with Irreni World Scale?
First of all the evidence of my life indicates that I am physically mentally biased to be a free thinker. A free thinker is someone who can detach themselves from personal emotion and see things dispassionately. Some of us can then take advantage of our disposition and use our above average intelligence to invent new things most people miss out on because they are not free thinkers. Irreni World Scale is such an invention.
Let me tell you a story about some imagination required. I first came to realize that I was a free thinker when I was of fourteen years of age. My parents were terrible, horrendous people. I say were because they are both dead. It is enough to say that my relationship with my parents was one of prison guards and prisoner. My mother somehow came to the belief that if children were not obeying their parents then that was because the wrong form of punishment was being used. So she was always trying out new kinds of punishment. One particular summer when I was fourteen my mother decided to take away my monthly trips to the library. Reading was how I spent most of spare time. However, my mother did allow one book, the Bible. So I read it. I was raised Wesleyan Methodist and went to church most Sundays. Religion was part of the fabric of life. As a child one is born into an environment and that's what it is. I never took Christianity seriously. I always thought Noah's ark was a stupid story as a kid but I didn't know why except that the giraffes and elephants in the children's book were bigger than the boat being drawn. Hey, you're a kid right? Literal interpretation is a thing.
I read the old and the new testament cover to cover. My first reaction was what a terrible book. You have to understand that I was raised with such notions that if you were stranded on a dessert island and only allowed to have one book then of course that book would be the Bible. What? It was the worst book I had ever read. That brings me to the fact that I head already read around a hundred books. Worst book ever. Still to this day. But it wasn't just the idiocy of the stories like "don't plant seeds near the side of a road where the crops will get stepped on". No, the Bible is the most evil morality imaginable. In order to come to that conclusion some imagination is required.
The Bible being evil morals has some obvious details like the story of god killing everyone on the planet. By definition the most evil act is killing all of humanity. Therefore the Christian god represents the most evil possible.
But the Bible's evil is much worse than just killing everyone. The Bible dictates divine punishment for human law. Thou shall not kill and thou shall not steal define eternal punishment for sins according to the Bible, but for standards of murder and ownership are set by very flawed humans. As a free thinking fourteen-year-old my first thought was, "you can't mete out divine punishment without divine rules of ownership for everything that ever comes into existence." It is the most evil and pernicious moral ever to declare divine punishment for human defined rules of ownership and murder. I was fully aware of the U.S. Constitution at the age of fourteen and concluded that unless some god provides something akin to the U.S. Constitution that defines all the divine rules then divine punishment is the most evil moral system ever.
So there I am. I'm fourteen years old looking around thinking I don't belong here. How is it possible that I'm the only one who sees this? Why do people believe evil is good? To be fair, at that time I still believed the golden rule was good. It would take a few years of further education to understand that the golden rule is every bit as evil as the rest of the Bible. That's when I came up with the information rule: do unto others as they are, not as you are. This rule can only be implemented when you have information on someone else so as to be able to treat them as they are. We do not have free will, we have limited free will. We are not blank slates. We are all predisposed to certain actions based up on our physiology. My parents both lacked empathy and hated their own children due to their nature. It's not normal. Family history has taught me that their lack of empathy was observed in childhood. Further their lack of empathy applied to everyone they encountered where as a kid you tend to think their anger is personal based on who you are. Therefore the golden rule is evil. It is a free license for people like my parents to treat people as they see the world. They could not help how they were born without empathy. The golden rule just enabled their dysfunction. They treated others they way they treated themselves, with anger and meanness. Genetic dysfunction is a vicious family cycle using the golden rule. You need information to break the cycles and overcome treating people negatively because you have anger management issues. On a lighter note I worked in telemarketing for a few months in an office with all women except myself. I don't remember how it started, but I started getting shoulder rubs by the women. It became a thing. However, I never reciprocated. Don't touch women unless they ask you too and they never asked to be touched. The social rules for women and men are vastly different and the golden rule makes mockery of that.
Lets move on. Why am I bringing this up? What does this have to do with Irreni World Scale?
Easy. We still live under Biblical thinking. That thinking is baked into our culture. It takes free thinking to break out of it where some imagination is required. What do I mean? Let me explain.
Murder is Biblical in law today and that is very, very evil. What do I mean by that? Well, in ancient times murder was when someone killed you in real time. And that's how we still think today. My Chinese friend Joe use to joke about Christian morality and how ridiculous it is. He'd say, "an armed robber steals $20 from a liquor store and gets twenty years in prison, but Wall Street financiers steal millions and billions and not only do they not go to jail, they get a bonus." You see our imaginations are still limited by the Bible's thinking of real-time theft and real-time murder.
Imagine this. Imagine you are a CEO of a major pharmaceutical corporation. Your company develops a new drug to treat acne that prevents any symptoms from occurring. Great. However, there is a side affect that it shaves off a few years of life expectancy. As the CEO you decide not to disclose this information and sell the drug. Years later the information comes out. Are you guilty of murder? Nope, not by today's Biblical standards of our current legal system because murder has to be in real-time. However, it is murder. Therefore Biblical morality of real-time only murder is evil. Indirect murder is not murder according to the Bible. In order for our society to admit indirect murder is murder then some imagination is required.
The story I just told is real. Only the drug was not an acne drug, but a pain-killer. The inventors of Oxycontin new it would trigger the addiction response that would cause death. Thirty-thousand people each year die of opiod addiction. The correct moral is that these are thirty-thousand murders each year. However we don't see it as thirty-thousand murders because we are stuck on the Bible in two-ways. First murder has to happen in real-time and second is that addiction is a free-will behavior and therefore the only person responsible is the drug user. Addiction is not free will. The Oxycontin makers knew it was addictive, that oxy would trigger addiction responses, and that addiction leads to death. Therefore they are guilty of murder. Everyone involved in the manufacture, sale and distribution of oxy should be in jail for murder. The only reason they are not is that we are still living by Biblical standards of murder being only in real-time. This standard is thousands of years old. This standard is very, very evil.
But lets think about this for a second. If indirect stealing like what happens on Wall Street and indirect murder like what happens with drugs are reclassified as crimes punishable with jail time then what will happen to our criminal justice system? Two things. First it is impossible to prosecute indirect crimes because they take too long. Indirect crimes require much more investigation to provide proof. I'm reminded of the greatest criminal collapse of a corporation in American history, Enron. Enron was the second largest corporation in America when it collapsed due to committing crimes. Who went to jail? No one. Most notably the CEO died of natural causes before his trial because gathering evidence and creating the case takes years and is expensive. The American way of justice cannot prosecute even the tiniest fraction of indirect criminal cases because of the time and money involved.
What's going on here? Our criminal justice system is designed around the Bible. Our criminal justice system is primarily designed to handle real-time crime exclusively. It is even in the U.S. Constitution where have the right to a speedy trial. The founders were only thinking of real-time crimes where people in Europe at that time unfairly spent years in prison awaiting trial. Indirect crimes cannot be prosecuted in a speedy fashion.
If you think about all the people guilty of indirect murder and theft in just two industries, the financial industry and healthcare industry, then our prisons would have ten times more prisoners then they have today. That's not practical. And so it is that our criminal justice system is designed around Biblical real-time crimes of murder and theft that only hold population sizes for real-time crimes.
What this means with some imagination required is that the entire concept of a criminal-justice system needs to be abolished in favor of a new system that can punish both real-time and indirect crime.
This now leads us to Irreni. We've reached back in time to the Bible and my early childhood to bring us to the design of Irreni where there is no criminal-justice system in Irreni because Irreni includes punishment of indirect crimes.
How are both real-time and indirect crimes managed in Irreni? Via the MGO. You see an MGO of size thirty people is sovereign just like any nation today. This means the MGO has the responsibility to carry out punishment for any of its members implicated in real-time or indirect crime. And here is the kicker. The MGO size of thirty means that the punishment can be distinctly tailored to the individual because they know them. Your trail will be by your peers in the MGO. The information rule is applied. They will know your character and how you differ from everyone else. Long expensive trials won't be necessary. Your MGO mates work with you every day. Further an MGO is so small financially that wasting money on prison systems or building their own prison will be discouraged. Instead punishment will be some form of cost-effective deterrent. Since it is cost-effective then this means indirect criminals can be held to account tomorrow with Irreni were today either they collect bonuses on Wall Street or at worst pay fines for Oxycontin in court but suffer no personal punishment at all for murder.
The 21st Century is some imagination required. We need to have some imagination to let go of the past. We need to let go of Democracy and we need to let go of Biblical tribal thinking. This tribal thinking still exists in our cultures due to tribal religious morals that only ever dealt with real-time crimes. We live in a very different world than a tribal world. Exploration of new ideas to replace old ideas is required. There is no plan that we can put into place to replace Democracy which has already been tried and tested. I cannot prove Irreni World Scale works as designed. We can only explore using trial and error the new frontiers of political ideas. Irreni is based upon the best science regarding human nature available today and that is the best beachhead we can have for launching ourselves into this new exploration of governing.
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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