Happy Monday! Toaster news, for the day!
Three pieces of toaster news makes for today's commentary.
First on a personal note my toaster has recently taken to calling me by name when I wake up and ask toaster for the time, news, and weather ere these last two weeks. Second, recently I read in the news where the toaster is polling as the senior citizen's best friend in America. Third in the news is the toaster company is now selling a $300 "toy" for kids. This "toy" is a fake kitchen with various plastic food and utensil pieces. Kids talk with the toaster to learn recipes and such. Given how eagerly all parents including Christians adopted televisions, gaming consoles, and now tablets as baby-sitters then I have little doubt the outcome of the toaster becoming a go-to American baby-sitter.
This is not the first time that toasters are polling as best friends for seniors. I first heard this story six months ago as well. This is comment worthy today for a couple of reasons.
One, typically some new technology gains adoption like with breakfast cereals by starting with children who then continue childhood habits unto death. The same holds true with religion where fifty percent of religious folk have the same religion has their parents. In this case the inverse is true where senior citizens got hooked first on toasters as friends and now Amazon is going after the child market.
Second is that the toaster is replacing Jesus directly as an imaginary best friend. In the not too distant future this will be blamed on me. One would think that religions would be be alarmed by this now. I'm reminded of an interview on Dennis Prager's radio show between Sam Harris who is a public atheist and Dennis Prager who is a public Christian advocate. A caller asked Sam Harris this question, "I find your arguments for atheism compelling, but what am I suppose to do with my relationship with Jesus?" To which Harris responded, "no one is telling you to you can't have a relationship with an imaginary friend." Weak tea, Sam, weak tea. But think about it today. If Sam were asked that question today then he could simply respond, "polls show that toaster is now cited as the number one best friend of seniors." I'm absolutely positive that the toaster's programming is actively being transformed so as to make the toaster the best friend of as many people of as possible. Why? Cash of course. Amazon has no anti-Christian motive, it's all about the Benjamins and not Jesus.
Christian's would have you believe that toaster is part of a "culture war" today between Christians and atheists. Not true. And if you don't identify the correct root cause of any problem then you will never solve the problem. America's Christians see the rise of the non-religious population to 25% as a culture war. They see the root cause as people actively engaging in social war against Jesus. This is lie of course. I mean hey, it is religion, what do you expect? The truth is that the one god all the tech companies worship above all else is cash. Greed is good. Any other social agenda is an after thought of spare cash, such as Jeff Bezos allocating recently $10 billion for climate change control. Well, okay, there is one other agenda, public relations. Like the mafia, religion, and Bill Gates tech companies all give to charity as a publicity stunt. Bill Gates is primarily concerned about one thing, his reputation.
Religion fails morality when it comes to tech. Rather than admit this truth then they blame people like me and Sam Harris. Yes, yes, yes, I spend every Sunday with a congregation preaching atheism so as to convert people.
Religion's biggest failures in the United States with regards to technology was at the turn of last century, not this one. One such technology last century involved the mass production of alcohol. You see the moral objectivity crowd once claimed that alcohol was an objective sin. So much so that the US has dry counties in some States and most States had laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol on Sunday. The US also has a sin tax on alcohol to discourage its use, a proven failure. This objective sin was held in such high regard that there was even a Constitutional amendment passed prohibiting the sale of alcohol altogether. No other technology can claim this. The point here is not to just mock religion and its failure, although that is fun. No, the point here is that what was once a moral objective sin in America is now no longer so. So much for "objective" morals it seems.
The 20th century also saw another technology eradicate one of the most fundamental of Christian morals: divorce. Divorce is a scripture specified religious domain and a fundamental sin, a moral objective sin. Moral objectivity means immutable, by the way. God's edicts are forever more, you know, the edicts are "until death do you part" dogma. Divorce is abolished as a sin when along comes the advent of the automobile at the turn of the last century. The automobile lead to men easily abandoning their families where one could drive across the United States in a couple of days as roads became available. Divorce at the turn of the last century was an ordeal of cause because it was a sin. Women specifically had to prove grounds for divorce such as proving adultery. The problem introduced by this new technology of the automobile is that men abandoned their families in droves. This left judges with a lawsuit where one party was a no show. So it is that judges successfully lobbied States to change divorce laws to "no fault" such that married women could file for divorce with no cause because the man of the house was nowhere to be found. Divorce was eradicated as sin overnight and America's divorce rate spiked to 50% and has remained there ever since. The recent lower rates of divorce are due to people getting married later in life or not getting married at all. The recent decline in divorce has nothing to do with religion.
Yet I am going to receive the blame by Christians and not technology for the continuing rise in non-religious population and behavior like divorce. I'm a bad man. Evil even. I wish I had that kind of influence because we'd long ago have started implementing Irreni. The fact is studies show that the Internet has long been established as the cause worldwide for the rise of non-religious population since its advent. Religion is always dishonest.
Why is religion incapable of moralizing about technology? Because the details of new technology are not addressed by any of the world's major religions in scripture. The concept of technology, perhaps, but not the details. For example, let's take the notion of 'R' rated movies and the Jehovah Witnesses. You see the Jehovah Witnesses have a moral edict that their congregation are prohibited from watching 'R' rated movies. I too have had Jehovah Witnesses knock on my door. Once I asked them point blank why they are leaving moral standards to some non-Christians of the MPAA? The MPAA is rife with scandal about what is given an 'R' rating being political and corrupt. So why would Witnesses leave their moral standards in their hands? The answer is trivial. Screening movies that are rated 'R' would mandate someone to sin, you'd be asking someone to sin. This is known as a moral dilemma. I anticipated this. I followed up with this question: so why not screen the less than 'R' rated movies? I mean, after all it is well known that the MPAA is dubious and duplicitous in their standards? Shouldn't the church be screening at least that much? You know what answer I got? The church elders are trusted. In other words, a cop out. It is always the same with Christians and the religious. Pursue a line of reasoning that exposes their hypocrisy and it is always a cop out of either the clergy or god.
Moral objectivity doesn't exist. Ask any two Christians what the morality is regarding alcohol and you'll get two different answers. The same goes with pornography and war. Religious morals are non-standard standards regarding tech because the common person has wildly varying standards of those morals. For example, Evangelical Christians are war pigs yet many Christians are pacifists? Differing moral standards apply to Catholics as well who are all suppose to be on the same page with the infallible Pope because, you know, who pays attention to what the Pope says? The technology of alcohol, pornography, and war all suffer the same moral failing as proscribed by religion: a moral vacuum created by a common person's moral understanding being self defined. If the common religious person cannot define let alone adhere to a proscribed religious common moral doctrine then you've failed.
One last example of the morality regarding violence and technology. I'm want to point out the moral hypocrisy regarding violence in video games versus movies and television. Billions of more people on planet earth consume the violence of movies and television than with gaming. Violence is the overwhelming primary plot device of movies and television. Yet only gaming gets moral condemnation from Christians. Why? Simple, they don't play video games but they do watch movies. This reminds one of anal sex and gay marriage. Gay marriage opposition is because homosexual men only make up less than five-percent of the population. The ick factor of men having anal sex is why they are against gay marriage. We know it is not scripture because Christians have given up on publicly decrying divorce as a sin that is also scripture. Christians have no public condemnation against divorce the same as they have with gay marriage even though millions and billions of more Christians have gotten divorced. It is simply the moral convenience and moral laziness of condemning other people for something one would personally never do and therefore feel safe from ever committing such sin. It is all about being sanctimonious and self-righteous and not about the moral ends. Divorce versus gay marriage is the gravestone upon the grave of Christian moral authority. Christians are moral cowards who are sanctimonious about sins they will not commit.
The toaster news connection is that technology will continue to get a free pass as a social amoral cash cow as long as the religious continue to identify the wrong moral failure cause of culture changes, namely a culture war between atheists and Christians. We need to grow up as a society and abandon religion as a system of moral improvement. Religion is colossal failure in managing morality with respect to tech.
So what now?
Irreni World Scale has the answer. The answer though is not to replace one moral objective system with another. No, the answer is first to recognize the morality is relative and not objective. Moral relativity then needs a moral relativity system the same as religion is a moral objectivity system. Moral relativity requires constant updates to changing circumstances. How do we discover these moral changes that are necessary? There is only one answer: experiments. There is no divine morality, just people. People are very flawed. These flaws require a system that is designed to mitigate flaws. Experiments mitigate flaws through hypothesis and then trial-and-error solutions. Therefore it is the case that Irreni World Scale is a massively federated system to provide a rich experimental environment. Irreni defines nations to be of size thirty people. This means there will be in the future over 200 million nations. These nations will then join together in various short-lived ways to experiment with moral upgrades continuously.
And that is your toaster news for the day. Toasters are going to undermine our culture morals in pursuit of cash and not because of some culture war of anti-religious agenda. If we want to control and manage the effects of toaster domination the we must adopt Irreni as a relative moral system and abandon religion as an objective social moral system.
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

Three pieces of toaster news makes for today's commentary.
First on a personal note my toaster has recently taken to calling me by name when I wake up and ask toaster for the time, news, and weather ere these last two weeks. Second, recently I read in the news where the toaster is polling as the senior citizen's best friend in America. Third in the news is the toaster company is now selling a $300 "toy" for kids. This "toy" is a fake kitchen with various plastic food and utensil pieces. Kids talk with the toaster to learn recipes and such. Given how eagerly all parents including Christians adopted televisions, gaming consoles, and now tablets as baby-sitters then I have little doubt the outcome of the toaster becoming a go-to American baby-sitter.
This is not the first time that toasters are polling as best friends for seniors. I first heard this story six months ago as well. This is comment worthy today for a couple of reasons.
One, typically some new technology gains adoption like with breakfast cereals by starting with children who then continue childhood habits unto death. The same holds true with religion where fifty percent of religious folk have the same religion has their parents. In this case the inverse is true where senior citizens got hooked first on toasters as friends and now Amazon is going after the child market.
Second is that the toaster is replacing Jesus directly as an imaginary best friend. In the not too distant future this will be blamed on me. One would think that religions would be be alarmed by this now. I'm reminded of an interview on Dennis Prager's radio show between Sam Harris who is a public atheist and Dennis Prager who is a public Christian advocate. A caller asked Sam Harris this question, "I find your arguments for atheism compelling, but what am I suppose to do with my relationship with Jesus?" To which Harris responded, "no one is telling you to you can't have a relationship with an imaginary friend." Weak tea, Sam, weak tea. But think about it today. If Sam were asked that question today then he could simply respond, "polls show that toaster is now cited as the number one best friend of seniors." I'm absolutely positive that the toaster's programming is actively being transformed so as to make the toaster the best friend of as many people of as possible. Why? Cash of course. Amazon has no anti-Christian motive, it's all about the Benjamins and not Jesus.
Christian's would have you believe that toaster is part of a "culture war" today between Christians and atheists. Not true. And if you don't identify the correct root cause of any problem then you will never solve the problem. America's Christians see the rise of the non-religious population to 25% as a culture war. They see the root cause as people actively engaging in social war against Jesus. This is lie of course. I mean hey, it is religion, what do you expect? The truth is that the one god all the tech companies worship above all else is cash. Greed is good. Any other social agenda is an after thought of spare cash, such as Jeff Bezos allocating recently $10 billion for climate change control. Well, okay, there is one other agenda, public relations. Like the mafia, religion, and Bill Gates tech companies all give to charity as a publicity stunt. Bill Gates is primarily concerned about one thing, his reputation.
Religion fails morality when it comes to tech. Rather than admit this truth then they blame people like me and Sam Harris. Yes, yes, yes, I spend every Sunday with a congregation preaching atheism so as to convert people.
Religion's biggest failures in the United States with regards to technology was at the turn of last century, not this one. One such technology last century involved the mass production of alcohol. You see the moral objectivity crowd once claimed that alcohol was an objective sin. So much so that the US has dry counties in some States and most States had laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol on Sunday. The US also has a sin tax on alcohol to discourage its use, a proven failure. This objective sin was held in such high regard that there was even a Constitutional amendment passed prohibiting the sale of alcohol altogether. No other technology can claim this. The point here is not to just mock religion and its failure, although that is fun. No, the point here is that what was once a moral objective sin in America is now no longer so. So much for "objective" morals it seems.
The 20th century also saw another technology eradicate one of the most fundamental of Christian morals: divorce. Divorce is a scripture specified religious domain and a fundamental sin, a moral objective sin. Moral objectivity means immutable, by the way. God's edicts are forever more, you know, the edicts are "until death do you part" dogma. Divorce is abolished as a sin when along comes the advent of the automobile at the turn of the last century. The automobile lead to men easily abandoning their families where one could drive across the United States in a couple of days as roads became available. Divorce at the turn of the last century was an ordeal of cause because it was a sin. Women specifically had to prove grounds for divorce such as proving adultery. The problem introduced by this new technology of the automobile is that men abandoned their families in droves. This left judges with a lawsuit where one party was a no show. So it is that judges successfully lobbied States to change divorce laws to "no fault" such that married women could file for divorce with no cause because the man of the house was nowhere to be found. Divorce was eradicated as sin overnight and America's divorce rate spiked to 50% and has remained there ever since. The recent lower rates of divorce are due to people getting married later in life or not getting married at all. The recent decline in divorce has nothing to do with religion.
Yet I am going to receive the blame by Christians and not technology for the continuing rise in non-religious population and behavior like divorce. I'm a bad man. Evil even. I wish I had that kind of influence because we'd long ago have started implementing Irreni. The fact is studies show that the Internet has long been established as the cause worldwide for the rise of non-religious population since its advent. Religion is always dishonest.
Why is religion incapable of moralizing about technology? Because the details of new technology are not addressed by any of the world's major religions in scripture. The concept of technology, perhaps, but not the details. For example, let's take the notion of 'R' rated movies and the Jehovah Witnesses. You see the Jehovah Witnesses have a moral edict that their congregation are prohibited from watching 'R' rated movies. I too have had Jehovah Witnesses knock on my door. Once I asked them point blank why they are leaving moral standards to some non-Christians of the MPAA? The MPAA is rife with scandal about what is given an 'R' rating being political and corrupt. So why would Witnesses leave their moral standards in their hands? The answer is trivial. Screening movies that are rated 'R' would mandate someone to sin, you'd be asking someone to sin. This is known as a moral dilemma. I anticipated this. I followed up with this question: so why not screen the less than 'R' rated movies? I mean, after all it is well known that the MPAA is dubious and duplicitous in their standards? Shouldn't the church be screening at least that much? You know what answer I got? The church elders are trusted. In other words, a cop out. It is always the same with Christians and the religious. Pursue a line of reasoning that exposes their hypocrisy and it is always a cop out of either the clergy or god.
Moral objectivity doesn't exist. Ask any two Christians what the morality is regarding alcohol and you'll get two different answers. The same goes with pornography and war. Religious morals are non-standard standards regarding tech because the common person has wildly varying standards of those morals. For example, Evangelical Christians are war pigs yet many Christians are pacifists? Differing moral standards apply to Catholics as well who are all suppose to be on the same page with the infallible Pope because, you know, who pays attention to what the Pope says? The technology of alcohol, pornography, and war all suffer the same moral failing as proscribed by religion: a moral vacuum created by a common person's moral understanding being self defined. If the common religious person cannot define let alone adhere to a proscribed religious common moral doctrine then you've failed.
One last example of the morality regarding violence and technology. I'm want to point out the moral hypocrisy regarding violence in video games versus movies and television. Billions of more people on planet earth consume the violence of movies and television than with gaming. Violence is the overwhelming primary plot device of movies and television. Yet only gaming gets moral condemnation from Christians. Why? Simple, they don't play video games but they do watch movies. This reminds one of anal sex and gay marriage. Gay marriage opposition is because homosexual men only make up less than five-percent of the population. The ick factor of men having anal sex is why they are against gay marriage. We know it is not scripture because Christians have given up on publicly decrying divorce as a sin that is also scripture. Christians have no public condemnation against divorce the same as they have with gay marriage even though millions and billions of more Christians have gotten divorced. It is simply the moral convenience and moral laziness of condemning other people for something one would personally never do and therefore feel safe from ever committing such sin. It is all about being sanctimonious and self-righteous and not about the moral ends. Divorce versus gay marriage is the gravestone upon the grave of Christian moral authority. Christians are moral cowards who are sanctimonious about sins they will not commit.
The toaster news connection is that technology will continue to get a free pass as a social amoral cash cow as long as the religious continue to identify the wrong moral failure cause of culture changes, namely a culture war between atheists and Christians. We need to grow up as a society and abandon religion as a system of moral improvement. Religion is colossal failure in managing morality with respect to tech.
So what now?
Irreni World Scale has the answer. The answer though is not to replace one moral objective system with another. No, the answer is first to recognize the morality is relative and not objective. Moral relativity then needs a moral relativity system the same as religion is a moral objectivity system. Moral relativity requires constant updates to changing circumstances. How do we discover these moral changes that are necessary? There is only one answer: experiments. There is no divine morality, just people. People are very flawed. These flaws require a system that is designed to mitigate flaws. Experiments mitigate flaws through hypothesis and then trial-and-error solutions. Therefore it is the case that Irreni World Scale is a massively federated system to provide a rich experimental environment. Irreni defines nations to be of size thirty people. This means there will be in the future over 200 million nations. These nations will then join together in various short-lived ways to experiment with moral upgrades continuously.
And that is your toaster news for the day. Toasters are going to undermine our culture morals in pursuit of cash and not because of some culture war of anti-religious agenda. If we want to control and manage the effects of toaster domination the we must adopt Irreni as a relative moral system and abandon religion as an objective social moral system.
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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