Happy International Women's Day!
And belated Happy Black History Month! This is a fifteen minute read.
Why do we observe these things? Why can't we just change culture instantly such that these holidays are not deemed necessary? After all a computer can be running Microsoft Windows one minute and after being rebooted then be running Linux the next without ever a trace of Windows? Why can't we instantly treat women as equals? It is a fair question. What's going on? Why can't humans just erase bigotry with the snap of a finger? What is it about our human nature that makes change so difficult?
For brevity I will just state that humans along with all other animals are creatures of habit and conditioning. These habits and conditioned traits make instant change seemingly impossible. Another way of saying this is we do not have free will, but rather limited free will where many of the limitations are due to habits of conditioning.
Okay then so if we animals are highly resistant to change then what is the best way to bring about cultural changes such that International Women's Day and Black History Month are deemed no longer necessary?
Let us focus on a couple of key concepts:
1. Cultures of consciousness are analogous to animal instincts. That is to say they evolve slowly and adapt to fit a changing environment.
2. Technology erodes existing evolved culture faster than culture can adapt. The narrative of a cultural war between the left and the right, between Christians and atheists, is scientifically without basis. It is the pace of cultural change that is our root problem.
Let us begin.
Religion still claims authority as the instrument of moral authority. Christopher Hitchens once described religion as our first worst attempt at a human operating system. Religion has a little of everything; history, cosmology, medicine, rites of passage, and most importantly moral adaptation. Religions today have given up authority on making arguments for cosmology, medicine, and rites of passage. Moral adaptation is the last great authority hold out for religion in 2020 recognized by those outside of the religion.
What is moral adaptation? Morals overlay our natural tendencies to elicit better behavior. Morals improve our chances for survival by compensating for the slow change of biological evolutionary mechanisms. Think of it like this: consciousness and culture are nature's way of trying to adapt to a meteor wiping out life.
Religion has been one dominant system of moral adaptation. Curbing primitive violence and sexual behavior are two dominant and successful moral adaptations of religion. Family, of course, is another. However, religion has failed resoundingly in all of these domains since the age of rapid technological advancement. Religion has failed to adapt our moral codes to technology. All of the adaptations in the modern society due to technological changes regarding violence, sexual behavior, and family have come from culture outside of religion. For example, who cares in 2020 what any religion has to say about war? Religion has no credibility moralizing about modern warfare. What are the correct morals regarding nuclear weapons? biological weapons? prisoners of war? enemy combatants? collateral damage? refugees? The recent assassination of the top Iranian General by he US included the death eight innocent people. Where are the religious moral proclamations either for or against such things in the culture today? They are nowhere to be found. No, religion is a failed cultural system in the modern era. Religion is not morally compelling.
Why? Technology is changing our environment rapidly and doing so at a rate that defeats existing slow adapting cultural mechanisms like religion. No animal in nature has successfully adapted to environmental changes at the rate humans are attempting to adapt to environmental technological changes today. We would expect then for humans to suffer the same fate as the dinosaurs when the asteroid changed the environment faster than dinosaurs could adapt and they went extinct.
Defenders of religion as the only effective moral authority cite the fact that all cultures known to humans have had religion in one form or another as justification for retaining authority. Call this the last scientific argument for religion's moral authority. This is where Hitchens' observation that religion is our worst first attempt at a human operating system comes in. Just because religion is our first worst attempt at a human operating system does not mean it is still viable. As Winston Churchill observed about democracy: democracy is a terrible system but happens to be better than all the others that came before it. The same is true for religion. Religion is a terrible system but better than what came before it, namely the tribalism of the hunter-gatherer.
Cultures of consciousness may adapt faster than other animal DNA adaptations alone, but still we are adapting at a much slower pace then technology is changing our environment. This means when we confront either nuclear war or bigotry against blacks and women then the current cultural mechanisms are too slow to adapt.
So now what? What is the best way to bring about cultural changes such that International Women's Day and Black History Month are no longer seen as necessary given culture that conditions our attitudes changes too slow relative to technology changing our environment?
We use science. The agents of science are the ones who brought us technological advancement and so it is incumbent on them to be the ones responsible for cultural changes necessary for environmental changes. It is a new moral that those responsible for one kind of change, technology, must supply the other, culture. Agents of science are morally responsible for maintaining cultural moral adaptations to maintain pace with technological adaptations lest we suffer the same fate as the dinosaurs using a meteor of our own fabrication.
Enter Irreni World Scale. Irreni World Scale is a scientific system designed to be a system that paces cultural adaptation with technological environmental changes.
Defenders of religion are correct about religion in some fashion being part of all cultures known to humans. However, they are incorrect in their conclusion that this means some religion and therefore their particular religion is necessary. Most notably that any one religion is better than another. In other words any old religion will do.
Here is a question to ponder: what unique morals would distinguish one religion from another and therefore make that religion superior? Science has determined there are none. There are no unique morals to any culture. For example, no culture approves of stealing. Another example is that all cultures have some form of the golden rule.
Okay then even if morals are relatively consistent between cultures than could it be that one religion is superior to others in implementation of those morals? None other than the Catholic Church set upon a study to prove that Christian cultures are far superior to non-Christian cultures in implementing common morality. You know what they found? That the deviation between Christian cultures and non-Christian cultures are indistinguishable for crime rates. In other words, Christian cultures vary in murder and theft rates as widely when compared to each other as they do when compared to other religious cultures.
In other words any old religion will do. Of course there are statistical outliers like the human sacrifice of the Mayans but we are talking on average. On average no religion can claim superiority in either having unique morals or as being the best in implementation of common morals.
What's going on here? It is simple, really. Religion evolved. This is why religion is common in behavior to all cultures.
To keep things brief then I'm going to make just one evolutionary observation and then demonstrate how Irreni World Scale adapts. Irreni includes many, many other moral adaptations. Then I'm going recommend that Irreni World Scale is our fastest path to bigotry reduction because it is a system that matches moral changes with technological changes.
We'll start with why religion fails. All religions include similar patterns of social control given religion evolved and so this affords the possibility to break each pattern down and consider that pattern independently. In our case that pattern is patriarchy.
What is patriarchy? Patriarchy is a vestige of tribalism. You know the survival of the fittest? Men dominated each other and also women with superior physical strength. In other words they were primitive. This male dominance evolved into a pattern of patriarchy when populations became stationary in large groups. In other words the clergy were created. Also monarchy and emperors were created. Patriarchy happened spontaneously everywhere in the world. These were not systems distributed by education or mimicry. No they were natural extensions of tribal evolution. Okay then why is patriarchy favored by nature?
That's easy. Patriarchy is analogous to the spear. The club and spear originated commonly world over as humans evolved. It can be demonstrated in combat scientifically today that the spear is overall superior to the club. Why? Well the spear focuses all the energy into a single point. This allows one to be able to throw a spear and kill someone more effectively than throwing clubs, i.e. rocks. Further spears can have handles upwards of four meters or ten feet in length thus keeping the club wielder out of range.
Patriarchy is a spear that focuses the energy of those in the patriarchy group into the tip person, the patriarch. This focus of energy is a primitive weapon. Patriarchy then is a cultural mechanism that evolved to concentrate power such that one tribe can effectively dispatch another tribe; a kingdom dispatch kingdom; a country dispatch country; a business dispatch business; a corporation dispatch corporation; and a bureaucracy dispatch bureaucracy. Today we call dispatching by another name using a euphemism of "competition". We do this because presumably the end result of competition is not death, but rather that both sides benefit. Ha ha. Patriarchies dispatching as "competition" has devastating and deadly effects on those who are dispatched even as direct immediate death has been replaced with oppression and tyranny. This is why bigotry can never be meaningfully addressed in patriarchies because the dispatcher gets to assert bigotry over the dispatched as a spoil of culture war.
It is embarrassing to think that we are still culturally using spears. The argument made by those in today's patriarchies is that this spear is natural and necessary. This is like saying rape is natural and necessary. The purpose of moral adaptation is to overcome our worst natural tendencies for the benefit of society.
On International Women's Day it is worthy to point out that patriarchy is one natural tendency we have yet to find a moral adaptation to and overcome.
Until now.
Today we have Irreni World Scale.
Irreni World Scale adapts culture to mitigate the dispatching nature of competitive patriarchy. The primary design feature that mitigates this is the micro-modular governing organization, or MGO. First the MGO is a fixed size of thirty people. This eliminates altogether the purpose of dispatching in order to grow membership. All MGOs are the same size, thirty people. Second the smallest authority, not the largest, is the dominant authority and is the same as national authority today. MGOs are nations. Groups of MGOs are also called MGOs, or just modular governing organizations. Either type of MGO may choose any organization hierarchy those in the MGO agree upon, including patriarchy like say a captain of spaceship. Irreni then does not prohibit patriarchy because we do have natural predispositions to form them, rather it de-fangs patriarchy by limiting the effects of conquest by limiting tyranny and oppression. At any time say bigotry against women or blacks is exhibited then the smallest MGO has final authority to ignore the those dispatching others or remove themselves altogether from the larger group.
So how would Irreni play out and provide a better, faster moral adaptation of culture so as to make the need for either International Women's Day or Black History Month seem irrelevant?
The slow pace of moral change today is because the command structure of the patriarchy must be discretely overcome by the oppressed and this rarely happens as it sometimes does for say something like gay marriage. Even then the discrete change of allowing gay marriage has met with renewed oppressive efforts by the dominant patriarchy.
Tomorrow with Irrreni World Scale cultural adaptation will be continuous and not discrete. First each MGO has sovereign authority. This means if Irreni existed today there would be ten million MGOs in the US. MGOs are sovereign and each can adopt gay marriage or equal rights for women on an MGO basis. This immediately allows any oppressed to jump MGO ship if you will and leave an oppressive MGO for a free one. Second, moral mitigation between competing morals of MGOs happens via trade. Think of this as trade sanctions in today's political spectrum. MGOs can impose sanctions on each other to pressure moral compliance. This means a never-ending competition between competing morals is normal and not the dispatching of one moral absolute adaptation by another. Today we think of moral dispatching where either abortion rights exist or they are dispatched. Tomorrow in Irreni World Scale there will be an upfront system of conflicting relative moral existence. This has to be. Why? Because morals don't live in a vacuum such as they are argued today. In other words there are trade-offs between the set of gun rights, abortion rights, marriage rights, and the entire set of morals that any other culture operates under. Those trade offs are ignored today. That is an error that needs corrected. Those trade-offs in the Irreni World Scale system is a forever conversation of competitive trade. We change the framing of right-and-wrong from being absolute morals as argued in isolation today to the relative trade-offs between entire sets of morals tomorrow. This overall trade-off is necessary in a rapid technology advancement era where new morals must be created daily as new technology creates the need for new moral positions daily. What morals should we have about colonizing Mars? Irreni World Scale has no position on colonizing Mars. Instead Irreni World Scale affords a new cultural system to match the pace of moral adaptation to the pace of technological advancement. Patriarchy fails to do so because patriarchy is focused on dispatching competition using absolute morals and not improving adaptation. Irreni is a moral adaptation of patriarchy and removes the harmful effects by focusing competitive culture on improving overall effectiveness of cooperation and not conquest.
So now what? What is the best way to bring about cultural changes such that International Women's Day and Black History Month are no longer seen as necessary given culture that conditions our attitudes changes too slow relative to technology changing our environment? Easy, adopt Irreni World Scale. Irreni has as just one of many design features the moral improvement of patriarchy. We adapt the patriarchy model to remove competition away from dispatching competitors towards benefit of cooperation of competitors. We may be naturally inclined to patriarchy as a species. This does not make natural patriarchy good. We are naturally inclined to war and rape. Just as humans have created cultures to gradually overcome the harm of our primal war and rape instincts then Irreni is a moral adaptation to overcome the harm of patriarchy and the resulting bigotry viewed as a spoil of culture war.
We must overcome the bigotry of women, blacks, and all sub-groups. It is our shared moral duty.
Happy International Women's Day!
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

And belated Happy Black History Month! This is a fifteen minute read.
Why do we observe these things? Why can't we just change culture instantly such that these holidays are not deemed necessary? After all a computer can be running Microsoft Windows one minute and after being rebooted then be running Linux the next without ever a trace of Windows? Why can't we instantly treat women as equals? It is a fair question. What's going on? Why can't humans just erase bigotry with the snap of a finger? What is it about our human nature that makes change so difficult?
For brevity I will just state that humans along with all other animals are creatures of habit and conditioning. These habits and conditioned traits make instant change seemingly impossible. Another way of saying this is we do not have free will, but rather limited free will where many of the limitations are due to habits of conditioning.
Okay then so if we animals are highly resistant to change then what is the best way to bring about cultural changes such that International Women's Day and Black History Month are deemed no longer necessary?
Let us focus on a couple of key concepts:
1. Cultures of consciousness are analogous to animal instincts. That is to say they evolve slowly and adapt to fit a changing environment.
2. Technology erodes existing evolved culture faster than culture can adapt. The narrative of a cultural war between the left and the right, between Christians and atheists, is scientifically without basis. It is the pace of cultural change that is our root problem.
Let us begin.
Religion still claims authority as the instrument of moral authority. Christopher Hitchens once described religion as our first worst attempt at a human operating system. Religion has a little of everything; history, cosmology, medicine, rites of passage, and most importantly moral adaptation. Religions today have given up authority on making arguments for cosmology, medicine, and rites of passage. Moral adaptation is the last great authority hold out for religion in 2020 recognized by those outside of the religion.
What is moral adaptation? Morals overlay our natural tendencies to elicit better behavior. Morals improve our chances for survival by compensating for the slow change of biological evolutionary mechanisms. Think of it like this: consciousness and culture are nature's way of trying to adapt to a meteor wiping out life.
Religion has been one dominant system of moral adaptation. Curbing primitive violence and sexual behavior are two dominant and successful moral adaptations of religion. Family, of course, is another. However, religion has failed resoundingly in all of these domains since the age of rapid technological advancement. Religion has failed to adapt our moral codes to technology. All of the adaptations in the modern society due to technological changes regarding violence, sexual behavior, and family have come from culture outside of religion. For example, who cares in 2020 what any religion has to say about war? Religion has no credibility moralizing about modern warfare. What are the correct morals regarding nuclear weapons? biological weapons? prisoners of war? enemy combatants? collateral damage? refugees? The recent assassination of the top Iranian General by he US included the death eight innocent people. Where are the religious moral proclamations either for or against such things in the culture today? They are nowhere to be found. No, religion is a failed cultural system in the modern era. Religion is not morally compelling.
Why? Technology is changing our environment rapidly and doing so at a rate that defeats existing slow adapting cultural mechanisms like religion. No animal in nature has successfully adapted to environmental changes at the rate humans are attempting to adapt to environmental technological changes today. We would expect then for humans to suffer the same fate as the dinosaurs when the asteroid changed the environment faster than dinosaurs could adapt and they went extinct.
Defenders of religion as the only effective moral authority cite the fact that all cultures known to humans have had religion in one form or another as justification for retaining authority. Call this the last scientific argument for religion's moral authority. This is where Hitchens' observation that religion is our worst first attempt at a human operating system comes in. Just because religion is our first worst attempt at a human operating system does not mean it is still viable. As Winston Churchill observed about democracy: democracy is a terrible system but happens to be better than all the others that came before it. The same is true for religion. Religion is a terrible system but better than what came before it, namely the tribalism of the hunter-gatherer.
Cultures of consciousness may adapt faster than other animal DNA adaptations alone, but still we are adapting at a much slower pace then technology is changing our environment. This means when we confront either nuclear war or bigotry against blacks and women then the current cultural mechanisms are too slow to adapt.
So now what? What is the best way to bring about cultural changes such that International Women's Day and Black History Month are no longer seen as necessary given culture that conditions our attitudes changes too slow relative to technology changing our environment?
We use science. The agents of science are the ones who brought us technological advancement and so it is incumbent on them to be the ones responsible for cultural changes necessary for environmental changes. It is a new moral that those responsible for one kind of change, technology, must supply the other, culture. Agents of science are morally responsible for maintaining cultural moral adaptations to maintain pace with technological adaptations lest we suffer the same fate as the dinosaurs using a meteor of our own fabrication.
Enter Irreni World Scale. Irreni World Scale is a scientific system designed to be a system that paces cultural adaptation with technological environmental changes.
Defenders of religion are correct about religion in some fashion being part of all cultures known to humans. However, they are incorrect in their conclusion that this means some religion and therefore their particular religion is necessary. Most notably that any one religion is better than another. In other words any old religion will do.
Here is a question to ponder: what unique morals would distinguish one religion from another and therefore make that religion superior? Science has determined there are none. There are no unique morals to any culture. For example, no culture approves of stealing. Another example is that all cultures have some form of the golden rule.
Okay then even if morals are relatively consistent between cultures than could it be that one religion is superior to others in implementation of those morals? None other than the Catholic Church set upon a study to prove that Christian cultures are far superior to non-Christian cultures in implementing common morality. You know what they found? That the deviation between Christian cultures and non-Christian cultures are indistinguishable for crime rates. In other words, Christian cultures vary in murder and theft rates as widely when compared to each other as they do when compared to other religious cultures.
In other words any old religion will do. Of course there are statistical outliers like the human sacrifice of the Mayans but we are talking on average. On average no religion can claim superiority in either having unique morals or as being the best in implementation of common morals.
What's going on here? It is simple, really. Religion evolved. This is why religion is common in behavior to all cultures.
To keep things brief then I'm going to make just one evolutionary observation and then demonstrate how Irreni World Scale adapts. Irreni includes many, many other moral adaptations. Then I'm going recommend that Irreni World Scale is our fastest path to bigotry reduction because it is a system that matches moral changes with technological changes.
We'll start with why religion fails. All religions include similar patterns of social control given religion evolved and so this affords the possibility to break each pattern down and consider that pattern independently. In our case that pattern is patriarchy.
What is patriarchy? Patriarchy is a vestige of tribalism. You know the survival of the fittest? Men dominated each other and also women with superior physical strength. In other words they were primitive. This male dominance evolved into a pattern of patriarchy when populations became stationary in large groups. In other words the clergy were created. Also monarchy and emperors were created. Patriarchy happened spontaneously everywhere in the world. These were not systems distributed by education or mimicry. No they were natural extensions of tribal evolution. Okay then why is patriarchy favored by nature?
That's easy. Patriarchy is analogous to the spear. The club and spear originated commonly world over as humans evolved. It can be demonstrated in combat scientifically today that the spear is overall superior to the club. Why? Well the spear focuses all the energy into a single point. This allows one to be able to throw a spear and kill someone more effectively than throwing clubs, i.e. rocks. Further spears can have handles upwards of four meters or ten feet in length thus keeping the club wielder out of range.
Patriarchy is a spear that focuses the energy of those in the patriarchy group into the tip person, the patriarch. This focus of energy is a primitive weapon. Patriarchy then is a cultural mechanism that evolved to concentrate power such that one tribe can effectively dispatch another tribe; a kingdom dispatch kingdom; a country dispatch country; a business dispatch business; a corporation dispatch corporation; and a bureaucracy dispatch bureaucracy. Today we call dispatching by another name using a euphemism of "competition". We do this because presumably the end result of competition is not death, but rather that both sides benefit. Ha ha. Patriarchies dispatching as "competition" has devastating and deadly effects on those who are dispatched even as direct immediate death has been replaced with oppression and tyranny. This is why bigotry can never be meaningfully addressed in patriarchies because the dispatcher gets to assert bigotry over the dispatched as a spoil of culture war.
It is embarrassing to think that we are still culturally using spears. The argument made by those in today's patriarchies is that this spear is natural and necessary. This is like saying rape is natural and necessary. The purpose of moral adaptation is to overcome our worst natural tendencies for the benefit of society.
On International Women's Day it is worthy to point out that patriarchy is one natural tendency we have yet to find a moral adaptation to and overcome.
Until now.
Today we have Irreni World Scale.
Irreni World Scale adapts culture to mitigate the dispatching nature of competitive patriarchy. The primary design feature that mitigates this is the micro-modular governing organization, or MGO. First the MGO is a fixed size of thirty people. This eliminates altogether the purpose of dispatching in order to grow membership. All MGOs are the same size, thirty people. Second the smallest authority, not the largest, is the dominant authority and is the same as national authority today. MGOs are nations. Groups of MGOs are also called MGOs, or just modular governing organizations. Either type of MGO may choose any organization hierarchy those in the MGO agree upon, including patriarchy like say a captain of spaceship. Irreni then does not prohibit patriarchy because we do have natural predispositions to form them, rather it de-fangs patriarchy by limiting the effects of conquest by limiting tyranny and oppression. At any time say bigotry against women or blacks is exhibited then the smallest MGO has final authority to ignore the those dispatching others or remove themselves altogether from the larger group.
So how would Irreni play out and provide a better, faster moral adaptation of culture so as to make the need for either International Women's Day or Black History Month seem irrelevant?
The slow pace of moral change today is because the command structure of the patriarchy must be discretely overcome by the oppressed and this rarely happens as it sometimes does for say something like gay marriage. Even then the discrete change of allowing gay marriage has met with renewed oppressive efforts by the dominant patriarchy.
Tomorrow with Irrreni World Scale cultural adaptation will be continuous and not discrete. First each MGO has sovereign authority. This means if Irreni existed today there would be ten million MGOs in the US. MGOs are sovereign and each can adopt gay marriage or equal rights for women on an MGO basis. This immediately allows any oppressed to jump MGO ship if you will and leave an oppressive MGO for a free one. Second, moral mitigation between competing morals of MGOs happens via trade. Think of this as trade sanctions in today's political spectrum. MGOs can impose sanctions on each other to pressure moral compliance. This means a never-ending competition between competing morals is normal and not the dispatching of one moral absolute adaptation by another. Today we think of moral dispatching where either abortion rights exist or they are dispatched. Tomorrow in Irreni World Scale there will be an upfront system of conflicting relative moral existence. This has to be. Why? Because morals don't live in a vacuum such as they are argued today. In other words there are trade-offs between the set of gun rights, abortion rights, marriage rights, and the entire set of morals that any other culture operates under. Those trade offs are ignored today. That is an error that needs corrected. Those trade-offs in the Irreni World Scale system is a forever conversation of competitive trade. We change the framing of right-and-wrong from being absolute morals as argued in isolation today to the relative trade-offs between entire sets of morals tomorrow. This overall trade-off is necessary in a rapid technology advancement era where new morals must be created daily as new technology creates the need for new moral positions daily. What morals should we have about colonizing Mars? Irreni World Scale has no position on colonizing Mars. Instead Irreni World Scale affords a new cultural system to match the pace of moral adaptation to the pace of technological advancement. Patriarchy fails to do so because patriarchy is focused on dispatching competition using absolute morals and not improving adaptation. Irreni is a moral adaptation of patriarchy and removes the harmful effects by focusing competitive culture on improving overall effectiveness of cooperation and not conquest.
So now what? What is the best way to bring about cultural changes such that International Women's Day and Black History Month are no longer seen as necessary given culture that conditions our attitudes changes too slow relative to technology changing our environment? Easy, adopt Irreni World Scale. Irreni has as just one of many design features the moral improvement of patriarchy. We adapt the patriarchy model to remove competition away from dispatching competitors towards benefit of cooperation of competitors. We may be naturally inclined to patriarchy as a species. This does not make natural patriarchy good. We are naturally inclined to war and rape. Just as humans have created cultures to gradually overcome the harm of our primal war and rape instincts then Irreni is a moral adaptation to overcome the harm of patriarchy and the resulting bigotry viewed as a spoil of culture war.
We must overcome the bigotry of women, blacks, and all sub-groups. It is our shared moral duty.
Happy International Women's Day!
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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