Good Choices vs Bad Choices
Happy Thursday!
This is a short blog post because this blog post is a recommendation to listen to a podcast by Sam Harris.
Sam Harris interviews Matt Taibbi in this podcast about the state of journalism. At the end they also talk briefly about Matt's book regarding the financial collapse of 2007.
Matt can be viewed as an Irreni prophet on the following three counts:
- I don't know as a working answer.
- Question disagreement due to framing and definition invalidation.
- No accountability after 2007.
I don't know
I've often quip that religion is for people who aren't comfortable with "I don't know." In this podcast we get a healthy dose of healthy I don't know. Matt is every interviewers ideal interviewee because he elaborates on his answers. Time and time again in this interview Matt's answer to Sam's question is either "I don't know" or "I disagree with the question." It makes my little atheist heart go pitter-patter.
Of course "I don't know" can be an uninteresting, lazy answer. However, a good "I don't know" answer justifies just as any solution opinion. A good "I don't know" answer will invalidate any uninformed or ill formed answer.
Question invalidation
Sam asks Matt about the political center. Sam asks Matt what will it take to bring back journalism promoting the political center in the age of Trump. Matt disagrees with the question by asking Sam to define what he means by the political center. Sam's definition is a non-answer but true to his atheist core. Sam's definition of the political center is a non-ideologue. Sam's definition of the center is someone who doesn't stick to the script of being either liberal or conservative, but mixes it up.
No Accountability
Matt wrote a book awhile back reporting on the financial collapse of 2007. Sam asks him for an update, and specifically has anybody gone to jail yet.
Matt's answer, "No".
Think about that.
No banker of any import has gone to jail for insurance fraud, mortgage fraud or drug cartel money laundering. Matt points out that HSBC admitted to criminally laundering $850 million for drug cartels. Not a single banker went to jail for it.
The tiny credit-default-swap department within insurance giant AGI not only did not go to jail, but instead got paid $600 million in bonuses. When? When are we going to wake up?
The banks just paid fines with profits made from your business with the banks.
Matt says the banks are even too bigger to fail today than they were in 2007.
When are we going to admit that our government is not only broken, but brazenly rubbing our noses in stealing billions every single day?
Piling On
I'm going to pile on our government collosal failures here.
In 2006 we had a Blue Wave.
Blue Wave 2006
Many of us had high hopes that the Bush administration would be held accountable for war crimes and profiteering. What happened? Nancy Pelosi immediately comes out and says the Democrats would not investigate a single, solitary soul in the Bush Administration for anything. Not a one. Not a single person was held to account.
Given Nancy Pelosi gave a pass to the Bush administration's six years of war failure then why would anyone expect Nancy to hold Trump accountable in 2018?
In 2017 the Republicans cut taxes. They did so with the promise these cuts would immediately tickle down tax revenue and there would be no new deficit. Last week the the CBO reported that 2017 deficit would reach $779 billion and that by 2020 it would reach $1 trillion dollars for the first time.
Mitch McConnell came out and said that the deficit wasn't the Republican's fault. And we just take it.
Now Mitch wants to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid -- and wait for it -- and further cut taxes.
When are we doing to get out of our denial our government is not only irreparably broken, but egregiously being used to steal from us?
We can decide to quit making bad choices about our government. We can make good choices with Irreni World Scale.
I say good choices because Irreni is government for making new governments, new choices. This provides good choices in two ways:
- Experiments of new governments so as to prove the good ones and move on from the bad ones.
- Massive amounts of new governments for massive experimenting.
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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