Pay Attention - A Song of Life
"What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence, a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it." -Herbert Simon, economist
Irreni World Scale allocates attention efficiently where capitalism today creates panic for click-bait dollars. Capitalism is fear-for-sale. Capitalism today is a snake eating its own tail where the market place of coronavirus panic news is hungrily eating the stock markets and public businesses.
How do we combat news panic? Well, we have to pay attention to the right information. How do we do that in a click-bait society? Sadly, we cannot. Individually perhaps we might be able too, however millions of our Internet neighbors are out of our control.
Irreni World Scale has solutions for both panic and disease.
Let us begin.
Prior to 1900 and the advent of the automobile 90% of Americans participated in the production of their own food. This meant Americans needed a sizeable enough land to grow that food on and so population density such as we see in big cities today was not possible excepting for the 10% who lived in cities. Disease in cities prior to 1900 was far more deadly because of open sewer systems. A cholera outbreak could wipe out a third or half of a city. The rich city folks understood enough about disease to know that it was spread person-to-person and so took to living in the "countryside", that side being beside a big city. None other than George Washington was encouraged to live outside of Philadelphia city limits to avoid disease and when he refused he almost died of disease before becoming President.
What can we learn from this? First panic and disease share the same cause of person-to-person transmission. Today we know somewhat how to quarantine physically but have no quarantine mechanisms for information provided by phones and Internet we've come to depend. We lack the ability allocate our attention effectively. Enter Irreni World Scale.
Irreni World Scale includes twenty big fancy-pants ideas. One of these ideas is information quarantine via the cold browser. The cold browser is new technology where cold browsers view only cold storage data files. The cold browser has no networking capability. Instead the cold browser is designed to only load cold storage data. These cold storage data files must use a protocol of protection. The cold data must be "hung" like a side of beef for 24-72 hours. Being "hung" in this case requires an AI program to scrub the cold data for 24-72 hours. This is more than just an anti-virus checker that works real-time today. This AI program has 24-72 hours to compute safety measures. This means viruses and memes. This time affords designated human censoring. Allocation of attention to coronavirus, for example, could simply include a throttle on the overall number of stories where frequency of news alone can create panic. Cold browsing is designed to provide an information quarantine that we do not have today. The protocol for self-quarantine in a crisis would involve turning of the hot network and falling back upon cold browsing alone. Banking and other life essential data would have cold data storage files that can be transmitted. Trusted sources such as banking would only need 24 hours to hang where news would require 72 hours.
The cold browser is a near-future technological innovation that can be used by individuals today and not dependent on the entire Irreni World Scale implementation. However, cold browsing's effectiveness will be limited unless used within the Irreni World Scale system.
Let us continue.
The cold browser works best in an MGO. The foundation of Irreni World Scale is the micro-modular governing organization, or MGO. The MGO is defined as a fixed-size group of thirty people. One way to think about an MGO to a first approximation is that it is similar to a family prior to 1900. You need others because do you understand networking? Programming? Probably not. The cold browsing technology requires a constant maintenance of the AI program, of the cold data transportation, and of the browser. A running joke in American society today is when it comes to technology we ask the school-age kids. The MGO concept works upon the same principal. There only needs to be one cold browser expert in the MGO family of thirty people. Those in the MGO then all share the same cold storage data files. Those in the MGO also use a dedicated MGO hot network. The hot network is the Internet as you think of it today. However, what's different with Irreni World Scale is that all of your devices will use a hot network within a dedicated MGO network. This is necessary for quarantine. All of your devices will first log into the MGO dedicated network that then provides access or not to the hot network. The decision when to quarantine then will be up to the command and control structure of the MGO. We need the MGO because at least one person needs to be an expert in both hot and cold browsing for maintenance and programming. This means we'll need a circle of trust of our thirty MGO fellow members. This may seem scary but is far superior to having to trust the entire Internet today.
Americans get squeamish about depending on anybody? Why? Because our culture has bought in a myth called rugged individualism. Rugged individualism never existed. Rugged individualism is a myth that ignores women and children. Rugged individualism is better stated as "family-farmism". The entire family worked a farm. However, since all cultures prior to the modern era were male-centric patriarchies then only men were important. A family farm then was viewed as the individual story of the male only. Rugged individualism was just machismo. Then after 1900 farming along comes the job and then by the year 2000 only 2% of the population was involved with growing food. The male working the factory job or climbing corporate ladder replaced the family farm as "rugged individualism"; even as initially children were working the factories just as they worked the farms.
We have to get over "rugged individualism" as a culture. It never existed. Ever. We have always been family dependent. Having said that the MGO only resembles a family in that it is a group of people who daily depend on each other. That's where the similarity ends. There is no genetic or offspring requirement for MGO membership. The MGO does focus on small group independence the same as the family. One big difference though is members of the MGO provide various essential expert skills such a an MGO medic.
The cold browser efficacy then is improved when it is incorporated into a small community, the MGO. This community has at least one person who has the expert skill to manage the hot and cold networks.
Irreni World Scale also provides disease virus protection as well. It does so by providing group independence. Irreni World Scale provides the best degree of physical quarantine possible. How? Well, back in the 19th century one would permanently quarantine by living in the countryside. Irreni takes a similar approach where an MGO physically quarantines.
In the future 90% of MGOs will grow their own food. These MGOs will also provide 90% of their own clothing and shelter. How? We need to upgrade capitalism from individual competition to MGO independence. Today ideal capitalism can be stated as providing the winners with financial success far superior to the 90%. The definition of success is the company executive or perhaps a lottery winner who can make it big financially and presumably secure their own future. This notion is a vestige of rugged individualism where people delude themselves that they do not depend on others. Today's capitalism is amoral, or without morals. Capitalism today is the amoral barbarism of conquest. This is why the click-bait capitalists spreading panic cannot help themselves in destroying markets. The money generated from generating panic creates personal financial success without moral regard to other people or businesses, amoral.
We need to upgrade capitalism to moral capitalism. Moral capitalism moves us from individual competition to MGO independence.
Imagine in the future you live in a modern, high-tech building housing the thirty people in your MGO. Your MGO has a plot of land large enough to grow food to feed your thirty people. There is a medical bay in that facility. That medical bay contains medical beds just like we see on Star Trek. These medical beds have all diagnostic capabilities available. These med beds can fix broken bones without human intervention. These med beds can test for coronavirus and also treat coronavirus. Think about it. This means the MGO compound can implement a thirty person quarantine and not have to leave for medical treatment. A true quarantine and far superior to the quarantine that exists today.
But we need more than MGO buildings with med beds. We need workshops with technology seeds. These technology seeds are similar to plant seeds. Just as farmers have never understood the complex DNA chemistry when planting farms tomorrow we don't need to understand technology seeds. Farmers just knew enough to plant the seeds. Moral capitalism must move in the seed direction. We must create technology seeds that can sprout into a things like a smart-phone or 70" television. The general public just needs enough instruction like some piece of Ikea furniture to enable independence. In technology today we don't use the term "seeds", we use the term "components". We also don't plant, we print using 3D printers. Tomorrow in an MGO independence world there will exist technology components for all kinds of 3D printers. AI systems will run these 3D printers to create electronics, clothing, and building supplies. Every MGO facility then will have a workshop. The workshop will contain all the 3D printers and relevant technologies for an MGO to be self-sufficient. A self-sufficient MGO then can lay in enough technology seeds and other supplies in order to be quarantine for days, weeks, months, and perhaps even years. This is moral capitalism.
We are going to need this capability to survive. Cyber war is coming. The American Revolution advanced warfare in its day with the advent of guerrilla warfare. Cyber warfare will allow individuals to wage war on entire populations far larger than physical war could ever hope to accomplish. In fact a single person will soon be able to declare war on the entire planet if we do not overcome our sole reliance on a single network of the Internet. And it is not just malicious software. Malicious memes and panic news are also forms of cyber war as we are experiencing with coronavirus today. These cyber war fronts have no fox holes, no trenches, and no walls. All of the touted technology to provide such things like firewalls have been proven to be easily penetrated.
I'm currently in the process of writing a movie called, "Cyber War 2028". The plot is computer virus that is going around the world disabling medical devices and thus killing people. Who is responsible for the virus? A person? A medical device company? A country? Paranoia and panic brought on by the single Internet network becomes an even bigger source of death than the medical device virus just as public panic about coronavirus may well create death.
We desperately need to upgrade capitalism from its current amoral state of individual conquest of our caveman past to MGO independence of shared reliance.
Imagine in the future technology is such that we have flying spaceships that can park on Earth or fly to the moon. Spaceships that can even fly to Mars. Irreni World Scale then becomes Irreni Solar System Scale. The MGO independence provides the spaceship crew. The MGO spaceship has the 3D printing workshop that provides all of life's essentials, medical facilities with a med bed, and food reserves for the trip.
Okay, back to Earth. Irreni World Scale provides virus protection albeit disease, panic, or computer. Irreni World Scale provides MGO quarantine capabilities that do not exist today. Irreni does this by an invention of the MGO, a fixed group size of thirty people who when combined have enough expertise to effectively use technology seeds for the essentials of life. Capitalism tomorrow between MGOs focuses on providing technology seeds instead of finished consumer products that are battlefields of individual success and conquest.
This essay started with a quote about information allocation. Today we are all susceptible to wide-spread panic because we are all paying attention to resold articles of capitalism panic profit that sell us our fears. Tomorrow MGO independence will focus our attention on our MGO and away from mass public content. Further new cold browsing technology will provide a security unavailable today with cold data that has been sanitized for days and not in real-time as with virus checkers today. Our attention then will be properly allocated to our own personal lives and then again to public data that has been sanitized to remove fear for sale.
Join an MGO today.
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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