Happy Sunday!
Cruelty Addiction Solution
My pandemic help today comes as a solution to American's addiction to cruelty.
America has a recent cruelty addiction problem. An end result is Trump instructed his pandemic response team to be cruel and withhold aid to millions of people in Michigan and New York because their leadership did not bow down and kiss Trump's ring.
Trump's cruelty is the point. Trump's cruelty provides a high to his supporters. They are addicted. People are dying of our cruelty addiction because millions are not getting aid.
Trump's bully opinion is, "cruelty ought to teach them a lesson." His supporters agree.
America has a cruelty addiction. Trump is a textbook bully. There is nothing about Trump's bully behavior that is remotely interesting or original. He's a talent-less hack. The problem isn't Trump. The problem is Trump's voters. His voters enjoy the cruelty. For them cruelty is the point. Drinking liberal tears is the point.
How did we get here? It all started in 1980s with the deregulation of the Fairness Doctrine. The Fairness Doctrine stated that news cannot be for profit center and further equal time had to be given to both Democrats and Republicans whereever opinion was sold.
Repbulicans weren't happy with either. They wanted news for profit and they wanted conservative only media. So they got it. We are living the impact today and the worst of it is cruelty addiction that is 100% the responsibilty of conservatives for repealing the Fairness Doctrine and getting what they wished for, irresponsible speech.
Rush Limbaugh is a bully. He's a talent-less hack just like Trump. What can you get from Rush Limbaugh that you can't get anywhere else prior to Rush? Cruelty. Rush is cruel to liberals and all his enemies. That's his only product. He got an American medal for it. Well, he also peddles conspiracy theories. He's a birther. Given Rush makes money as a no talent hack then one could expect an explosion of such bullying o emerge. And it did. It is all of AM hate radio. We have experienced for over thirty years on our public airwaves the broadcast of cruelty 24/7 non-stop. People have gotten addicted.
This cruelty addiction is new. Rush Limbaugh would not have been legally allowed on the air any time prior.
To be sure cruelty addiction is not limited to just conservative media. Cruelty is an easy product to sell. Any moron can do it. Hollywood picked up on this and ran with it. Cruelty also started in the 1990s in Hollywood. This cruelty is wrapped in a less offensive name called "reality TV." Reality TV such as with the umpteen "Real Housewives" is cheap to produce and very high profit. This reality TV relies heavily on cruelty. Sure, there exists special interest reality TV of various interests, but Survivor is the longest running show and exemplary. Even special interest shows are not immune to cruelty. Food porn is a huge industry and a cooking show is easy to produce. Who doesn't like a good cooking show? However, Iron Chef is a food show with the cruel elimination that other cooking shows do not have.
Trump rose to fame in the public eye by being cruel with saying, "You're fired." Americans loved it. This isn't political cruelty, just cruelty. Who in their right mind wants to sit in on a manager firing an employee, let alone enjoy it? I never understood this.
AM radio also has cruelty beyond politics in the form of shock jocks. Howard Stern is a shock jock. Shock jocks at times are political, however shock jocks typically are just bullies in general and thus the use of the word "shock".
The rise of cruelty in media happened in my lifetime and I find it alarming. I don't like bullies. I don't like Howard Stern and I don't like Trump. In the 2000s I wanted to find a solution so I listened to AM hate radio for ten years to educate myself.
You are here because you want a solution, but perhaps you don't listen to AM radio and want proof? Perhaps you don't believe me because you haven't spent ten years listening to AM hate radio. You don't need to spend ten years, just spend one hour listening to the cruelty being sold daily with one of these hosts:
1. Rush Limbaugh
2. Sean Hannity
3. Mark Levin
4. Michael Savage
Here are the things you need to watch out for.
1. Liberals hate us. You don't sell drug addiction as a pusher by selling addiction. Similarly cruelty pushers don't go around saying, "I hate liberals". What they say is "Liberals hate us." This has the added benefit of the "us" and creating victimhood. Victimhood is a classic addiction hook of religion.
2. Anecdotes. At one time one had to have a 2nd class FCC license to do what Rush Limbaugh does. You could have your license revoked for lying. It is a lie to impugn millions of people with the behavior of one, known as an anecdote. This is the go-to cruelty device of AM hate radio. Anecdotes are what passes for reporting on AM hate radio. Anecdotes are the bulk of the air time. Pretty much AM hate radio is just anecdotes of liberals. If you were to cut anecdotes out of AM programming then you would probably have less than ten minutes in an hour of any AM hate radio program. This is why they are talent-less hacks. It is very easy to find anecdotes.
3. Liberals are un-American. Demonizing is baked into our DNA. Religions are founded on it as the word demonizing itself indicates. The penalty for apostasy is death. AM hate radio spends a lot of time demonizing liberals as un-American. Michael Savage calls liberals "red diaper, doper, babies". The point of demonetization is to make someone less than human. Once you do that then violence is justified. When conservatives say liberals are un-American that is just coded speech for saying liberals are not human. This sets up cruelty as acceptable.
4. Foreigner demonetization. Conservatives hate all of Europe and the world. Conservatives don't just hate illegal immigrants. They hate the world. Conservatives will duck and weave on this. What do I mean by that. Well, the British have socialized medicine and as socialists they are hated by conservatives. However, the British are Christian. As Christians they are loved by conservatives. However, the British since WWII have become forty-percent non-religious. Conservatives hate them for this. That's what I mean by ducking and weaving. Some hatred of countries though is pure, like with their hatred of the Palestinians and Mexicans. If you listen to AM hate radio then you might be hesitant to assign their cruelty to all foreigners because of the ducking and weaving. Listen to conservatives talk about the United Nations to remove that hesitancy.
5. Conspiracy theories. Conservative media sells conspiracies theories that are cruel to liberals. The most famous case is Alex Jones spreading a cruel conspiracy theory that Parkland shooting in a elementary school was a hoax. I'd also like to remind you that Trump thinks highly of Alex Jones.
This is enough of a list to convince yourself when listening to AM radio that conservative media sells cruelty as the main product.
America has a cruelty addiction that emerged after the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine. Yet cruelty and bullying are human nature. Cruelty and hatred are found in all societies that have ever existed? What can we expect if cruelty and bullying are natural?
Well, first we managed to eliminate cruelty and hate addiction as a product the first fifty years of radio. So it is historically possible.
How is it possible we defied our nature for the first fifty years of radio? Morality. Morality is how. The whole point of morality is to curb baser natural instincts as with the cruelty of Rush Limbaugh.
Trump then is not the source of our cruelty problem today. Trump is and always has been a bully. He's mean and vindictive. His cruelty is the point of his election by his voters. When conservatives say they finally have a fighter in Trump then what they are saying is they finally have the cruelty and wickedness they always wanted. They finally get to be evil. They are amoral pigs wallowing in evil mud. This is the only explanation for Trump to have a 60% approval rating for handling a pandemic when denying aid to people who don't kiss his ass.
This is relatively new having started in the 1990s. That's the point of this essay. We have a new cruelty addition that our forebears managed to avoid with a Fairness Doctrine morality that is no longer practiced today.
How can we get back to that? How can we cure our cruelty addiction?
Can we just hope cruelty goes away when Trump is gone? Perhaps after Trump leaves office things will return to normal? This is called denial.
The problem is not Trump, it is his voters. Trump was born mentally compromised. Trump's lack of empathy was a birth defect fostered and exacerbated by his childhood. The way I see it Trump is not responsible for being mean and vindictive as a President. That's on his voters. The wanted to elect cruelty. Bullies are a dime a dozen. They are everywhere. Bullies are like flies circling around your dinner plate. You have to shoo them away and still they come back. Bullies want a free dinner they did not make. Bullies are lazy. Bullies are cruel to those who oppose them and hand out favors to those who kowtow.
Trump is not the problem. Finding another Trump will require no effort because they will come and find you just as flies come and find your dinner.
Hoping our American problem of cruelty addiction will go away is simply denial.
Government censorship is problematic and The Fairness Doctrine was always out of sync with the First Amendment.
The moral dilemma is advocating for freedom does not mean advocating for irresponsibility.
The First Amendment advocates irresponsibility presenting absolute rights like with religion and speech. Absolute free speech is absolute irresponsibility. Freedom of religion is freedom of irresponsibility. America has long grappled with this irresponsibility. For example, we outlawed animal sacrifices that are historically central to all religions. We also outlawed bigotry central to most religions. We outlawed yelling fire in a crowded movie house defying absolute free speech. We have tried to compensate for the irresponsibility of absolute rights as required in the Bill of Rights.
We don't live with total, absolute freedom of religion or free speech today. And yet we still suffer irresponsible behavior based upon current absolute interpretations. This is the crux of the problem.
This ever-present absolute irresponsibility is why I am in favor of only reinstating the Fairness Doctrine as a temporary government solution and not a permanent one. We must realize that the Fairness Doctrine is in opposition to the First Amendment.
The fundamental problem is the US Constitution is utter trash. I have many reasons for saying this but one of them happens to be that the US Constitution and specifically the Bill of Rights promotes freedom as freedom of irresponsibility and not freedom of responsibility.
Thus it is today that religion in American is promoting irresponsibility in the name of religion and that irresponsibility is supported by the Bill of Rights. Today the religious are defying social distancing and holding congregation using the First Amendment as protection. And they are right. The First Amendment promotes freedom of irresponsibility by unqualified rights. Some such irresponsibility as with animal sacrifice and bigotry we have dispensed with in defiance of the First Amendment. Who knows, maybe America will similarly pass a law banning religious congregation in times of pandemics.
Irresponsible freedom is baked into the First Amendment of the US Constitution and this is why the Fairness Doctrine was always weak tea. Even so I promote and support bringing back the Fairness Doctrine as a stopgap measure to halt the cruelty addiction bleeding.
As long as the First Amendment exists then the Fairness Doctrine will always be subject to repeal if in fact in can ever be reinstated again.
What is missing from my government argument here so far is that we have multiple governments. So perhaps we can manage cruelty speech at the State and local level.
I am a free speech absolutist with respect to the Federal Government. Everyone in America lives under State government so we could manage speech at the State level. Most Americans live under local government, but not all. Local government seems pointless.
There is a long chain of argument here that I am going to skip. I'm just going to state without argument that censorship and responsible speech should be at the local level, the smallest government. People are never going to agree on what should be censored just like people never agree on what is art. As it has been stated, "I don't know how to define art, I just know it when I see it." I don't how to define what should be censored, I just know it when I see it. This is best set as a community standard.
Federal and State government should be hands off with respect to free speech. Any free speech responsibility perceived today as universal such as yelling fire in a crowded movie theater can simply be enacted by every local government. Easy peasy.
The problem is that our local governments are not set up with speech responsibility tools. Irreni World Scale is. Irreni World Scale defines your local government as sovereign with the same power as the United States Federal government. This local government has a fixed size of thirty people, no more and no less. This government of size thirty is called the micro-modular governing organization, or MGO. Irreni includes technology to censor the internet where no US government can today. This technology is called the cold browser. The cold browser only operates on cold storage data local to your MGO. Your MGO will have both cold and hot networks. The hot network is the internet as we know it today. The cold network only delivers cold storage data. This data is cured for 24-72 hours from the hot network. The cured cold storage data is intended to be heavily censored for not just virus software but also censor peech as defined by your local community standards.
One piece of information is missing here to complete our solution. Addiction requires reuse or reinforcement. Irreni manages cruelty by breaking the cycle of addiction, but does not eliminate hate speech that is available on the hot network. The design makes available to the MGO the cold network as legal network of primary use if desired by that government. The hot network use can be limited to scientific data and little personal use to manage addiction. This is similar to how corporations today filter public information with the corporation using a proxy. Cruelty addiction does not require a ban on cruelty, just frequency of cruelty. People today addicted to cruelty speech must feed that need every day. This is a capitalists' wet dream. This means that without moral imposition then capitalism we practice today will gravitate to cruelty because it is addicting. The Fairness Doctrine is weak tea because it bans all such speech outright and then again is enacting at the largest governing level.
The smallest local government that manages frequency of hate speech then is the solution to our cruelty addiction. The largest of governments enact tyranny and oppression when they censor. The smallest government of local government enforces community standards set by the community when it censors. Therefore local government is the only responsible choice for censorship. Yet today our local governments have no tools to enact speech responsibility. Today local government is often large government with cities like New York having millions of people.
We must adopt Irreni World Scale if we want to have responsible speech.
Irreni World Scale imposes sovereign government power on the smallest unit of government with a design that calls for the MGO, which is fixed size thirty people. The MGO power cannot be trumped. Community standards are final. Further, new technology required for Irreni enables responsible censorship of the hot and cold networks.
So the way I see it right now the solution is to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, warts and all, until we can bring Irreni World Scale online. We could try bringing online the cold browser without full Irreni implementation and this may provide some relief. The issue is self-defined communities that will not break addiction for those seeking to be addicted.
Join an MGO today!
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

Cruelty Addiction Solution
My pandemic help today comes as a solution to American's addiction to cruelty.
America has a recent cruelty addiction problem. An end result is Trump instructed his pandemic response team to be cruel and withhold aid to millions of people in Michigan and New York because their leadership did not bow down and kiss Trump's ring.
Trump's cruelty is the point. Trump's cruelty provides a high to his supporters. They are addicted. People are dying of our cruelty addiction because millions are not getting aid.
Trump's bully opinion is, "cruelty ought to teach them a lesson." His supporters agree.
America has a cruelty addiction. Trump is a textbook bully. There is nothing about Trump's bully behavior that is remotely interesting or original. He's a talent-less hack. The problem isn't Trump. The problem is Trump's voters. His voters enjoy the cruelty. For them cruelty is the point. Drinking liberal tears is the point.
How did we get here? It all started in 1980s with the deregulation of the Fairness Doctrine. The Fairness Doctrine stated that news cannot be for profit center and further equal time had to be given to both Democrats and Republicans whereever opinion was sold.
Repbulicans weren't happy with either. They wanted news for profit and they wanted conservative only media. So they got it. We are living the impact today and the worst of it is cruelty addiction that is 100% the responsibilty of conservatives for repealing the Fairness Doctrine and getting what they wished for, irresponsible speech.
Rush Limbaugh is a bully. He's a talent-less hack just like Trump. What can you get from Rush Limbaugh that you can't get anywhere else prior to Rush? Cruelty. Rush is cruel to liberals and all his enemies. That's his only product. He got an American medal for it. Well, he also peddles conspiracy theories. He's a birther. Given Rush makes money as a no talent hack then one could expect an explosion of such bullying o emerge. And it did. It is all of AM hate radio. We have experienced for over thirty years on our public airwaves the broadcast of cruelty 24/7 non-stop. People have gotten addicted.
This cruelty addiction is new. Rush Limbaugh would not have been legally allowed on the air any time prior.
To be sure cruelty addiction is not limited to just conservative media. Cruelty is an easy product to sell. Any moron can do it. Hollywood picked up on this and ran with it. Cruelty also started in the 1990s in Hollywood. This cruelty is wrapped in a less offensive name called "reality TV." Reality TV such as with the umpteen "Real Housewives" is cheap to produce and very high profit. This reality TV relies heavily on cruelty. Sure, there exists special interest reality TV of various interests, but Survivor is the longest running show and exemplary. Even special interest shows are not immune to cruelty. Food porn is a huge industry and a cooking show is easy to produce. Who doesn't like a good cooking show? However, Iron Chef is a food show with the cruel elimination that other cooking shows do not have.
Trump rose to fame in the public eye by being cruel with saying, "You're fired." Americans loved it. This isn't political cruelty, just cruelty. Who in their right mind wants to sit in on a manager firing an employee, let alone enjoy it? I never understood this.
AM radio also has cruelty beyond politics in the form of shock jocks. Howard Stern is a shock jock. Shock jocks at times are political, however shock jocks typically are just bullies in general and thus the use of the word "shock".
The rise of cruelty in media happened in my lifetime and I find it alarming. I don't like bullies. I don't like Howard Stern and I don't like Trump. In the 2000s I wanted to find a solution so I listened to AM hate radio for ten years to educate myself.
You are here because you want a solution, but perhaps you don't listen to AM radio and want proof? Perhaps you don't believe me because you haven't spent ten years listening to AM hate radio. You don't need to spend ten years, just spend one hour listening to the cruelty being sold daily with one of these hosts:
1. Rush Limbaugh
2. Sean Hannity
3. Mark Levin
4. Michael Savage
Here are the things you need to watch out for.
1. Liberals hate us. You don't sell drug addiction as a pusher by selling addiction. Similarly cruelty pushers don't go around saying, "I hate liberals". What they say is "Liberals hate us." This has the added benefit of the "us" and creating victimhood. Victimhood is a classic addiction hook of religion.
2. Anecdotes. At one time one had to have a 2nd class FCC license to do what Rush Limbaugh does. You could have your license revoked for lying. It is a lie to impugn millions of people with the behavior of one, known as an anecdote. This is the go-to cruelty device of AM hate radio. Anecdotes are what passes for reporting on AM hate radio. Anecdotes are the bulk of the air time. Pretty much AM hate radio is just anecdotes of liberals. If you were to cut anecdotes out of AM programming then you would probably have less than ten minutes in an hour of any AM hate radio program. This is why they are talent-less hacks. It is very easy to find anecdotes.
3. Liberals are un-American. Demonizing is baked into our DNA. Religions are founded on it as the word demonizing itself indicates. The penalty for apostasy is death. AM hate radio spends a lot of time demonizing liberals as un-American. Michael Savage calls liberals "red diaper, doper, babies". The point of demonetization is to make someone less than human. Once you do that then violence is justified. When conservatives say liberals are un-American that is just coded speech for saying liberals are not human. This sets up cruelty as acceptable.
4. Foreigner demonetization. Conservatives hate all of Europe and the world. Conservatives don't just hate illegal immigrants. They hate the world. Conservatives will duck and weave on this. What do I mean by that. Well, the British have socialized medicine and as socialists they are hated by conservatives. However, the British are Christian. As Christians they are loved by conservatives. However, the British since WWII have become forty-percent non-religious. Conservatives hate them for this. That's what I mean by ducking and weaving. Some hatred of countries though is pure, like with their hatred of the Palestinians and Mexicans. If you listen to AM hate radio then you might be hesitant to assign their cruelty to all foreigners because of the ducking and weaving. Listen to conservatives talk about the United Nations to remove that hesitancy.
5. Conspiracy theories. Conservative media sells conspiracies theories that are cruel to liberals. The most famous case is Alex Jones spreading a cruel conspiracy theory that Parkland shooting in a elementary school was a hoax. I'd also like to remind you that Trump thinks highly of Alex Jones.
This is enough of a list to convince yourself when listening to AM radio that conservative media sells cruelty as the main product.
Where did our new cruelty addiction come from?
America has a cruelty addiction that emerged after the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine. Yet cruelty and bullying are human nature. Cruelty and hatred are found in all societies that have ever existed? What can we expect if cruelty and bullying are natural?
Well, first we managed to eliminate cruelty and hate addiction as a product the first fifty years of radio. So it is historically possible.
How is it possible we defied our nature for the first fifty years of radio? Morality. Morality is how. The whole point of morality is to curb baser natural instincts as with the cruelty of Rush Limbaugh.
Trump then is not the source of our cruelty problem today. Trump is and always has been a bully. He's mean and vindictive. His cruelty is the point of his election by his voters. When conservatives say they finally have a fighter in Trump then what they are saying is they finally have the cruelty and wickedness they always wanted. They finally get to be evil. They are amoral pigs wallowing in evil mud. This is the only explanation for Trump to have a 60% approval rating for handling a pandemic when denying aid to people who don't kiss his ass.
This is relatively new having started in the 1990s. That's the point of this essay. We have a new cruelty addition that our forebears managed to avoid with a Fairness Doctrine morality that is no longer practiced today.
How can we get back to that? How can we cure our cruelty addiction?
Is hope a solution?
Can we just hope cruelty goes away when Trump is gone? Perhaps after Trump leaves office things will return to normal? This is called denial.
The problem is not Trump, it is his voters. Trump was born mentally compromised. Trump's lack of empathy was a birth defect fostered and exacerbated by his childhood. The way I see it Trump is not responsible for being mean and vindictive as a President. That's on his voters. The wanted to elect cruelty. Bullies are a dime a dozen. They are everywhere. Bullies are like flies circling around your dinner plate. You have to shoo them away and still they come back. Bullies want a free dinner they did not make. Bullies are lazy. Bullies are cruel to those who oppose them and hand out favors to those who kowtow.
Trump is not the problem. Finding another Trump will require no effort because they will come and find you just as flies come and find your dinner.
Hoping our American problem of cruelty addiction will go away is simply denial.
Is government a solution?
Government censorship is problematic and The Fairness Doctrine was always out of sync with the First Amendment.
The moral dilemma is advocating for freedom does not mean advocating for irresponsibility.
The First Amendment advocates irresponsibility presenting absolute rights like with religion and speech. Absolute free speech is absolute irresponsibility. Freedom of religion is freedom of irresponsibility. America has long grappled with this irresponsibility. For example, we outlawed animal sacrifices that are historically central to all religions. We also outlawed bigotry central to most religions. We outlawed yelling fire in a crowded movie house defying absolute free speech. We have tried to compensate for the irresponsibility of absolute rights as required in the Bill of Rights.
We don't live with total, absolute freedom of religion or free speech today. And yet we still suffer irresponsible behavior based upon current absolute interpretations. This is the crux of the problem.
This ever-present absolute irresponsibility is why I am in favor of only reinstating the Fairness Doctrine as a temporary government solution and not a permanent one. We must realize that the Fairness Doctrine is in opposition to the First Amendment.
The fundamental problem is the US Constitution is utter trash. I have many reasons for saying this but one of them happens to be that the US Constitution and specifically the Bill of Rights promotes freedom as freedom of irresponsibility and not freedom of responsibility.
Thus it is today that religion in American is promoting irresponsibility in the name of religion and that irresponsibility is supported by the Bill of Rights. Today the religious are defying social distancing and holding congregation using the First Amendment as protection. And they are right. The First Amendment promotes freedom of irresponsibility by unqualified rights. Some such irresponsibility as with animal sacrifice and bigotry we have dispensed with in defiance of the First Amendment. Who knows, maybe America will similarly pass a law banning religious congregation in times of pandemics.
Irresponsible freedom is baked into the First Amendment of the US Constitution and this is why the Fairness Doctrine was always weak tea. Even so I promote and support bringing back the Fairness Doctrine as a stopgap measure to halt the cruelty addiction bleeding.
As long as the First Amendment exists then the Fairness Doctrine will always be subject to repeal if in fact in can ever be reinstated again.
What is missing from my government argument here so far is that we have multiple governments. So perhaps we can manage cruelty speech at the State and local level.
I am a free speech absolutist with respect to the Federal Government. Everyone in America lives under State government so we could manage speech at the State level. Most Americans live under local government, but not all. Local government seems pointless.
There is a long chain of argument here that I am going to skip. I'm just going to state without argument that censorship and responsible speech should be at the local level, the smallest government. People are never going to agree on what should be censored just like people never agree on what is art. As it has been stated, "I don't know how to define art, I just know it when I see it." I don't how to define what should be censored, I just know it when I see it. This is best set as a community standard.
Federal and State government should be hands off with respect to free speech. Any free speech responsibility perceived today as universal such as yelling fire in a crowded movie theater can simply be enacted by every local government. Easy peasy.
The problem is that our local governments are not set up with speech responsibility tools. Irreni World Scale is. Irreni World Scale defines your local government as sovereign with the same power as the United States Federal government. This local government has a fixed size of thirty people, no more and no less. This government of size thirty is called the micro-modular governing organization, or MGO. Irreni includes technology to censor the internet where no US government can today. This technology is called the cold browser. The cold browser only operates on cold storage data local to your MGO. Your MGO will have both cold and hot networks. The hot network is the internet as we know it today. The cold network only delivers cold storage data. This data is cured for 24-72 hours from the hot network. The cured cold storage data is intended to be heavily censored for not just virus software but also censor peech as defined by your local community standards.
One piece of information is missing here to complete our solution. Addiction requires reuse or reinforcement. Irreni manages cruelty by breaking the cycle of addiction, but does not eliminate hate speech that is available on the hot network. The design makes available to the MGO the cold network as legal network of primary use if desired by that government. The hot network use can be limited to scientific data and little personal use to manage addiction. This is similar to how corporations today filter public information with the corporation using a proxy. Cruelty addiction does not require a ban on cruelty, just frequency of cruelty. People today addicted to cruelty speech must feed that need every day. This is a capitalists' wet dream. This means that without moral imposition then capitalism we practice today will gravitate to cruelty because it is addicting. The Fairness Doctrine is weak tea because it bans all such speech outright and then again is enacting at the largest governing level.
The Solution
The smallest local government that manages frequency of hate speech then is the solution to our cruelty addiction. The largest of governments enact tyranny and oppression when they censor. The smallest government of local government enforces community standards set by the community when it censors. Therefore local government is the only responsible choice for censorship. Yet today our local governments have no tools to enact speech responsibility. Today local government is often large government with cities like New York having millions of people.
We must adopt Irreni World Scale if we want to have responsible speech.
Irreni World Scale imposes sovereign government power on the smallest unit of government with a design that calls for the MGO, which is fixed size thirty people. The MGO power cannot be trumped. Community standards are final. Further, new technology required for Irreni enables responsible censorship of the hot and cold networks.
So the way I see it right now the solution is to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, warts and all, until we can bring Irreni World Scale online. We could try bringing online the cold browser without full Irreni implementation and this may provide some relief. The issue is self-defined communities that will not break addiction for those seeking to be addicted.
Join an MGO today!
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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