Happy Wednesday!
Should I visit my dentist for my biannual cleaning during the coronavirus isolation period?
Of course not. What should I do if I can't go to the dentist? Should I change my eating habits? Can I self-clean better or do I have to avoid sugary foods? Are scientists working on better self-cleaning solutions? I mean someone sticking their hand in my mouth is a bad idea. Let me ask you this: have you heard any leadership response regarding dentistry? I haven't seen any. Here are a couple of questions I have about dentistry that the people running our country should have already answered if they were doing their jobs:
Why are we so short sighted? For hundreds of years it has been the case that insurance companies cannot cover pandemics. Why? Because insurance is a Ponzi scheme. Insurance companies only have enough money if a very low percentage of their members make claims. Cross that low percentage threshold and the insurance company will go out of business.
Why aren't our governments better prepared for this? Where are our leaders of any party? I don't get it. A pandemic has been a very high risk for decades, a certainty even. A pandemic happening was not a matter of if but when.
Here is another question. Why are we only using our AI for profit? Why haven't we run pandemic simulations these last twenty years so that our governments know how best to slow down economies and mitigate the secondary deaths from social distancing?
I'll tell you why. Consumerism. Our entire planet has a top priority of consumer profit, everything else is secondary. Consumer capitalism is by definition amoral. There are no principles in consumerism other than someone who makes the most money wins. Everything moral in a consumer economy is left begging for scraps and handouts such as with Doctors Without Borders.
Democracy and its heart-beat, consumer capitalism, have run their course. Running a world with an amoral system as the top priority means that we have never run AI simulations for how best to slow down an economy during social distancing.
We need to ween ourselves off of Democracy and consumer capitalism. What would replace them? The answer is Irreni World Scale and moral capitalism that is defined to mean group independence capitalism. Irreni World Scale is a new system of government that has at its foundation micro governments of size thirty people. These micro-governments of tomorrow will have the same legal sovereignty as any country today. These micro governments are called micro-modular governments or MGOs. These MGOs of size thirty people are obligated to strive for as much independence as is possible.
How does this help with coronavirus today? Well Irreni gives us a path forward. In the future MGOs will make their own food, shelter and clothing. Everything is made from reusable parts. The MGO then does final assembly of complicated devices from these components like say with a smart phone. These reusable components then can be stockpiled much easier than say stock piling individual final products like toilet paper. We'll have paper stock for making any kind of paper product using 3D printers like with toilet paper.
The objective of group independence capitalism mitigates the spread of a pandemic simply by the nature of that local independence means isolation. Each MGO can choose to have a medical bay complete with a dentistry chair. One of the thirty members of the MGO can easily be trained for preventive care such as teeth cleaning and taking x-rays.
Consumer capitalism doesn't scale on so many levels. Private insurance being one of them. Private insurance cannot handle any large crisis that exceeds its cash reserves that rely solely on a low claim percentage to be viable. Consumerism is the exact opposite of independence where consumer capitalists stand to make the most money when everyone buys the same product, like say Coca-Cola. Consumer capitalism is highly incentivised to put everyone in the same boat or to use the same product in order to optimize profits on that boat or product. Everyone consuming the same product maximizes profits. Take a Carnival cruise with thousands of people! This puts us all at risk. Imagine if it were determined that something in Coca-Cola had a world-wide contaminate.
Consumer capitalism corrupts Democracy. You have entire political parties that promote that corporations are best at for running everything. These consumer corporations would never make long-term, unprofitable investments in pandemic simulations because there is no consumer profit in it. Our governments today are not completely irresponsible, but they are minimally responsible. Why only minimal? Because profit comes before all else. Disaster response and recovery are not profit makers. Therefore our governments who are lobbied heavily by for profit consumer companies are given financial incentive to short-change disaster responses. We are seeing the results first-hand. Especially with economic slow down due to social distancing. The economic slow down is a complete disaster because there was no plan.
The good news is that a solution for improving government exists, Irreni World Scale and MGOs. The bad news is that the plan for developing Irreni takes two-hundred years. Irreni must be gradually socialized. Cultures must be weened off of the instant gratification of consumer spending and conditioned to the hard work of group independence. Irreni then will be a Democracy assistive government for hundreds of years to come.
When are we going to admit that a game of musical chairs electing new officials has proven to be ineffective now for decades? Democracy constitutions are not resilient enough to undergo the kinds of rapid changes needed to meet the needs of our changing economic and biological climates. We need new government that can nimbly respond and more importantly we need moral economies.
The people running our countries these days are clueless. Much of this can be attributed to the short-sighted nature of consumer capitalism that only survives quarter-to-quarter. These companies then tie the hands of government and thus government has no long-term future planning. Everything in a consumer economy revolves around near-future economic health. This is why insurance company financial reserves can only handle small claim percentages or hospitals only have enough ICUs for average load. The people running our countries today have their hands tied by consumer capitalism. They do not have public support for long term thinking, or even thinking beyond the next quarter.
Join an MGO today!
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

Should I visit my dentist for my biannual cleaning during the coronavirus isolation period?
Of course not. What should I do if I can't go to the dentist? Should I change my eating habits? Can I self-clean better or do I have to avoid sugary foods? Are scientists working on better self-cleaning solutions? I mean someone sticking their hand in my mouth is a bad idea. Let me ask you this: have you heard any leadership response regarding dentistry? I haven't seen any. Here are a couple of questions I have about dentistry that the people running our country should have already answered if they were doing their jobs:
- Will my local dentist go out of business? One has to imagine that preventive care makes up a substantial percentage of their overall income.
- Can small businesses like my local dentist file natural disaster insurance claims? Surely a pandemic is a natural disaster?
- What if people start dying due to a lack of dental care? This seems a silly question but there are lots of panic stories going around about how slowing down the economy will result in secondary deaths due to economic slowdown.
Why are we so short sighted? For hundreds of years it has been the case that insurance companies cannot cover pandemics. Why? Because insurance is a Ponzi scheme. Insurance companies only have enough money if a very low percentage of their members make claims. Cross that low percentage threshold and the insurance company will go out of business.
Why aren't our governments better prepared for this? Where are our leaders of any party? I don't get it. A pandemic has been a very high risk for decades, a certainty even. A pandemic happening was not a matter of if but when.
Here is another question. Why are we only using our AI for profit? Why haven't we run pandemic simulations these last twenty years so that our governments know how best to slow down economies and mitigate the secondary deaths from social distancing?
I'll tell you why. Consumerism. Our entire planet has a top priority of consumer profit, everything else is secondary. Consumer capitalism is by definition amoral. There are no principles in consumerism other than someone who makes the most money wins. Everything moral in a consumer economy is left begging for scraps and handouts such as with Doctors Without Borders.
Democracy and its heart-beat, consumer capitalism, have run their course. Running a world with an amoral system as the top priority means that we have never run AI simulations for how best to slow down an economy during social distancing.
We need to ween ourselves off of Democracy and consumer capitalism. What would replace them? The answer is Irreni World Scale and moral capitalism that is defined to mean group independence capitalism. Irreni World Scale is a new system of government that has at its foundation micro governments of size thirty people. These micro-governments of tomorrow will have the same legal sovereignty as any country today. These micro governments are called micro-modular governments or MGOs. These MGOs of size thirty people are obligated to strive for as much independence as is possible.
How does this help with coronavirus today? Well Irreni gives us a path forward. In the future MGOs will make their own food, shelter and clothing. Everything is made from reusable parts. The MGO then does final assembly of complicated devices from these components like say with a smart phone. These reusable components then can be stockpiled much easier than say stock piling individual final products like toilet paper. We'll have paper stock for making any kind of paper product using 3D printers like with toilet paper.
The objective of group independence capitalism mitigates the spread of a pandemic simply by the nature of that local independence means isolation. Each MGO can choose to have a medical bay complete with a dentistry chair. One of the thirty members of the MGO can easily be trained for preventive care such as teeth cleaning and taking x-rays.
Consumer capitalism doesn't scale on so many levels. Private insurance being one of them. Private insurance cannot handle any large crisis that exceeds its cash reserves that rely solely on a low claim percentage to be viable. Consumerism is the exact opposite of independence where consumer capitalists stand to make the most money when everyone buys the same product, like say Coca-Cola. Consumer capitalism is highly incentivised to put everyone in the same boat or to use the same product in order to optimize profits on that boat or product. Everyone consuming the same product maximizes profits. Take a Carnival cruise with thousands of people! This puts us all at risk. Imagine if it were determined that something in Coca-Cola had a world-wide contaminate.
Consumer capitalism corrupts Democracy. You have entire political parties that promote that corporations are best at for running everything. These consumer corporations would never make long-term, unprofitable investments in pandemic simulations because there is no consumer profit in it. Our governments today are not completely irresponsible, but they are minimally responsible. Why only minimal? Because profit comes before all else. Disaster response and recovery are not profit makers. Therefore our governments who are lobbied heavily by for profit consumer companies are given financial incentive to short-change disaster responses. We are seeing the results first-hand. Especially with economic slow down due to social distancing. The economic slow down is a complete disaster because there was no plan.
The good news is that a solution for improving government exists, Irreni World Scale and MGOs. The bad news is that the plan for developing Irreni takes two-hundred years. Irreni must be gradually socialized. Cultures must be weened off of the instant gratification of consumer spending and conditioned to the hard work of group independence. Irreni then will be a Democracy assistive government for hundreds of years to come.
When are we going to admit that a game of musical chairs electing new officials has proven to be ineffective now for decades? Democracy constitutions are not resilient enough to undergo the kinds of rapid changes needed to meet the needs of our changing economic and biological climates. We need new government that can nimbly respond and more importantly we need moral economies.
The people running our countries these days are clueless. Much of this can be attributed to the short-sighted nature of consumer capitalism that only survives quarter-to-quarter. These companies then tie the hands of government and thus government has no long-term future planning. Everything in a consumer economy revolves around near-future economic health. This is why insurance company financial reserves can only handle small claim percentages or hospitals only have enough ICUs for average load. The people running our countries today have their hands tied by consumer capitalism. They do not have public support for long term thinking, or even thinking beyond the next quarter.
Join an MGO today!
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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