Emergency Preparedness Redux
Zappy Friday!
In yesterday's Irreni post the topic of emergency preparedness was addressed using two design features of Irreni World Scale:
MGO optimized group independence means that MGOs are designed to be as independent as possible. MGOs require new campuses that have not only houses for living but also storage for stocks, gardens for growing, workshops for making and medical facilities for medical care. To whit, MGOs will produce their own toilet paper from paper stock, stock that is also used in a variety of MGO made products. MGO campuses then will include storage facilities for electronic components, paper stock, metal stock, and food supplies. MGO campuses will have hydroponic gardens and buildings to grow their own food. Emergency preparedness then is built into the design of Irreni World Scale. Isolation as a defense mechanism against computer and biological viruses is built into the design of the MGO group of thirty people.
Capitalism being refocused from consumer products to moral responsibility means that the stock market dropping and affecting 401k plans of retirement will be a thing of the past. MGO economies do not focus on consumer products but rather governing projects of group independence. What we think of as consumer products today will be made on campus. Instead capitalism will be used to drive governing projects that require large groups of people. For example, let us consider the case of the automobile. Today we go to a car dealer and buy a finished product. Tomorrow MGOs will do the final assembly from components. We have yet to create an automobile from 3D printing but that notion is the concept here. Large parts will be 3D printed. Electronic components commonly used on many other devices will be assembled for automobile manufacturing purposes. Finally assembly of the car may be done by hiring a "pit crew" from outside the MGO. Another quick example of group independence is my house in Maine has a well and a generator. MGOs in the future will also stockpile water and generate energy.
Emergency preparedness with respect to self-isolation then is built into the design of Irreni via a government design that calls for society to focus on MGO group independence. This requires retooling capitalism from profit first and social responsibility second to that of prioritizing social responsibility first and profit second.
Well now. Irreni World Scale seems like a rather big pill to swallow. Could Irreni be realistically adopted? Yes.
Irreni World Scale is designed for Earth-wide adoption. Irreni World Scale is intended to be adopted by all seven-billion people or whatever the world population happens to be. Eventually Irreni should replace nations and other forms of governing.
To keep this brief and under a fifteen minute read I will use the concepts of grafting, symbiosis, and free will.
First grafting. What is grafting with respect to governing? Well, when Americans talk about the failures of socialism and communism then they blame the ideology. However, when Americans talk about democracy failure in Iraq or Afghanistan then American's blame the citizens of those countries for not adapting. The latter notion is grafting. America's track record for grafting Democracy onto other countries is abysmal. America had two big successes with Japan and Germany after WWII and ever since felt emboldened to graft Democracy onto Latin American countries, Middle Eastern countries, African countries, Asian countries and pretty much every country in the world not a Democracy. America has failed far more than it has succeeded in nation building.
America's rush to graft Democracy worldwide was in large part due to a cold war with the USSR spreading communism. Communism failed almost completely. The few countries claiming communism such as China are governments of failures. These governments oppress their own peoples. Communism as it was originally espoused was intended to eradicate oppression, not embolden it. It is safe to say then communism never took, it never grafted. Countries such as Cuba that claim communist governing are failures of authoritarianism.
The central question is this: are new government adoption failures due to the ideology or the inability to graft onto the existing culture?
Grafting. Always grafting. One could argue that the incompatibility of say communism to graft onto any existing culture is due to some fundamental flaws in the ideology. However, there is much evidence to the contrary. Aspects of socialism and communism are adopted by all governments worldwide including the United States even if entire government is not. Thus it is today that socialists today prefer to be called Democratic Socialists. They are acknowledging that only aspects of the ideology are practical.
Thomas Paine made a fundamental flaw assessing natural governing tendencies. This is because Thomas Paine's world view was limited to Europeans migrating to American. These Europeans all came from a monarchy tradition that included some local governing autonomy in the form of local judges and governors for a province running the day-to-day affairs. The settlers of early America then just took these traditions and adopted them to colonial governing. Thomas Paine mistook this pattern as a built-in pattern of all human nature and declared democracy the birthright of all Earthlings. Paine's arguments were compelling to the founders and so it is many of them wrote of aspirations of spreading democracy to everyone on Earth. It is true Irreni World Scale is intended for world adoption but that is where the similarity ends with respect to the founders view of democracy.
Historians and modern anthropologists were the ones who observed this phenomenon of democracy being a cultural affirmation and not base human nature. They observed that Democracy was an affirmation of what people were already experienced with and not some novel invention at the time of its adoption. This means that the grafting of the US Constitution onto the thirteen colonies had minimal rejection factors. However, the entire history of the 20th century could be surmised as failures to graft new government onto cultures when that government would be considered novel to the natives.
The fact that some governments types as communism always fail as a whole ignores the fact that aspects of them do graft in part. Also, democracy has a huge failure rate to graft even as it has success. Democracy is not our base nature but must be trained. If so then what is our base nature? Our base nature is the un-thought thought: authoritarianism. Authoritarianism has many names because it is ubiquitous. Monarchy, despotism, fascism, theocracy, tribalism, patriarchy, and communism are just a few. Our base nature is for some amoral individuals to rule a group through force. People go along with this because it represents the un-thought thought. As long as I don't have to concern myself with anything but my own life then I'm will to give up almost every aspect of my autonomy. Of course this is an oversimplification. For example patriarchy is a hierarchy of authoritarianism where the husband gets to be the despot. The husband likes this arrangement and so thinks that males dominating males in such larger hierarchies is only natural and right.
Authoritarianism then requires no education of its population. Authoritarianism is over two-hundred thousand years old and as old as human nature itself.
This default nature is not moral. In fact the definition of morality can simply stated as applying free will to control our base nature for the benefit of all.
America's history since its inception can in many ways be classified as a constant struggle to improve free will to control our base nature for ever larger groups of people. For example, child abuse as a word was not invented until after the civil war. Further, child labor laws were not invented until after factories were invented. Women and minorities have been receiving ever larger benefits in American culture throughout American history where gay marriage is the most recent example.
All of our base nature being controlled with traditional and new morals represents grafting. Grafting implies a slow growth of adoption. Imposing any new government with novel morals foreign to a people will always fail albeit democracy or communism. Thomas Paine was wrong. Democracy is not our base nature. Authoritarianism of no education and un-thought thought is our base nature. Any governing beyond our base nature requires morals and as these morals include larger groups of people then they require education. Morality of the uneducated will always be minimal. This is why despots always prefer the uneducated.
Imagine we had a do-over with invading Iraq and imposing democracy again. What could we do better to improve our chances of implementing democracy there? First and foremost an assessment of all the traditions, morals, and governing already in existence would be needed. Second, a democracy grafting plan tailored precisely to that culture would be designed. This would greatly improve the chances of democracy being grafted onto any country.
Why didn't we do this? What I just described is common knowledge among historians and anthropologists. No one educated in this field believes that you just can't waltz into a country and say, "hey, write a constitution will ya so we can get out of here." The reason we didn't create a tailored plan with Iraq is that the people in charge were morons and had no education or understanding of what I just wrote. George W. Bush is a dullard.
It is always grafting and never ideology that causes newly imposed governments to fail. However, we see in countries all over the world where failed attempts to perform whole government grafts of say socialism fail but leave behind aspects that are adopted.
It is just plain ole American arrogance to blame the ideology for other government types that fail, but only then to blame grafting on the local people when it comes democracy failing. How very convenient. The fact is that democracy is unnatural and must be grafted by education, training and practice.
Grafting works through a process called symbioses. New governing morals must live side-by-side with old morals for extended periods of time. We see this playing out today in the United States with gay marriage. Christians may be caterwauling like a stuck pig about gay marriage but they are going about their daily lives otherwise. Does anybody really expect for gay marriage to ever be prohibited again in the US?
Abortion, however, is a more interesting case of symbiosis. On one hand a new moral requiring abortion access has provided women with much better life opportunity and been socially adopted. On the other hand the pro-life movement is alive and well. The pro-life movement is an interesting case study for symbiosis because very little violence has ensued suggesting new moral adoption is complete. However, legally the pro-life movement is making gains. I can tell you for sure though that the pro-life movement will ultimately be assimilated if for no other reason than technology will make abortion moot. Once technology improves and the number of abortions reaches a certain reduced threshold of annual occurrence then the pro-life movement will dry up.
Symbiosis then is a key factor to new moral and new governing adoption because culture changes slowly. Humans are slow to adopt new morals. This makes symbiosis an absolute must have for any governing change. New and old morals must live side-by-side. How slow is slow? Well, in the original affirmative action case the judge used four-hundred years. He argued that slavery and its various derivatives had wreaked havoc on blacks for over four-hundred years that it wasn't moral for a society to allow another four-hundred years to correct the damage and therefore affirmative action was morally required to accelerate blacks adoption into mainstream culture. Hundreds of years is about right. Humans do not respond well to sudden changes in culture. We can see this every day in the United States as new technologies are introduced and we are slow to respond as with texting-and-driving laws.
To summarize then grafting and symbiosis are required for imposing any new government that truly aspires to impose improved morality to benefit more people. Further ever increasing education is also required to increase moral complexity and expand opportunity to ever larger groups.
Why do people naturally adopt new governing and new morals? The answer in short is free will. There are certainly complicating factors like instant gratification and the pleasure principal. America's love for unhealthy food that tastes good and is addictive in nature is one such example. So on one hand we apply a sin tax on alcohol but on the other hand sell alcohol in restaurants that people have to drive away from.
We are going to ignore complicating factors. For our purposes here we are just going to focus on freedom and free will. Give me liberty or give death. Give me control or give me death. Give me opportunity or give me death. Give me irresponsibility or give me death. Okay we never say that last one. When we say free then it is understood we mean free to chose responsibility of our choosing and not free to be irresponsible.
The classic definition of free will has been updated in the modern era.
Traditionally classic free will meant all choices are available at the same cost of making the choice itself even if the implementation of the choice has widely varying costs. A justice system is predicated on this definition of free will. This is why our justice system fails people with mental health disabilities. We know such people are mentally impaired and not all choices are available to them. In our justice system pleas of insanity are highly questionable justice judgments because the underlying free will assumption is incorrect.
Today we recognize that every person has limited free will. Very much so in fact. Addiction is involuntary and well known to be the cause of substance abuse. Classic free will mandates temptation that can be avoided is the cause. Classic free will teaches temptation and seduction were appeals to the pleasure principle. These appeals that could be overcome with free will. We now know that is not the case. Addiction is compulsive behavior. On a much larger scale we know that people are not free to exercise and diet as they want. Billions of us on this planet today know we should be eating better and exercising and yet do not do so. We cannot scientifically assign these billions of free will defying decisions to free will.
How do we overcome our free will limitations? How do we get out of these traps of compulsive will? Well, humans try many things. We try self-help books, diet pills, religion, blaming others, blaming others again!, and most often denial. We deny we lack free will to make a choice and just develop low self-esteem.
So what then? Well it helps to understand what separates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom. It is common to attribute tools, language, and social groups as the main benefits of consciousness provided by human brains. Is it possible humans can use these three attributes to remove our natural limitations on free will? Of course! In our case we focus on group independence that promotes individual independence by using language to create better tools to improve individual living conditions . Group free will also increases individual free will by overcoming individual free-will limitations.
We must certainly hang together or we will certainly hang separately. Together we stand, divided we fall. And so it goes with conventional wisdom recognizing group benefit to the individual. No individual can create a smartphone, an automobile, an airplane, or just simple plastic material alone. We need each other both for benefit of language and tools as well as social group benefit for overcoming our individual free-will limitations.
When we think about increasing our own individual opportunity possibilities we must then think about our group independence responsibilities. Our limited free will limitations can be removed by group dependence.
What is this group independence? Group independence is in some way defined to be the opposite of authoritarianism. Authoritarianism focuses all of our language, tool and social group benefits of human nature on the king, emperor, patriarch, etc. Authoritarianism results in death, slavery, tyranny and oppression of those in the group providing benefit for someone else; namely the king and his cronies. Group independence is the opposite of this. Group independence defines ever increasing degrees of individual opportunity when combing independent groups. Say for example group A can provide 100 distinct opportunities for its people. Further assume group B can provide 100 distinct opportunities for its people. The survival opportunities such as with food, clothing and shelter will have some overlap between our groups A & B. Still there will be unique inventions and unique opportunities provided by both A & B groups. Now let us say these two groups join forces and share all opportunities. Let us assume for this argument that each group member now has a total of 150 distinct opportunities when joining forces where previously they only had 100. Fifty are overlapping then. However, that is not where the story ends. The larger set of people can now create opportunities unique to that larger size group. Group independence means that there are distinct sub-groups with independence and well defined opportunities. Today we call two such groups family and corporations. In some ways families provide repetitive survival opportunities. Corporations provide paychecks of survival opportunity but are otherwise modular and independent in providing distinct opportunities to the overall combined group. Corporations build cars, families do not.
Group independence then is the observation that social group benefit is optimized using groups of groups and not some hive mentality of one group of providing all opportunities like the Borg on Star Trek.
Okay then the best way to optimize individual freedom of opportunity is to optimize group independence. Are today's groups optimal?Anybody who works for a corporation will tell you that tyranny and oppression are rampant. Holding a survival paycheck over our head as a free will choice is a disingenuous representation of free will to say the least. Saying having your choice of tyranny and oppressive companies to work for is also free will is just pathetic. Corporations are tyrannical.
Irreni dispenses with corporations in favor of MGOs. The trail of thought from corporations to MGOs is a book unto itself and so we are just going to assume for this conversation that MGOs are optimal.
I can give some intuition though.
First MGOs are optimal for grafting and symbiosis. MGOs can initiate as supplemental organizations and not revolutionary. The MGO plan for the United States is to live side-by-side with local, State, and Federal governments for at least one-hundred years. MGOs will also exist side-by-side with corporations but will begin to replace corporations immediately to the fastest extent possible. MGOs will take over most manufacturing and service industries before moving on to local governments. Corporations have failed Americans. Their executives are despots and authoritarians who would be recognized as such except they are not murdering people wantonly. No one is going to miss corporations or more importantly resist grafting MGO groups onto society in their place.
The size thirty is chosen to provide enough group benefit beyond just a few people but not so much that even the most dependent people can be overlooked. The fixed size is paramount to managing dependent people. Every culture has the sick, elderly, and children who are dependent on others. A fixed size allows distribution of dependent people with integrity. There is not enough room here for full explanation, but intuitively a fixed size of thirty people induces an incentive for those thirty people to encourage minimal production opportunity of its dependents so as to optimize overall group benefit opportunity. In other words, if grandma can knit us hats we'll take it. Whatever little benefit someone who is otherwise dependent and consuming group resources is still valuable and provides meaning to very dependent.
A fixed size also provides building blocks of larger groups. Again just some intuition here. Computers also use fixed size groups of bits. These groups are not called MGOs, but rather pages. All computers transport data using fixed size groups of bits called pages. Network traffic and file blocks all use pages defined to be of 4,000 bytes in memory. In other words you cannot just load one byte into memory. Memory requests must always be in blocks of 4K. Are there inefficiencies do to empty pages? Sure, but the trade-off of typically groups of full pages with at most one empty page makes logistics in computer architecture in both software and hardware optimally efficient. Irreni World Scale is designed to work upon the same principle. Today real estate agents in the US sell houses of one, two and three bedrooms as the most efficient living configuration. Tomorrow entire campuses of thirty people will be the unit. These campuses will include all the facilities such as workshops for MGO independence. The fixed size of thirty for group independence maps to an optimal architecture similar to how real estate is sold to families today.
The largest obstacle for worldwide adoption that all new governments must overcome is grafting. Thomas Paine got democracy grafting wrong by arguing democracy was base human nature. It is not. Irreni World Scale allows for authoritarian regimes to adopt it. That is how Irreni World Scale can be claimed to be a world wide design. Irreni World Scale is a meta-government. It defines meta parameters such as fixing group size to thirty people blocks. A meta parameter is a functional parameter and not an ideological one.
Once an MGO is formed then the MGO is free to choose any kind of government they want. They can choose a democracy. They can choose a theocracy. They can choose a captain and military structure. So what's the point of Irreni then?
Irreni is a qualitative and quantitative system. Irreni doesn't care what you believe. Believe what you will. Irreni very much cares about measuring benefit. You can start out an MGO within the most despotic society. Irreni World Scale requires each individual within an MGO to have a smart phone with Irreni apps. These apps collect data on qualitative and quantitative individual health and opportunity. Irreni then provides feedback as to overall improvement over time. When any MGO becomes more tyrannical and oppressive then Irreni provides a refereeing system to exchange members of an MGO with members from any other MGO. This membership change will cause social group pressures between MGOs to maintain quality of life standards at a minimum the referees of Irreni are using. These metrics will be specific to a region and gradually converge to some universal metrics as Irreni comes online and is adopted world wide.
Irreni uses a refereeing system then that is optimized for grafting and symbiosis where rule of law systems are prohibitive. Rule of law systems are an all or nothing approach using absolute human rights.
Climate change response is emergency preparedness. We need to be prepared for climate change. We are not. We are woefully unprepared and our existing systems of democracy and consumer economy capitalism prioritize profit over social responsibility. We cannot sustain this as a species and not suffer untold deaths and causalties because we are living in woefully flawed systems.
Irreni World Scale improves upon existing group cooperation by optimizing group independence using modular governing blocks of MGOs. These MGOs are designed to be grafted onto any existing government today, including authoritarian ones, where each MGO is allowed a government of its choice in exchange for meeting ever improving quality standards. This is true freedom. Chose the government you want but at the responsible cost of proving efficacy. When efficacy of group benefit is reduced then an Irreni referee will change MGO membership to align overall MGO membership with optimal overall group benefit quality improvements.
Emergency preparedness redux requires us to change our existing governments. We must admit that all the world's existing governments have reach peak emergency preparedness and can provide no more. We must admit revolution is no longer feasible. Imposing new alien government morals will fail as is told by the entire history of the 20th century. Instead we must take the required time to allow for slow cultural change using grafting. Cultural change can take hundreds of years. This hundred year long process requires grafting and symbiosis. Irreni World Scale is the only governing system optimally designed to take hundreds of years with grafting new governing morals using symbiosis.
Join an MGO today! We need to quickly adopt our slow centuries long plan.
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

Zappy Friday!
In yesterday's Irreni post the topic of emergency preparedness was addressed using two design features of Irreni World Scale:
1. MGO optimized group independence
2. Capitalism refocused from consumer products to moral responsibility.
MGO optimized group independence means that MGOs are designed to be as independent as possible. MGOs require new campuses that have not only houses for living but also storage for stocks, gardens for growing, workshops for making and medical facilities for medical care. To whit, MGOs will produce their own toilet paper from paper stock, stock that is also used in a variety of MGO made products. MGO campuses then will include storage facilities for electronic components, paper stock, metal stock, and food supplies. MGO campuses will have hydroponic gardens and buildings to grow their own food. Emergency preparedness then is built into the design of Irreni World Scale. Isolation as a defense mechanism against computer and biological viruses is built into the design of the MGO group of thirty people.
Capitalism being refocused from consumer products to moral responsibility means that the stock market dropping and affecting 401k plans of retirement will be a thing of the past. MGO economies do not focus on consumer products but rather governing projects of group independence. What we think of as consumer products today will be made on campus. Instead capitalism will be used to drive governing projects that require large groups of people. For example, let us consider the case of the automobile. Today we go to a car dealer and buy a finished product. Tomorrow MGOs will do the final assembly from components. We have yet to create an automobile from 3D printing but that notion is the concept here. Large parts will be 3D printed. Electronic components commonly used on many other devices will be assembled for automobile manufacturing purposes. Finally assembly of the car may be done by hiring a "pit crew" from outside the MGO. Another quick example of group independence is my house in Maine has a well and a generator. MGOs in the future will also stockpile water and generate energy.
Emergency preparedness with respect to self-isolation then is built into the design of Irreni via a government design that calls for society to focus on MGO group independence. This requires retooling capitalism from profit first and social responsibility second to that of prioritizing social responsibility first and profit second.
Well now. Irreni World Scale seems like a rather big pill to swallow. Could Irreni be realistically adopted? Yes.
Irreni World Scale is designed for Earth-wide adoption. Irreni World Scale is intended to be adopted by all seven-billion people or whatever the world population happens to be. Eventually Irreni should replace nations and other forms of governing.
To keep this brief and under a fifteen minute read I will use the concepts of grafting, symbiosis, and free will.
First grafting. What is grafting with respect to governing? Well, when Americans talk about the failures of socialism and communism then they blame the ideology. However, when Americans talk about democracy failure in Iraq or Afghanistan then American's blame the citizens of those countries for not adapting. The latter notion is grafting. America's track record for grafting Democracy onto other countries is abysmal. America had two big successes with Japan and Germany after WWII and ever since felt emboldened to graft Democracy onto Latin American countries, Middle Eastern countries, African countries, Asian countries and pretty much every country in the world not a Democracy. America has failed far more than it has succeeded in nation building.
America's rush to graft Democracy worldwide was in large part due to a cold war with the USSR spreading communism. Communism failed almost completely. The few countries claiming communism such as China are governments of failures. These governments oppress their own peoples. Communism as it was originally espoused was intended to eradicate oppression, not embolden it. It is safe to say then communism never took, it never grafted. Countries such as Cuba that claim communist governing are failures of authoritarianism.
The central question is this: are new government adoption failures due to the ideology or the inability to graft onto the existing culture?
Grafting. Always grafting. One could argue that the incompatibility of say communism to graft onto any existing culture is due to some fundamental flaws in the ideology. However, there is much evidence to the contrary. Aspects of socialism and communism are adopted by all governments worldwide including the United States even if entire government is not. Thus it is today that socialists today prefer to be called Democratic Socialists. They are acknowledging that only aspects of the ideology are practical.
Thomas Paine made a fundamental flaw assessing natural governing tendencies. This is because Thomas Paine's world view was limited to Europeans migrating to American. These Europeans all came from a monarchy tradition that included some local governing autonomy in the form of local judges and governors for a province running the day-to-day affairs. The settlers of early America then just took these traditions and adopted them to colonial governing. Thomas Paine mistook this pattern as a built-in pattern of all human nature and declared democracy the birthright of all Earthlings. Paine's arguments were compelling to the founders and so it is many of them wrote of aspirations of spreading democracy to everyone on Earth. It is true Irreni World Scale is intended for world adoption but that is where the similarity ends with respect to the founders view of democracy.
Historians and modern anthropologists were the ones who observed this phenomenon of democracy being a cultural affirmation and not base human nature. They observed that Democracy was an affirmation of what people were already experienced with and not some novel invention at the time of its adoption. This means that the grafting of the US Constitution onto the thirteen colonies had minimal rejection factors. However, the entire history of the 20th century could be surmised as failures to graft new government onto cultures when that government would be considered novel to the natives.
The fact that some governments types as communism always fail as a whole ignores the fact that aspects of them do graft in part. Also, democracy has a huge failure rate to graft even as it has success. Democracy is not our base nature but must be trained. If so then what is our base nature? Our base nature is the un-thought thought: authoritarianism. Authoritarianism has many names because it is ubiquitous. Monarchy, despotism, fascism, theocracy, tribalism, patriarchy, and communism are just a few. Our base nature is for some amoral individuals to rule a group through force. People go along with this because it represents the un-thought thought. As long as I don't have to concern myself with anything but my own life then I'm will to give up almost every aspect of my autonomy. Of course this is an oversimplification. For example patriarchy is a hierarchy of authoritarianism where the husband gets to be the despot. The husband likes this arrangement and so thinks that males dominating males in such larger hierarchies is only natural and right.
Authoritarianism then requires no education of its population. Authoritarianism is over two-hundred thousand years old and as old as human nature itself.
This default nature is not moral. In fact the definition of morality can simply stated as applying free will to control our base nature for the benefit of all.
America's history since its inception can in many ways be classified as a constant struggle to improve free will to control our base nature for ever larger groups of people. For example, child abuse as a word was not invented until after the civil war. Further, child labor laws were not invented until after factories were invented. Women and minorities have been receiving ever larger benefits in American culture throughout American history where gay marriage is the most recent example.
All of our base nature being controlled with traditional and new morals represents grafting. Grafting implies a slow growth of adoption. Imposing any new government with novel morals foreign to a people will always fail albeit democracy or communism. Thomas Paine was wrong. Democracy is not our base nature. Authoritarianism of no education and un-thought thought is our base nature. Any governing beyond our base nature requires morals and as these morals include larger groups of people then they require education. Morality of the uneducated will always be minimal. This is why despots always prefer the uneducated.
Imagine we had a do-over with invading Iraq and imposing democracy again. What could we do better to improve our chances of implementing democracy there? First and foremost an assessment of all the traditions, morals, and governing already in existence would be needed. Second, a democracy grafting plan tailored precisely to that culture would be designed. This would greatly improve the chances of democracy being grafted onto any country.
Why didn't we do this? What I just described is common knowledge among historians and anthropologists. No one educated in this field believes that you just can't waltz into a country and say, "hey, write a constitution will ya so we can get out of here." The reason we didn't create a tailored plan with Iraq is that the people in charge were morons and had no education or understanding of what I just wrote. George W. Bush is a dullard.
It is always grafting and never ideology that causes newly imposed governments to fail. However, we see in countries all over the world where failed attempts to perform whole government grafts of say socialism fail but leave behind aspects that are adopted.
It is just plain ole American arrogance to blame the ideology for other government types that fail, but only then to blame grafting on the local people when it comes democracy failing. How very convenient. The fact is that democracy is unnatural and must be grafted by education, training and practice.
Grafting works through a process called symbioses. New governing morals must live side-by-side with old morals for extended periods of time. We see this playing out today in the United States with gay marriage. Christians may be caterwauling like a stuck pig about gay marriage but they are going about their daily lives otherwise. Does anybody really expect for gay marriage to ever be prohibited again in the US?
Abortion, however, is a more interesting case of symbiosis. On one hand a new moral requiring abortion access has provided women with much better life opportunity and been socially adopted. On the other hand the pro-life movement is alive and well. The pro-life movement is an interesting case study for symbiosis because very little violence has ensued suggesting new moral adoption is complete. However, legally the pro-life movement is making gains. I can tell you for sure though that the pro-life movement will ultimately be assimilated if for no other reason than technology will make abortion moot. Once technology improves and the number of abortions reaches a certain reduced threshold of annual occurrence then the pro-life movement will dry up.
Symbiosis then is a key factor to new moral and new governing adoption because culture changes slowly. Humans are slow to adopt new morals. This makes symbiosis an absolute must have for any governing change. New and old morals must live side-by-side. How slow is slow? Well, in the original affirmative action case the judge used four-hundred years. He argued that slavery and its various derivatives had wreaked havoc on blacks for over four-hundred years that it wasn't moral for a society to allow another four-hundred years to correct the damage and therefore affirmative action was morally required to accelerate blacks adoption into mainstream culture. Hundreds of years is about right. Humans do not respond well to sudden changes in culture. We can see this every day in the United States as new technologies are introduced and we are slow to respond as with texting-and-driving laws.
To summarize then grafting and symbiosis are required for imposing any new government that truly aspires to impose improved morality to benefit more people. Further ever increasing education is also required to increase moral complexity and expand opportunity to ever larger groups.
Why do people naturally adopt new governing and new morals? The answer in short is free will. There are certainly complicating factors like instant gratification and the pleasure principal. America's love for unhealthy food that tastes good and is addictive in nature is one such example. So on one hand we apply a sin tax on alcohol but on the other hand sell alcohol in restaurants that people have to drive away from.
We are going to ignore complicating factors. For our purposes here we are just going to focus on freedom and free will. Give me liberty or give death. Give me control or give me death. Give me opportunity or give me death. Give me irresponsibility or give me death. Okay we never say that last one. When we say free then it is understood we mean free to chose responsibility of our choosing and not free to be irresponsible.
The classic definition of free will has been updated in the modern era.
Traditionally classic free will meant all choices are available at the same cost of making the choice itself even if the implementation of the choice has widely varying costs. A justice system is predicated on this definition of free will. This is why our justice system fails people with mental health disabilities. We know such people are mentally impaired and not all choices are available to them. In our justice system pleas of insanity are highly questionable justice judgments because the underlying free will assumption is incorrect.
Today we recognize that every person has limited free will. Very much so in fact. Addiction is involuntary and well known to be the cause of substance abuse. Classic free will mandates temptation that can be avoided is the cause. Classic free will teaches temptation and seduction were appeals to the pleasure principle. These appeals that could be overcome with free will. We now know that is not the case. Addiction is compulsive behavior. On a much larger scale we know that people are not free to exercise and diet as they want. Billions of us on this planet today know we should be eating better and exercising and yet do not do so. We cannot scientifically assign these billions of free will defying decisions to free will.
How do we overcome our free will limitations? How do we get out of these traps of compulsive will? Well, humans try many things. We try self-help books, diet pills, religion, blaming others, blaming others again!, and most often denial. We deny we lack free will to make a choice and just develop low self-esteem.
So what then? Well it helps to understand what separates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom. It is common to attribute tools, language, and social groups as the main benefits of consciousness provided by human brains. Is it possible humans can use these three attributes to remove our natural limitations on free will? Of course! In our case we focus on group independence that promotes individual independence by using language to create better tools to improve individual living conditions . Group free will also increases individual free will by overcoming individual free-will limitations.
We must certainly hang together or we will certainly hang separately. Together we stand, divided we fall. And so it goes with conventional wisdom recognizing group benefit to the individual. No individual can create a smartphone, an automobile, an airplane, or just simple plastic material alone. We need each other both for benefit of language and tools as well as social group benefit for overcoming our individual free-will limitations.
When we think about increasing our own individual opportunity possibilities we must then think about our group independence responsibilities. Our limited free will limitations can be removed by group dependence.
What is this group independence? Group independence is in some way defined to be the opposite of authoritarianism. Authoritarianism focuses all of our language, tool and social group benefits of human nature on the king, emperor, patriarch, etc. Authoritarianism results in death, slavery, tyranny and oppression of those in the group providing benefit for someone else; namely the king and his cronies. Group independence is the opposite of this. Group independence defines ever increasing degrees of individual opportunity when combing independent groups. Say for example group A can provide 100 distinct opportunities for its people. Further assume group B can provide 100 distinct opportunities for its people. The survival opportunities such as with food, clothing and shelter will have some overlap between our groups A & B. Still there will be unique inventions and unique opportunities provided by both A & B groups. Now let us say these two groups join forces and share all opportunities. Let us assume for this argument that each group member now has a total of 150 distinct opportunities when joining forces where previously they only had 100. Fifty are overlapping then. However, that is not where the story ends. The larger set of people can now create opportunities unique to that larger size group. Group independence means that there are distinct sub-groups with independence and well defined opportunities. Today we call two such groups family and corporations. In some ways families provide repetitive survival opportunities. Corporations provide paychecks of survival opportunity but are otherwise modular and independent in providing distinct opportunities to the overall combined group. Corporations build cars, families do not.
Group independence then is the observation that social group benefit is optimized using groups of groups and not some hive mentality of one group of providing all opportunities like the Borg on Star Trek.
Okay then the best way to optimize individual freedom of opportunity is to optimize group independence. Are today's groups optimal?Anybody who works for a corporation will tell you that tyranny and oppression are rampant. Holding a survival paycheck over our head as a free will choice is a disingenuous representation of free will to say the least. Saying having your choice of tyranny and oppressive companies to work for is also free will is just pathetic. Corporations are tyrannical.
Irreni dispenses with corporations in favor of MGOs. The trail of thought from corporations to MGOs is a book unto itself and so we are just going to assume for this conversation that MGOs are optimal.
I can give some intuition though.
First MGOs are optimal for grafting and symbiosis. MGOs can initiate as supplemental organizations and not revolutionary. The MGO plan for the United States is to live side-by-side with local, State, and Federal governments for at least one-hundred years. MGOs will also exist side-by-side with corporations but will begin to replace corporations immediately to the fastest extent possible. MGOs will take over most manufacturing and service industries before moving on to local governments. Corporations have failed Americans. Their executives are despots and authoritarians who would be recognized as such except they are not murdering people wantonly. No one is going to miss corporations or more importantly resist grafting MGO groups onto society in their place.
The size thirty is chosen to provide enough group benefit beyond just a few people but not so much that even the most dependent people can be overlooked. The fixed size is paramount to managing dependent people. Every culture has the sick, elderly, and children who are dependent on others. A fixed size allows distribution of dependent people with integrity. There is not enough room here for full explanation, but intuitively a fixed size of thirty people induces an incentive for those thirty people to encourage minimal production opportunity of its dependents so as to optimize overall group benefit opportunity. In other words, if grandma can knit us hats we'll take it. Whatever little benefit someone who is otherwise dependent and consuming group resources is still valuable and provides meaning to very dependent.
A fixed size also provides building blocks of larger groups. Again just some intuition here. Computers also use fixed size groups of bits. These groups are not called MGOs, but rather pages. All computers transport data using fixed size groups of bits called pages. Network traffic and file blocks all use pages defined to be of 4,000 bytes in memory. In other words you cannot just load one byte into memory. Memory requests must always be in blocks of 4K. Are there inefficiencies do to empty pages? Sure, but the trade-off of typically groups of full pages with at most one empty page makes logistics in computer architecture in both software and hardware optimally efficient. Irreni World Scale is designed to work upon the same principle. Today real estate agents in the US sell houses of one, two and three bedrooms as the most efficient living configuration. Tomorrow entire campuses of thirty people will be the unit. These campuses will include all the facilities such as workshops for MGO independence. The fixed size of thirty for group independence maps to an optimal architecture similar to how real estate is sold to families today.
The largest obstacle for worldwide adoption that all new governments must overcome is grafting. Thomas Paine got democracy grafting wrong by arguing democracy was base human nature. It is not. Irreni World Scale allows for authoritarian regimes to adopt it. That is how Irreni World Scale can be claimed to be a world wide design. Irreni World Scale is a meta-government. It defines meta parameters such as fixing group size to thirty people blocks. A meta parameter is a functional parameter and not an ideological one.
Once an MGO is formed then the MGO is free to choose any kind of government they want. They can choose a democracy. They can choose a theocracy. They can choose a captain and military structure. So what's the point of Irreni then?
Irreni is a qualitative and quantitative system. Irreni doesn't care what you believe. Believe what you will. Irreni very much cares about measuring benefit. You can start out an MGO within the most despotic society. Irreni World Scale requires each individual within an MGO to have a smart phone with Irreni apps. These apps collect data on qualitative and quantitative individual health and opportunity. Irreni then provides feedback as to overall improvement over time. When any MGO becomes more tyrannical and oppressive then Irreni provides a refereeing system to exchange members of an MGO with members from any other MGO. This membership change will cause social group pressures between MGOs to maintain quality of life standards at a minimum the referees of Irreni are using. These metrics will be specific to a region and gradually converge to some universal metrics as Irreni comes online and is adopted world wide.
Irreni uses a refereeing system then that is optimized for grafting and symbiosis where rule of law systems are prohibitive. Rule of law systems are an all or nothing approach using absolute human rights.
Climate change response is emergency preparedness. We need to be prepared for climate change. We are not. We are woefully unprepared and our existing systems of democracy and consumer economy capitalism prioritize profit over social responsibility. We cannot sustain this as a species and not suffer untold deaths and causalties because we are living in woefully flawed systems.
Irreni World Scale improves upon existing group cooperation by optimizing group independence using modular governing blocks of MGOs. These MGOs are designed to be grafted onto any existing government today, including authoritarian ones, where each MGO is allowed a government of its choice in exchange for meeting ever improving quality standards. This is true freedom. Chose the government you want but at the responsible cost of proving efficacy. When efficacy of group benefit is reduced then an Irreni referee will change MGO membership to align overall MGO membership with optimal overall group benefit quality improvements.
Emergency preparedness redux requires us to change our existing governments. We must admit that all the world's existing governments have reach peak emergency preparedness and can provide no more. We must admit revolution is no longer feasible. Imposing new alien government morals will fail as is told by the entire history of the 20th century. Instead we must take the required time to allow for slow cultural change using grafting. Cultural change can take hundreds of years. This hundred year long process requires grafting and symbiosis. Irreni World Scale is the only governing system optimally designed to take hundreds of years with grafting new governing morals using symbiosis.
Join an MGO today! We need to quickly adopt our slow centuries long plan.
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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