Emergency Preparedness vs Amoral Capitalism
1.) amoral capitalism, noun: 1. a consumer economy
2.) moral capitalism, noun: 1. a group independence economy
How did we get here? We are the greatest country supposedly and yet we were caught flat footed and unprepared with testing kits for a simple virus with months of advance notice?
To be fair, we do have other preparedness as we've probably all heard of CRTs and ERTs, or civilian response teams and emergency response teams. As a Californian then I am accustomed too earthquake preparedness. Companies have signs in the parking lots with A-Z designations. We drill for earthquakes by evacuating buildings and gathering at these designated areas. Further people in the company volunteer for such ERTs. They get neon vests, flashlights, blowhorns, and walkie-talkies. Beyond just companies then cities have response teams. I lived in Foster City that like most other cities have citizen response teams where folks volunteer and train for disaster duties. There are even citizens who make their own private planes available for disaster recovery use. Cities throughout the United States have all kinds of disaster response teams and first responders.
And yet? Here we are?
Where are the adults in the room? Where is our emergency preparedness? Why are stock prices dropping in a panic and thus wiping out 401k retirement plans? Why is public media profiting off of click-bait 24/7 panic inducing news for no reason other than to make money?
Where are the adults in the room? Nowhere. There are no adults in the room because at the end of the day the consumer economy dictates that financial success is prioritized above moral responsibility as the stock market panic clearly demonstrates.
It is immoral for the stock markets to panic because 401ks are a moral responsibility and it is also immoral for the news media to trade on fear and create public panic for profit.
Emergency preparedness in a consumer economy is a second-class citizen. Emergency preparedness is an expense not a profit product. Therein lies the rub. That is the truth. Moral responsibility is left begging for scraps. Morality then is minimized to the least spending amount possible that we as a society can get away with. And when we get that judgment wrong then we are seeing the first-hand results today.
We find ourselves currently living in anarchy of minimal morality propped up by volunteer morality. Amoral capitalism has run its course. It doesn't scale. Moral necessities like emergency preparedness are always left wanting. Consumer economies are all about the maximizing the personal Benjamins of capitalists and moral responsibility such as education and emergency preparedness feed on scraps.
In some respects we are living in anarchy of minimal moral rule because we have never had any other examples. We've never been a maximal moral responsible species. Instead we just pretend to be where rule of law is rigged for those in power who win at capitalism to be above it all. Capitalism is rigged to favor those who compete well enough to then get the upper-hand and use that upper-hand in a "Purge" movie-like murder of competitors. The only twist is it happens 365 days per year and not just one. This is why new markets always consolidate like how the automobile industry converged on the big three auto makers or similarly today tech is converging with cellular phone companies to just three. Gooogle, Microsoft and Apple are slowly purging all other computing companies. Our culture guffaws and has a good time ribbing the various "Purge" movies where murder laws are suspended one day per year and mass murder ensues. Yet this is exactly what plays out every day in the amoral financial markets. Your 401k plans are being murdered but there will be no fun "Purge" movie.
Why? Because what else is there? What other kinds of societies can there be? Capitalists mock and deride all other failed attempts such as with socialism and communism. This is what one would expect from the irresponsible mocking those seeking responsibility. They want freedom that means free from responsibility and not free as in opportunity for all.
Capitalists would also have you believe that we've tried everything. All other ideas have been exhausted and the amoral consumer economy is not only the best option but also the only option. Anarchists are like that.
We are not all that way. Bernie Sanders and the progressives who support him are yearning for a more responsible society that can address modern needs heretofore unknown. Healthcare requires new responsibility based upon our new longer lifespans and also new costly medical treatments that are morally needed but unaddressed by consumerism. Insulin prices are being increased by five-hundred times today for no reason other than profit.
Are we done? Finished improving the concept of governing? Can we do better? Are our options really just the one, unfettered, amoral capitalism? In capitalism if you volunteer for the ERT team in your company and you'll be mocked with snickering behind your back by others who believe we only work for money to consume things. Is that all? Is it simply a forever fate, this mocking and snickering of those wanting to do the right thing beyond financial success?
Are our consumer economy moral failures to live up to moral responsibilities like with today's coronavirus response inevitable?
Enter Irreni World Scale baby.
Irreni World Scale moves capitalism way from the amoral consumer based economy where moral responsibility is second class to a moral group independence economy where moral responsibility is the priority. Irreni World Scale does not eradicate consumer spending. Instead it reverses the priority to moral responsibility as the top priority role of capitalism and consumer spending is the second class citizen.
How? Irreni World Scale redefines a nation from a large geographical economic race of a citizenry, land and resources to a fixed population of size thirty people optimizing resources for group independence. Resource ownership such as with land can be as temporary or permanent as needed. In the not too distant future a space station with thirty people will be a nation with Irreni. The space station will have no need of Earth land ownership.
These nations of fixed size thirty people are called micro-modular governing organizations. Much as with nations today we think of MGOs as capable and desirable of being as independent as possible. However, nations of fixed size thirty people must morally admit to group dependence on outside groups and act accordingly where nations like the United States are arrogant enough to believe they can go it alone and don't need the rest of the world.
MGO nations will obviously be lacking many resources needed for total independence. That's the point. This will require MGOs to align with other MGOs using trade with one, two, three, and possibly more sibling MGOs in order to flush out core independence needs. Groups of such MGOs are also called MGOs, or just modular governing organizations.
MGOs then move us away from a consumer based economy to a project based economy. MGOs exchanging goods and services for mutual independence define projects to meet these needs. These projects are then fulfilled by contract trade. Capitalism itself may not be required. That is to say fractional banking with loans for investments are optional and not required. MGOs can execute projects directly among themselves using direct labor and barter with no money traded at all.
For this conversation we assume that direct labor and barter do not scale to projects requiring more than say a hundred people. MGOs that align using direct barter and trade only are called sibling MGOs. This is similar to how in a family then family members help each other out without exchanging money. Projects that are too big for direct labor and barter are called governing projects.
Tomorrow we publicly vote on governing projects where today we vote on governing representatives. The projects we vote on are based on MGO independence needs. Such projects will include emergency preparedness. Nation MGOs and sibling MGOs will not be large enough to handle planet-wide projects such as responding to the coronavirus. Instead Irreni World Scale requires every Earthling to be outfitted with a smartphone device that includes project governing apps. One such app is an app for voting upon moral and necessary projects like stockpiling food and medicines for pandemics. Capitalism is then retooled to support projects of moral necessity to promote group independence to the greatest extent possible for all MGO nations of fixed size thirty people. A world population of over seven-billion people then means there will be over 200 million nations voting on governing projects.
In addition to a voting application for governing projects Irreni World Scale includes other capitalism management design features such as the right to individual currency. Not only does each MGO have to right to print or make its own currency, every individual does as well. The right to individual currency is a franchise or a vote. Individuals that disagree with their MGO nation on a project vote can still support a project by trading in the currency of that project. The right to individual currency for Irreni includes a rule where taxes can only be levied on currency one creates. In other words, you have the exclusive right to tax currency you issue but no other. This is a franchise. Trading in a currency of a governing project that is taxed by that project will support that project beyond just the votes cast for project creation. The creation of projects by vote and the sustaining of projects by project currency retools capitalism away from amoral consumerism and towards moral group independence projects.
Project capitalism and the right to individual currency means refocusing capitalism on needed or moral projects rather than a consumer, amoral economy that treats moral responsibility as secondary priorities such as with emergency preparedness, climate change, and healthcare. The primary focus of a consumer economy is the financial profit winner like say Steve Jobs. These winners create the best consumer products and are not those charged with moral responsibility such as with Doctors Without Borders who rely on handouts of charity.
We are not going to fix our moral priorities as with coronavirus response in 2020 by simply electing new officials or passing new laws. The root cause of moral responsibility failure is a consumer economy that treats moral responsibility as an afterthought and not the first thought.
Irreni World Scale corrects this capitalism failure by retooling capitalism to be primarily focused on group independence of each nation of fixed size thirty people called an MGO. These MGO nations will redefine living spaces from houses to MGO campuses that include houses. These MGO campuses will also include workshops to make things and medical centers for medical care. They will be limited of course to the capabilities of the thirty people, many of whom will be dependents who cannot even take care of themselves. Consumer products of today will be replaced by maker components of tomorrow. MGOs will grow their own food, make their own clothes, make their own electronics, and even make their own cars all from components designed by governing projects so as to be safe and used as components for MGO production.
Over time as our consumer economies of 2020 are refocused to group independence economies of maker components then moral responsibility becomes the overwhelming spending of money where today it is consumer spending. I like to think of this trade off of consumer versus responsibility spending as being a wall of capitalism made of bricks and mortar. Today consumer spending represents the bricks and moral spending such as with emergency preparedness are the mortar. Two-hundred years from now when Irreni is fully operational then moral spending will be the bricks and consumer spending on trivialities such as entertainment will be the mortar.
Nothing less will do. Amoral consumer economies have scaled as far as they will go. Our shared, Earthling moral responsibilities as with food, shelter, healthcare, climate change, and today's coronavirus pandemic cannot be met with a consumption first priority.
We must adopt Irreni World Scale immediately even as the plan will take two-hundred years to complete due to necessary cultural changes needed to ween ourselves off of the addictive immediate gratification consumerism offers.
Join an MGO today!
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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