Happy Sunday!
This essay starts with an assumption. That assumption is that existing government is failed and cannot be fixed. Therefore we need new government. You want new government. We are going to have a couple of paragraphs of political discussion and then take a trip into the future.
Existing government fails pandemics because of the petty egos of leadership. Existing government fails because a complex world needs to be run intelligently and our leaders are of average or below average intelligence. In fact one could argue as Irreni World Scale does that the time for individual leadership is over. No one person is intelligent enough to design and build a nuclear weapon. No one person is intelligent enough to understand the biological ramifications of deciding when to use one one either. Who really understands radiation?
Leadership requires many people today to lead a complex world and yet our governments funnel final power to a single petty ego. This is an existing government design flaw that could potentially kill us all. We need new government.
What's needed for future pandemic government is to remove single person leadership. No more prime ministers, no more presidents, no more dictators, no more kings, and no more chief executive officers.
Well, what should we do? Should have councils? Should we have final leadership of a say a council of ten people?
Irreni World Scale is one such design of new government. Instead of going down a path of political argument concluding Irreni then I'd like to walk you through a day in the life in Irreni World Scale during a pandemic in the year 2220.
Irreni World Scale is founded on a belief that culture upheaval is required for new government. Cultural changes are slow. Therefore the plan for the full implementation of Irreni World Scale takes two-hundred years. Irreni World Scale is a long game of two-hundred years.
The date is 2220. A new SARS virus similar to the coronavirus is found. Our scene opens with Melinda pondering the response to the virus in 2220 relative to 2020.
Melinda, or Mel, lives in an MGO community. An MGO is a sovereign government with final authority similar to the United States federal government in 2020. An MGO is a micro-modular governing organization of fixed size thirty people.
Mel's MGO is called, "You Are My Sunshine", or just Sunshine. The Sunshine MGO campus is a quad with living spaces along three sides and business spaces on one. Inside the quad are four other quads. On quad contains workshops for making raw materials such as plastics, metals, and woods. Another quad contains workshops for making final goods such as clothing and electronics. Of course thirty people cannot produce most complicated things and things such as electronics are just final assembly from components. Another quad is the home to gardens, community spaces, and a medical bay. This quad houses community space for community dining and a gym. There is also a small medical bay with a single ICU bed. The final quad is for stores. The MGO houses its own power distribution center as well as water system. This particular MGO can go six months without outside world contact for removing waste or restocking essential supplies.
Mel is reading the news where a new SARS virus broke out in China as it did in 2020. However, this virus was contained to a cluster of one hundred neighboring MGOs.
Mel is reading about this outbreak on her cold browser integrated into each MGO. A cold browser censors information in two ways. First a cold browser censors information directly by eliminating what was known in 2020 as "fake news". In addition the cold browser also limits the panic inducing frequency of over information predominant in 2020. Cold browsers rely on a cold network of cold storage data files. These cold storage data files are originally hot network data files that are hung for one-to-four days until cold. The hot network is what was called the internet in 2020. In 2020 they only had a hot network.
Mel feels grateful that the panic inducing inundation of too much information is managed for her. She has lots of friends outside her MGO who are commenting on the virus but the updates are hung for three days. Her friends are aware of her MGO policy for hanging out their comments to dry for three days and adjust their behavior accordingly. Further, the AI that hangs the information is authorized to archive based upon frequency for far later date access well after a crisis has passed. If she wants Mel can use the hot network to access real-time information posted by her friends but this requires asking approval by another MGO member. Mel is reluctant to ask for this because she has no reason to do so. Scientific data about any medical threat such as a new virus is allowed to be accessed in real-time on the hot network.
Mel is also grateful that one of the fundamental principles of Irreni holds true. Irreni is founded on the principle of dependence. The principle of dependence is where the maximum group dependence relies on maximum individual independence. The maximum individual independence requires an MGO. An MGO is required because individuals are limited in expertise. Thirty people provides an balance of an expanse of expertise with limited population to realize individual importance. This is taught as spaceship politics where a spaceship on a long voyage would need a balance of extensive expertise with limited population so as to make long term stockpiles feasible. Every person serves a function and is important on a spaceship. No individual can take care of themselves in isolation and thirty people is the smallest number possible for expertise and yet still retain individual power and identity.
MGOs are too small to create high tech. Highly complex projects that are greater than any one MGO are managed via networks of MGOs that are also called MGOs, or just modular governing organizations. Modular governing organizations are referred to as project MGOs where micro MGOS are called prime MGOs. The virus outbreak was limited to one such project MGO.
In 2220 people like Mel spend most of their physical time on their prime MGO campus or their project MGO campus. This design limits the spread of such viruses. Further since each prime MGO has an ICU unit they medical treatment was done on site only exposing medical personnel specific to the project MGO.
The design of Irreni World Scale limits the need for random human interaction. Tourism and entertainment events still happen but over the course of two-hundred years we find that most human interaction can either be virtual or physically limited to a few hundred common people on a project.
"Ahhh", Mel sighs. Terra Prime.
Mel thinks it is too bad they didn't have Terra Prime in 2020. Terra Prime is of Irreni design. Terra Prime is a duplicate virtual reality Earth that is updated in real-time. Planet Earth is modeled in virtual space as close as possible in Terra Prime. It is uncanny in fact. We can visit anyone on Earth in the blink of an eye in Terra Prime. Today loved ones can visit the dying on Terra Prime in a virtual reality setting that is a complete reconstruction of Earth. My dying relative can be on the other side of the planet and I can be there in an instant to day goodbye.
Besides Terra Prime there exist many Terra Prime copies called children. Mel has relatives with graves she visits on occasion in Terra Second. Terra Second is also called Terra Respect and it is the home to honoring Earth's dead. All artificial buildings are removed from Terra Second except those honoring the dead. It is a peaceful place for honoring those who came before us. Terra Second is a place of nature and respect.
Terra Prime has many children as we say. Terra Prime has Terra Tenth or Terra Market. Terra Market is Earth stripped of all artificial structures and new fantastic virtual ones instead. This is where we go shopping.
Terra Prime and all its children make individual independence possible in an MGO where most physical time is spent on campus. The need for human interaction is more than met in virtual space. We can teleport to any place on Earth in instant. We can meet anybody instantly without worrying about commute traffic like in 2020.
Mel is grateful the world converted to Irreni World Scale. It's true that maximal group dependence requires maximal individual independence. This principle of Irreni design is not intuitive. Terra Prime construction alone occupies about thirty percent of all world labor. Terra Prime's children occupy another twenty-percent of Earth's labor. The benefit is we get to optimize travel time in physical space to just time of luxury in 2220. Physical space in each MGO campus has nature preserves and gardens on campus. People in 2220 are still free to travel the world but are far less motivated to do so. Quarantines mean nothing almost.
The modular design of Irreni is key for physical Earth experience. Prime MGO hopping as it is affectionately referred too is when two prime MGOs swap physical locations. Prime MGO hopping has replaced tourism. Since all MGO campuses house thirty people then this modular design means we can all move about as MGO units by simply swapping places. Mel has lived on every continent on Earth and on both poles. Very few people could say this in 2020.
Pandemics are contained with Irreni World Scale by limiting physical necessity for humans to interact using Terra Prime. However, Terra Prime affords infinite possibilities of human contact to interact in virtual space. We still travel as individuals but feel the need to do so far less with Terra Prime and its children.
Mel's favorite Terra Prime child is Terra Third. Present, past and future are the order of Terra Prime first three worlds. The present is Terra Prime. The past is Terra Second or Terra Respect. The future is Terra Third or Terra Spaceport. Terra Third is where all construction of new Spaceports takes place before they are constructed physically. The space elevator that takes you to the Moon is Mel's favorite ride. The space elevator spaceport is only a draft because the physics in the real world are still being worked out. But in Terra Third one can walk on the Moon after taking a ride on a space elevator. Mel enjoys this the best.
Pandemics are a thing of the past in 2220. They are no longer the threat in 2220 they were in 2020 because of Irreni World Scale's modular government design that contains not only viruses of disease but also software and information. Modular government contains human interaction within modules in the real world but opens up infinite possibilities in the virtual world.
Mel is grateful for the pioneers who started on this journey. It must not have been easy to burn the Irreni trail when government was so primitive in 2020.
"To infinity and beyond!" thinks Mel. Modular governing and Terra Prime make space travel possible and worth while. Spaceships that leave Earth take Terra Prime with them. They can dock virtually for maintenance evaluation any time with Terra Third and visit anyone in space-lag time on Earth.
The year is 2220 and is an exiting time to be alive! The future opportunity seems endless where from reading the news of the 2020 pandemic the future held no hope of effective governing. Mel is grateful.
Join an MGO today!
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

New Government - What's Needed For Future Pandemics
This essay starts with an assumption. That assumption is that existing government is failed and cannot be fixed. Therefore we need new government. You want new government. We are going to have a couple of paragraphs of political discussion and then take a trip into the future.
Existing government fails pandemics because of the petty egos of leadership. Existing government fails because a complex world needs to be run intelligently and our leaders are of average or below average intelligence. In fact one could argue as Irreni World Scale does that the time for individual leadership is over. No one person is intelligent enough to design and build a nuclear weapon. No one person is intelligent enough to understand the biological ramifications of deciding when to use one one either. Who really understands radiation?
Leadership requires many people today to lead a complex world and yet our governments funnel final power to a single petty ego. This is an existing government design flaw that could potentially kill us all. We need new government.
What's needed for future pandemic government is to remove single person leadership. No more prime ministers, no more presidents, no more dictators, no more kings, and no more chief executive officers.
Well, what should we do? Should have councils? Should we have final leadership of a say a council of ten people?
Irreni World Scale is one such design of new government. Instead of going down a path of political argument concluding Irreni then I'd like to walk you through a day in the life in Irreni World Scale during a pandemic in the year 2220.
Irreni World Scale is founded on a belief that culture upheaval is required for new government. Cultural changes are slow. Therefore the plan for the full implementation of Irreni World Scale takes two-hundred years. Irreni World Scale is a long game of two-hundred years.
The date is 2220. A new SARS virus similar to the coronavirus is found. Our scene opens with Melinda pondering the response to the virus in 2220 relative to 2020.
Melinda, or Mel, lives in an MGO community. An MGO is a sovereign government with final authority similar to the United States federal government in 2020. An MGO is a micro-modular governing organization of fixed size thirty people.
Mel's MGO is called, "You Are My Sunshine", or just Sunshine. The Sunshine MGO campus is a quad with living spaces along three sides and business spaces on one. Inside the quad are four other quads. On quad contains workshops for making raw materials such as plastics, metals, and woods. Another quad contains workshops for making final goods such as clothing and electronics. Of course thirty people cannot produce most complicated things and things such as electronics are just final assembly from components. Another quad is the home to gardens, community spaces, and a medical bay. This quad houses community space for community dining and a gym. There is also a small medical bay with a single ICU bed. The final quad is for stores. The MGO houses its own power distribution center as well as water system. This particular MGO can go six months without outside world contact for removing waste or restocking essential supplies.
Mel is reading the news where a new SARS virus broke out in China as it did in 2020. However, this virus was contained to a cluster of one hundred neighboring MGOs.
Mel is reading about this outbreak on her cold browser integrated into each MGO. A cold browser censors information in two ways. First a cold browser censors information directly by eliminating what was known in 2020 as "fake news". In addition the cold browser also limits the panic inducing frequency of over information predominant in 2020. Cold browsers rely on a cold network of cold storage data files. These cold storage data files are originally hot network data files that are hung for one-to-four days until cold. The hot network is what was called the internet in 2020. In 2020 they only had a hot network.
Mel feels grateful that the panic inducing inundation of too much information is managed for her. She has lots of friends outside her MGO who are commenting on the virus but the updates are hung for three days. Her friends are aware of her MGO policy for hanging out their comments to dry for three days and adjust their behavior accordingly. Further, the AI that hangs the information is authorized to archive based upon frequency for far later date access well after a crisis has passed. If she wants Mel can use the hot network to access real-time information posted by her friends but this requires asking approval by another MGO member. Mel is reluctant to ask for this because she has no reason to do so. Scientific data about any medical threat such as a new virus is allowed to be accessed in real-time on the hot network.
Mel is also grateful that one of the fundamental principles of Irreni holds true. Irreni is founded on the principle of dependence. The principle of dependence is where the maximum group dependence relies on maximum individual independence. The maximum individual independence requires an MGO. An MGO is required because individuals are limited in expertise. Thirty people provides an balance of an expanse of expertise with limited population to realize individual importance. This is taught as spaceship politics where a spaceship on a long voyage would need a balance of extensive expertise with limited population so as to make long term stockpiles feasible. Every person serves a function and is important on a spaceship. No individual can take care of themselves in isolation and thirty people is the smallest number possible for expertise and yet still retain individual power and identity.
MGOs are too small to create high tech. Highly complex projects that are greater than any one MGO are managed via networks of MGOs that are also called MGOs, or just modular governing organizations. Modular governing organizations are referred to as project MGOs where micro MGOS are called prime MGOs. The virus outbreak was limited to one such project MGO.
In 2220 people like Mel spend most of their physical time on their prime MGO campus or their project MGO campus. This design limits the spread of such viruses. Further since each prime MGO has an ICU unit they medical treatment was done on site only exposing medical personnel specific to the project MGO.
The design of Irreni World Scale limits the need for random human interaction. Tourism and entertainment events still happen but over the course of two-hundred years we find that most human interaction can either be virtual or physically limited to a few hundred common people on a project.
"Ahhh", Mel sighs. Terra Prime.
Mel thinks it is too bad they didn't have Terra Prime in 2020. Terra Prime is of Irreni design. Terra Prime is a duplicate virtual reality Earth that is updated in real-time. Planet Earth is modeled in virtual space as close as possible in Terra Prime. It is uncanny in fact. We can visit anyone on Earth in the blink of an eye in Terra Prime. Today loved ones can visit the dying on Terra Prime in a virtual reality setting that is a complete reconstruction of Earth. My dying relative can be on the other side of the planet and I can be there in an instant to day goodbye.
Besides Terra Prime there exist many Terra Prime copies called children. Mel has relatives with graves she visits on occasion in Terra Second. Terra Second is also called Terra Respect and it is the home to honoring Earth's dead. All artificial buildings are removed from Terra Second except those honoring the dead. It is a peaceful place for honoring those who came before us. Terra Second is a place of nature and respect.
Terra Prime has many children as we say. Terra Prime has Terra Tenth or Terra Market. Terra Market is Earth stripped of all artificial structures and new fantastic virtual ones instead. This is where we go shopping.
Terra Prime and all its children make individual independence possible in an MGO where most physical time is spent on campus. The need for human interaction is more than met in virtual space. We can teleport to any place on Earth in instant. We can meet anybody instantly without worrying about commute traffic like in 2020.
Mel is grateful the world converted to Irreni World Scale. It's true that maximal group dependence requires maximal individual independence. This principle of Irreni design is not intuitive. Terra Prime construction alone occupies about thirty percent of all world labor. Terra Prime's children occupy another twenty-percent of Earth's labor. The benefit is we get to optimize travel time in physical space to just time of luxury in 2220. Physical space in each MGO campus has nature preserves and gardens on campus. People in 2220 are still free to travel the world but are far less motivated to do so. Quarantines mean nothing almost.
The modular design of Irreni is key for physical Earth experience. Prime MGO hopping as it is affectionately referred too is when two prime MGOs swap physical locations. Prime MGO hopping has replaced tourism. Since all MGO campuses house thirty people then this modular design means we can all move about as MGO units by simply swapping places. Mel has lived on every continent on Earth and on both poles. Very few people could say this in 2020.
Pandemics are contained with Irreni World Scale by limiting physical necessity for humans to interact using Terra Prime. However, Terra Prime affords infinite possibilities of human contact to interact in virtual space. We still travel as individuals but feel the need to do so far less with Terra Prime and its children.
Mel's favorite Terra Prime child is Terra Third. Present, past and future are the order of Terra Prime first three worlds. The present is Terra Prime. The past is Terra Second or Terra Respect. The future is Terra Third or Terra Spaceport. Terra Third is where all construction of new Spaceports takes place before they are constructed physically. The space elevator that takes you to the Moon is Mel's favorite ride. The space elevator spaceport is only a draft because the physics in the real world are still being worked out. But in Terra Third one can walk on the Moon after taking a ride on a space elevator. Mel enjoys this the best.
Pandemics are a thing of the past in 2220. They are no longer the threat in 2220 they were in 2020 because of Irreni World Scale's modular government design that contains not only viruses of disease but also software and information. Modular government contains human interaction within modules in the real world but opens up infinite possibilities in the virtual world.
Mel is grateful for the pioneers who started on this journey. It must not have been easy to burn the Irreni trail when government was so primitive in 2020.
"To infinity and beyond!" thinks Mel. Modular governing and Terra Prime make space travel possible and worth while. Spaceships that leave Earth take Terra Prime with them. They can dock virtually for maintenance evaluation any time with Terra Third and visit anyone in space-lag time on Earth.
The year is 2220 and is an exiting time to be alive! The future opportunity seems endless where from reading the news of the 2020 pandemic the future held no hope of effective governing. Mel is grateful.
Join an MGO today!
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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