Hi! Happy Thursday!
Find yourself working remote and wishing you could do so on a more permanent basis? Many of you may be asking yourself questions like:
1. Why can't I always work remote?
2. Will corporations change to permanent remote work?
I've been working remote as a programmer since 2005 and full-time remote since 2012. Let me assure the answers to both questions are the same, nothing will change.
Why? I'm going to make the argument that you are swimming upstream against the current. Here are the currents.
Power. Power is the answer you are looking for as to why you can't work remote. Bureaucracy is the other answer you are looking for.
Let's talk power. Slavery may no longer exist but ordering people to do things still does. Managers are managers in part because they are sadists. They love to order people around. If you work remote then ordering people around becomes much harder for a manager. You must realize that this is a manager's prime directive. Why do you feel so much better working remote? In part because you are less under the thumb of your manager. This is the same reason why your manager is not going to let you work remote tomorrow. They live for power. Our nature for needing to exert power comes from parenting. Parents have no choice but to wield tyrannical power over children until they are grown. In effect, you are just a surrogate child for power hungry people wanting to exert their parental nature.
Let's talk bureaucracy. Bureaucracy is an unthought thought the same way monarchy and imperialism are unthought thoughts. I use unthought thought because it is less offensive than using the word animal instinct. What do I mean. Well, from anthropology we know certain things happen spontaneously across time and space. We now know groups of people exhibit the same behaviors that have never been in contact with each other. The same is true at the individual level. At the individual level we all smile everywhere on the planet throughout all time. At the group level we always form bureaucracy. I sometimes call this our human organics. I like organics better than genetics because most people don't have a proper understanding of genes. Smiling is an unthought thought. The same goes with monarchy and bureaucracy. Monarchy and bureaucracy spring up everywhere spontaneously wherever humans settle down in large numbers. Another word for unthought thought is primitive. These concepts are primitive because they come from natural urges and are not by design.
Monarchy and bureaucracy share a common theme of empire building. The people within the empire are either servants or rulers. A monarchy is just a special case of bureaucracy. A monarchy is the largest bureaucracy that contains all the other bureaucracies. This is the empire. The animal instinct we all share within an empire is to build our own empire within the larger empire, even if we just have one employee. Then the game is afoot to build out our empire. This animal instinct requires emotional service of a certain degree of tangible power. Abstract power is unsatisfying. This is why working remote will never fly. It's not the same. Bureaucracy is animal instinct. It is unthought thought. This is why when you approach management with reasonable and logical questions about being able to work remote then you are going to get irrational and incoherent responses. Managers will also get offended. They take it very personal. Generally speaking their reasoning for not allowing employees to work remotely describe parenting. Managers have to hold employees accountable and that is harder to do with remote workers. Productivity goes down. Blah blah. These are all parental arguments stemming from a real need to be the parent that the lack of direct physical contact and physical feedback cannot meet.
To be fair humans are hardwired to be controlled. This is no different than picking up a cat by the scruff of its neck and the cat submitting. The power dynamic of ruler and servant are natural for all people. Here's a question: do you believe in reincarnation? The closest I've ever been to answering "yes" to that question is because of my natural tendency to be a ruler. I defy authority. Every manager that I've ever worked for will attest to the fact I make a lousy servant. Best to point me in the right direction and let me do my thing. If reincarnation were real then I could understand I must have been the emperor in a previous life because I have little patience for being a servant. Ha! I have lost employment many times for a refusal to submit to a ruler.
The ruler-servant dynamic has changed in recent history from overt tyranny and oppression of absolute life-and-death power to a watered-down job version of be paid-or-be fired.
Centuries of blood were shed to get here. Still though even today billions of the world's population still live under authoritarian absolute power where one can be killed, raped, and tortured for no reason other than absolute power.
Asking to work remote is a question of power. Asking to work remote dilutes the power of bureaucracy. Consider the following:
1. We have yet to recognize as a species that bureaucracy is every bit as immoral and tyrannical as monarchy.
2. We have yet to recognize as a species that monarchy and imperialism are just special cases of bureaucracy.
3. Human nature is hardwired to continue our child-parent role into adulthood as servant-ruler.
These statements represent the upstream currents you are swimming against when asking to work remote. If one approaches a manager asking for permanent remote work then the opposing arguments will be along the same lines as a parent talking to a child. You will feel condescended too. Your manager will be offended that you are questioning their authority. These are the same reactions parent and child exhibit when child wants free of the necessary parental tyranny as they grow older.
Human nature is not moral. Even smiling being built into our nature does not mean it is always morally appropriate to smile. I'd like to recommend a book for you to read while you are on a remote break. That book is Steven Pinker's, "The Blank Slate, The Modern Denial of Human Nature." This book makes a very compelling and complete case for our relationship with human nature and the imposing of morality to improve upon it. Rape is natural but not moral. Paedophilia is natural but not moral. We implement morals to overcome our natural urges.
Bureaucracy is natural. Is bureaucracy moral? That's the question.
No. We've already answered that question. Bureaucracy is tyranny and oppression exactly the same as with dictatorship or monarchy. The only difference is one of degree of abuse. Certain obvious absolute power abuses have been prohibited in bureaucracy such as with rape, murder, and direct physical punishment. Otherwise bureaucracy is authoritarianism. Your corporate life is not a democracy. You are ordered around. You are a servant and your manager is your master. You may not like to admit this but that is the reality.
Your corporate master is not going to let go of your reigns willingly.
Bureaucracy is not all bad. We would not have built the world we have today if that were the case. The problem is that bureaucracy is still tyranny and oppression that suffers all of the same built-in deficiencies as monarchies. Tyranny and oppression stifle creativity which is why large corporations cannot innovate and we need start-ups. Tyranny and oppression sap the will out of the servants. The servants lose motivation and commitment to the cause the bureaucracy is constituted to carry out.
We have reached the end-of-line of working in bureaucracies. Today we find ourselves working on animal instinct exhibited by bureaucracies. Managers are picking us up by the scruff of our necks and we are allowing it. All of this happens as unthought thought.
Well, we need to start thinking about group design rather than living our animal nature. We need to design groups.
What design? Ah, here is the moment you knew was coming. That design is Irreni World Scale. Irreni World Scale organizes by design using micro-modular governing organizations, or MGOs. Think of these MGOs as next level animal behavior rather than something totally artificial. MGOs are like cells in the human body. They are small relative to the whole. MGOs have well defined boundaries that allow in nutrients and expel waste. MGOs by themselves cannot survive. The cells must all work in an orchestrated fashion that culminates in a final organization called the world body. MGOs in some ways are next level family, sort of. They are of size thirty, larger than any family. Families will exist within an MGO. Still they are kinda like families in that they are a unit of survival just like a cell is a unit of survival. Cells die and new cells grow. The same will be true with MGOs.
The desire to work remote is as primitive as as the desire of a child to leave the nest. Unfortunately the world today only knows bureaucracy albeit a government or corporation.
This is why Irreni needs a two-hundred year plan. Irreni replaces natural behavior associated with bureaucracy with trained behavior of micro governing organizations. This will be as messy as imposing monogamy. Since we've always organized in bureaucracies then the two-hundred year plan is an optimistic time line. Full implementation of Irreni could take many centuries.
So when will most of us get to work remote as a matter of course? Never in our life-times. But we can begin the process of conquering the oppression and tyranny of the ruler-servant relationship that is our human nature by adopting a design for grouping of humans with Irreni World Scale.
Join an MGO today!
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

Find yourself working remote and wishing you could do so on a more permanent basis? Many of you may be asking yourself questions like:
1. Why can't I always work remote?
2. Will corporations change to permanent remote work?
I've been working remote as a programmer since 2005 and full-time remote since 2012. Let me assure the answers to both questions are the same, nothing will change.
Why? I'm going to make the argument that you are swimming upstream against the current. Here are the currents.
Power. Power is the answer you are looking for as to why you can't work remote. Bureaucracy is the other answer you are looking for.
Let's talk power. Slavery may no longer exist but ordering people to do things still does. Managers are managers in part because they are sadists. They love to order people around. If you work remote then ordering people around becomes much harder for a manager. You must realize that this is a manager's prime directive. Why do you feel so much better working remote? In part because you are less under the thumb of your manager. This is the same reason why your manager is not going to let you work remote tomorrow. They live for power. Our nature for needing to exert power comes from parenting. Parents have no choice but to wield tyrannical power over children until they are grown. In effect, you are just a surrogate child for power hungry people wanting to exert their parental nature.
Let's talk bureaucracy. Bureaucracy is an unthought thought the same way monarchy and imperialism are unthought thoughts. I use unthought thought because it is less offensive than using the word animal instinct. What do I mean. Well, from anthropology we know certain things happen spontaneously across time and space. We now know groups of people exhibit the same behaviors that have never been in contact with each other. The same is true at the individual level. At the individual level we all smile everywhere on the planet throughout all time. At the group level we always form bureaucracy. I sometimes call this our human organics. I like organics better than genetics because most people don't have a proper understanding of genes. Smiling is an unthought thought. The same goes with monarchy and bureaucracy. Monarchy and bureaucracy spring up everywhere spontaneously wherever humans settle down in large numbers. Another word for unthought thought is primitive. These concepts are primitive because they come from natural urges and are not by design.
Monarchy and bureaucracy share a common theme of empire building. The people within the empire are either servants or rulers. A monarchy is just a special case of bureaucracy. A monarchy is the largest bureaucracy that contains all the other bureaucracies. This is the empire. The animal instinct we all share within an empire is to build our own empire within the larger empire, even if we just have one employee. Then the game is afoot to build out our empire. This animal instinct requires emotional service of a certain degree of tangible power. Abstract power is unsatisfying. This is why working remote will never fly. It's not the same. Bureaucracy is animal instinct. It is unthought thought. This is why when you approach management with reasonable and logical questions about being able to work remote then you are going to get irrational and incoherent responses. Managers will also get offended. They take it very personal. Generally speaking their reasoning for not allowing employees to work remotely describe parenting. Managers have to hold employees accountable and that is harder to do with remote workers. Productivity goes down. Blah blah. These are all parental arguments stemming from a real need to be the parent that the lack of direct physical contact and physical feedback cannot meet.
To be fair humans are hardwired to be controlled. This is no different than picking up a cat by the scruff of its neck and the cat submitting. The power dynamic of ruler and servant are natural for all people. Here's a question: do you believe in reincarnation? The closest I've ever been to answering "yes" to that question is because of my natural tendency to be a ruler. I defy authority. Every manager that I've ever worked for will attest to the fact I make a lousy servant. Best to point me in the right direction and let me do my thing. If reincarnation were real then I could understand I must have been the emperor in a previous life because I have little patience for being a servant. Ha! I have lost employment many times for a refusal to submit to a ruler.
The ruler-servant dynamic has changed in recent history from overt tyranny and oppression of absolute life-and-death power to a watered-down job version of be paid-or-be fired.
Centuries of blood were shed to get here. Still though even today billions of the world's population still live under authoritarian absolute power where one can be killed, raped, and tortured for no reason other than absolute power.
Asking to work remote is a question of power. Asking to work remote dilutes the power of bureaucracy. Consider the following:
1. We have yet to recognize as a species that bureaucracy is every bit as immoral and tyrannical as monarchy.
2. We have yet to recognize as a species that monarchy and imperialism are just special cases of bureaucracy.
3. Human nature is hardwired to continue our child-parent role into adulthood as servant-ruler.
These statements represent the upstream currents you are swimming against when asking to work remote. If one approaches a manager asking for permanent remote work then the opposing arguments will be along the same lines as a parent talking to a child. You will feel condescended too. Your manager will be offended that you are questioning their authority. These are the same reactions parent and child exhibit when child wants free of the necessary parental tyranny as they grow older.
Human nature is not moral. Even smiling being built into our nature does not mean it is always morally appropriate to smile. I'd like to recommend a book for you to read while you are on a remote break. That book is Steven Pinker's, "The Blank Slate, The Modern Denial of Human Nature." This book makes a very compelling and complete case for our relationship with human nature and the imposing of morality to improve upon it. Rape is natural but not moral. Paedophilia is natural but not moral. We implement morals to overcome our natural urges.
Bureaucracy is natural. Is bureaucracy moral? That's the question.
No. We've already answered that question. Bureaucracy is tyranny and oppression exactly the same as with dictatorship or monarchy. The only difference is one of degree of abuse. Certain obvious absolute power abuses have been prohibited in bureaucracy such as with rape, murder, and direct physical punishment. Otherwise bureaucracy is authoritarianism. Your corporate life is not a democracy. You are ordered around. You are a servant and your manager is your master. You may not like to admit this but that is the reality.
Your corporate master is not going to let go of your reigns willingly.
Bureaucracy is not all bad. We would not have built the world we have today if that were the case. The problem is that bureaucracy is still tyranny and oppression that suffers all of the same built-in deficiencies as monarchies. Tyranny and oppression stifle creativity which is why large corporations cannot innovate and we need start-ups. Tyranny and oppression sap the will out of the servants. The servants lose motivation and commitment to the cause the bureaucracy is constituted to carry out.
We have reached the end-of-line of working in bureaucracies. Today we find ourselves working on animal instinct exhibited by bureaucracies. Managers are picking us up by the scruff of our necks and we are allowing it. All of this happens as unthought thought.
Well, we need to start thinking about group design rather than living our animal nature. We need to design groups.
What design? Ah, here is the moment you knew was coming. That design is Irreni World Scale. Irreni World Scale organizes by design using micro-modular governing organizations, or MGOs. Think of these MGOs as next level animal behavior rather than something totally artificial. MGOs are like cells in the human body. They are small relative to the whole. MGOs have well defined boundaries that allow in nutrients and expel waste. MGOs by themselves cannot survive. The cells must all work in an orchestrated fashion that culminates in a final organization called the world body. MGOs in some ways are next level family, sort of. They are of size thirty, larger than any family. Families will exist within an MGO. Still they are kinda like families in that they are a unit of survival just like a cell is a unit of survival. Cells die and new cells grow. The same will be true with MGOs.
The desire to work remote is as primitive as as the desire of a child to leave the nest. Unfortunately the world today only knows bureaucracy albeit a government or corporation.
This is why Irreni needs a two-hundred year plan. Irreni replaces natural behavior associated with bureaucracy with trained behavior of micro governing organizations. This will be as messy as imposing monogamy. Since we've always organized in bureaucracies then the two-hundred year plan is an optimistic time line. Full implementation of Irreni could take many centuries.
So when will most of us get to work remote as a matter of course? Never in our life-times. But we can begin the process of conquering the oppression and tyranny of the ruler-servant relationship that is our human nature by adopting a design for grouping of humans with Irreni World Scale.
Join an MGO today!
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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