Zappy Friday!
Change Culture First
Does culture change government or does government change culture? This is a chicken and the egg problem. In a free society the hope is that society changes government. If government is changing society that is called tyranny and oppression. What is the culture that we want our government to reflect today? That is the question before us that we have failed to answer.
This is a fundamental problem with a two-party design. Two opposition parties equals two opposing identities that then government cannot converge on with unified legislation.
America has always been a melting pot of many cultures with a thin dominant culture. That is until the 1950s when the dominant converged on an American dream, especially after WWII. Then government had it easy. The dominant culture wanted public education, home ownership, and a car. Both political parties in power were in total agreement on this being a culture everyone could agree upon.
But not for long. During the 1960s America lived through a fair number of cultural revolutions such as the Civil Rights movement and the Sexual Revolution. Then of course we had the Vietnam war and the younger generation was drafted into a war the younger generation disagreed with vehemently. By 1970 the American dream was fractured and became what we now think of as the two different American liberal and conservative identities associated with the left and right.
Answer me this: how can a single government craft legislation that meets the demands of two opposing identities? It can't. So what we ended up with is perpetual tug-of-war between the identities. We also opened the floodgates to corruption because if there is no possible American identity to target then just appease the greedy.
Trump's campaign to make America great again is a delusion conservatives hold today that they can put the genie back in the bottle. Conservatives want to go back to the 1950s with a single dominate culture, national identity. What conservatives fail to realize is that they are a minority now. The only reason conservatives have any power today is the Democratic perversion foisted on us by the US Constitution that enables 17% of the population to control 50% of the Senate.
Time is not a friend of conservatives. Our previous 1950s national identity was very much a religious one. Over the last two decades the non-religious have doubled in population percentage and now stands at 28%. All projections are that this rate will most likely converge on that of Australia and Great Britain being 40-50% non-religious. Further the Federal government is projecting large cities will continue to grow larger because that is where the tech jobs are. Young people who move to the cities for work become liberal.
If America in the future is to converge on a national single identity it will not be the 1950s identity that is slowly fading away. However, where I am in complete sympathy with conservatives is that freedom should enable many identities. In the future this will include the minority conservatives.
The notion of a dominate national identity has always been rule of tyranny over all the minorities in America. We want to fix that by removing completely the notion of any single national identity. Nationalism needs to die.
How? Easy, we develop a new political system that percolates priorities from the dominate and the minority cultures. This percolation process will result in legislation that comes from bartering political priorities between all the various factions. This bartering cannot come from political parties because from day one political parties became corrupted by money. Political parties need to be eliminated.
We need a more egalitarian system for bartering political priorities. This is where new technology sponsored by Irreni World Scale comes to play. Irreni relies on project ideas independent of legislation. These projects are similar to corporate products of today. However, we first agree upon the moral and cultural necessity of something like say the iPhone before we implement it. A new form of direct Democracy is required. To support projects then first every person is required to be given a government smart phone. This smart phone will have voting applications. One of these is a vote bank that provides continuous voting. Votes are banked, not cast. Your vote in favor of a project is permanent until changed. Real-time tallies are easily possible in today's computing environment. This means a continuous tally of project voting by all 300 million Americans is kept. This tally then becomes a map for Congress to craft legislation. Congress will be given a clear picture of what people would vote for if we had direct democracy. This new map can be used to craft political platforms. This new map can be used by voters to judge politicians when it comes time to vote. This new map makes polling obsolete when it comes to spending money. All political necessities that require money are projects in Irreni. We won't need a poll. We'll have 300 million votes. Finally, the vote bank enables direct bartering between citizens. We can have conversations based upon public votes cast with an objective to sway someone to change their vote and we can verify the public vote changed.
We need many cultural changes for this vision to take place. For example, the vote bank requires all project votes to be made public. The world today has unfounded animosity towards public voting. Give me five minutes with anyone and I can tell you whether they are a liberal or conservative. Further I can tell you how I believe they vote and so much so that even if they tell me they voted differently than what I think then I still wouldn't believe them. The fear of public voting is unfounded. Persecution of voting in a free country has no basis in reality. If you vote in an authoritarian government then your vote is meaningless anyway, the vote is just political cover. Your boss knows your politics without looking at your ballot vote. Get over it.
With Irreni in the future we'll all have a smart phone with a vote bank application to vote on projects of our creation. Anyone can create a project. Votes percolate based upon popularity. At some point projects that are popular by millions of votes then inform Congress as to what Americans want. Culturally then all individual citizens either as part of the dominant culture or as part of a minority can barter directly with each other about project vote changes. We will all become politicians in that we each individually learn to trade votes. Learning to trade and negotiate will dispense with purity party politics of today where issues such as with guns and abortion are hypothetically absolute. That's not politics. Politics always requires give-and-take. We citizens don't practice this give-and-take today and that's a problem for Washington. As a consequence our government is completely dysfunctional in trying to compromise because we Americans won't accept compromise with purity politics.
We need to compromise. We need to understand that we cannot rely on discussions limited to just "my way or the highway". For example, I have often approached pro-life people with statistics like that of Brazil in 2010 where per-capita abortions were greater than in the US even though abortion has been illegal in Brazil since its inception. Rather than admit this reality the pro-life advocates refuse to engage in this conversation. Conservatives believe that if abortion is made illegal there will no abortions. This is fantasy and result of our existing culture where citizens don't understand politics. The objective should be to eliminate all abortions, legal plus illegal, and that is not the conservative objective today. They just want to be holier than though, condemn those they oppose, and feel sanctimonious. Conservatives want purity politics.
The Irreni World Scale plan is to educate everyone on understanding politics using new technology of a vote bank that draws everyone into voting for public projects to the extent they are willing. If your project is not popular then it is your responsibility to make your project popular by either winning hearts-and-minds or by bartering with votes you've cast for popular projects that already have established support.
We need to change culture first by educating Americans about how politics actually works using compromise. We need to change our culture to provide a map of direct-democracy priorities to Congress that is not political-party bound nationalism of a single American identity that leaves out millions of Americans; makes cultural legislation intractable; and makes corruption the only reasonable alternative.
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

Change Culture First
Does culture change government or does government change culture? This is a chicken and the egg problem. In a free society the hope is that society changes government. If government is changing society that is called tyranny and oppression. What is the culture that we want our government to reflect today? That is the question before us that we have failed to answer.
This is a fundamental problem with a two-party design. Two opposition parties equals two opposing identities that then government cannot converge on with unified legislation.
America has always been a melting pot of many cultures with a thin dominant culture. That is until the 1950s when the dominant converged on an American dream, especially after WWII. Then government had it easy. The dominant culture wanted public education, home ownership, and a car. Both political parties in power were in total agreement on this being a culture everyone could agree upon.
But not for long. During the 1960s America lived through a fair number of cultural revolutions such as the Civil Rights movement and the Sexual Revolution. Then of course we had the Vietnam war and the younger generation was drafted into a war the younger generation disagreed with vehemently. By 1970 the American dream was fractured and became what we now think of as the two different American liberal and conservative identities associated with the left and right.
Answer me this: how can a single government craft legislation that meets the demands of two opposing identities? It can't. So what we ended up with is perpetual tug-of-war between the identities. We also opened the floodgates to corruption because if there is no possible American identity to target then just appease the greedy.
Trump's campaign to make America great again is a delusion conservatives hold today that they can put the genie back in the bottle. Conservatives want to go back to the 1950s with a single dominate culture, national identity. What conservatives fail to realize is that they are a minority now. The only reason conservatives have any power today is the Democratic perversion foisted on us by the US Constitution that enables 17% of the population to control 50% of the Senate.
Time is not a friend of conservatives. Our previous 1950s national identity was very much a religious one. Over the last two decades the non-religious have doubled in population percentage and now stands at 28%. All projections are that this rate will most likely converge on that of Australia and Great Britain being 40-50% non-religious. Further the Federal government is projecting large cities will continue to grow larger because that is where the tech jobs are. Young people who move to the cities for work become liberal.
If America in the future is to converge on a national single identity it will not be the 1950s identity that is slowly fading away. However, where I am in complete sympathy with conservatives is that freedom should enable many identities. In the future this will include the minority conservatives.
The notion of a dominate national identity has always been rule of tyranny over all the minorities in America. We want to fix that by removing completely the notion of any single national identity. Nationalism needs to die.
How? Easy, we develop a new political system that percolates priorities from the dominate and the minority cultures. This percolation process will result in legislation that comes from bartering political priorities between all the various factions. This bartering cannot come from political parties because from day one political parties became corrupted by money. Political parties need to be eliminated.
We need a more egalitarian system for bartering political priorities. This is where new technology sponsored by Irreni World Scale comes to play. Irreni relies on project ideas independent of legislation. These projects are similar to corporate products of today. However, we first agree upon the moral and cultural necessity of something like say the iPhone before we implement it. A new form of direct Democracy is required. To support projects then first every person is required to be given a government smart phone. This smart phone will have voting applications. One of these is a vote bank that provides continuous voting. Votes are banked, not cast. Your vote in favor of a project is permanent until changed. Real-time tallies are easily possible in today's computing environment. This means a continuous tally of project voting by all 300 million Americans is kept. This tally then becomes a map for Congress to craft legislation. Congress will be given a clear picture of what people would vote for if we had direct democracy. This new map can be used to craft political platforms. This new map can be used by voters to judge politicians when it comes time to vote. This new map makes polling obsolete when it comes to spending money. All political necessities that require money are projects in Irreni. We won't need a poll. We'll have 300 million votes. Finally, the vote bank enables direct bartering between citizens. We can have conversations based upon public votes cast with an objective to sway someone to change their vote and we can verify the public vote changed.
We need many cultural changes for this vision to take place. For example, the vote bank requires all project votes to be made public. The world today has unfounded animosity towards public voting. Give me five minutes with anyone and I can tell you whether they are a liberal or conservative. Further I can tell you how I believe they vote and so much so that even if they tell me they voted differently than what I think then I still wouldn't believe them. The fear of public voting is unfounded. Persecution of voting in a free country has no basis in reality. If you vote in an authoritarian government then your vote is meaningless anyway, the vote is just political cover. Your boss knows your politics without looking at your ballot vote. Get over it.
With Irreni in the future we'll all have a smart phone with a vote bank application to vote on projects of our creation. Anyone can create a project. Votes percolate based upon popularity. At some point projects that are popular by millions of votes then inform Congress as to what Americans want. Culturally then all individual citizens either as part of the dominant culture or as part of a minority can barter directly with each other about project vote changes. We will all become politicians in that we each individually learn to trade votes. Learning to trade and negotiate will dispense with purity party politics of today where issues such as with guns and abortion are hypothetically absolute. That's not politics. Politics always requires give-and-take. We citizens don't practice this give-and-take today and that's a problem for Washington. As a consequence our government is completely dysfunctional in trying to compromise because we Americans won't accept compromise with purity politics.
We need to compromise. We need to understand that we cannot rely on discussions limited to just "my way or the highway". For example, I have often approached pro-life people with statistics like that of Brazil in 2010 where per-capita abortions were greater than in the US even though abortion has been illegal in Brazil since its inception. Rather than admit this reality the pro-life advocates refuse to engage in this conversation. Conservatives believe that if abortion is made illegal there will no abortions. This is fantasy and result of our existing culture where citizens don't understand politics. The objective should be to eliminate all abortions, legal plus illegal, and that is not the conservative objective today. They just want to be holier than though, condemn those they oppose, and feel sanctimonious. Conservatives want purity politics.
The Irreni World Scale plan is to educate everyone on understanding politics using new technology of a vote bank that draws everyone into voting for public projects to the extent they are willing. If your project is not popular then it is your responsibility to make your project popular by either winning hearts-and-minds or by bartering with votes you've cast for popular projects that already have established support.
We need to change culture first by educating Americans about how politics actually works using compromise. We need to change our culture to provide a map of direct-democracy priorities to Congress that is not political-party bound nationalism of a single American identity that leaves out millions of Americans; makes cultural legislation intractable; and makes corruption the only reasonable alternative.
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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