Happy Saturday!
Lack of Quality Criticism
Pandemic help, for the day! is lack of quality criticism!
What? The Internet has unleashed every rat from every hole it seems. All three-hundred million Americans are getting in on the criticism game. Everyone is a critic now and the Internet is a cesspool of negativity. How can we suffer from a lack of criticism?
We suffer not from a lack of quantity, but quality. You want examples? How about books versus op/eds? The Federalists papers were originally published and read in newspapers back in the 1780s. The Federalists papers became a book and are now considered legal references by the Supreme Court. Find me any such criticism today published in media as in depth as the Federalist Papers or of like quality. We lack quality of criticism, not quantity.
Specifically we lack the type of the criticism that The Federalist Papers themselves provided: system criticism. This is because criticism of a system is not clickbait, except when using epitaphs such as "socialism" or "fascism." The American system has failed because we lack ongoing quality system criticism as in depth as the Federalist Papers. Instead all we have today is clickbait criticism of people and systems.
The fourth estate, or journalism, was suppose to be that check in Democracy. The fourth estate was suppose to continuously refine the system of government to align the conditions of the day with ever necessary new government system requirements. What we have today instead is criticism only as sport where enduring ads are the price of admission to the arena.
Quality criticism doesn't sell. Period. Trump recommending injections of disinfectant as a pandemic cure is not only peak Trump today, but also peak America. Trump the next day went on to say he was only being the court jester to his own court. Trump said he just wanted to see the media response the same as any jester plays to their king, except Trump is both jester and king. Peak America is being both jester and king because we want all the clickbait attention.
Trump recommending disinfectant injections is just the latest in Presidential buffoonery. The art at the top of today's post includes an original quote by Thomas Paine that asserts one quality criticism of our American experiment called Democracy is that it safeguards against hereditary arbitrariness of character. History has shown it does not. Experiment failed. A couple of questions for your help today. First why isn't the media critically examining the American experiment itself when our is system under pressure in crisis? The same lack of criticism occurred under Bush. Bush was a buffoon that Congress would not hold to account. Further the media only bashed Bush, not the American system that allowed a Bush. There was no Harry Truman prosecuting war profiteering. Pelosi on day one in 2006 said she would not pursue impeachment of Bush, nor investigate any war crimes or war profiteering of any Bush administration official. Pelosi not holding a single Republican to account in 2006 meant 100% failure of checks and balances. The media not criticizing Pelosi for failing her responsibility meant Pelosi gave birth to Trump. A Republican party held to account in 2006 would not have credibility of buffoonery it has today. Both Pelosi and Trump are still in office. The experiment hypothesis of meritocracy of voting over hereditary chaos has proven false. Neither branch of government is checking the other regarding graft and corruption. The second question is why aren't we the people exploring options? Why is Irreni World Scale the only alternative in the world?
This previous paragraph seems odd because it is quality criticism of the system. It is not clickbait. It likely makes you uncomfortable and pushes you away from reading this blog because it exposes something you perhaps hold dear: American Democracy. This is the opposite of clickbait. It is tough love.
Democracy is dead and cannot fix itself because there exists no quality criticism of the system itself. We therefore need new government. Irreni World Scale is a new government but with a plan that takes two-hundred years. The two-hundred years are needed because first things first. First we have to change our culture, then our government. Cultural changes will span centuries. During this two-hundred years Irreni is designed to operate side-by-side with Democracy and gradually over time assimilate all governing functions until Democracy dissolves many generations from now. Want to know more?
Join an MGO today!
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

Lack of Quality Criticism
"We have heard the Rights of Man called a levelling system; but the only system to which the word levelling is truly applicable, is the hereditary monarchical system. It is a system of mental levelling. It indiscriminately admits every species of character to the same authority. Vice and virtue, ignorance and wisdom, in short, every quality, good or bad, is put on the same level. Kings succeed each other, not as rationals, but as animals. It signifies not what their mental or moral characters are. Can we then be surprised at the abject state of the human mind in monarchical countries, when the government itself is formed on such an abject levelling system?—It has no fixed character. To-day it is one thing; to-morrow it is something else. It changes with the temper of every succeeding individual, and is subject to all the varieties of each. It is government through the medium of passions and accidents. It appears under all the various characters of childhood, decrepitude, dotage, a thing at nurse, in leading-strings, or in crutches. It reverses the wholesome order of nature. It occasionally puts children over men, and the conceits of non-age over wisdom and experience. In short, we cannot conceive a more ridiculous figure of government, than hereditary succession, in all its cases, presents." - Thomas Paine
Pandemic help, for the day! is lack of quality criticism!
What? The Internet has unleashed every rat from every hole it seems. All three-hundred million Americans are getting in on the criticism game. Everyone is a critic now and the Internet is a cesspool of negativity. How can we suffer from a lack of criticism?
We suffer not from a lack of quantity, but quality. You want examples? How about books versus op/eds? The Federalists papers were originally published and read in newspapers back in the 1780s. The Federalists papers became a book and are now considered legal references by the Supreme Court. Find me any such criticism today published in media as in depth as the Federalist Papers or of like quality. We lack quality of criticism, not quantity.
Specifically we lack the type of the criticism that The Federalist Papers themselves provided: system criticism. This is because criticism of a system is not clickbait, except when using epitaphs such as "socialism" or "fascism." The American system has failed because we lack ongoing quality system criticism as in depth as the Federalist Papers. Instead all we have today is clickbait criticism of people and systems.
The fourth estate, or journalism, was suppose to be that check in Democracy. The fourth estate was suppose to continuously refine the system of government to align the conditions of the day with ever necessary new government system requirements. What we have today instead is criticism only as sport where enduring ads are the price of admission to the arena.
Quality criticism doesn't sell. Period. Trump recommending injections of disinfectant as a pandemic cure is not only peak Trump today, but also peak America. Trump the next day went on to say he was only being the court jester to his own court. Trump said he just wanted to see the media response the same as any jester plays to their king, except Trump is both jester and king. Peak America is being both jester and king because we want all the clickbait attention.
Trump recommending disinfectant injections is just the latest in Presidential buffoonery. The art at the top of today's post includes an original quote by Thomas Paine that asserts one quality criticism of our American experiment called Democracy is that it safeguards against hereditary arbitrariness of character. History has shown it does not. Experiment failed. A couple of questions for your help today. First why isn't the media critically examining the American experiment itself when our is system under pressure in crisis? The same lack of criticism occurred under Bush. Bush was a buffoon that Congress would not hold to account. Further the media only bashed Bush, not the American system that allowed a Bush. There was no Harry Truman prosecuting war profiteering. Pelosi on day one in 2006 said she would not pursue impeachment of Bush, nor investigate any war crimes or war profiteering of any Bush administration official. Pelosi not holding a single Republican to account in 2006 meant 100% failure of checks and balances. The media not criticizing Pelosi for failing her responsibility meant Pelosi gave birth to Trump. A Republican party held to account in 2006 would not have credibility of buffoonery it has today. Both Pelosi and Trump are still in office. The experiment hypothesis of meritocracy of voting over hereditary chaos has proven false. Neither branch of government is checking the other regarding graft and corruption. The second question is why aren't we the people exploring options? Why is Irreni World Scale the only alternative in the world?
This previous paragraph seems odd because it is quality criticism of the system. It is not clickbait. It likely makes you uncomfortable and pushes you away from reading this blog because it exposes something you perhaps hold dear: American Democracy. This is the opposite of clickbait. It is tough love.
Democracy is dead and cannot fix itself because there exists no quality criticism of the system itself. We therefore need new government. Irreni World Scale is a new government but with a plan that takes two-hundred years. The two-hundred years are needed because first things first. First we have to change our culture, then our government. Cultural changes will span centuries. During this two-hundred years Irreni is designed to operate side-by-side with Democracy and gradually over time assimilate all governing functions until Democracy dissolves many generations from now. Want to know more?
Join an MGO today!
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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