Happy Monday!
We cannot solve a problem if we do not correctly identify the root cause.
The incorrect root cause of our religious political dilemma today is religion itself:
The correct root cause is lack of control:
Humans have an instinct to want control. So much so we will fantasize about control just to have it. Thus the concept of supernatural and god were invented. Our instinct to want control and its subsequent curiosity has put us on the education path to where we are today with high technology: we have replaced our pre-historic fantasy of Thor unleashing lighting bolts with our modern understanding of static electric charge build up in clouds.
The crux of our religious political dilemma today is that we are creating with high technology ever more ignorance mysteries than our pre-historic ancestors ever had to deal with. The march of AI is soon going to get us to self-driving cars. Those of us in the know with high IQs understand that AI is just software. But what about those who have an average IQ and education? Perhaps the self-driving car is driven by a demon? An angel? To scoff and mock this is to miss the point of our human nature. We want control. If we can exercise a demon than our fantasy control is perceived as better than no control.
Here is a bit of magic we all believe at some point when we are young. When we are young we hear disembodied voices and music and can't believe someone is not actually there. When I was about seven years-old I was forever trying to figure out where the people speaking out the radio were. I heard the voices, where are they? Eventually I learned what radio was, and yet to this day the memory of that mystery when I was a child still remains.
We cannot solve a problem if we do not correctly identify the root cause. Science fiction writers long ago diagnosed the rise of astrology, homeopathy, and religion in the face of advancing technology is the same phenomena as pre-historic humans coming to grips with things they could not explain such as fire and lightning. Magic is indistinguishable from technology at some level of education combined with IQ. Humans will increasing become more superstitious and religious as common IQ lags behind required understanding of advancing technology.
So how do we fix this lag of understanding converging on increasing superstition? First we identity that the root cause correctly. The root cause is our instinct for control, or survival. Second we address this root cause. Irreni World Scale is one such solution.
Irreni World Scale is not original thinking. Science fiction speculation taught me this root cause. The answer is to give people control. When people have control then their desire to fantasize new ones is not needed. This idea of giving common IQ control will be horrifying from the high IQ crowd perspective. What to do? The objective of Irreni World Scale is to give everyone more control and all the while keeping the high IQ people from freaking out.
Ergo the MGO, or micro-modular governing organization of fixed size thirty people. You will have control over your life no matter your IQ or education. A government with sovereign powers of size thirty people means everyone is important and has a role to play.
To keep high IQ people from freaking out then Irreni also has a built in refereeing system, not the rule of law. The refereeing system is designed to balance MGO character. Birds of a feather may not flock together. Irreni demands a mix of people with differing characters. This means a bunch of ignorance zealots cannot band together. The bad news for high IQ people means they have to be dispersed among the common folk equally to prevent it. This means that all MGOs will have some high IQ people as well as some low IQ people.
If we want to solve the growing disparity between the average person's lack of control in a high tech society and our desire for every more high tech then we need new government that addresses this divide head on. Democracy does not do that. Democracy will either have the elite ruling the average or the average ruling the elite; neither of which is acceptable to the other. Irreni requires everyone control their own lives with the smallest of sovereign governments of fixed size thirty people. To establish common cause then trade contracts become the great equalizer and not human rights. Economic sanctions and promotions between MGOs will decide how freedom like say owning a gun plays out. One one hand you will have more freedom with MGOs, but on the other hand at the price of more responsibility. Ultimately if you are not responsible with the Irreni system then the referees may disband your MGO altogether.
What about larger responsibilities that cannot be met by groups of thirty people? Projects, not nations, address larger responsibilities. There are world responsibilities far greater than thirty people as a sovereign government can hope to manage. Thus MGOs will ban together to form what look like nations today. They are not. Irreni World Scale replaces nations with projects. Projects that span large groups of MGOs will have contacts, not government constitutions. MGOs can opt out of a contract the same as corporations opt out of trade contracts. Which projects? Projects are promoted in society with direct democracy popularity voting. Large groups of MGOs managing projects then use the popularity of new and existing projects as guidance for managing project contracts. If projects do not provide guidance that fits with popular voting then MGOs will start abandoning the project.
We need Irreni World Scale. We need to give people more control that is in our nature than we are today. However, we also need to demand that responsibility that goes with that control. Rights demand no responsibility, contracts do. Absolute rights that demand no responsibility are gone in Irreni World Scale. We need to move away from a rights-centric world-view to a freedom-requires-responsibility world view, or control-requires-responsibility world view.
Join an MGO today!
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

We cannot solve a problem if we do not correctly identify the root cause.
The incorrect root cause of our religious political dilemma today is religion itself:
"What’s actually happening is church-state-separation proponents are trying to drive it from the halls of temporal power and government policy. Americans are still perfectly free to express their religious beliefs in any sphere not funded by public money, but they want no restrictions whatsoever."
The correct root cause is lack of control:
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a rigged demo [or magic]."Religion is a response to ignorance. Ignorance responses of all kinds are on the rise. Michael Shermer has some pretty hair raising statistics on the rise of Astrology in America. Homeopathy is a billion dollar industry and the humans are wanting something to cure or treat COVID-19. People are understanding less and less the world around them and as a result they are reverting to ignorance responses. As science fiction has long predicted the rapid advancement of technology makes the average education converge on no education with each passing day. Science fiction writers have long speculated this calculus means human behavior will revert to ever more ignorance based, superstitious behavior. Call this behavior our ignorance response. Sci-fi authors have further predicted that those who are on the short end of the bell curve of high IQ will form their own government. Elon Musk wanting to get off this planet and go to Mars is one of the oldest sci-fi tropes there is. The problem isn't religion. The problem is relative lack of control due to mystery of ignorance causing humans to revert to infantile social behavior responses.
--James Klass
Humans have an instinct to want control. So much so we will fantasize about control just to have it. Thus the concept of supernatural and god were invented. Our instinct to want control and its subsequent curiosity has put us on the education path to where we are today with high technology: we have replaced our pre-historic fantasy of Thor unleashing lighting bolts with our modern understanding of static electric charge build up in clouds.
The crux of our religious political dilemma today is that we are creating with high technology ever more ignorance mysteries than our pre-historic ancestors ever had to deal with. The march of AI is soon going to get us to self-driving cars. Those of us in the know with high IQs understand that AI is just software. But what about those who have an average IQ and education? Perhaps the self-driving car is driven by a demon? An angel? To scoff and mock this is to miss the point of our human nature. We want control. If we can exercise a demon than our fantasy control is perceived as better than no control.
Here is a bit of magic we all believe at some point when we are young. When we are young we hear disembodied voices and music and can't believe someone is not actually there. When I was about seven years-old I was forever trying to figure out where the people speaking out the radio were. I heard the voices, where are they? Eventually I learned what radio was, and yet to this day the memory of that mystery when I was a child still remains.
We cannot solve a problem if we do not correctly identify the root cause. Science fiction writers long ago diagnosed the rise of astrology, homeopathy, and religion in the face of advancing technology is the same phenomena as pre-historic humans coming to grips with things they could not explain such as fire and lightning. Magic is indistinguishable from technology at some level of education combined with IQ. Humans will increasing become more superstitious and religious as common IQ lags behind required understanding of advancing technology.
So how do we fix this lag of understanding converging on increasing superstition? First we identity that the root cause correctly. The root cause is our instinct for control, or survival. Second we address this root cause. Irreni World Scale is one such solution.
Irreni World Scale is not original thinking. Science fiction speculation taught me this root cause. The answer is to give people control. When people have control then their desire to fantasize new ones is not needed. This idea of giving common IQ control will be horrifying from the high IQ crowd perspective. What to do? The objective of Irreni World Scale is to give everyone more control and all the while keeping the high IQ people from freaking out.
Ergo the MGO, or micro-modular governing organization of fixed size thirty people. You will have control over your life no matter your IQ or education. A government with sovereign powers of size thirty people means everyone is important and has a role to play.
To keep high IQ people from freaking out then Irreni also has a built in refereeing system, not the rule of law. The refereeing system is designed to balance MGO character. Birds of a feather may not flock together. Irreni demands a mix of people with differing characters. This means a bunch of ignorance zealots cannot band together. The bad news for high IQ people means they have to be dispersed among the common folk equally to prevent it. This means that all MGOs will have some high IQ people as well as some low IQ people.
If we want to solve the growing disparity between the average person's lack of control in a high tech society and our desire for every more high tech then we need new government that addresses this divide head on. Democracy does not do that. Democracy will either have the elite ruling the average or the average ruling the elite; neither of which is acceptable to the other. Irreni requires everyone control their own lives with the smallest of sovereign governments of fixed size thirty people. To establish common cause then trade contracts become the great equalizer and not human rights. Economic sanctions and promotions between MGOs will decide how freedom like say owning a gun plays out. One one hand you will have more freedom with MGOs, but on the other hand at the price of more responsibility. Ultimately if you are not responsible with the Irreni system then the referees may disband your MGO altogether.
What about larger responsibilities that cannot be met by groups of thirty people? Projects, not nations, address larger responsibilities. There are world responsibilities far greater than thirty people as a sovereign government can hope to manage. Thus MGOs will ban together to form what look like nations today. They are not. Irreni World Scale replaces nations with projects. Projects that span large groups of MGOs will have contacts, not government constitutions. MGOs can opt out of a contract the same as corporations opt out of trade contracts. Which projects? Projects are promoted in society with direct democracy popularity voting. Large groups of MGOs managing projects then use the popularity of new and existing projects as guidance for managing project contracts. If projects do not provide guidance that fits with popular voting then MGOs will start abandoning the project.
We need Irreni World Scale. We need to give people more control that is in our nature than we are today. However, we also need to demand that responsibility that goes with that control. Rights demand no responsibility, contracts do. Absolute rights that demand no responsibility are gone in Irreni World Scale. We need to move away from a rights-centric world-view to a freedom-requires-responsibility world view, or control-requires-responsibility world view.
Join an MGO today!
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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