HaPpY SaTuRdAy!
Cynicism, for the day! 2020/04/04
They all suck.
Today's opinion has a title, "The Unity of Clutching Pearls".
Reader, imagine if you will you discovered someone who is a serial killer. Further imagine that you decide that your best option for exposing that serial killer is to abolish the police. This pretty describes the landscape of media today. It all started back in 1995 or so when Rush Limbaugh kicked off modern conservative media. His format became the format of all of conservative media including AM radio, Fox News, and the web. That format is as follows:
1. Criticize The New York Times and mainstream media.
2. Call liberals unpatriotic as a euphemism for traitor. This is a dehumanizing, call for death because death is the penalty for treason. The use of unpatriotic also serves as a volume level of sorts for treason where when one wants to eject spittle then just raise the volume and use the word traitor.
3. Conspiracy theories.
4. Use liberals as a pronoun. Do not use "he" or "she". Instead say things like, "Hillary killed the Ambassador to Ben Ghazi and liberals are covering it up."
5. Anecdote reporting. Use the story of one person to smear millions.
6. Liberals hate us. Works the same as use of unpatriotic, see unpatriotic, but instead of using traitor turn up the volume with "I hate liberals".
7. Be angry. Promote anger as more sincere than the "objective" lies of the mainstream that lull you into being sucker-punched.
Conservatives had a choice in the 1990s when they kicked-off conservative media. Conservatives could have taken their criticisms of The New York Times and mainstream media and used it to create a better product with improved integrity. They did not. Instead they murdered journalism and created today's media hell.
I have no respect for conservative media even though I value much of the criticism. Why? Because destruction is easy. Any toddler can break things. Further any moron can predict that destruction leads to devastation; the end times are nigh. Foretelling the devastation created by your own destruction doesn't make you a prophet deserving awe, it just makes you an asshole.
Just as a reminder, they all suck. The New York Times effectively followed conservative media. The NYT could have taken to heart the valid criticisms of conservatives and exercised some self-awareness. If they had then they could have tightened-up on their integrity. Instead, the NYT did what all media did in the 1990s and started down the road to click-bait hell. The only difference between the NYT and mainstream media with respect to conservative media is how fast the decent is. The NYT and mainstream media are circling the drain where conservative media is flying a jumbo jet at 600mph, pointing straight down. Conservatives have long ago flown past the surface of reality and the nine levels of hell that Dante supposed.
So that's where we find ourselves today with media: media hell. Journalism is destroyed thanks to conservative media that in the 1990s decided to take a low road rather than high road. In doing so they motivated all of journalism to follow them and follow the money.
This brings me to today's topic. Conservative media in this time of pandemic has not let up on the acceleration plummeting to new depths of media hell. That's to be expected though because destruction is lazy effort where creating effort is hard work. Conservative media do hard work? Ha! Ha!
This brings me to the thesis today: unity. Today conservative media is echoing American unity in its echo chamber. Conservative media is pearl clutching. Oh! How dare those liberals criticize Trump in this time of pandemic! Unity! Oh those evil liberals who deserve death for being unpatriotic now deserve two deaths because they don't support unity and Trump! Unity! Those unpatriotic monsters are now double the unpatriotic monsters!
I've spent my life studying Eastern philosophy to improve my self-awareness. I can understand a large degree of lack of self-awareness based upon ignorance. But still. Conservatives have been dividing this country by calling for the death of all liberals for over thirty years. And now they are clutching their pearls because they believe liberals are defying unity by criticizing Trump? What? You kinda have to imagine that some degree of self-awareness is self-evident here. This is like playing a game of chicken using cars where two cars drive into each other head-on and then one of them has to pull away at the last instant. At some point you are going to pull away, cause you know, you're going to die. But, no.
I have seen no change in either conservative or mainstream media posturing since this has all began. Pearl clutching because of lack of American unity is just used as a hammer of criticism for the opponent. It is not a serious call for unity.
Just for completeness sake I want to point out where conservative media is a monolith following Rush Limbaugh's script then liberal media is split into two pieces: mainstream and alternative. For example, The Young Turks is alternative liberal media and they have millions of followers on Youtube. Progressive media sucks too though because all they do is clutch pearls. The anger of progressives is every bit as loud as conservative anger. The pearl clutching behavior of both progressive and conservative media is indistinguishable in volume even as progressive media offer new solutions. Those new solutions come wrapped in paper laced with a one-inch thick dried layer of spittle I refuse to touch.
They all suck.
And it is in this environment I'm trying to start Irreni. I'm not trying to get to Nirvana or Utopia. I just want to get back to reality. My idea of reality with Irreni World Scale in just a few bullet points is:
1. More self-reliance that downplays political necessity.
2. Political experiments based upon empirical data.
3. Political improvement using successful political experiments.
That's it. That's Irreni as a ground-level political system, not heaven. There are no promises of universal health-care or free education. There are commitments to improving our current world by first establishing a foothold of empirical data of where we are at today regarding education, healthcare, etc. Next we commission experiments based upon a hypothesis and measure the outcome. Successful experimental outcomes are then adopted. We do these experiments starting at the smallest of scale and only increase scale as experiments are successful. This is reality politics.
Irreni World Scale is reality politics. So it should not be difficult to convince people to check into reality. However, existing media has plummeted so far down the depths of media hell that reality looks like heaven. This reality-looks-like-heaven is due to the concerted efforts of conservatives to destroy journalism as opposed to doing the hard work of creating better journalism. Conservatives were so successful in making money based upon destruction that they brought everyone else down to their level while chasing easy money. Way to go conservatives, you won. You got what you wished for.
The unity of America today is a unity of clutching pearls of disbelief we cannot be united. This our 2020 reality. Well done conservatives.
Looking for solutions to climb out of the media cesspool? What can you do? Join an MGO today!
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

Cynicism, for the day! 2020/04/04
They all suck.
Today's opinion has a title, "The Unity of Clutching Pearls".
Reader, imagine if you will you discovered someone who is a serial killer. Further imagine that you decide that your best option for exposing that serial killer is to abolish the police. This pretty describes the landscape of media today. It all started back in 1995 or so when Rush Limbaugh kicked off modern conservative media. His format became the format of all of conservative media including AM radio, Fox News, and the web. That format is as follows:
1. Criticize The New York Times and mainstream media.
2. Call liberals unpatriotic as a euphemism for traitor. This is a dehumanizing, call for death because death is the penalty for treason. The use of unpatriotic also serves as a volume level of sorts for treason where when one wants to eject spittle then just raise the volume and use the word traitor.
3. Conspiracy theories.
4. Use liberals as a pronoun. Do not use "he" or "she". Instead say things like, "Hillary killed the Ambassador to Ben Ghazi and liberals are covering it up."
5. Anecdote reporting. Use the story of one person to smear millions.
6. Liberals hate us. Works the same as use of unpatriotic, see unpatriotic, but instead of using traitor turn up the volume with "I hate liberals".
7. Be angry. Promote anger as more sincere than the "objective" lies of the mainstream that lull you into being sucker-punched.
Conservatives had a choice in the 1990s when they kicked-off conservative media. Conservatives could have taken their criticisms of The New York Times and mainstream media and used it to create a better product with improved integrity. They did not. Instead they murdered journalism and created today's media hell.
I have no respect for conservative media even though I value much of the criticism. Why? Because destruction is easy. Any toddler can break things. Further any moron can predict that destruction leads to devastation; the end times are nigh. Foretelling the devastation created by your own destruction doesn't make you a prophet deserving awe, it just makes you an asshole.
Just as a reminder, they all suck. The New York Times effectively followed conservative media. The NYT could have taken to heart the valid criticisms of conservatives and exercised some self-awareness. If they had then they could have tightened-up on their integrity. Instead, the NYT did what all media did in the 1990s and started down the road to click-bait hell. The only difference between the NYT and mainstream media with respect to conservative media is how fast the decent is. The NYT and mainstream media are circling the drain where conservative media is flying a jumbo jet at 600mph, pointing straight down. Conservatives have long ago flown past the surface of reality and the nine levels of hell that Dante supposed.
So that's where we find ourselves today with media: media hell. Journalism is destroyed thanks to conservative media that in the 1990s decided to take a low road rather than high road. In doing so they motivated all of journalism to follow them and follow the money.
This brings me to today's topic. Conservative media in this time of pandemic has not let up on the acceleration plummeting to new depths of media hell. That's to be expected though because destruction is lazy effort where creating effort is hard work. Conservative media do hard work? Ha! Ha!
This brings me to the thesis today: unity. Today conservative media is echoing American unity in its echo chamber. Conservative media is pearl clutching. Oh! How dare those liberals criticize Trump in this time of pandemic! Unity! Oh those evil liberals who deserve death for being unpatriotic now deserve two deaths because they don't support unity and Trump! Unity! Those unpatriotic monsters are now double the unpatriotic monsters!
I've spent my life studying Eastern philosophy to improve my self-awareness. I can understand a large degree of lack of self-awareness based upon ignorance. But still. Conservatives have been dividing this country by calling for the death of all liberals for over thirty years. And now they are clutching their pearls because they believe liberals are defying unity by criticizing Trump? What? You kinda have to imagine that some degree of self-awareness is self-evident here. This is like playing a game of chicken using cars where two cars drive into each other head-on and then one of them has to pull away at the last instant. At some point you are going to pull away, cause you know, you're going to die. But, no.
I have seen no change in either conservative or mainstream media posturing since this has all began. Pearl clutching because of lack of American unity is just used as a hammer of criticism for the opponent. It is not a serious call for unity.
Just for completeness sake I want to point out where conservative media is a monolith following Rush Limbaugh's script then liberal media is split into two pieces: mainstream and alternative. For example, The Young Turks is alternative liberal media and they have millions of followers on Youtube. Progressive media sucks too though because all they do is clutch pearls. The anger of progressives is every bit as loud as conservative anger. The pearl clutching behavior of both progressive and conservative media is indistinguishable in volume even as progressive media offer new solutions. Those new solutions come wrapped in paper laced with a one-inch thick dried layer of spittle I refuse to touch.
They all suck.
And it is in this environment I'm trying to start Irreni. I'm not trying to get to Nirvana or Utopia. I just want to get back to reality. My idea of reality with Irreni World Scale in just a few bullet points is:
1. More self-reliance that downplays political necessity.
2. Political experiments based upon empirical data.
3. Political improvement using successful political experiments.
That's it. That's Irreni as a ground-level political system, not heaven. There are no promises of universal health-care or free education. There are commitments to improving our current world by first establishing a foothold of empirical data of where we are at today regarding education, healthcare, etc. Next we commission experiments based upon a hypothesis and measure the outcome. Successful experimental outcomes are then adopted. We do these experiments starting at the smallest of scale and only increase scale as experiments are successful. This is reality politics.
Irreni World Scale is reality politics. So it should not be difficult to convince people to check into reality. However, existing media has plummeted so far down the depths of media hell that reality looks like heaven. This reality-looks-like-heaven is due to the concerted efforts of conservatives to destroy journalism as opposed to doing the hard work of creating better journalism. Conservatives were so successful in making money based upon destruction that they brought everyone else down to their level while chasing easy money. Way to go conservatives, you won. You got what you wished for.
The unity of America today is a unity of clutching pearls of disbelief we cannot be united. This our 2020 reality. Well done conservatives.
Looking for solutions to climb out of the media cesspool? What can you do? Join an MGO today!
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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