Happy Thursday!
On one hand this is not Irreni World Scale related. Irreni World Scale has no policy about intellectual property law. None whatsoever.
I personally am looking forward to a day when I can live without laws allowing gun, IP, or religion in my MGO. Recently I've mostly focused on anti-theist topics regaling religion. On my social media sites recently I've made quite a few anti-theist posts lately due to the religious impact on politics and their coronavirus irresponsible behavior. However, it is better stated as I am evidenced based rather than just anti-theist. Ignorance is the fundamental problem. Ignorance has infinite possibilities in manifestation. This is why we anti-ignorance people hold no delusion that ignorance based system removal can work as a viable agenda. It becomes a game of whack-a-mole. No, the only correct agenda is pro-education.
IP law is 100% ignorance based in its claims, no different than claims of the supernatural. However the evil inflicted is far more killing and oppressive in the modern world. IP law is the ultimate evil system of ignorance base and nowhere is that more on display than with social media companies that take all of the ad revenue money for content you create but take none of the responsibility.
On one hand this is not Irreni World Scale related. Irreni World Scale has no policy about intellectual property law. None whatsoever.
On the other hand Irreni World Scale enables new governments called MGOs to establish juxtaposed laws. In this case I am going to write about IP, or intellectual property laws. Some MGOs will have IP laws, some won't. I am definitely against IP laws.
In 200 years sovereign nations will of fixed size thirty people. Today what would mean 200-300 million sovereign nations. MGO nations can have juxtaposed laws such as with pro-gun versus anti-gun; pro-abortion versus anti-abortion; or pro-intellectual property versus anti-intellectual property. Enforcement of shared environment will be via contract law and economic sanctions.
I personally am looking forward to a day when I can live without laws allowing gun, IP, or religion in my MGO. Recently I've mostly focused on anti-theist topics regaling religion. On my social media sites recently I've made quite a few anti-theist posts lately due to the religious impact on politics and their coronavirus irresponsible behavior. However, it is better stated as I am evidenced based rather than just anti-theist. Ignorance is the fundamental problem. Ignorance has infinite possibilities in manifestation. This is why we anti-ignorance people hold no delusion that ignorance based system removal can work as a viable agenda. It becomes a game of whack-a-mole. No, the only correct agenda is pro-education.
There are many extant
ignorance-based businesses in society that cause great harm where
religion is just one. The list is long and includes astrology,
homeopathy, multi-level marketing schemes, and on and on. Wanna know
what my number one is? It's not religion. If I was given a wish by a
genie to eliminate just one ignorant based system then I would wish away
Intellectual Property laws. IP laws dwarf religious laws in tyranny and
oppression by a country mile.
I bring this up because Trump's latest
Twitter tantrum exposes the ignorance of IP laws. You see social media
companies force you to give away your IP rights if you use their
platform. They do this to prevent you from suing them, not because you
are going to see your ugly mug in Facebook's next ad campaign. However,
since social media companies own the copyright they are entitled to the royalties and revenues for said
content. Also, holding the copyright also means they can be sued for that
content as well as making money. As publishers they could
revenue share and allow users to retain copyright. Ha! That ain't ever
going to happen. This exposes the ludicrous stupidity of the entire
concept of IP. Billions of users post creative content on social media sites for no money. Social media companies in turn make billions in ad revenue off of
content created for no payment. Money is not the incentive then, thus undermining the central tenet of IP laws. Social media enjoys all the billions in
royalties off of freely given creativity and take none of the responsibility.
The entire premise of IP is built on unproven claims.
Social media proves them wrong. People create without profit. The claim
is IP encourages creativity. There is no evidence for this. None
whatsoever. Zero. You can find no scientific basis to support the need for IP law. IP law is a about the rich getting a free lunch. The rich make far
more money off of content than the content creators in 100% of all
markets. There is as much scientific evidence for IP claims as there is
for Maya Angelou's claim in the meme attached. Or, as the blues line goes,
"It's in him, it's gonna come out."
IP law is 100% ignorance based in its claims, no different than claims of the supernatural. However the evil inflicted is far more killing and oppressive in the modern world. IP law is the ultimate evil system of ignorance base and nowhere is that more on display than with social media companies that take all of the ad revenue money for content you create but take none of the responsibility.
Join an MGO today!
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Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!
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