Happy Thursday!
Benjamin Franklin: The Quinessential Libertarian
Irreni World Scale is a slow start algorithm. It requries decades of cultural change that coexist side-by-side with existing Democracies before the political apparatus dominates.
So with that said I need a healthy version Democracy to sustain for decades and the current two parties are mucking up my plans.
There is significant new party energy these days and they need to succeed because ultimately both current parties will need to be ousted.
I'd like to take a moment and speak directly to the Libertarian party.
The existing Libertarian party worships at the alter of Capitalism and their god is the invisible hand of the free market. This god is perfect in their eyes and can do no wrong. This god is the fundamental roadblock to an otherwise superior ideology from being seen as superior.
How did the modern Libertarian party get highjacked by the god of Capitalism? The answer is easy enough, Ayn Rand. More specifically it is Ayn Rand's protagonist, John Galt.
John Galt in the book Atlas Shrugged is seen as the quintessential capitalist. He is an ideal mix of meritocracy meets wealth. The plot of the book in part revolves around the communist value of people own everything including John Galt's inventions. John goes on strike to deny them his genius. Capitalism prevails over communism and John Galt prevails.
John Galt is representative of the difference between communism and capitalism. Communism squashes creativity because it squashes incentive to create. Galt was very relatable when the book came out because people immediately recognized Galt as a stand in for Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. Both men got rich off their invention patents and then used their patent riches to keep on inventing. Thus an Amercan myth was born by a Russian.
It is too bad Ayn Rand was as shitty historian as she was a shitty philosopher with her Objectvism.
Benjamin Franklin is a far superior model for Libertarianism. He was also a far superior philosopher to Ayn Rand.
Franklin died the richest man in America by some accounts. He also never made a dime off intellectual property. Franklin was opposed to intellectual property and so should every Libertarian. Modern capitalists would have you believe that IP is included in the definition of capitalism. That's not true. Capitalism is defined to be capital of fractional banking where a bank loans nine of every ten dollars on deposit. Intellectual property is not a requirement. That is the lie of John Galt and the reason why Libertarianism is simply a carnival sideshow party.
Benjamin Franklin understood that profit motive had limits and that public interest could best be served by no profit at all. Thus he gave away his design to the Franklin stove and helped countless Americans improve their lives and individual liberty by a better source of heating. He was focred to patent his stove because someone in England patented it and was threatening to enforce rights in America. He never made money off the stove patent and continued to give away the design.
Franklin created public libraries and volunteer fire departments by using the public good as incentive, not profit. Both were hugely successful. It is a capitalist lie that profit motive is the only motive for creativity. Benjamin Franklin died the richest man in America and is something neither Thomas Edison or Henry Ford can claim. Franklin trumps Galt.
Profit motive obsession to the exclusion of public good is killing our healthcare industry where so many are just motivated to do public service but impeded by hospital profit motive.
The Libertarian party is seen as a bunch of stuck-up, uncaring, soulless, greedy elitists by the general public. The Libertarian stereotype is well deserved because it worships the invisible hand of the free market whose patron Saint is John Galt.
If the Libertarian party ever wants to amount to little more than a carnival sideshow then it must give up John Galt and replace him with Benjamin Franklin. Franklin in his time was a true Libertarian seen as a champion for the common man and not the elite inventor. Franklin supported liberty by being the first American to support the free open exchange of ideas that we call open source software today that everyone can benefit from and improve their individual liberty. The computing industry today would not exist if not for open source code that rejects intellectual property rights. All that open source code represents creativity that was done with a motive of public good. The Libertarian party needs to get back to its individual liberty roots and reject the end game to be rich as the exclusive example of it.
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Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
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Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!
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