Happy Sunday!
Education: Culture Wars
The world is changing so fast that it can be hard to get a handle on everything that is changing around us. One aspect of this rapid changing are the culture wars. For example what is the vocabulary we can use to even have such a conversation? Identity politics? Intersectionalism?
This blog post is not about Irreni. Rather it is education about culture and abstract principles regarding culture wars and culture changing.
The Youtube video below is part of the Rebel Wisdom channel.
"I started to understand that society was going to be lying about everything at almost all times. That's a very terrifying thought to have. We have effectively entered a period in which we cannot trust our experts. And I think that what began as a desire to contribute and to do real work ended with an understanding that we've got two generations of institutional experts that are corrupted and that we cannot wake up from this crazy fever dream that we are all in because we can't figure out who we can still trust. The doctors are compromised, the professors are compromised, the journalists are compromised, and the politicians are compromised. About the only thing that is not compromised are people with an independent source of sustenance [NOTE: like Mybrid Wonderful with Irreni World Scale]. Individuals and very small groups are about the only thing that are free of this embedded growth obligation. And so the paradox is that the individuals have to save the institutions that are trying to extinguish them because the institutions don't want to hear this message. "
-Eric Weinstein, https://youtu.be/VkKnOEQlwl4?t=735
-Eric Weinstein, https://youtu.be/VkKnOEQlwl4?t=735
I'd also argue that academics like Eric are programmed to not hear this message. Intellectuals build up a knowledge base that is curated in their mind to make sense of the world. Anything novel such as Irreni World Scale is not a puzzle piece that can be fit into their knowledge puzzle. Alien thought then is filtered out as noise. In part this is due to laziness. Who wants to start from scratch when one has years of working knowledge? There is also an innate tendency in human nature to reject things that are high risk or unknown risk. This is why large corporations cannot incubate market disruption innovation like with start-ups. Radical ideas are rejected outright in large corporations because of high risk and nonsense relative to ideas already in motion. Academics also suffer from this risk rejection with radical new ideas.
Rebel Wisdom produced this video but is not a YouTube channel I subscribe too or necessarily recommend. This is because the content includes a lot of Jordan Peterson and other spiritual nonsense. I'm a materialist by nature and have no appreciation of anything spiritual. I find Jordan Peterson a mealy mouth, self-righteous blowhard who worships at the spiritual alter of Jung and Jungian archetypes.
Rebel Wisdom produced this video but is not a YouTube channel I subscribe too or necessarily recommend. This is because the content includes a lot of Jordan Peterson and other spiritual nonsense. I'm a materialist by nature and have no appreciation of anything spiritual. I find Jordan Peterson a mealy mouth, self-righteous blowhard who worships at the spiritual alter of Jung and Jungian archetypes.
The clips that are edited into this video are interviews with academics. These people are professors and intellectuals. I bring this up because most people don't have time for the abstract. They have to deal with immediate problems right in front of them and deal with everyday vocabulary. This leaves almost no time and little interest then for the abstract for most of us. Professors and intellectuals are paid to think about the future and this involves making abstract models about everyday things so as to classify, describe, and act upon in general. In other words these are the future engineers that are determining your fate so it is worth your pain of time to watch.
To the extent that you can stomach and comprehend abstract concepts I recommend watching this summary of the culture wars today. It will help you think about what future you want by introducing the abstract concepts.
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You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!
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