
Hi! Happy Monday!


There is an analysis of the culture wars going around that I believe is misplaced and therefore ultimately unresolvable because the wrong cause is being promoted.

The misplaced cause is regarding cancel culture. The rise of such movements as Black Lives Matters, anti-police, #MeToo, and Trans rights have all gained traction and exercised power using cancel culture.

Conventional wisdom is these aliberal, anti-American causes as seen through the eyes of their detractors are the result of leftist ideology learned on college campuses.

But let me ask you this. If the American middleclass were not being dissolved at such a rapid pace then do you really think we'd be seeing such cancel culture?

A couple of common colloquialisms can help us here:
1. Get busy living or get busy dying.
2. I don't have enough time to give all the love that I have in order to have time to hate.
3. If you are not playing a big a enough game then you will screw up the one you are playing just to give yourself something to do.

Imagine if you will that we had no class warfare for a minute. Further imagine if African Amercans had wealth the the same as whites. Do really think they would be as concerned about racism?

Now lets flip it. The rich are getting richer and that is the only definition of class warfare that matters. One affect of this is upward mobility in the US keeps falling. The Millennials will be the first generation to do worse than its parents. Life expectancy is falling. Now amplify the pace. Imagine the top 20% of the US soon owns 90% of all US wealth instead of the 50% they have today. Predict the future. It's easy, there will be more civil unrest. How that civil unrest manifests is almost irrelevant.

Class warfare is the misplaced cause. The rich are getting richer and the rich control the media. The rich will never finger class warfare as the root cause. Not ever. The rich will pit everyone else against each other though.

The rich lie to us with unemployment numbers. If we have such low unemployment then why are the rich getting richer? Why is upward mobility year over year going down? Why are lifespans getting shorter?

The left versus right framing is a pretense to cover up class warfare. If people were happy with their oppurtunities in life, if people had enough money, if people were upwardly mobile then do you think those people would have enough time to cancel culture? Or care too.

I'm writing this because their is a common lament in mainstream media by the rich and their sycophants. That lament is when will it end? When will enough be enough?

This lament of how far down the rabbit hole are we willing to go includes such causes as defunding the police  spirals down to abolishing the police completely. Or tearing down confederate statues devolves to George Washington and Jesus. Or #MeToo cancelling rapists and harrasses ruins romance and dating. Where does any of it end? What are the guardrails of cancel culture so we can know have navigate culture. Cancel culture seems to have no boundaries and is simply being weilded with arbitrariness that will soon catch us all as we are all imperfect.

The founders of this country owned slaves, should we just erase all their history?

We are all imperfect, we is any perspective in cancel culture?

The reason that question of imperfection is unanwerable is because the people asking it make it so. The problem isn't cancel culture, identity politics, intersectionality or leftist idealogy. The underlying cause is declining financial society is inversely proportional to civil unrest in society. The more the rich get richer the less civilty. End of story.

In some respects inevitable civil unrest amplifies whatever the young are caught in at the time. If there was a draft for war then we'd be experiencing the late 1960s all over again. It just so happens that identity politics, intersectionality, and leftist ideology was on the plate these last two decades.

Knowing that class warfare is the root cause and not leftist ideology with its cancel culture then we can now see why Universal Basic Income is the ultimate class warfare weapon. UBI solidifies class. UBI is the cultural cement that will seperate the rich from everyone else. Andrew Yang is part of a cabal trying to solidify the least amount of money the poor can have to survive so that the rich can accelerate taking. After all if you are sitting on your ass doing nothing but have minimal food, clothing, and shelter then your upward mobility will be zero. That is the end game of the rich. This is not hard math to figure out and Andrew Yang knows it. Fuck Yang and Fuck UBI.

We do not want a permanent 90% poor class dependent on UBI from the rich.

Irreni World Scale has the proper solution, the MGO or micro modular governing organization. Your MGO will be sovereign one day. Financial independence with the most opportunity possible is the design. The design calls for an MGO of fixed size thirty people to be as self sustaining as possible. You will be making laws and governing as a group of thirty. The rich having the reigns of sovereignty to ensure poverty will be no more. Central government always converges on the rich getting richer because the rich run the central government. It doesn't matter how good the Democracy looks on paper, the golden rule applies. He who has the gold makes the rules. Central government focuses power and wealth on a few.

It is time to put what started out with good intentions for some to rest. If America were an aged cat in a lot of pain about to die we'd do the humane thing and take it to the vet.

I don't see the bottomless hole of cancel culture as a failure of leftist ideology. It is self destruction of class warfare. The only bottom of a disaffected people inflicting self harm to its culture because of class warfare is the complete and total collapse of the Empire. The rich are always too amoral and addicted to getting even more rich for this to end any other way.


Unless we adopt Irreni World Scale today. 

Join an MGO today!

You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:


Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!

Freethinkers unite!


Party On!

Let's get cracking!

Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!

Politics as Science!

Demand Irreni World Scale!

Anti-theism is feminism!  

Think disruption!

Empathy for all!

Moral relativity: think it, breath it!

Prove it or lose it!

Conversations equal consensus! 

Welcome to the 21st century!

Scale your empathy, scale the world! 

Find your tribe!

Be sexy people!

The future is coming! 

Innovate at a rapid pace!

Slow speed ahead!

Well come! and well met!
